PowerShell - Trouble copying items remotely with invoke-command and copy-item - powershell

I have hundreds of computers on domain I am responsible for and I want to copy a file from a file server to their hard drives locally. If I script this to initiate the copy from my (separate) computer it works just fine via something like;
Copy-Item -LiteralPath \\FILESERVER01\Share\Files\Win7_64\File_to_copy.txt -Destination \\WORKSTATION01\c$\Users\USER\Desktop\ -Force }
However I'd like the script to initiate a copy from the file server to the workstation on the workstation via invoke-command so this isn't done on my machine using something (I assume is) like this:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName WORKSTATION01 -ScriptBlock { Copy-Item -LiteralPath \\FILESERVER01\Share\Files\Win7_64\File_to_copy.txt -Destination \\WORKSTATION01\c$\Users\USER\Desktop\ -Force }
But doing this consistently gives me the error citing the source as the issue - Cannot find path '\FILESERVER01\Share\Files\Win7_64\File_to_copy.txt' because it does not exist. I have access to this network shared path from all machines (via Domain Admin rights), so I believe this is something like a syntax error or problem with the way the UNC path is being resolved but despite reviewing several topics on this I just can't determine what I'm doing wrong with this since I'm using the same UNC paths in the same commands outside the invoke-command cmdlet (and from a PowerShell session on WORKSTATION01) with no issues.
I've tried reviewing and attempting solutions from this link, and also this link. But I can't tell if its a slightly different use case or if I just cant figure out how to adjust the syntax to make it work for me but the Cannot find path error persists
I've tried using New-PSDrive, prefixing the UNC path with "FileSystem:" and even taking the explicitly shared folders out entirely and using only the full path using administrative shares but I just seem to be missing something.
Can anyone shed some light on what I'm missing here?


Powershell: Remotely Unzip from file-share using invoke-command

I am trying to unzip a file remotely. The file-share the ZIP is on uses a different credential
This is the command I ran.
Invoke-Command -Computername $compname -ScriptBlock
Expand-Archive -Path "\\share\somefolder\myfile.zip" -DestinationPath "\\share\somefolder"
I get an error stating username/password incorrect for accessing the share.
The problem is, the account I use to access $compname is not the same account I use to access the share the zip is on. I don't have a common account that can access both.
Incidentally, running the expand-archive by taking RDP to $compname works because it uses the saved credentials from the credential manager. Invoke-command on the other hand seems to be trying to access the share with the credentials used to connect to the remote computer.
Things I have tried
Mapping a network drive beforehand, but that doesn't get
recognised as a valid path when accessed via invoke-command.
Mapping a network drive on the fly inside the invoke-command
option, and then using that mapped drive with expand-archive. This
showed the most promise as I could get it working via
enter-pssession, but of course this won't work in a script am trying to automate and when
I created a new session via new-pssession and passing that to
invoke-command, it again failed to work.
Does anyone have suggestions on a possible approach? I might revisit option #2 to see if I have made a mistake somewhere.

remote execution of powershell script that copies files, getting unauthorized access [duplicate]

I am unable to access the UNC paths on my servers in a Powershell remote session from my local machine. I am able to use them from Servers Cmd prompt directly.
Actually, I have logged into the server and mapped a UNC path as local drive (say X:). Used Reconnect on Login option.
I have a batch file which resides in this X: drive, I want to run it remotely using invoke command from my local script. But, it fails.
It says "Cannot find drive. A drive with name X doesn't exist".
Also, when I try to map drive using net use command in the scriptblock then also it throws an error - System error 1223 - Native Command Error.
I use administrator credentials to log into this server.
Can anyone please help me on this, all i want to do is to run the script remotely which resides on this UNC path ?
Also, when I map a UNC Path in the server as a local drive, why am I unable to use it in a PS remote session ?
Thanks in Advance.
You've really got 3 different things going on here.
1 & 3. Drives are only mapped when you log on interactively. So when you remoted into the other computer, mapped a drive, and then logged off/disconnected, that mapped drive was disconnected. Except in interactive GUI user sessions, you cannot depend upon a mapped drive letter that you don't create yourself. Within scripts or any remote session, just use UNC paths for everything - it's more reliable.
2 . When you attempt to map the drive in the remote PS session, you're encountering what's known as the "double hop" problem. There is a solution to this, but there's extra setup you have to do. See Double hop access to copy files without CredSSP
alroc's helpful answer explains the problem well and points to resources for solving it through prior configuration.
An explanation of the underlying problem, the infamous Kerberos double-hop problem, as well as an overview of available solutions can be found in this blog post.
As for an ad hoc solution for accessing a network share in a remote session (PSv3+):
Pass the credentials for the session via a variable; e.g., -Credential $cred
Then use these credentials inside the session too - e.g., as $using:cred - to establish a session-scoped auxiliary drive that maps the network location, using New-PSDrive.
Once the drive has been mapped, the target location is accessible - whether via the drive name, or directly by UNC path.
Note: This is a variation of the approach discovered by the OP him/herself and discussed briefly in a comment on alroc's answer, except that New-PSDrive is used rather than net use, which obviates the need for retrieving the password as plain text.
The following sample code demonstrates running a script from a network share from inside a remote session:
# A sample script to run from a network share on a remote computer.
$script = '\\server-001\install\Install-Agent.ps1'
# A sample target computer.
$computer = 'ws-002'
# Obtain the credentials for the remote session and store them in a variable.
$cred = Get-Credential $env:USERNAME
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computer -Credential $cred {
# Map the target network share as a dummy PS drive using the passed-through
# credentials.
# You may - but needn't - use this drive; the mere fact of having established
# a drive with valid credentials makes the network location accessible in the
# session, even with direct use of UNC paths.
$null = New-PSDrive -Credential $using:cred -Name dummy -Root (Split-Path -Parent $using:script) -PSProvider FileSystem
# Invoke the script via its UNC path.
& $using:script
$null = ... suppresses New-PSDrive's output (it outputs an object describing the newly created drive).
Since the drives created by New-PSDrive are not persistent (except if you pass -Persist), there's no need to explicitly remove the dummy drive again, but you can do so with Remove-PSDrive.
Also note that PS drive definitions are scoped so that only the calling scope and its descendants see the drive; this enables wrapping statements in & { ... } to call them in a child scope, which means the a PS drive created inside that block will automatically go out of scope when the block is exited.
You can try to open the script by calling a WmiMethod :
$cmd = "CMD.EXE /c *\\\servername\somefolder\yourscript*.cmd"
Invoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create -ArgumentList $cmd -ComputerName *servername*
Note that this will run the script on the server. You can do much more with that, like installing a package remotely (after copying the package locally on the remote machine).
Hope this help!

