sum on date of the month - date

I have daily data for a year:
25-Apr-17 45
26-Apr-17 50
27-Apr-17 53
28-Apr-17 47
29-Apr-17 34
30-Apr-17 66
01-May-17 10
02-May-17 42
03-May-17 22
04-May-17 65
05-May-17 76
06-May-17 35
I would like to sum the value, at the month of given date, but prior of the given date ie:
month sum as of date 03-May-17;
I would need to get 10+42+22 = 72 only.
While 04-May-17 value onwards should not be included in sum.
I have tried with sumproduct, sumif but none seems to match this requirement.

Assuming you want this in excel or google sheets.
If you put your dates in col A, values in col B and your criteria date in E1.
Put this formula in another cell (not in col A or B)
Oddly enough I couldn't do =IF(AND([range of values and compare],[range of values and compare]))
Which would be cleaner but it seemed to evaluate as false


Sum in range until value change

I'am trying to use this formula to make it work
If there is a date in Column "S" I want it to display the sum of the blanks that would appear if in Column "S" is text
I've tried this one as well but I only get 0's as a result.
Any idea how I can make it work?
Here is the sample sheet.
in Q2 use:
I1:INDEX(I:I; ROWS(I:I)-1));
I1:INDEX(N:N; ROWS(N:N)-1)};
I1:INDEX(O:O; ROWS(O:O)-1)))
in X2 use:
IF(ISDATE_STRICT(x); {ROW(x)\x}); 2; 1);
"select Col1,count(Col1) group by Col1"); 2; 0)-1))
(Q2:INDEX(Q:Q; MAX((Q:Q<>"")*ROW(Q:Q)))))
we start with column Q. we can take a range Q2:Q but that range contains a lot of empty rows. the next best thing is to check the last non-empty row and set it as the end of the range resulting in Q2:Q73. but static 73 won't do in case the dataset would grow or shrink so to get 73 dynamically we take the MAX of multiplication of Q:Q not being empty and row number of that case eg. Q:Q<>"" will output only TRUE or FALSE so what we are getting is
TRUE * 72 = 1 * 72 = 72
TRUE * 73 = 1 * 73 = 73
FALSE * 74 = 0 * 74 = 0
so the formula for getting Q2:Q73 is:
=Q2:INDEX(Q:Q; MAX((Q:Q<>"")*ROW(Q:Q)))
it could also be:
but it's just long to type... next, we use the new LAMBDA function that allows us to reference cell/range/formula with a placeholder. simple LAMBDA syntax is:
=LAMBDA(x; x)(A1)
where x is A1 and we can do whatever we want with the 2nd (x) argument of LAMBDA like for example:
=LAMBDA(a, a+a*120-a/a)(A1)
you can think of it as:
LAMBDA(A1, A1+A1*120-A1/A1)(A1)
or as just:
the issue here is that we repeat A1 4 times but with LAMBDA we do it only once. also, imagine if we would have 100 characters long formula instead of A1 so the final formula with lambda would be 300 characters shorter compared to "old way" formula.
back to our formula... x is the representation of Q2:Q73. now let's focus on VLOOKUP. basically, the idea here is that IF Q column contains a date we return that date, otherwise we return the last date from above. simply put:
IF(ISDATE_STRICT(Q2:Q73); {ROW(Q2:Q73)\Q2:Q73}); 2; 1))
as you can see Y2, Y3 and Y4 are the same so all we need to do is to count them up and later take away one to exclude Q2 but include just Q3 and Q4 eg. 3-1=2. for that we use simple QUERY where the output is:
date count
30.06.2022 3
so all we need to do is to pair up dates from Q column to QUERY output for that we use the outer VLOOKUP where the output is as follows:
now is the right time for that -1 correction while we have these errors coz ERROR-1=ERROR and 3-1=2 so after this -1 correction the output is:
and all we need to do now is to hide errors with IFERROR and the output is column X

kdb - get column values n days ago

If I have a table of prices
t:([]date:2018.01.01+til 30;px:100+sums 30?(-1;1))
date px
2018.01.01 101
2018.01.02 102
2018.01.03 103
2018.01.04 102
2018.01.05 103
2018.01.06 102
2018.01.07 103
how do I compute the returns over n days? I am interested in both computing
(px[i] - px[i-n])/px[i-n] and (px[date] - px[date-n])/px[date-n], i.e. one where the column px is shifted n slots by index and one where the previous price is the price at date-n
Thanks for the help
Well you've pretty much got it right with the first one. To get the returns you can use this lambda:
{update return1:(px-px[i-x])%px[i-x] from t}[5]
For the date shift you can use an aj like this:
select date,return2:(px-pr)%pr from aj[`date;t;select date,pr:px from update date:date+5 from t]
Basically what you are trying to do here is to shift the date by the number of days you want to and then extract the price. You use an aj to create your table which will look something like this:
q)aj[`date;t;select date,pr:px from update date:date+5 from t]
date px pr
2018.01.01 99 98
2018.01.02 98 97
2018.01.03 97 98
Where px is your price now and pr is your price 5 days from now.
Then the return is calculated just the normal way.
Hope this helps!

two different size of dataset filtering via considering timestamp using matlab?

