Join per line two different RDDs in just one - Scala - scala

I'm programming a K-means algorithm in Spark-Scala.
My model predicts in which cluster is each point.
-6.59 -44.68
-35.73 39.93
47.54 -52.04
23.78 46.82
Load the data
val data = sc.textFile("/home/borja/flink/kmeans/points")
val parsedData = => Vectors.dense(s.split(' ').map(_.toDouble))).cache()
Cluster the data into two classes using KMeans
val numClusters = 10
val numIterations = 100
val clusters = KMeans.train(parsedData, numClusters, numIterations)
val prediction = clusters.predict(parsedData)
However, I need to put the result and the points in the same file, in the next format:
[no title, numberOfCluster (1,2,3,..10), pointX, pointY]:
6 -6.59 -44.68
8 -35.73 39.93
10 47.54 -52.04
7 23.78 46.82
This is the entry of this executable in Python to print really nice the result.
But my best effort has got just this:
(you can check the first numbers are wrong: 68, 384, ...)
var i = 0
val c = sc.parallelize(data.collect().map(x => {
val tuple = (i, x)
i += 1
i = 0
val c2 = sc.parallelize(prediction.collect().map(x => {
val tuple = (i, x)
i += 1
val result = c.join(c2)
res94: Array[(Int, (String, Int))] = Array((68,(17.79 13.69,0)), (384,(-33.47 -4.87,8)), (440,(-4.75 -42.21,1)), (4,(-33.31 -13.11,6)), (324,(-39.04 -16.68,6)))
Thanks for your help! :)

I don't have a spark cluster handy to test, but something like this should work:
val result = { v =>
val cluster = clusters.predict(v)
s"$cluster ${v(0)} ${v(1)}"


How to set type of dataset when applying transformations and how to implement transformations without using spark.sql.functions._?

I am a beginner for Scala and have been working on the following problem:
Example dataset named as given_dataset with player number and points scored
|player_no| |points|
1 25.0
1 20.0
1 21.0
2 15.0
2 18.0
3 24.0
3 25.0
3 29.0
Problem 1:
I have a dataset and need to calculate total points scored, average points per game, and number of games played. I am unable to explicitly set the data type to "double", "int", "float", when I apply the transformations. (Perhaps this is because they are untyped transformations?) Would anyone be able to help on this and correct my error?
No data type specified (but code is able to run)
val total_points_dataset = given_dataset.groupBy($"player_no").sum("points").orderBy("player_no")
val games_played_dataset = given_dataset.groupBy($"player_no").count().orderBy("player_no")
val avg_points_dataset = given_dataset.groupBy($"player_no").avg("points").orderBy("player_no")
Please note that I would like to retain the player number as I plan to merge total_points_dataset, games_played_dataset, and avg_points_dataset together.
Data type specified, but code crashes!
val total_points_dataset = given_dataset.groupBy($"player_no").sum("points").as[Double].orderBy("player_no")
val games_played_dataset = given_dataset.groupBy($"player_no").count().as[Int].orderBy("player_no")
val avg_points_dataset = given_dataset.groupBy($"player_no").avg("points").as[Double].orderBy("player_no")
Problem 2:
I would like to implement the above without using the library spark.sql.functions e.g. through functions such as map, groupByKey etc. If possible, could anyone provide an example for this and point me towards the right direction?
If you don't want to use import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{FloatType, IntegerType, StructType} then you have to cast it either at the time of reading or using as[(Int, Double)] in the dataset. Below is the example while reading from CSV file for your dataset:
/** A function that splits a line of input into (player_no, points) tuples. */
def parseLine(line: String): (Int, Float) = {
// Split by commas
val fields = line.split(",")
// Extract the player_no and points fields, and convert to integer & float
val player_no = fields(0).toInt
val points = fields(1).toFloat
// Create a tuple that is our result.
(player_no, points)
And then read as below:
val sc = new SparkContext("local[*]", "StackOverflow75354293")
val lines = sc.textFile("data/stackoverflowdata-noheader.csv")
val dataset =
val total_points_dataset2 = dataset.reduceByKey((x, y) => x + y)
val total_points_dataset2_sorted = total_points_dataset2.sortByKey(ascending = true)
val games_played_dataset2 = dataset.countByKey().toList.sorted
val avg_points_dataset2 =
.mapValues(x => (x, 1))
.reduceByKey((x, y) => (x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2))
.mapValues(x => x._1 / x._2)
.sortByKey(ascending = true)
I locally tried running both ways and both are working fine, we can check the below output also:
For details you can see it on mysql page
Regarding "Problem 1" try
val total_points_dataset = given_dataset.groupBy($"player_no").sum("points").as[(Int, Double)].orderBy("player_no")
val games_played_dataset = given_dataset.groupBy($"player_no").count().as[(Int, Long)].orderBy("player_no")
val avg_points_dataset = given_dataset.groupBy($"player_no").avg("points").as[(Int, Double)].orderBy("player_no")

Building a random forest in spark, explanation?

