Akka Streams: validation of elements being streamed - scala

I'm new to Akka Streams and I'm wondering how to implement some kind of mid-stream validation. Example:
.map(_.split("\t", -1))
.validate(arr => arr.length == 10) // or similar
I assumed that this scenario is so common that there must be a predefined functionality for validating a stream on the fly. However, I wasn't able to find anything about it. Am I on the wrong tracks here and validation is something that should not be done this way in Akka Streams?
In my particular scenario, I'm processing a file line by line. If only one single line is invalid, it does not make sense to continue and the processing should be aborted.

I'd probably create a type to represent the constraints, then you can do the assertions when creating instances of that type, as well as know downstream which constraints have been applied.
object LineItem {
// Makes it possible to provide the validation before allocating the item
def apply(string: String): LineItem = {
require(string.length == 10)
new LineItem(string) // Call the companion-accessible constructor
// private[LineItem] makes sure that `new` only works from companion object
final case class LineItem private[LineItem](string: String)

You could use .takeWhile. This will process all elements before the invalid item, and not process any items after it.
.map(_.split("\t", -1))
.takeWhile(arr => arr.length == 10)

I agree with #Stephen that takeWhile is what you need. You can use it with the inclusive flag set to true if you want the failing elements to be passed downstream.
Also, if you want to make your stream the most expressive, you can have the validation flow producing Either[ValidationError, String].
The example below is a bit clunky, I would prefer to use the graphDSL and partition, but hopefully you get the idea.
val errorSink: Sink[TooManyElements, _] = ???
val sink: Sink[Array[String], _] = ???
.map(_.utf8String.split("\t", -1))
case arr if arr.length > 10 ⇒ Left(TooManyElements(arr.length))
case arr ⇒ Right(arr)
.takeWhile(_.isRight, inclusive = true)
.alsoTo(Flow[Either[TooManyElements, Array[String]]].filter(_.isLeft).to(errorSink)


Akka Streams, break tuple item apart?

Using the superPool from akka-http, I have a stream that passes down a tuple. I would like to pipeline it to the Alpakka Google Pub/Sub connector. At the end of the HTTP processing, I encode everything for the pub/sub connector and end up with
(PublishRequest, Long) // long is a timestamp
but the interface of the connector is
Flow[PublishRequest, Seq[String], NotUsed]
One first approach is to kill one part:
.map{ case(publishRequest, timestamp) => publishRequest }
Is there an elegant way to create this pipeline while keeping the Long information?
EDIT: added my not-so-elegant solution in the answers. More answers welcome.
I don't see anything inelegant about your solution using GraphDSL.create(), which I think has an advantage of visualizing the stream structure via the diagrammatic ~> clauses. I do see problem in your code. For example, I don't think publisher should be defined by add-ing a flow to the builder.
Below is a skeletal version (briefly tested) of what I believe publishAndRecombine should look like:
val publishFlow: Flow[PublishRequest, Seq[String], NotUsed] = ???
val publishAndRecombine = Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b =>
import GraphDSL.Implicits._
val bcast = b.add(Broadcast[(PublishRequest, Long)](2))
val zipper = b.add(Zip[Seq[String], Long])
val publisher = Flow[(PublishRequest, Long)].
map{ case (pr, _) => pr }.
val timestamp = Flow[(PublishRequest, Long)].
map{ case (_, ts) => ts }
bcast.out(0) ~> publisher ~> zipper.in0
bcast.out(1) ~> timestamp ~> zipper.in1
FlowShape(bcast.in, zipper.out)
There is now a much nicer solution for this which will be released in Akka 2.6.19 (see https://github.com/akka/akka/pull/31123).
In order to use the aformentioned unsafeViaData you would first have to represent (PublishRequest, Long) using FlowWithContext/SourceWithContext. FlowWithContext/SourceWithContext is an abstraction that was specifically designed to solve this problem (see https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/current/stream/stream-context.html). The problem being you have a stream with the data part that is typically what you want to operate on (in your case the ByteString) and then you have the context (aka metadata) part which you typically just pass along unmodified (in your case the Long).
So in the end you would have something like this
val myFlow: FlowWithContext[PublishRequest, Long, PublishRequest, Long, NotUsed] =
FlowWithContext.fromTuples(originalFlowAsTuple) // Original flow that has `(PublishRequest, Long)` as an output
In contrast to Akka Streams, break tuple item apart?, not only is this solution involve much less boilerplate since its part of akka but it also retains the materialized value rather than losing it and always ending up with a NotUsed.
For the people wondering why the method unsafeViaData has unsafe in the name, its because the Flow that you pass into this method cannot add,drop or reorder any of the elements in the stream (doing so would mean that the context no longer properly corresponds to the data part of the stream). Ideally we would use Scala's type system to catch such errors at compile time but doing so would require a lot of changes to akka-stream especially if the changes need to remain backwards compatibility (which when dealing with akka we do). More details are in the PR mentioned earlier.
My not-so-elegant solution is using a custom flows that recombine things:
val publishAndRecombine = Flow.fromGraph(GraphDSL.create() { implicit b =>
val bc = b.add(Broadcast[(PublishRequest, Long)](2))
val publisher = b.add(Flow[(PublishRequest, Long)]
.map { case (pr, _) => pr }
val zipper = b.add(Zip[Seq[String], Long]).
bc.out(0) ~> publisher ~> zipper.in0
bc.out(1).map { case (pr, long) => long } ~> zipper.in1
FlowShape(bc.in, zipper.out)

