#ngrx Effect does not run the second time - effects

I've just started learning about #ngrx/store and #ngrx.effects and have created my first effect in my Angular/Ionic app. It runs ok the first time but if I dispatch the event to the store again (i.e when clicking the button again), nothing happens (no network call is made, nothing in console logs). Is there something obvious I'm doing wrong? Here's the effect:
#Effect() event_response$ = this.action$
.switchMap((payload) => this.myService.eventResponse(payload.eventId,payload.response))
.map(data => new SentEventResponseAction(data))
.catch((error) => Observable.of(new ErrorOccurredAction(error)));

It sounds like an error is occurring. In that situation, the action in the observable returned by catch will be emitted into the effect's stream and the effect will then complete - which will prevent the effect from running after the error action is emitted.
Move the map and the catch into the switchMap:
#Effect() event_response$ = this.action$
.switchMap((payload) => this.myService
.eventResponse(payload.eventId, payload.response)
.map(data => new SentEventResponseAction(data))
.catch((error) => Observable.of(new ErrorOccurredAction(error)))
Composing the catch within the switchMap will prevent the effect from completing if an error occurs.

You must move map() and catchError() into swithchMap() as following
public event_response$ = this.action$.pipe(
switchMap((payload) => {
return this.myService.eventResponse(payload.eventId,payload.response).pipe(
map((data: DataType) => new SentEventResponseAction(data)),
catchError((error) => Observable.of(new ErrorOccurredAction(error)))
Please note that, evetResponse() method inside myService should return an observable in order to use pipe afterward.
In case your method inside service returns Promise, you can convert it into an observable by the use of from in the rxjs package as below:
import { from } from 'rxjs';
const promise = this.myService.eventResponse(payload.eventId,payload.response);
const observable = from(promise);
return observable.pipe(...
For more and detail description take a look at this link


how to get 'on' event listener in ibm-cloud/cloudant package?

The deprecated #cloudant/cloudant is replaced by ibm-cloud/cloudant package. In former I was using following code snippet
const feed = dummyDB.follow({ include_docs: true, since: 'now'})
feed.on('change', function (change) {
feed.on('error', function (err) {
feed.filter = function (doc, req) {
if (doc._deleted || doc.clusterId === clusterID) {
return true
return false
Could you share a code for which I can get feed.on event listener similar to above code in new npm package ibm-cloud/cloudant.
There isn't an event emitter for changes in the #ibm-cloud/cloudant package right now. You can emulate the behaviour by either:
polling postChanges (updating the since value after new results) and processing the response result property, which is a ChangesResult. That in turn has a results property that is an array of ChangesResultItem elements, each of which is equivalent to the change argument of the event handler function.
call postChangesAsStream with a feed type of continuous and process the stream returned in the response result property, each line of which is a JSON object that follows the structure of ChangesResultItem. In this case you'd also probably want to configure a heartbeat and timeouts.
In both cases you'd need to handle errors to reconnect in the event of network glitches etc.

Spit IObservable<T> exceptions in a separate IObservable<Exception> and continue normally

I have an hot IObservable<T> which may throw an exception. However, I would like to continue with it. I think I could use Retry operator for that. However, it would be great if I can also listen to any error in IObservable<T> through a separate IObservable<Exception>. Is it possible?
Your case is significantly more simplified in that you have a hot observable.
OnError is a notification outside your value stream, so we could materialize the notifications to retrieve the error. This still causes the tear-down of the stream with an OnCompleted, so you'll need to re-subscribe with Repeat.
var exceptions =
.Where(notif => notif.Kind == NotificationKind.OnError)
.Select(notif => notif.Exception)
If you're using a Subject<T> for your hot observable, you might run into the usual problem of re-subbing a subject. A subject will replay its OnError or OnCompleted notifications for every new observer.
var source = new Subject<int>();
source.OnError(new Exception());
i => Console.WriteLine(i),
ex => Console.WriteLine("Still got exception after the throw")
In this case your exception stream will go into an infinite re-subscription loop.
The premise of your question violates the observable contract:
An Observable may make zero or more OnNext notifications, each representing a single emitted item, and it may then follow those emission notifications by either an OnCompleted or an OnError notification, but not both. Upon issuing an OnCompleted or OnError notification, it may not thereafter issue any further notifications. (emphasis mine)
In other words, after your hot IObservable<T> throws an exception, the observable is ended. The observable of exceptions that comes out of that has a max count of one.
If you want to support a scenario where you re-start an observable after an exception, you're producing a stream of observables, or IObservable<IObservable<T>>. To work with that, here's a code sample:
var source = new Subject<Subject<int>>();
var exceptionStream = source
.SelectMany(o => o.Materialize())
.Where(n => n.Kind == NotificationKind.OnError)
.Select(n => n.Exception);
var itemStream = source
.SelectMany(o => o.Materialize())
.Where(n => n.Kind == NotificationKind.OnNext)
.Select(n => n.Value);
var items = new List<int>();
var exceptions = new List<Exception>();
itemStream.Subscribe(i => items.Add(i));
exceptionStream.Subscribe(e => exceptions.Add(e));
var currentSubject = new Subject<int>();
currentSubject.OnError(new Exception("First error"));
var currentSubject2 = new Subject<int>();
currentSubject2.OnError(new Exception("Second error"));
items.Dump(); //Linqpad
exceptions.Dump(); //Linqpad

