MATLAB: atan2 breaking ode15s - matlab

I have a program that runs ode15s a few thousand times in order to find a particular solution. However, I'm getting many integration tolerance errors such as the following:
"Warning: Failure at t=5.144337e+02. Unable to meet integration tolerances without reducing the step size below the smallest value allowed (1.818989e-12) at time t."
Such warnings cause the program to slow down drastically, and sometimes even grind to a complete halt. The following is some test code that re-produces the error:
%Simulation constants
G = 6.672e-11; %Gravitational constant
M = 6.39e23; %Mass of Mars (kg)
g = 9.81; %Gravitational acceleration on Earth (m/s^2);
T1 = 845000/3; %Total engine thrust, 1 engine (N)
Isp = 282; %Engine specific impulse (s)
mdot1 = T1/(g*Isp); %Engine mass flow rate (kg/s)
xinit_on2 = [72368.8347685214;
tspan_on2 = [436.600093957202, 520.311296453027];
[t3,x3] = ode15s(#(t,x) engine_on_2(t, x, G, g, M, Isp, T1), tspan_on2, xinit_on2)
where the function engine_on_2 contains the system of ODEs that model the descent of a rocket, and is given by,
function xdot = engine_on_2(t, x, G, g, M, Isp, T1)
gamma = atan2(x(4),x(3)); %flight-path angle
xdot = [x(3); %xdot1: x-velocity
x(4); %xdot2: y-velocity
-(G*M*x(1))/((x(1)^2+x(2)^2)^(3/2))-(T1/x(5))*cos(gamma); %xdot3: x-acceleration
-(G*M*x(2))/((x(1)^2+x(2)^2)^(3/2))-(T1/x(5))*sin(gamma); %xdot4: y-acceleration
-T1/(g*Isp)]; %xdot5: engine mass flow rate
Having done some testing, it seems that I am getting the integration tolerance warnings because of the use of the atan2 function in gamma = atan2(x(4),x(3)) which is used to calculate the flight-path angle of the rocket. If I change atan2 to another function (for example cos or sin) I don't get any integration tolerance warnings anymore (although, due to such a change, my solutions are obviously incorrect). As such, I was wondering if I am using atan2 incorrectly, or if there is a way to implement it differently so that I do not get the integration tolerance errors anymore. Furthermore, could it be that I am incorrect and that it is something other than atan2 that is causing the errors?

Use the odeset function to create an options structure that you then pass to the solver. RelTol and AbsTol can be adjusted in the ODE solver to eliminate your error. I was able to run your code using this addition without any errors:
options = odeset('RelTol',1e-13,'AbsTol',1e-20)
[t3,x3] = ode15s(#(t,x) engine_on_2(t, x, G, g, M, Isp, T1), tspan_on2, xinit_on2, options)
See the options are passed to the ODE solver as a 4th input parameter. Note the RelTol maxes out just above 1e-13 but hopefully that's fine for your application. Also you can try any of the other ODE solvers which can get rid of your error but from my playing around ode15s seems quite fast.


predicting ODE parameters with DiffEqFlux

I'm trying to build a neural network that will take in the solutions to a system of ODE's and predict the parameters of the system. I'm using Julia and in particular, the DiffEqFlux package. The structure of a network is a few simple Dense layers chained together that predict some intermediate parameters (in this case, some chemical reaction free energies), which then feed into some deterministic (non-trained) layers that convert those parameters into the ones that go into the system of equations (in this case, reaction rate constants). I've tried two different approaches from here:
Chain the ODE solve directly on as the last layer of the network. In this case, the loss function is just comparing the inputs to the outputs.
Have the ODE solve in the loss function, so the network output is just the parameters.
However, in neither case can I get Flux.train! to actually run.
A silly little example for the first option that gives the same error I'm getting (I've tried to keep as many things parallel to my actual case as possible, i.e. the solver, etc., although I did omit the intermediate deterministic layers since they don't seem to make a difference) is shown below.
using Flux, DiffEqFlux, DifferentialEquations
# let's use Chris' favorite example, Lotka-Volterra
function lotka_volterra(du,u,p,t)
x, y = u
α, β, δ, γ = p
du[1] = dx = α*x - β*x*y
du[2] = dy = -δ*y + γ*x*y
u0 = [1.0,1.0]
tspan = (0.0,10.0)
# generate a couple sets of solutions to train on
training_params = [[1.5,1.0,3.0,1.0], [1.4,1.1,3.1,0.9]]
training_sols = [solve(ODEProblem(lotka_volterra, u0, tspan, tp)).u[end] for tp in training_params]
model = Chain(Dense(2,3), Dense(3,4), p -> diffeq_adjoint(p, ODEProblem(lotka_volterra, u0, tspan, p), Rodas4())[:,end])
# in this case we just want outputs to match inputs
# (actual parameters we're after are outputs of next-to-last layer)
training_data = zip(training_sols, training_sols)
# mean squared error loss
loss(x,y) = Flux.mse(model(x), y)
p = Flux.params(model[1:2])
Flux.train!(loss, p, training_data, ADAM(0.001))
# gives TypeError: in typeassert, expected Float64, got ForwardDiff.Dual{Nothing, Float64, 8}
I've tried all three solver layers, diffeq_adjoint, diffeq_rd, and diffeq_fd, none of which work, but all of which give different errors that I'm having trouble parsing.
For the other option (which I'd actually prefer, but either way would work), just replace the model and loss function definitions as:
model = Chain(Dense(2,3), Dense(3,4))
function loss(x,y)
p = model(x)
sol = diffeq_adjoint(p, ODEProblem(lotka_volterra, u0, tspan, p), Rodas4())[:,end]
Flux.mse(sol, y)
The same error is thrown as above.
I've been hacking at this for over a week now and am completely stumped; any ideas?
You're running into, i.e. forward-mode AD for the Jacobian doesn't play nice with Flux.jl right now. To get around this, use Rodas4(autodiff=false) instead.

