Create a Boolean column displaying comparison between 2 other columns in kdb+ - kdb

I'm currently learning kdb+/q.
I have a table of data. I want to take 2 columns of data (just numbers), compare them and create a new Boolean column that will display whether the value in column 1 is greater than or equal to the value in column 2.
I am comfortable using the update command to create a new column, but I don't know how to ensure that it is Boolean, how to compare the values and a method to display the "greater-than-or-equal-to-ness" - is it possible to do a simple Y/N output for that?

/ dummy data
q) show t:([] a:1 2 3; b: 0 2 4)
a b
1 0
2 2
3 4
/ add column name 'ge' with value from b>=a
q) update ge:b>=a from t
a b ge
1 0 0
2 2 1
3 4 1

Use a vector conditional:
q)t:([]c1:1 10 7 5 9;c2:8 5 3 4 9)
q)r:update goe:?[c1>=c2;1b;0b] from t
c1 c2 goe
1 8 0
10 5 1
7 3 1
5 4 1
9 9 1
Use meta to confirm the goe column is of boolean type:
q)meta r
c | t f a
-------| -----
c1 | j
c2 | j
goe | b

The operation <= works well with vectors, but in some cases when a function needs atoms as input for performing an operation, you might want to use ' (each-both operator).
e.g. To compare the length of symbol string with another column value
q)f:{x<=count string y}
q)t:([] l:1 2 3; s: `a`bc`de)
q)update r:f'[l;s] from t
l s r
1 a 1
2 bc 1
3 de 0


Q function that computes the value

How would I write a function in q/kdb that computes the value in a vector.
q)l:1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 1 2 7 6 4
q)where max[a]=a:count each group l
1 2
q)min where max[a]=a:count each group l
q)mode:{where max[a]=a:count each group x}
q)min mode l
q)mode l
1 2
As you can see above I would just define a mode function and then use min before the function call to return an atom of the lowest value.

KDB+/Q: How to create a column that increments the occurrence of unique values of another column?

I am trying to create a column that increments the occurrence of unique (not the same as the previous) values in another column as such:
x y
1 | 0
1 | 0
2 | 1
4 | 2
1 | 3
How could one achieve this functionality in kdb+?
Does this work?
q)t:([]x:1 1 2 4 1)
q)update y:(sums 0b,1_differ x)from t
x y
1 0
1 0
2 1
4 2
1 3
differ looks at a list (or column of a table) and returns a list that is 1b in positions where the item is different to the item before that. It always starts with 1b though, so we have to drop the first element of the list using 1_ and add a 0b at the beginning with 0b,. Then we just take the running sum using sums.

Update multiple columns based on a single condition in kdb

I have a table -
a b c
1 10 100
3 20 200
2 30 300
1 40 400
2 50 500
I wish to update column b and c values based on a single 'if' condition on column a. For example -
t:update b:0 from t where a=1
t:update c:0 from t where a=1
I could use vector conditional but don't want to as it would evaluate the condition twice for each row and my table has large number of rows.
update b:?[a=1;0;b], c:?[a=1;0;c] from t
Is there any way I can do it in so that 'a=1' condition is evaluated only once for each row?
Edit : I earlier missed mentioning that I want 'b' and 'c' to take some other values in 'else' condition and not just retain their original values -
update b:?[a=1;0;-1], c:?[a=1;0;-1] from t
update b:0, c:0 from t where a=1
If you'd like to use a vector conditional without evaluating the condition twice, you can evaluate it first e.g.
q)update b:?[x;0;-1],c:?[x;0;-1] from t
a b c
1 0 0
3 -1 -1
2 -1 -1
1 0 0
2 -1 -1
Here you evaluate the condition and store the result in a variable, and then use that in the vector conditional
Alternatively you could do two update statements e.g.
t:update b:0, c:0 from t where a=1
t:update b:-1, c:-1 from t where a<>1
You can make a dictionary in your update with associated values for each column related to the a column.
update b:![1 2 3;-1 0 1]a,c:![1 2 3;-10 0 10]a from t
a b c
1 -1 -10
3 1 10
2 0 0
1 -1 -10
2 0 0