IONIC-V3 : Wait page to pop before continue executing code

I’m iterating over a JSON that contains some rules to build my page. The loop is something like this:
flux.forEach(element => {
My issue here is that I need to wait for this page to execute its action before call the next, this loop makes a stack. How can I make sort of a promise to wait the page to execute its duty before continue the loop?
Thank you all!
To solve promises in sequence, you can use reduce() as explained here.
element.reduce((promise,item) => {
return promise.then(() => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject)=> {

ngrx/effects - How to test with a promise

I'm using ngrx/effects with marbles testing. I have a service that uses promises. I want my effect to call the service and handle both successful and error states. I have code like this
.mergeMap(() =>
.map((things) => new SetThingsAction(things))
.catch((error) =>
of(new HandleAPIErrorAction(error))
.catch((error) =>
of(new HandleAPIErrorAction(error))
public geThings() {
return Observable.fromPromise(this.promiseBasedThing.getTheThings());
Then a test:
actions = hot("a", { a: new GetThingsAction() });
const response = cold("-#", {});
service.getThings.and.returnValue( response );
const expected = cold("-b", { b: new HandleAPIErrorAction("error") });
This actually all works. However the double catch in the effect seems clearly bad and probably suggests I don't understand how Observables work. In the real world only the later catch is effective. In a test the first is effective.
Based on this it seems like Promises don't work with marbles tests. This SO question gives an idea on error handling but it seems impossible to test because it has a Promise.
How can I use ngrx/effects with error handling, promises, and testing.
Can answer my own after further research.
Basically I needed to do the catch in the getThings instead of in the effect.
getThings() {
return Observable.fromPromise(this.promiseBasedThing.getTheThings())
.catch((error) => Observable.of(error));
Also learned that it's much easier to solve these problems with a simple rsjx example instead of trying to solve it while using ngrx/effects too. This still has two catch statements, but the test mocking now matches how it works in reality.

Reactive extensions(Rx) Switch() produces new observable which is not subscribed to provided OnCompleted()

I have a problem with my Rx subscription using Switch statement.
.Select(_ => PerformQuery())
.Subscribe(DataArrivedForPositions, PositionQueryError, PositionQueryCompleted)
The flow is:
Some properties change and the performSearchSubject.OnNext is called
The PerformPositionQuery() is called, which returns a observer each time it is hit
The service which responds through this observer calls OnNext twice and OnCompleted once when the data receive is done
Method DataArrivedForPositions is called twice as expected
Method PositionQueryCompleted is never called, though observer.OnCompleted() is called inside my data service.
Code for dataService is:
protected override void Request(Request request, IObserver<Response> observer)
query.Arrive += p => QueryReceive(request.RequestId, p, observer, query);
query.Error += (type, s, message) => QueryError(observer, message);
query.NoMoreData += id => QueryCompleted(observer);
private void QueryError(IObserver<PositionSheetResponse> observer, string message)
observer.OnError(new Exception(message));
private void QueryCompleted(IObserver<PositionSheetResponse> observer)
private void QueryReceive(Guid requestId, Qry0079Receive receiveData, IObserver<PositionSheetResponse> observer, IQry0079PositionSheet query)
observer.OnNext(ConvertToResponse(requestId, receiveData));
Switch result will only Complete when your outer observable (_performSearchSubject) completes. I assume in your case this one never does (it's probably bound to a user action performing the search).
What's unclear is when you expect PositionQueryCompleted to be called. If It's after each and every successful query is processed, then your stream needs to be modified, because Switch lost you the information that the query stream completed, but it also lacks information about the UI (wrong scheduler even) to say whether its data was actually processed.
There may be other ways to achieve it, but basically you want your query stream complete to survive through Switch (which currently ignore this event). For instance you can transform your query stream to have n+1 events, with one extra for the complete:
.Select(_ =>
.Select(Data => new { Data, Complete = false})
.Concat(Observable.Return(new { Data = (string)null, Complete = true })))
You can safely apply .Switch().ObserveOn(_synchronizationContextService.SynchronizationContext) on it, but then you need to modify your subscription:
.Subscribe(data => {
if (data.Complete) DataArrivedForPositions(data.Data);
else PositionQueryCompleted()
}, PositionQueryError)