Powershell - Log Off Script to copy two files

Very much new to Powershell scripting. Usually am running scripts I find somewhere else...not trying to create my own. I am using Remote Desktop Services. I have a batch file that will copy two directories to a userpath on log on. When the user logs out, I only want to copy 2 specific files back to the file share. Here is the powershell script I (along with help from another online community) came up with.
I would like to assign this to a Log Off Script for the users. It fails at $unc. More information:
W drive points to the users directory on the File Share.
I have also tried to path it as \\fileshare\Share\$username
function copydir ($user){
$userpath = $env:HOMEPATH
$unc = W:
copy-item $userpath\Data\App\DMS\DMS.accde $user\Data\App\DMS\ -recurse
copy-item $userpath\Dynamics\GP2010\dex.ini $user\Dynamics\GP2010\ -recurse
$username = $env:username
copydir $username*
The term \\fileshare\Share\$username is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file....
So, obviously it doesn't like the $UNC parameter. I tried to run it with just W: instead since that points to the User Profile on File Server and get a similar error.
But the basic premise I'm trying to accomplish is to copy Data\App\DMS\DMS.accde and Dynamics\GP2010\dex.ini to a users roaming profile on a file share.
Can it be that you need to have the double slashes at the front for your UNC path?
$unc = "\\fileshare\Share\$user"

Use PowerShell to search file directories in entire farm for a certain type of files

The issue is i need to be able to search an entire farm for .bak files i was wondering if it is all possible to be able to pull up a list and directory would like to use powershell though since we have a large farm and it would make it easier instead of going to single servers to do this im also extremely new to PowerShell
This should get you started. It uses Invoke-Command, which requires that PowerShell remoting is turned on and working on all your servers.
Invoke-Command -ComputerName server1,server2,server3 -Credential adminusername -ScriptBlock {
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\SearchHere -Filter *.bak -Recurse

Powershell Get-ChildItem doesn't work properly on IIS directory

I was going to write up a simple alias 'iis' to invoke the IIS Manager, which is 'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\InetMgr.exe'
set-alias iis "OpenIIS.ps1"
and in the OpenIIS.ps1 I have
$item = "C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\InetMgr.exe"
invoke-item -path $item
This doesn't work. The error I get is "The system cannot find the file specified"
In fact, just doing a Get-ChildItem on the inetsrv won't show the InetMgr.exe (no difference with -Force switch)
Get-ChildItem C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\*.exe -force
Obviously I can see it in Explorer and I can launch it using cmd, but not with Powershell it seems. Also, Powershell is running as Administrator.
What is going on?
As a workaround I tried creating a link to the file and then invoking that link from Powershell. I now get a 'NotSpecified' Win32Exception.
I have originally used 64 bit Powershell, but get the same result on the x86 Powershell (both run as Administrator)
Are you at the elevated PowerShell prompt? Some system files may not show up unless you use -Force parameter with Get-ChildItem.
I think evidently the file InetMgr.exe is not there as when I do a get-childitem in the mentioned directory,it lists the "InetMgr.exe" there.
This may not be the problem with Get-ChildItem or the Alias you created but instead with ur IIS Server.