Order confirm email translation issue Magento 2 - email

Our Magento 2.1.5 site is ready to translate all email templates.
But, when a customer creates order, he got non-translated order confirm email immediately. To check this issue, when we click "send email" tab on order view page on admin, we get the correctly translated email.
Send order
What was wrong?
We found this email template which was just order_new.html on theme folder.
Also, this template was assigned on vendor.
<template id="sales_email_order_template" label="New Order" file="order_new.html" type="html" module="Magento_Sales" area="frontend"/>
Is there any solution?

I solved this issue successfully.
This is solution.
#subject Your {{var store.getFrontendName()}} order confirmation #
My Solution:
#subject {{trans "Your %store_name order confirmation" store_name=$store.getFrontendName() }}#


Why would an email sent from a ColdFusion script to an Office 365 distribution list fail to make it to the list members?

I have an application that sends mail using the ColdFusion <cfmail> tag. When the recipient, specified in the "to" attribute, is a simple single-user mailbox or shared mailbox, the mail is delivered without issue. When the recipient is a distribution list, however, the mail never arrives at the list members' inboxes. Following is what the code looks like:
<cfprocessingdirective suppresswhitespace="no">
from="Some Email Address<SomeEmail#Address.com>"
subject="Subject Text">
<p>Some text</p>
<li>Some Field: #encodeForHTML(getRecord.someField)#</li>
<li>Some Other Field: #encodeForHTML(getRecord.someOtherField)#</li>
<p>Some text</p>
This has been tested with multiple distribution lists, and failed with all of them. I've tested adding a single-user email address or shared mailbox address to the CC or BCC attribute of the tag, and found that the mail arrives at the CC/BCC address, but not at the addresses of the members of the distribution list.
For Office 365, all groups and distribution lists have Outside Receiving turned off by default. You should check in the configuration for the group if the "Let people outside this organization send mail to this group" check box has been turned on.
To get to this setting:
log into Office 365 as an administrator
select the group from the Active Groups list
click on the group to open the properties slide out
switch to the Settings tab
you can turn on the flag from this panel and apply the changes
Sometimes group emails like that require the sender to be "inside" the group, or at least SMTP authenticated with the server. I'd check that first.

I use magento 2, when submit contact form then issue on mail

I use magento 2, when submit contact form then issue on mail, when receive successfully but problem is apostrophe character.
Suppose any Customer write comment like: Can't able to login then in mail
display like: Can &#039 ; t able to login
I use 4-5 latest version all version this common issue,
Please help to resolve if you know
Go to this path "/vendor/magento/module-contact/view/adminhtml/email" and open "submitted_form.html" and replace 19th line code with the below-mentioned code
{{trans "Comment: %comment" comment=$data.comment|raw}}
Adding to the comment of Abhinav Kumar Singh, there's another way for those who are working with copies of the default e-mail templates in admin backend: MARKETING > COMMUNICATIONS > E-MAIL TEMPLATES.
No need to override original Magento files.
After you have imported the Contact-Form Template, you will find the same syntax in the Template Content field. Just add the "|raw" tag there.
{{trans "Comment: %comment" comment=$data.comment|raw}}
{{var data.comment|raw}}

How to add Payment method title in order email

I have added one Transactional Email for new order in admin. And i want to insert new variable for magento payment method in the bottom of my order email. But i'm not getting how i can achieve this. Can someone help me to solve this?
There is already code for Payment method block {{var payment_html}}
But i want to add only title of Payment method in footer of order email.
{{var order.getPayment().getMethodInstance().getTitle()}} should print out the title.
You should change the template;
which you can do here:
System > Templates > Transactional Emails
For more information you can look this up:

TYPO3 + dmailsubscription: Get a confirmation message after email for editing profile

Im using dmailsubscription to register users to a newsletter. Theres an option where, once already registered and confirmed, you can get an email with the link to edit your profile.
The problem is, once you enter the email address, the page is reloaded and the plugin shows no message at all. Id like to get some sort of confirmation text, like:
"The email with the link to edit your profile was sent to xxx#xxx.com"
or at least:
"The email with the link to edit your profile was sent to your email address"
, but I dont know how.
Here's my template: http://pastebin.com/K5WVSgrY
<!-- ###TEMPLATE_DELETE_SAVED### begin
Try to add this:
<BR><BR><BR><EM>This template is the response page when a users has requested
his password send to his email.</EM> <BR><BR><!-- ###TEMPLATE_INFOMAIL_SENT### begin
This template is the response page when a users has requested his password send to his email.
-->###GW1B###We have emailed your your details. Edit your message here.###GW1E###<BR><BR>###GW2B### <STRONG>Go back</STRONG><BR>###GW2E###
<!-- ###TEMPLATE_INFOMAIL_SENT### end--><BR><BR><BR><BR>
I cannot find this part in your template-file.

Drupal Webform email receipt

I'm trying to set up an email receipt to send to the user who fills out the form.
I'm using Webform 6.x-3.1. On this help page for Webform "admin/help/webform" it hints at that function by stating this "Once finished adding fields, you may want to send e-mails to administrators or back to the user who filled out the form. Click on the Emails sub-tab underneath the Webform tab on the piece of content."
It looks like they took out the "Additional processing" ability with this version.
I tried adding an hidden email field under the "E-mails" tab to send an email to the form submitter but didn't work. What I di was add a hidden field called "email_user" and for the default value, gave it %post[email] because the email field they fill out is "email". It doesn't look like it's grabbing the post.
Does anyone have this working or understand how to get it done?
I think you might be misunderstanding the E-mails subtab. For an example, start fresh with a new Webform node and try this:
In the "Form components" subtab, add three components: "Example First Name" (type: textfield), "Example Last Name" (type: textfield), and "Example Email Address" (type: email). For this example, mark them all as "Mandatory" (although I don't think that setting is required for confirmation emails).
Check out the "E-mails" subtab. See how the "Component value:" dropdown now displays "Example Email Address" as an option? Leave that selected, and click on the "Add" button to the right.
On the next page, you can define the email header and body, as I'm sure you've seen before. Note at the top, however, the E-mail to address: field, which still has your "Example Email Address" component selected. This means that the confirmation email will be sent to the email address that is entered in the Example Email Address form field upon submission.
Now click the "View" tab and try out your form: Enter an example name and a real email address, submit, and check to see if you receive the Webform-generated confirmation email.
In short: you don't use the E-mails subtab to define additional fields/components for your form; you use it to select which existing form field(s) should be the recipient of a confirmation email.