fzero or fsolve ? differents results - Who is the correct ?

I have a function
p =#(r) 1 - (b./r).^2 - (g^-2)*((2/15)*(s/R)^9 *(1./(r - 1).^9 - 1./(r + 1).^9 - 9./(8*r).*(1./(r - 1).^8 - 1./(r + 1).^8)) -(s/R)^3 *(1./(r-1).^3 - 1./(r+1).^3 - 3./(2*r).*(1./(r-1).^2 - 1./(r+1).^2)));
options = optimset('Display','off');
r2 = fzero(p,[1.001,100])
r3 = fsolve(p,[1.001,100],options)
and the answer
r2 =
Elapsed time is 0.002342 seconds.
r3 =
2.1648 2.2745
Elapsed time is 0.048991 seconds.
which is more confiable ? fzero returns different values than fsolve
You should always look at the exit flag (or output struct) of a function, especially when your result is not as expected.
This is what I get:
X = 4.9969
EXITFLAG = 1 % fzero found a zero X.
OUTPUT.message = 'Zero found in the interval [1.00001, 100]'
X = 1
FVAL = 8.2304e+136
EXITFLAG = -5 % fzero may have converged to a singular point.
OUTPUT.message = 'Current point x may be near a singular point. The interval [0.975549, 1.188] reduced to the requested tolerance and the function changes sign in the interval, but f(x) increased in magnitude as the interval reduced.'
The meaning of the exit flag is explained in the matlab documentation:
1 Function converged to a solution x.
-5 Algorithm might have converged to a singular point.
-6 fzero did not detect a sign change.
So, based on this information it is clear that the first one gives you the correct result.
Why does fzero fails
As documented in the manual, fzero calculates the zero by finding a sign change:
tries to find a point x where fun(x) = 0. This solution is where fun(x) changes sign—fzero cannot find a root of a function such as x^2.
Therefore, X = 1 is also a solution of your formulation as the sign changes at this location from +inf to -inf as can be seen on a plot:
Note that it is always a good idea to provide a search range if possible as mentioned in the manual:
Calling fzero with a finite interval guarantees fzero will return a value near a point where FUN changes sign.
Tip: Calling fzero with an interval (x0 with two elements) is often faster than calling it with a scalar x0.
Alternative: fsolve
Note that this method is developed for solving a system of multiple nonlinear equations. Therefore, it is not as efficient as fzero (~20x slower in your case). fzero uses gradient based methods (check the manual for more information), which may work better in certain situations, but may get stuck in a local extrema. In this case, the gradient of your function gives the correct direction as long as your initial value is larger than 1. So, for this specific function fsolve is somewhat more robust than fzero with a single initial value, i.e. fsolve(func, 1.1) returns the expected value.
Conclusion: In general, use fzero with a search range instead of an initial value if possible for a single variable and fsolve for multiple variables. If one method fails, you can try another method or another starting point.
As you can read in documentation:
The algorithm, which was originated by T. Dekker, uses a combination of bisection, secant, and inverse quadratic interpolation methods.
So, it is sensitive into the initial point and area which it is seeking for the solution. Hence, you have gotten different result for different initial value and scope.