I have the a data frame df with the following structure:
amount gender_num marital_num
10000 1 1
20000 1 2
1400 2 1
Lets say I am building an ML to predict the column 'gender_num' in spark using random forest
I am doing the following:
val df1 = df("loan_amount", 'loan_amount.cast("Double")).withColumn("gender_num", 'gender_num.cast("String")).
withColumn("marital_num", 'marital_num.cast("String"))
val labeled = => LabeledPoint(df1.gender_num, Vectors.dense(df1.loan_amount, df1.marital_num)))
val numClasses = 7
val categoricalFeaturesInfo = Map[Int, Int]()
val numTrees = 3 // Use more in practice.
val featureSubsetStrategy = "auto" // Let the algorithm choose.
val impurity = "gini"
val maxDepth = 4
val maxBins = 32
val model = RandomForest.trainClassifier(labeled, categoricalFeaturesInfo,
numTrees, featureSubsetStrategy, impurity, maxDepth, maxBins)
My code is failing at the second step:
138: error: value gender_num is not a member of org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
I would really appreciate if someone can explain this to me, the documentation is very hard to follow, newbie here!
That's because you are using R like syntax of DataFrame.
You should access row's data like this:
val labeled = { row => LabeledPoint(row(1).toDouble, Vectors.dense(row(0).toDouble, row(1).toDouble))}
You can also create case class and use Dataset syntax:
case class ParsedData (amount : Double, gender_num : Int, marital_num : Int)
val labeled =[ParsedData].map(row => LabeledPoint(df1.gender_num, Vectors.dense(df1.loan_amount, df1.marital_num)))

Retrieving not only top one predictions from Multiclass Regression with Spark [duplicate]

I'm running a Bernoulli Naive Bayes using code:
val splits = MyData.randomSplit(Array(0.75, 0.25), seed = 2L)
val training = splits(0).cache()
val test = splits(1)
val model = NaiveBayes.train(training, lambda = 3.0, modelType = "bernoulli")
My question is how can I get the probability of membership to class 0 (or 1) and count AUC. I want to get similar result to LogisticRegressionWithSGD or SVMWithSGD where I was using this code:
val numIterations = 100
val model = SVMWithSGD.train(training, numIterations)
// Compute raw scores on the test set.
val labelAndPreds = { point =>
val prediction = model.predict(point.features)
(prediction, point.label)
// Get evaluation metrics.
val metrics = new BinaryClassificationMetrics(labelAndPreds)
val auROC = metrics.areaUnderROC()
Unfortunately this code isn't working for NaiveBayes.
Concerning the probabilities for Bernouilli Naive Bayes, here is an example :
// Building dummy data
val data = sc.parallelize(List("0,1 0 0", "1,0 1 0", "1,0 0 1", "0,1 0 1","1,1 1 0"))
// Transforming dummy data into LabeledPoint
val parsedData = { line =>
val parts = line.split(',')
LabeledPoint(parts(0).toDouble, Vectors.dense(parts(1).split(' ').map(_.toDouble)))
// Prepare data for training
val splits = parsedData.randomSplit(Array(0.75, 0.25), seed = 2L)
val training = splits(0).cache()
val test = splits(1)
val model = NaiveBayes.train(training, lambda = 3.0, modelType = "bernoulli")
// labels
val labels = model.labels
// Probabilities for all feature vectors
val features = => lp.features)
model.predictProbabilities(features).take(10) foreach println
// For one specific vector, I'm taking the first vector in the parsedData
val testVector = parsedData.first.features
println(s"For vector ${testVector} => probability : ${model.predictProbabilities(testVector)}")
As for the AUC :
// Compute raw scores on the test set.
val labelAndPreds = { point =>
val prediction = model.predict(point.features)
(prediction, point.label)
// Get evaluation metrics.
val metrics = new BinaryClassificationMetrics(labelAndPreds)
val auROC = metrics.areaUnderROC()
Concerning the inquiry from the chat :
val results = { lp =>
val probs: Vector = model.predictProbabilities(lp.features)
(for (i <- 0 to (probs.size - 1)) yield ((lp.label, labels(i), probs(i))))
// (0.0,0.0,0.59728640251696)
// (0.0,1.0,0.40271359748304003)
// (1.0,0.0,0.2546873180388961)
// (1.0,1.0,0.745312681961104)
// (1.0,0.0,0.47086939671877026)
// (1.0,1.0,0.5291306032812298)
// (0.0,0.0,0.6496075621805428)
// (0.0,1.0,0.3503924378194571)
// (1.0,0.0,0.4158585282373076)
// (1.0,1.0,0.5841414717626924)
and if you are only interested in the argmax classes :
val results = { lp => val probs: Vector = model.predictProbabilities(lp.features)
val bestClass = probs.argmax
(labels(bestClass), probs(bestClass))
results.take(10) foreach println
// (0.0,0.59728640251696)
// (1.0,0.745312681961104)
// (1.0,0.5291306032812298)
// (0.0,0.6496075621805428)
// (1.0,0.5841414717626924)
Note: Works with Spark 1.5+
EDIT: (for Pyspark users)
It seems like some are having troubles getting probabilities using pyspark and mllib. Well that's normal, spark-mllib doesn't present that function for pyspark.
Thus you'll need to use the spark-ml DataFrame-based API :
from pyspark.sql import Row
from import Vectors
from import NaiveBayes
df = spark.createDataFrame([
Row(label=0.0, features=Vectors.dense([0.0, 0.0])),
Row(label=0.0, features=Vectors.dense([0.0, 1.0])),
Row(label=1.0, features=Vectors.dense([1.0, 0.0]))])
nb = NaiveBayes(smoothing=1.0, modelType="bernoulli")
model =
# +---------+-----+-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+----------+
# |features |label|rawPrediction |probability |prediction|
# +---------+-----+-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+----------+
# |[0.0,0.0]|0.0 |[-1.4916548767777167,-2.420368128650429] |[0.7168141592920354,0.28318584070796465]|0.0 |
# |[0.0,1.0]|0.0 |[-1.4916548767777167,-3.1135153092103742]|[0.8350515463917526,0.16494845360824742]|0.0 |
# |[1.0,0.0]|1.0 |[-2.5902671654458262,-1.7272209480904837]|[0.29670329670329676,0.7032967032967034]|1.0 |
# +---------+-----+-----------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+----------+
You'll just need to select your prediction column and compute your AUC.
For more information about Naive Bayes in spark-ml, please refer to the official documentation here.

