Why can't PostgreSQL do this simple FULL JOIN? - postgresql

Here's a minimal setup with 2 tables a and b each with 3 rows:
value TEXT
CREATE INDEX ON a (value);
value TEXT
CREATE INDEX ON b (value);
INSERT INTO a (value) VALUES ('x'), ('y'), (NULL);
INSERT INTO b (value) VALUES ('y'), ('z'), (NULL);
Here is a LEFT JOIN that works fine as expected:
with output:
id | value | id | value
1 | x | |
2 | y | 1 | y
3 | | 3 |
(3 rows)
Changing "LEFT JOIN" to "FULL JOIN" gives an error:
ERROR: FULL JOIN is only supported with merge-joinable or hash-joinable join conditions
Can someone please answer:
What is a "merge-joinable or hash-joinable join condition" and why joining on a.value IS NOT DISTINCT FROM b.value doesn't fulfill this condition, but a.value = b.value is perfectly fine?
It seems that the only difference is how NULL values are handled. Since the value column is indexed in both tables, running an EXPLAIN on a NULL lookup is just as efficient as looking up values that are non-NULL:
Bitmap Heap Scan on a (cost=4.20..13.67 rows=6 width=36)
Recheck Cond: (value = 'x'::text)
-> Bitmap Index Scan on a_value_idx (cost=0.00..4.20 rows=6 width=0)
Index Cond: (value = 'x'::text)
Bitmap Heap Scan on a (cost=4.20..13.65 rows=6 width=36)
Recheck Cond: (value IS NULL)
-> Bitmap Index Scan on a_value_idx (cost=0.00..4.20 rows=6 width=0)
Index Cond: (value IS NULL)
This has been tested with PostgreSQL 9.6.3 and 10beta1.
There has been discussion about this issue, but it doesn't directly answer the above question.

PostgreSQL implements FULL OUTER JOIN with either a hash or a merge join.
To be eligible for such a join, the join condition has to have the form
<expression using only left table> <operator> <expression using only right table>
Now your join condition does look like this, but PostgreSQL does not have a special IS NOT DISTINCT FROM operator, so it parses your condition into:
And such an expression cannot be used for hash or merge joins, hence the error message.
I can think of a way to work around it:
SELECT a_id, NULLIF(a_value, '<null>'),
b_id, NULLIF(b_value, '<null>')
FROM (SELECT id AS a_id,
COALESCE(value, '<null>') AS a_value
) x
(SELECT id AS b_id,
COALESCE(value, '<null>') AS b_value
) y
ON x.a_value = y.b_value;
That works if <null> does not appear anywhere in the value columns.

I just solved such a case by replacing the ON condition with "TRUE", and moving the original "ON" condition into a WHERE clause. I don't know the performance impact of this, though.