convolution of experimental data with a singular function in Matlab

this is likely a few lines of code but I cannot figure it out...
I need to perform a convolution operation of experimental data with an analytical function which is singular at the beginning of the integration range. So if I use "conv" it won't work...
I have two experimental vectors, phi(time) and time
then want to calculate T(t)
T = \int_{0}^{t}\phi \left ( t-\tau \right )\frac{\textup{d}\tau}{\tau ^{1/2}}
So the the singularity at tau = 0 makes "conv" not work. I've been fiddling with anonymous functions and using quadgk to handle the singularity and the like, but can't make anything work. I would have bet anything that this is a solved problem but can't find anything like it. Any help is very much appreciated.
EDIT: solved it this way:
function T = TCalc(time, power)
warning off MATLAB:quadgk:NonFiniteValue %suppress warning at the zero point
for par = 1:numel(time)
T(par) = s1(time(par));
function y = r1(t)
y = interp1q(time,power,t');%notice that t is transposed! to make interp1q work.
y = y';
function y = s1(tfin)
y = quadgk(#(t) (r1(tfin-t))./t.^(0.5),0,tfin,'RelTol',1.e-2);
I guess, the inelegant trick here is to make Matlab think the experimental data is an analytical function by passing through interp1, and using quadgk to tolerate a singularity at the limit of integration. About one second for 1000-point vectors. Ignoring or setting the tau = 0 point to a small value doesn't work, it still perceives a singularity and the result is wrong.

Function works with lsqcurvefit but not nlinfit

I'm attempting to get a nonlinear least squares fit for the following function:
Nloc = 250;
d = 1 / Nloc;
m = 0.5; %Initial guess
ncmfun = #(m, p) arrayfun(#(p) betainc(d, Nloc*m .* p, Nloc*m .* (1 - p), 'upper'), p);
Where m is the parameter being fit, Nloc and d are constants, and p and freq are vectors of positive real numbers and of the same length (I triple checked). When I use lsqcurvefit everything works fine:
[mfit,resnorm,] = lsqcurvefit(ncmfun, m, p, freq, 0, 1)
Also, if I use any m to evaluate the function, everything works fine as well. However when I use nlinfit:
[mfit,R,Jac,CovB,MSE,ErrorModelInfo] = nlinfit(p, freq, ncmfun, m)
I get the following error(s):
Error using betainc
Z must be real and non-negative.
Error in #(p)betainc(d,Nloc*m.*p,Nloc*m.*(1-p),'upper')
Error in
Error in nlinfit>#(b,x)w.*model(b,x) (line 206)
modelw = #(b,x) w.*model(b,x);
Error in nlinfit>LMfit (line 486)
yfit = model(beta,X);
Error in nlinfit (line 207)
[beta,J,~,cause,fullr] = LMfit(X,yw,
Error in Sloan_NCM_Parameterize_Nm (line 37)
[mfit,R,Jac,CovB,MSE,ErrorModelInfo] = nlinfit(p, freq,
ncmfun, m);
What's especially frustrating was this same script was working a couple weeks ago. I then tried to use it again and it no longer works. I tried to go through and see if I accidentally changed something and didn't remember, but I can't find any errors. Furthermore, I'm confused as to why lsqcurvefit works but not nlinfit. I'd like to use nlinfit because it provides me with more statistical information about the error.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
They both use the same algorithm to identify a solution, however, you are explicitly stating an upper and lower bound for your solution in lsqcurvefit which ensures your incomplete beta function behaves. You don't have this option in nlinfit. I'm not sure what you did before (you can always look at the command history)
You have a few options from this point:
1 - programatically intercept every value that goes to ncmfun, by either expending your anonymous functions in what my nightmares are made of, or creating your own m-file for it. If the value is outside of [0,1] return progressively higher error value (with the boundaries being >>> then any possible value within the set)
2 - Try to force a quicker convergence by playing with some of the parameters (perhaps by using a robust fitting option (cf documentation))