Scala filter collection by future result

I have a class called Source, it has lazy val isValid which does some network checks that takes time. I've made it to return Future[Boolean] so it won't block main thread:
lazy val isValid: Future[Boolean] = doSomeChecks()
Now, I want to check few Sources and discard invalid ones.
Here's some pseudo code:
val sources = Seq(Source1, Source2,...)
val validOnes: Seq[Source] = sources.filter(_.isValid)
I was thinking of some method that would transform Future[Boolean] returned from isValid into some other Future that would resolve with whole Source object after validation checks finish.
What is the best way to do this?
No need to return the Source itself from isValid. Simply append the source itself to each result of an isValid request.
Once the results of validity checks are there, filter those sources that
are valid, and throw away the validity-boolean:
val sources: Seq[Source] = ...
val validSources: Future[Seq[Source]] = (for {
checkedSources <- Future.sequence(
sources.map(s => s.isValid.map(b => (s, b)))
} yield checkedSources.filter(_._2).map(_._1))
Here, s.isValid returns a Future[Boolean]. This future is mapped with b => (s, b), so that s.isValid.map(b => (s, b)) is a Future[(Source, Boolean)]. The Future.sequence transforms bunch of futures into a single future of a sequence. Once the sequence has been computed, it can be filtered by the second component, and then the second component can be discarded.
I'm not sure whether this is "the best" way to do this, because it's not clear to me how long the validity check remains sufficiently "fresh": it might well be that half of the results of isValid checks are outdated by the time all results are collected into the checkedSources sequence.
EDIT (1): Even shorter:
val validSources: Future[Seq[Source]] =
Future.sequence(sources.map(_.isValid)).map {
bs => (sources zip bs).filter(_._2).map(_._1)
This should work too.
(code unchecked with compiler, rough sketch off the top of my head; Please provide minimal compilable example if you want a compilable solution)