PostgreSQL - Slow Count

I need to write one time query. It will be run one time, and the data will be moved to other system (AWS Personalize). It does not need to be optimized for sure, but at least sped up a bit, so the migration of data is even possible.
Coming from MySQL I thought it would not be a problem. But reading a lot, it seems the COUNT function is handled differently in PostgreSQL. Having mentioned all of that this is the query, reduced in size. There are several other joins (removed from this example), but they do not present an issue, at least looking at the QUERY PLAN.
'plan_progress' AS EVENT_TYPE,
FROM plans p
INNER JOIN schedules sch ON p.id = sch.plan_id
WHERE p.status = 'ENDED' AND p.continuous IS NOT TRUE
AND (select Count(id) FROM schedules s WHERE s.plan_id = sch.plan_id AND s.status = 'DONE') = 1
The issue is here:
select Count(id) FROM schedules s WHERE s.plan_id = sch.plan_id AND s.status = 'DONE'
The id field in the schedules table is uuid.
I have tried lots of things, but they all end up the same. Same or worse.
I have read somewhere it is possible to use row estimate in these cases, but I have honestly no idea how to do that in this case.
This is the query plan:
Unique (cost=0.99..25152516038.36 rows=100054 width=88)
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.99..25152515788.22 rows=100054 width=88)
-> Index Only Scan using idx_schedules_plan_id_done_date on schedules sch (cost=0.56..25152152785.84 rows=107641 width=16)
Filter: ((SubPlan 1) = 1)
SubPlan 1
-> Aggregate (cost=1168.28..1168.29 rows=1 width=8)
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on schedules s (cost=14.78..1168.13 rows=58 width=16)
Recheck Cond: (plan_id = sch.plan_id)
Filter: ((status)::text = 'DONE'::text)
-> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_schedules_plan_id_done_date (cost=0.00..14.77 rows=294 width=0)
Index Cond: (plan_id = sch.plan_id)
-> Index Scan using plans_pkey on plans p (cost=0.42..3.37 rows=1 width=24)
Index Cond: (id = sch.plan_id)
Filter: ((continuous IS NOT TRUE) AND ((status)::text = 'ENDED'::text))
you are not selecting any column from the schedules table, so it can be omitted from the main query, and put into an EXISTS() term
distinct is probaly not needed, assuming id is a PK
Maybe you dont need the COUNT() to be exactly one, but just > 0
'plan_progress' AS EVENT_TYPE
, extract(EPOCH FROM p.created_at) AS CREATION_TIMESTAMP
FROM plans p
WHERE p.status = 'ENDED' AND p.continuous IS NOT TRUE
FROM schedules sch
WHERE p.id = sch.plan_id
select *
FROM schedules s
WHERE s.plan_id = p.id
AND s.status = 'DONE' -- <<-- Must there be EXACTLY ONE schedules record?
) ;
Now you can see that the first EXISTS() is actually not needed: if the second one yields True, the first EXISTS() must yield True, too
'plan_progress' AS EVENT_TYPE
, extract(EPOCH FROM p.created_at) AS CREATION_TIMESTAMP
FROM plans p
WHERE p.status = 'ENDED' AND p.continuous IS NOT TRUE
select *
FROM schedules s
WHERE s.plan_id = p.id
AND s.status = 'DONE'
) ;

Lock one table at update and another in subquery, which one will be locked first?

I have a query like this:
col = 'some value'
WHERE id = X
RETURNING col1, (SELECT col2 FROM table2 WHERE id = table1.table2_id FOR UPDATE);
So, this query will lock both tables, table1 and table2, right? But which one will be locked first?
The execution plan for the query will probably look like this:
Update on laurenz.table1
Output: table1.col1, (SubPlan 1)
-> Index Scan using table1_pkey on laurenz.table1
Output: table1.id, table1.table2_id, 'some value'::text, table1.col1, table1.ctid
Index Cond: (table1.id = 42)
SubPlan 1
-> LockRows
Output: table2.col2, table2.ctid
-> Index Scan using table2_pkey on laurenz.table2
Output: table2.col2, table2.ctid
Index Cond: (table2.id = table1.table2_id)
That suggests that the row in table1 is locked first.
Looking into the code, I see that ExecUpdate first calls EvalPlanQual, where the updated tuple is locked, and only after that calls ExecProcessReturning where the RETURNING clause is processed.
So yes, the row in table1 is locked first.
So far, I have treated row locks, but there are also the ROW EXCLUSIVE locks on the tables themselves:
The tables are all locked in InitPlan in execMain.c, and it seems to me that again table1 will be locked before table2 here.