Matlab: if statements and abs() function in variable-step ODE solvers

I was reading this post online where the person mentioned that using "if statements" and "abs()" functions can have negative repercussions in MATLAB's variable-step ODE solvers (like ODE45). According to the OP, it can significantly affect time-step (requiring too low of a time step) and give poor results when the differential equations are finally integrated. I was wondering whether this is true, and if so, why. Also, how can this problem be mitigated without resorting to fix-step solvers. I've given an example code below as to what I mean:
function [Z,Y] = sauters(We,Re,rhos,nu_G,Uinj,Dinj,theta,ts,SMDs0,Uzs0,...
Y0 = [SMDs0;Uzs0;Uts0;Vzs0]; %Initial Conditions
options = odeset('RelTol',1e-7,'AbsTol',1e-7); %Tolerance Levels
[Z,Y] = ode45(#func,zspan,Y0,options);
function DY = func(z,y)
DY = zeros(4,1);
%Calculate Local Droplet Reynolds Numbers
Rez = y(1)*abs(y(2)-y(4))*Dinj*Uinj/nu_G;
Ret = y(1)*abs(y(3))*Dinj*Uinj/nu_G;
%Calculate Droplet Drag Coefficient
Cdz = dragcof(Rez);
Cdt = dragcof(Ret);
%Calculate Total Relative Velocity and Droplet Reynolds Number
Utot = sqrt((y(2)-y(4))^2 + y(3)^2);
Red = y(1)*abs(Utot)*Dinj*Uinj/nu_G;
%Calculate Derivatives
if(Red > 1)
DY(1) = -(We/8)*rhos*y(1)*(Utot*Utot/y(2))*(Cdz*(y(2)-y(4)) + ...
Cdt*y(3)) + (We/6)*y(1)*y(1)*(y(2)*DY(2) + y(3)*DY(3)) + ...
elseif(Red < 1)
DY(1) = -(We/8)*rhos*y(1)*(Utot*Utot/y(2))*(Cdz*(y(2)-y(4)) + ...
Cdt*y(3)) + (We/6)*y(1)*y(1)*(y(2)*DY(2) + y(3)*DY(3)) + ...
%Axial Droplet Velocity
DY(2) = -(3/4)*rhos*(Cdz/y(1))*Utot*(1 - y(4)/y(2));
%Tangential Droplet Velocity
DY(3) = -(3/4)*rhos*(Cdt/y(1))*Utot*(y(3)/y(2));
%Axial Gas Velocity
DY(4) = (3/8)*((ts - ts^2)/(z^2))*(cos(theta)/(tan(theta)^2))*...
(Cdz/y(1))*(Utot/y(4))*(1 - y(4)/y(2)) - y(4)/z;
Where the function "dragcof" is given by the following:
function Cd = dragcof(Re)
if(Re <= 0.01)
Cd = (0.1875) + (24.0/Re);
elseif(Re > 0.01 && Re <= 260.0)
Cd = (24.0/Re)*(1.0 + 0.1315*Re^(0.32 - 0.05*log10(Re)));
Cd = (24.0/Re)*(1.0 + 0.1935*Re^0.6305);
This is because derivatives that are computed using if-statements, modulus operations (abs()), or things like unit step functions, dirac delta's, etc., will introduce discontinuities in the value of the solution or its derivative(s), resulting in kinks, jumps, inflection points, etc.
This implies the solution to the ODE has a complete change in behavior at the relevant times. What variable step integrators will do is
detect this
recognize that they won't be able to use information directly beyond the "problem point"
decrease the step, and repeat from the top, until the problem point satisfies the accuracy demands
Therefore, there will be many failed steps and reductions in step size near the problem points, negatively affecting the overall integration time.
Variable step integrators will continue to produce good results, however. Constant step integrators are not a good remedy for this sort of problem, since they are not able to detect such problems in the first place (there's no error estimation).
What you could do is simply split the problem up in multiple parts. If you know beforehand at what points in time the changes will occur, you just start a new integration for each interval, each time using the output of the previous integration as the initial value for the next one.
If you don't know beforehand where the problems will be, you could use this very nice feature in Matlab's ODE solvers called event functions (see the documentation). You let one of Matlab's solvers detect the event (change of sign in the derivative, change of condition in the if-statement, or whatever), and terminate the integration when such events are detected. Then start a new integration, starting from the last time and with initial conditions of the previous integration, as before, until the final time is reached.
There will still be a slight penalty in overall execution time this way, since Matlab will try to detect the location of the event accurately. However, it is still much better than running the integration blindly when it comes to both execution time and accuracy of the results.
Yes it is true and it happens because of your solution is not smooth enough at some points.
Assume you want to integrate. y'(t) = f(t,y). Then, what happens in f is getting integrated to become y. Thus, if in your definition of f there is
abs(), then f has a kink and y is still smooth and 1 times differentiable
if, then f has a jump and y a kink and no more differentiability
Matlab's ODE45 presumes that your solution is 5 times differentiable, and tries to ensure an accuracy of order 4. Nonsmooth points of your function are misinterpreted as stiffness what leads to small stepsizes and even to breakdowns.
What you can do: Because of the lack of smoothness you cannot expect a high accuracy anyways. Thus, ODE23 might be a better choice. In the worst case, you have to stick to first-order schemes.