How to sum across a row in KDB/Q

I have a table rCom which has various columns. I would like to sum across each row..
for example:
Date TypeA TypeB TypeC TypeD
date1 40.5 23.1 45.1 65.2
date2 23.3 32.2 56.1 30.1
How can I write a q query to add a fourth column 'Total' that sums across each row?
why not just:
update Total: TypeA+TypeB+TypeC+TypeD from rCom
Sum will work just fine:
q)flip`a`b`c!3 3#til 9
a b c
0 3 6
1 4 7
2 5 8
q)update d:sum(a;b;c) from flip`a`b`c!3 3#til 9
a b c d
0 3 6 9
1 4 7 12
2 5 8 15
Sum has map reduce which will be better for a huge table.
One quick point regarding summing across rows. You should be careful about nulls in 1 column resulting in a null result for the sum. Borrowing #WooiKent Lee's example.
We put a null into the first position of the a column. Notice how our sum now becomes null
q)wn:.[flip`a`b`c!3 3#til 9;(0;`a);first 0#] //with null
q)update d:sum (a;b;c) from wn
a b c d
3 6
1 4 7 12
2 5 8 15
This is a direct effect of the way nulls in q are treated. If you sum across a simple list, the nulls are ignored
q)sum 1 2 3 0N
However, a sum across a general list will not display this behavior
q)sum (),/:1 2 3 0N
So, for your table situation, you might want to fill in with a zero beforehand
q)update d:sum 0^(a;b;c) from wn
a b c d
3 6 9
1 4 7 12
2 5 8 15
Or alternatively, make it s.t. you are actually summing across simple lists rather than general lists.
q)update d:sum each flip (a;b;c) from wn
a b c d
3 6 9
1 4 7 12
2 5 8 15
For a more complete reference on null treatment please see the reference website
This is what worked:
select Answer:{[x;y;z;a] x+y+z+a }'[TypeA;TypeB;TypeC;TypeD] from
([] dt:2014.01.01 2014.01.02 2014.01.03; TypeA:4 5 6; TypeB:1 2 3; TypeC:8 9 10; TypeD:3 4 5)

Conditionally replacing cell values with column names

I have a 165 x 165 rank matrix such that each row has values ranging from 1-165. I want to parse each row and delete all values >= 5, sort each row in increasing order, then replace the values 1-5 with the name of the column from the original matrix.
For example, for row k the values 1 ,2 3, 4, 5, would result after the first two transformations and would be replaced by p,d, m, n, a.
I am assuming that your array consists of an array of arrays...
Neither Awk, Sed, or Perl have multi-dimensional arrays. However, they can be emulated in Perl by using arrays of arrays.
$a[0]->[0] = xx;
$a[0]->[1] = yy;
$a[0]->[164] = zz;
$a[1]->[0] = qq;
$a[1]->[1] = rr;
$a[164]->[164] = vv;
Does this make sense?
I'm calling the row $x and columns $y, so an element in your array will be $array[$x]->[$y]. Is that good?
Okay, your column names will be in row $array[0], so if we find a value less than five in $array[$x]->[$y], we know the column name is in $array[0]->[$y]. Is that good?
for my $x (1..164) { #First row is column names
for my $y (0..164) {
if ($array[$x]->[$y] <= 5) {
$array[$x]->[$y] = $array[0]->[$y];
I'm simply going through all the rows, and for each row, all the columns, and checking the value. If the value is less than or equal to five, I replace it with the column name.
I hope I'm not doing your homework for you.
This GNU sed solution might work although it will need scaling up as I only used a 10x10 matrix for testing purposes:
# { echo {a..j};for x in {1..10};do seq 1 10 | shuf |sed 'N;N;N;N;N;N;N;N;N;s/\n/ /g';done; }> test_data
# cat test_data
a b c d e f g h i j
4 5 9 3 6 2 10 8 7 1
3 7 4 2 1 6 10 5 8 9
10 9 3 1 2 7 8 5 6 4
5 10 4 9 7 8 1 3 6 2
8 6 5 9 1 4 3 2 7 10
2 8 9 3 5 6 10 1 4 7
3 9 8 2 1 4 10 6 7 5
3 7 2 1 8 6 10 4 5 9
1 10 8 3 6 5 4 2 7 9
7 2 3 5 6 1 10 4 8 9
# cat test_data |
sed -rn '1{h;d};s/[0-9]{2,}|[6-9]/0/g;G;s/\n|$/ &/g;s/$/&1 2 3 4 5 /;:a;s/^(\S*) (.*\n)(\S* )(.*)/\2\4\1\3/;ta;s/\n//;s/0[^ ]? //g;:b;s/([1-5])(.*)\1(.)/\3\2/;tb;p'
j f d a b
e d a c h
d e c j h
g j h c a
e h g f c
h a d i e
e d a f j
d c a h i
a h d g f
f b c h d
The sed command works as follows.
The first line of the data file contains the column headings is stored in the hold space then the pattern space (current line) is deleted. For all subsequent data lines all two or more digit numbers and values 6 to 9 are converted to 0. The column names are appended, along with a newline to the data values. Spaces are inserted before the newline and end of string. The data is transformed into a lookup and the sorted values i.e.. 1 2 3 4 5 is prepended to it. The newline is removed along with any 0 values and associated lookups. The values 1 to 5 are replaced by the column names in the lookup.
I may have misunderstood the problem regarding sorting columns or rows, if so it's a minimal fix - replace 1 2 3 4 5 by the original values and perform a numeric sort prior to replacing the numeric data with column names from the lookup.