Simple WHERE EXISTS ... ORDER BY... query very slow in PostrgeSQL

I have this very simple query, generated by my ORM (Entity Framework Core):
FROM "table1" AS "t1"
FROM "table2" AS "t2"
WHERE ("t2"."is_active" = TRUE) AND ("t1"."table2_id" = "t2"."id"))
ORDER BY "t1"."table2_id"
There are 2 "is_active" records. The other involved columns ("id") are the primary keys. Query returns exactly 4 rows.
Table 1 is 96 million records.
Table 2 is 30 million records.
The 3 columns involved in this query are indexed (is_active, id, table2_id).
The C#/LINQ code that generates this simple query is: Table2.Where(t => t.IsActive).Include(t => t.Table1).ToList();`
SET STATISTICS 10000 was set to all of the 3 columns.
VACUUM FULL ANALYZE was run on both tables.
WITHOUT the ORDER BY clause, the query returns within a few milliseconds, and I’d expect nothing else for 4 records to return. EXPLAIN output:
Nested Loop (cost=1.13..13.42 rows=103961024 width=121)
-> Index Scan using table2_is_active_idx on table2 (cost=0.56..4.58 rows=1 width=8)
Index Cond: (is_active = true)
Filter: is_active
-> Index Scan using table1_table2_id_fkey on table1 t1 (cost=0.57..8.74 rows=10 width=121)
Index Cond: (table2_id = table1.id)
WITH the ORDER BY clause, the query takes 5 minutes to complete! EXPLAIN output:
Merge Semi Join (cost=10.95..4822984.67 rows=103961040 width=121)
Merge Cond: (t1.table2_id = t2.id)
-> Index Scan using table1_table2_id_fkey on table1 t1 (cost=0.57..4563070.61 rows=103961040 width=121)
-> Sort (cost=4.59..4.59 rows=2 width=8)
Sort Key: t2.id
-> Index Scan using table2_is_active_idx on table2 a (cost=0.56..4.58 rows=2 width=8)
Index Cond: (is_active = true)
Filter: is_active
The inner, first index scan should return no more than 2 rows. Then the outer, second index scan doesn't make any sense with its cost of 4563070 and 103961040 rows. It only has to match 2 rows in table2 with 4 rows in table1!
This is a very simple query with very few records to return. Why is Postgres failing to execute it properly?
Ok I solved my problem in the most unexpected way. I upgraded Postgresql from 9.6.1 to 9.6.3. And that was it. After restarting the service, the explain plan now looked good and the query ran just fine this time. I did not change anything, no new index, nothing. The only explanation I can think of is that there is was a query planner bug in 9.6.1 and solved in 9.6.3. Thank you all for your answers!
Add an index:
ON table2
USING btree (id)
WHERE is_active IS TRUE;
And rewrite query like this
SELECT table1.*
FROM table2
INNER JOIN table1 ON (table1.table2_id = table2.id)
WHERE table2.is_active IS TRUE
ORDER BY table2.id
It is necessary to take into account that "is_active IS TRUE" and "is_active = TRUE" process by PostgreSQL in different ways. So the expression in the index predicate and the query must match.
If u can't rewrite query try add an index:
ON table2
USING btree (id)
WHERE is_active = TRUE;
Your guess is right, there is a bug in Postgres 9.6.1 that fits your use case exactly. And upgrading was the right thing to do. Upgrading to the latest point-release is always the right thing to do.
Quoting the release notes for Postgres 9.6.2:
Fix foreign-key-based join selectivity estimation for semi-joins and
anti-joins, as well as inheritance cases (Tom Lane)
The new code for taking the existence of a foreign key relationship
into account did the wrong thing in these cases, making the estimates
worse not better than the pre-9.6 code.
You should still create that partial index like Dima advised. But keep it simple:
is_active = TRUE and is_active IS TRUE subtly differ in that the second returns FALSE instead of NULL for NULL input. But none of this matters in a WHERE clause where only TRUE qualifies. And both expressions are just noise. In Postgres you can use boolean values directly:
CREATE INDEX t2_id_idx ON table2 (id) WHERE is_active; -- that's all
And do not rewrite your query with a LEFT JOIN. This would add rows consisting of NULL values to the result for "active" rows in table2 without any siblings in table1. To match your current logic it would have to be an [INNER] JOIN:
FROM table2 t2
JOIN table1 t1 ON t1.table2_id = t2.id -- and no parentheses needed
WHERE t2.is_active -- that's all
ORDER BY t1.table2_id;
But there is no need to rewrite your query that way at all. The EXISTS semi-join you have is just as good. Results in the same query plan once you have the partial index.
FROM table1 t1
SELECT 1 FROM table2
WHERE is_active -- that's all
WHERE id = t1.table2_id
ORDER BY table2_id;
BTW, since you fixed the bug by upgrading and once you have created that partial index (and run ANALYZE or VACUUM ANALYZE on the table at least once - or autovacuum did that for you), you will never again get a bad query plan for this, since Postgres maintains separate estimates for the partial index, which are unambiguous for your numbers. Details:
Get count estimates from pg_class.reltuples for given conditions
Index that is not used, yet influences query