I have two very large dataset of matlab. In both dataset we have different parameter. The only common parameter is timestamp means measuring value of all parameter with every 10 min of interval. Let us take an example,
In dataset 1 , I have Timestamp (YYYY-MM-DD , HH : MM :SS format) and power
In dataset 2, I have again timestamp(in above format) and speed
I want a new dataset which have power and speed with timestamp synchronization. For example :
TimeStamp P S
2014 - 01 - 01 , 00 :10 100 5
00 :20 7
00:30 150 10
00:40 200
00:50 145 12
01:00 50 7
01:10 6
So in short the output of the final dataset must be like :
TimeStamp P S
00 :10 100 5
00:30 150 10
00:50 145 12
So basically if i am getting both power and speed with same time then it should take otherwise filter rest.
And If we have different size of observation in both data set will it work ?? Even though they might have different observation size but I want only those data in my final database whose P and S matching with time Stamp and if it is not making then my final data base exclude those sets
anyone help me on this with the help of matlab ??? thanks in advance
You could try something like this:
%type "help ismember" in command window to see what the function does
%finds index of timestamp in dataset1 that exists in dataset 2
indexPinS = ismember(dataset1(:,1),dataset2(:,1));
%finds index of timestamp in dataset2 that exists in dataset 1
indexSinP = ismember(dataset2(:,1),dataset1(:,1));
%combines data in final database
finalDatabase = [dataset1(indexPinS,1), dataset1(indexPinS,2), dataset2(indexSinP,2)];

Error handling table generated by os.time() Lua

table.concat("*t"), ":",4,6)
any idea why ^this^ or ˇthisˇ
test ="*t")
table.concat(test, ":" , 4 , 6 )
does not work?
input:3: invalid value (nil) at index 4 in table for 'concat'
table.concat works on numerically indexed table. Whereas the output of '*t' would be a table like:
hour 18
min 20
wday 1
day 2
month 3
year 2014
sec 49
yday 61
isdst false
Although not the answer to your direct question, I suspect you are trying to do is retrieve the time separated by colons.
The best way to do that is"%H:%M:%S"
The formatting options are very flexible and use the C strftime format.

how to create unique integer number from 3 different integers numbers(1 Oracle Long, 1 Date Field, 1 Short)

the thing is that, the 1st number is already ORACLE LONG,
second one a Date (SQL DATE, no timestamp info extra), the last one being a Short value in the range 1000-100'000.
how can I create sort of hash value that will be unique for each combination optimally?
string concatenation and converting to long later:
I don't want this, for example.
Day Month
12 1 --> 121
1 12 --> 121
When you have a few numeric values and need to have a single "unique" (that is, statistically improbable duplicate) value out of them you can usually use a formula like:
h = (a*P1 + b)*P2 + c
where P1 and P2 are either well-chosen numbers (e.g. if you know 'a' is always in the 1-31 range, you can use P1=32) or, when you know nothing particular about the allowable ranges of a,b,c best approach is to have P1 and P2 as big prime numbers (they have the least chance to generate values that collide).
For an optimal solution the math is a bit more complex than that, but using prime numbers you can usually have a decent solution.
For example, Java implementation for .hashCode() for an array (or a String) is something like:
h = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i)
h = h * 31 + a[i];
Even though personally, I would have chosen a prime bigger than 31 as values inside a String can easily collide, since a delta of 31 places can be quite common, e.g.:
"BB".hashCode() == "Aa".hashCode() == 2122
12 1 --> 121
1 12 --> 121
problem is easily fixed by zero-padding your input numbers to the maximum width expected for each input field.
For example, if the first field can range from 0 to 10000 and the second field can range from 0 to 100, your example becomes:
00012 001 --> 00012001
00001 012 --> 00001012
In python, you can use this:
#pip install pairing
import pairing as pf
n = [12,6,20,19]
key = pf.pair(pf.pair(n[0],n[1]),
pf.pair(n[2], n[3]))
m = [pf.depair(pf.depair(key)[0]),
Output is:
[12, 6, 20, 19]
[(12, 6), (20, 19)]