Auto reply to email via SES received with SES - email

I currently have a domain name that I will no longer be hosting on. I will however keep the domain name forever. Is there any way I can setup an automated setup where I recieve email with Amazon SES and it auto-replies a pre-set email to any incoming email on any address on that domain?

Yes, you can have AWS SES action to run a Lambda function, which auto-replies to the receiver, in response to each incoming email.


AMAZON SES unable to send email to forward only email addresses

I have setup Amazon SES to work with keycloak. SES is sending out email verification correctly upon signups.
However, if a user uses a forward-only-email-address while registering, SES does not send the verification email. Instead admin (From address) gets an email from
to From account
Does SES require special setup for sending out email to a forward-only-email-address (email address that does not have actual mailbox associated with)

SES verification email not received

I have a verified Domain in Amazon SES with a single email address. This address works fine and I can send and receive mails no problem.
I want to add a second email address to the domain, so I have copied the original account settings. There is a Rule Set for the new address that send to a S3 bucket and to WorkMail via an SNS topic. I can send mails from this new address. However the status is pending so I cannot reveive.
When I try to resend the verification email, the mail get sresent successfully, but I never receive the mail, neither in the S3 bucket nor in WorkMail.
What am I doing wrong?
You need to verify the email address by logging into the email client that you used to create that email address, and then clicking on the link that you get. So if you are using Workmail as your email client, just as an example, you need to create the email address there, and then add it to your list of addresses in Amazon SES and verify it. Summarized in 3 steps:
Create an address in whatever email client you use
Go to Amazon SES and add it to your list of email address identities in Amazon SES
Send the verification email
Go back to your email client (Workmail or whatever you're using to check your emails), open verification email, and click on the link
Now your rule sets should work.
I spend some time there... AWS has a trick there. Create AWS Work email(same you want to verify) first. Follow youtube videos-pretty easy. Then go to Amazon Ses and create email to you want to verify. The email will come to Amazon Work email. You will verify it from the web page mail application. After you need to ask Amazon to move your from Sand Box environment to Production. You will find links in SES. You fill simple form and Amazon will make it work for you. Then go back and delete Work mail or keep it(only costs 4USD per user)

Can we send and receive email via Amazon SES?

I have set up Amazon SES for sending emails from my Java application. I also need to receive emails. I see that there is an option to receive emails using SES. But the docs are bit confusing. If I understand them correct, we can only receive emails from the domains that we own using SES.
The following doc says the same:
I just want to know if SES will help me to receive emails from or to various domains including Gmail or only from the domains I own.
You can receive emails from any email address/domain using AWS SES.
Edit: The process of verifying the domain is to prove that you own/control it (the domain), but once you verify it you can send email to any domain, and receive email from any domain. The verification has to do with allowing you to receive email for that domain, or send email via that domain - it has nothing to do with the domain of the people that send you an email.
Before you can receive email for a domain using Amazon SES, you must
prove that you own the domain by verifying it with Amazon SES.
Although Amazon SES enables you to verify single email addresses, you
must verify a domain if you want to use Amazon SES for email
receiving. You can verify and receive email with Amazon SES for any
domain that you own, but it is easier to set up a domain that you have
registered with Amazon Route 53.
Currently Amazon do additional restriction. When you create new SES account, you are in sandbox.
However, when your account is in the sandbox, we apply the following restrictions to your account:
You can only send mail to verified email addresses and domains, or to the Amazon SES mailbox simulator.
You can only send mail from verified email addresses and domains.
You can send a maximum of 200 messages per 24-hour period.
You can send a maximum of 1 message per second.
To be able to send emails to different domain you should Moving Out of the Amazon SES Sandbox
To be able to receive emails, you must forward them to services like S3 or WorkMail for example
See also

Can't receive email on Amazon SES service

I am developing the application that receives emails from the different users and processes them in some way.
For this purpose, I started to use Amazon SES service. According to the documentation, I verified my domain (set up MX record, added and so on). Also, I set up the rule for processing received an email (it is lambda function). I didn't add any IP Address Filter so it has to receive emails from all sources.
Now, I trying to send the email to a random address on my domain (for example, from my Gmail account. But my message isn't delivered and response from the remote server is 530 Authentication required.
I googled my error and saw only issues related to sending emails.
What have I missed with receiving email on AWS SES?
This how my records look. Name fields are mostly empty because system skip my domain name (for example: change _AMAZONSES.mydomain.ext to _AMAZONSES).

How to reply to the email received from AWS SNS service?

I am using AWS SNS Service to send notification. I am able to send notification through eMail. But now I want to get reply on that sent mail from the receiver.
User A (Sender) using AWS SNS sends eMail to User B (Receiver). User B is getting mail without any issue in their mail account.
Now I want that User B could reply to the mail, sent by User A.
But User B is getting mail from, I can not reply to it.
So is it possible to reply to AWS account from any mail service provider's mail account?
You cannot currently specify a Reply To address for emails sent using Amazon SNS. Emails sent using this service will come from, as you have noticed, and that address cannot be customized either.
Have you looked into Amazon Simple Email Service? It might be a better fit for your use case.