Postgres doesn't use index

I am using postgres 9.5 on linux7. Here is the environment:
create table t1(c1 int primary key, c2 varchar(100));
insert some rows in just created table
do $$
for i in 1..12000000 loop
insert into t1 values(i,to_char(i,'9999999'));
end loop;
end $$;
Now I want to update c2 column where c1=random value (EXPLAIN show that index is not used).
explain update t1 set c2=to_char(4,'9999999') where c1=cast(floor(random()*100000) as int);
Update on t1 (cost=10000000000.00..10000000017.20 rows=1 width=10)
-> Seq Scan on t1 (cost=10000000000.00..10000000017.20 rows=1 width=10)
Filter: (c1 = (floor((random() * '100000'::double precision)))::integer)
(3 rows)
Now, if I replace "cast(floor(random()*100000) as int)" with a number (any number) index is used:
explain update t1 set c2=to_char(4,'9999999') where c1=12345;
Update on t1 (cost=0.15..8.17 rows=1 width=10)
-> Index Scan using t1_pkey on t1 (cost=0.15..8.17 rows=1 width=10)
Index Cond: (c1 = 12345)
(3 rows)
Questions are:
Why in first case (when random() is used) postgres doesn't use index?
How can I force Postgres to use index?
This is because random() is a volatile function (see PostgreSQL CREATE FUNCTION) which means it should be (re)evaluated per each row.
So you actually aren't updating one random row each time (as I understand you wanted) but a random number of rows (the number of rows where its own random generated number happens to match its id), which attending probabilities, it will tend to 0.
See it using a lower range for the random generated number:
test=# select * from t1 where c1=cast(floor(random()*10) as int);
c1 | c2
(0 rows)
test=# select * from t1 where c1=cast(floor(random()*10) as int);
c1 | c2
3 | 3
(1 row)
test=# select * from t1 where c1=cast(floor(random()*10) as int);
c1 | c2
4 | 4
9 | 9
(2 rows)
test=# select * from t1 where c1=cast(floor(random()*10) as int);
c1 | c2
5 | 5
8 | 8
(2 rows)
If you want to retrieve only one random row, you need, at first, generate a single random id to compare against row id.
HINT: You can think that database planner is dumb and always perform sequential scan over all rows and calculates condition expressions one time per each row.
Then, under the hood, database planner is much more smart and, if he know that every time he calculate it (in the same transaction) the result will be the same, then he calculate it once and perform an index scan.
A tricky (but dirty) solution could be creating your own random_stable() function, declaring it as stable even it returns a random generated number.
...This will keep your query as simple as now is. But I think it is a dirty solution because it is faking the fact that the function is, in fact, volatile.
Then, a better solution (the right one for me) is to write the query in a form that it really generates the number single time.
For example:
test=# with foo as (select floor(random()*1000000)::int as bar) select * from t1 join foo on (t1.c1 = foo.bar);
c1 | c2 | bar
929 | 929 | 929
(1 row)
...or a subquery solution like that provides #a_horse_with_no_name
NOTE: I used select queries instead of update ones for simplicity and readability, but the case is the same: Simply use the same where clause (with the subquery approach: Off course, using which would be a little more tricky...). Then, to check that index is used, you only need to prepend "explain" as you know.
Not sure why the index isn't used, maybe because of the definition of the random() function. If you use a sub-select for calling the function, then (at least for me with 9.5.3) Postgres uses the index:
update t1
set c2=to_char(4,'9999999')
where c1= (select cast(floor(random()*100000) as int));
Update on t1 (cost=0.44..3.45 rows=1 width=10)
InitPlan 1 (returns $0)
-> Result (cost=0.00..0.01 rows=1 width=0)
-> Index Scan using t1_pkey on t1 (cost=0.43..3.44 rows=1 width=10)
Index Cond: (c1 = $0)