How to create an Akka flow with backpressure and Control

I need to create a function with the following Interface:
import akka.kafka.scaladsl.Consumer.Control
object ItemConversionFlow {
def build(config: StreamConfig): Flow[Item, OtherItem, Control] = {
// Implementation goes here
My problem is that I don't know how to define the flow in a way that it fits the interface above.
When I am doing something like this
val flow = Flow[Item]
.map(item => doConversion(item)
the resulting type is Flow[Item, OtherItem, NotUsed]. I haven't found something in the Akka documentation so far. Also the functions on akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow only offer a "NotUsed" instead of Control. Would be great if someone could point me into the right direction.
Some background: I need to setup several pipelines which only distinguish in the conversion part. These pipelines are sub streams to a main stream which might be stopped for some reason (a corresponding message arrives in some kafka topic). Therefor I need the Control part. The idea would be to create a Graph template where I just insert the mentioned flow as argument (a factory returning it). For a specific case we have a solution which works. To generalize it I need this kind of flow.
You actually have backpressure. However, think about what do you really need about backpressure... you are not using asynchronous stages to increase your throughput... for example. Backpressure avoids fast producers overgrowing susbscribers https://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.5/stream/stream-rate.html. In your sample don´t worry about it, your stream will ask for new elements to he publisher depending on how long doConversion takes to complete.
In case that you want to obtain the result of the stream use toMat or viaMat. For example, if your stream emits Item and transform these into OtherItem:
val str = Source.fromIterator(() => List(Item(Some(1))).toIterator)
.map(item => doConversion(item))
.toMat(Sink.fold(List[OtherItem]())((a, b) => {
// Examine the result of your stream
b :: a
str will be Future[List[OtherItem]]. Try to extrapolate this to your case.
Or using toMat with KillSwitches, "Creates a new [[Graph]] of [[FlowShape]] that materializes to an external switch that allows external completion
* of that unique materialization. Different materializations result in different, independent switches."
def build(config: StreamConfig): Flow[Item, OtherItem, UniqueKillSwitch] = {
.map(item => doConversion(item))
val stream =
Source.fromIterator(() => List(Item(Some(1))).toIterator)
// This stops the stream
// When it finishes
stream._2 onComplete(_ => println("Done"))

Losing types on sequencing Futures

I'm trying to do this:
case class ConversationData(members: Seq[ConversationMemberModel], messages: Seq[MessageModel])
val membersFuture: Future[Seq[ConversationMemberModel]] = ConversationMemberPersistence.searchByConversationId(conversationId)
val messagesFuture: Future[Seq[MessageModel]] = MessagePersistence.searchByConversationId(conversationId)
Future.sequence(List(membersFuture, messagesFuture)).map{ result =>
// some magic here
self ! ConversationData(members, messages)
But when I'm sequencing the two futures compiler is losing types. The compiler says that type of result is List[Seq[Product with Serializable]] At the beginning I expect to do something like
Future.sequence(List(membersFuture, messagesFuture)).map{ members, messages => ...
But it looks like sequencing futures don't work like this... I also tried to using a collect inside the map but I get similar errors.
Thanks for your help
When using Future.sequence, the assumption is that the underlying types produced by the multiple Futures are the same (or extend from the same parent type). With sequence, you basically invert a Seq of Futures for a particular type to a single Future for a Seq of that particular type. A concrete example is probably more illustrative of that point:
val f1:Future[Foo] = ...
val f2:Future[Foo] = ...
val f3:Future[Foo] = ...
val futures:List[Future[Foo]] = List(f1, f2, f3)
val aggregateFuture:Future[List[Foo]] = Future.sequence(futures)
So you can see that I went from a List of Future[Foo] to a single Future wrapping a List[Foo]. You use this when you already have a bunch of Futures for results of the same type (or base type) and you want to aggregate all of the results for the next processing step. The sequence method product a new Future that won't be completed until all of the aggregated Futures are done and it will then contain the aggregated results of all of those Futures. This works especially well when you have an indeterminate or variable number of Futures to process.
For your case, it seems that you have a fixed number of Futures to handle. As #Zoltan suggested, a simple for comprehension is probably a better fit here because the number of Futures is known. So solving your problem like so:
members <- membersFuture
messages <- messagesFuture
} {
self ! ConversationData(members, messages)
is probably the best way to go for this specific example.
What are you trying to achieve with the sequence call? I'd just use a for-comprehension instead:
val membersFuture: Future[Seq[ConversationMemberModel]] = ConversationMemberPersistence.searchByConversationId(conversationId)
val messagesFuture: Future[Seq[MessageModel]] = MessagePersistence.searchByConversationId(conversationId)
for {
members <- membersFuture
messages <- messagesFuture
} yield (self ! ConversationData(members, messages))
Note that it is important that you declare the two futures outside the for-comprehension, because otherwise your messagesFuture wouldn't be submitted until the membersFuture is completed.
You could also use zip:
membersFuture.zip(messagesFuture).map {
case (members, messages) => self ! ConversationData(members, messages)
but I'd prefer the for-comprehension.