Spark Logistic regression and metrics

I want to run logistic regression 100 times with random splitting into test and training. I want to then save the performance metrics for individual runs and then later use them for gaining insight into the performance.
for (index <- 1 to 100) {
val splits = training_data.randomSplit(Array(0.90, 0.10), seed = index)
val training = splits(0).cache()
val test = splits(1)
logrmodel = train_LogisticRegression_model(training)
performLogisticRegressionRuns(logrmodel, test, index)
def performLogisticRegressionRuns(model: LogisticRegressionModel, test: RDD[LabeledPoint], iterationcount: Int) {
private val sb = StringBuilder.newBuilder
// Compute raw scores on the test set. Once I cle
val predictionAndLabels = { case LabeledPoint(label, features) =>
val prediction = model.predict(features)
(prediction, label)
val bcmetrics = new BinaryClassificationMetrics(predictionAndLabels)
// I am showing two sample metrics, but I am collecting more including recall, area under roc, f1 score etc....
val precision = bcmetrics.precisionByThreshold()
precision.foreach { case (t, p) =>
// If threshold is 0.5 as what we want, then get the precision and append it to the string. Idea is if score is <0.5 class 0, else class 1.
if (t == 0.5) {
println(s"Threshold is: $t, Precision is: $p")
sb ++= p.toString() + "\t"
val auROC = bcmetrics.areaUnderROC
sb ++= iteration + auPRC.toString() + "\t"
I want to save the performance results of each iteration in separate file. I tried this, but it does not work, any help with this will be great
val data = spark.parallelize(sb)
val filename = "logreg-metrics" + iterationcount.toString() + ".txt"
I was able to resolve this, I did the following. I converted the String to a list.
val data = spark.parallelize(List(sb))
val filename = "logreg-metrics" + iterationcount.toString() + ".txt"

Efficient countByValue of each column Spark Streaming

I want to find countByValues of each column in my data. I can find countByValue() for each column (e.g. 2 columns now) in basic batch RDD as fallows:
scala> val double = sc.textFile("double.csv")
scala> val counts = sc.parallelize((0 to 1).map(index => {> { val token = x.split(",")
scala> counts.take(2)
res20: Array[scala.collection.Map[Long,Long]] = Array(Map(2 -> 5, 1 -> 5), Map(4 -> 5, 5 -> 5))
Now I want to perform same with DStreams. I have windowedDStream and want to countByValue on each column. My data has 50 columns. I have done it as fallows:
val windowedDStream = myDStream.window(Seconds(2), Seconds(2)).cache()
ssc.sparkContext.parallelize((0 to 49).map(index=> {
val counts => { val token = x.split(",")
val topCounts = . . . . will not work
I get correct results with this, the only issue is that I want to apply more operations on counts and it's not available outside map.
You misunderstand what parallelize does. You think when you give it a Seq of two elements, those two elements will be calculated in parallel. That it not the case and it would be impossible for it to be the case.
What parallelize actually does is it creates an RDD from the Seq that you provided.
To try to illuminate this, consider that this:
val countsRDD = sc.parallelize((0 to 1).map { index => { x =>
val token = x.split(",")
Is equal to this:
val counts = (0 to 1).map { index => { x =>
val token = x.split(",")
val countsRDD = sc.parallelize(counts)
By the time parallelize runs, the work has already been performed. parallelize cannot retroactively make it so that the calculation happened in parallel.
The solution to your problem is to not use parallelize. It is entirely pointless.