LATERAL JOIN not using trigram index

I want to do some basic geocoding of addresses using Postgres. I have an address table that has around 1 million raw address strings:
=> \d addresses
Table "public.addresses"
Column | Type | Modifiers
address | text |
I also have a table of location data:
=> \d locations
Table "public.locations"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | text |
country | text |
postalcode | text |
latitude | text |
longitude | text |
Most of the address strings contain postalcodes, so my first attempt was to do a like and a lateral join:
SELECT * FROM locations
WHERE address ilike '%' || postalcode || '%'
) AS l ON true;
That gave the expected result, but it was slow. Here's the query plan:
Nested Loop (cost=18383.07..18540688323.77 rows=1008572 width=91)
-> Seq Scan on addresses a (cost=0.00..20997.72 rows=1008572 width=56)
-> Limit (cost=18383.07..18383.07 rows=1 width=35)
-> Sort (cost=18383.07..18391.93 rows=3547 width=35)
Sort Key: (length(locations.postalcode))
-> Seq Scan on locations (cost=0.00..18365.33 rows=3547 width=35)
Filter: (a.address ~~* (('%'::text || postalcode) || '%'::text))
I tried adding a gist trigram index to the address column, like mentioned at https://stackoverflow.com/a/13452528/36191, but the query plan for the above query doesn't make use of it, and the query plan in unchanged.
CREATE INDEX idx_address ON addresses USING gin (address gin_trgm_ops);
I have to remove the order by and limit in the lateral join query for the index to get used, which doesn't give me the results I want. Here's the query plan for the query without ORDER or LIMIT:
Nested Loop (cost=39.35..129156073.06 rows=3577682241 width=86)
-> Seq Scan on locations (cost=0.00..12498.55 rows=709455 width=28)
-> Bitmap Heap Scan on addresses a (cost=39.35..131.60 rows=5043 width=58)
Recheck Cond: (address ~~* (('%'::text || locations.postalcode) || '%'::text))
-> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_address (cost=0.00..38.09 rows=5043 width=0)
Index Cond: (address ~~* (('%'::text || locations.postalcode) || '%'::text))
Is there something I can do to get the query to use the index, or is there a better way to rewrite this query?
The query cannot use the index on principal. You would need an index on the table locations, but the one you have is on the table addresses.
You can verify my claim by setting:
SET enable_seqscan = off;
(In your session only, and for debugging only. Never use it in production.) It's not like the index would be more expensive than a sequential scan, there is just no way for Postgres to use it for your query at all.
Aside: [INNER] JOIN ... ON true is just an awkward way of saying CROSS JOIN ...
Why is the index used after removing ORDER and LIMIT?
Because Postgres can rewrite this simple form to:
FROM addresses a
JOIN locations l ON a.address ILIKE '%' || l.postalcode || '%';
You'll see the exact same query plan. (At least I do in my tests on Postgres 9.5.)
You need an index on locations.postalcode. And while using LIKE or ILIKE you would also need to bring the indexed expression (postalcode) to the left side of the operator. ILIKE is implemented with the operator ~~* and this operator has no COMMUTATOR (a logical necessity), so it's not possible to flip operands around. Detailed explanation in these related answers:
Can PostgreSQL index array columns?
PostgreSQL - text Array contains value similar to
Is there a way to usefully index a text column containing regex patterns?
A solution is to use the trigram similarity operator % or its inverse, the distance operator <-> in a nearest neighbour query instead (each is commutator for itself, so operands can switch places freely):
FROM addresses a
FROM locations
ORDER BY postalcode <-> a.address
) l ON address ILIKE '%' || postalcode || '%';
Find the most similar postalcode for each address, and then check if that postalcode actually matches fully.
This way, a longer postalcode will be preferred automatically since it's more similar (smaller distance) than a shorter postalcode that also matches.
A bit of uncertainty remains. Depending on possible postal codes, there could be false positives due to matching trigrams in other parts of the string. There is not enough information in the question to say more.
Here, [INNER] JOIN instead of CROSS JOIN makes sense, since we add an actual join condition.
The manual:
This can be implemented quite efficiently by GiST indexes, but not by GIN indexes.
CREATE INDEX locations_postalcode_trgm_gist_idx ON locations
USING gist (postalcode gist_trgm_ops);
It's a far shot, but how does the following alternative perform?
SELECT DISTINCT ON ((x.a).address) (x.a).*, l.*
SELECT a, l.id AS lid, LENGTH(l.postalcode) AS pclen
FROM addresses a
LEFT JOIN locations l ON (a.address ilike '%' || l.postalcode || '%') -- this should be fast, but produce many rows
) x
LEFT JOIN locations l ON (l.id = x.lid)
ORDER BY (x.a).address, pclen DESC -- this is where it will be slow, as it'll have to sort the entire results, to filter them by DISTINCT ON
It can work if you turn the lateral join inside out. But even then it might still be really slow
FROM locations
SELECT * FROM addresses
WHERE address ilike '%' || postalcode || '%'
OFFSET 0 -- force fencing, might be redundant
) a
) q
ORDER BY address, LENGTH(postalcode) DESC
The downside is that you can implement paging only on postalcodes, not addresses.