Is there a FIFO stream in Scala?

I'm looking for a FIFO stream in Scala, i.e., something that provides the functionality of
immutable.Stream (a stream that can be finite and memorizes the elements that have already been read)
mutable.Queue (which allows for added elements to the FIFO)
The stream should be closable and should block access to the next element until the element has been added or the stream has been closed.
Actually I'm a bit surprised that the collection library does not (seem to) include such a data structure, since it is IMO a quite classical one.
My questions:
1) Did I overlook something? Is there already a class providing this functionality?
2) OK, if it's not included in the collection library then it might by just a trivial combination of existing collection classes. However, I tried to find this trivial code but my implementation looks still quite complex for such a simple problem. Is there a simpler solution for such a FifoStream?
class FifoStream[T] extends Closeable {
val queue = new Queue[Option[T]]
lazy val stream = nextStreamElem
private def nextStreamElem: Stream[T] = next() match {
case Some(elem) => Stream.cons(elem, nextStreamElem)
case None => Stream.empty
/** Returns next element in the queue (may wait for it to be inserted). */
private def next() = {
queue.synchronized {
if (queue.isEmpty) queue.wait()
/** Adds new elements to this stream. */
def enqueue(elems: T*) {
queue.synchronized {
queue.enqueue(elems.map{Some(_)}: _*)
/** Closes this stream. */
def close() {
queue.synchronized {
Paradigmatic's solution (sightly modified)
Thanks for your suggestions. I slightly modified paradigmatic's solution so that toStream returns an immutable stream (allows for repeatable reads) so that it fits my needs. Just for completeness, here is the code:
import collection.JavaConversions._
import java.util.concurrent.{LinkedBlockingQueue, BlockingQueue}
class FIFOStream[A]( private val queue: BlockingQueue[Option[A]] = new LinkedBlockingQueue[Option[A]]() ) {
lazy val toStream: Stream[A] = queue2stream
private def queue2stream: Stream[A] = queue take match {
case Some(a) => Stream cons ( a, queue2stream )
case None => Stream empty
def close() = queue add None
def enqueue( as: A* ) = queue addAll as.map( Some(_) )
In Scala, streams are "functional iterators". People expect them to be pure (no side effects) and immutable. In you case, everytime you iterate on the stream you modify the queue (so it's no pure). This can create a lot of misunderstandings, because iterating twice the same stream, will have two different results.
That being said, you should rather use Java BlockingQueues, rather than rolling your own implementation. They are considered well implemented in term of safety and performances. Here is the cleanest code I can think of (using your approach):
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
class FIFOStream[A]( private val queue: BlockingQueue[Option[A]] ) {
def toStream: Stream[A] = queue take match {
case Some(a) => Stream cons ( a, toStream )
case None => Stream empty
def close() = queue add None
def enqueue( as: A* ) = queue addAll as.map( Some(_) )
object FIFOStream {
def apply[A]() = new LinkedBlockingQueue
I'm assuming you're looking for something like java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue?
Akka has a BoundedBlockingQueue implementation of this interface. There are of course the implementations available in java.util.concurrent.
You might also consider using Akka's actors for whatever it is you are doing. Use Actors to be notified or pushed a new event or message instead of pulling.
1) It seems you're looking for a dataflow stream seen in languages like Oz, which supports the producer-consumer pattern. Such a collection is not available in the collections API, but you could always create one yourself.
2) The data flow stream relies on the concept of single-assignment variables (such that they don't have to be initialized upon declaration point and reading them prior to initialization causes blocking):
val x: Int
startThread {
println("The other thread waits for the x to be assigned")
x = 1
It would be straightforward to implement such a stream if single-assignment (or dataflow) variables were supported in the language (see the link). Since they are not a part of Scala, you have to use the wait-synchronized-notify pattern just like you did.
Concurrent queues from Java can be used to achieve that as well, as the other user suggested.