Want to Get Recommendation with Only "item ID" or With Out "user ID" - recommendation-engine

I am Getting good results with the procedure given Microsoft Cognitive Api referencesbut I want to find the recommendation with only "Item ID" i.e I don't want to use "User ID" as a input in usage file. my sample data contains only item specification.
My questions are
Can I upload the file with an alternative of " USER ID" or Without user ID or Keeping it constant.
Can i get the item to item recommendation results For the same.
I tried to keep "User ID" Constant for all but results are not appropriate it shows same recommendation for all Item and also tried removing "User ID" but usage not uploads with it.
Please Suggest me any possible way if exist to use the recommendation Api with out user ID.


Using Logic Apps, how can I input a formatted Table of results from an SQL Stored Procedure into SendGrid Email

Once a day, I need to run an SQL Stored Procedure, which collects a list of results. I then need to input the results, as a nice user friendly table, into an e-mail (SendGrid).
So far, I have setup all connections and got the Logic App to work but the e-mail it generates displays the results like this:
How can I get this to be displayed as a proper table?
Case ID DateofUpdate
1000001 2020-06-09T11:34:57.483
1000002 2020-06-09T11:34:57.483
1000003 2020-06-09T11:34:57.483
1000004 2020-06-09T11:34:57.483
Below are images of my Logic App - please let me know if I need to provide more information.
For this requirement, please refer to the steps I provided below:
1. I initialize a variable named "resultSetVar" and store the json data same to yours', use this variable to simulate your "ResultSets" data.
2. Then use "Parse JSON" action to parse the json data.
3. After that, use "Create HTML table" action to create the html with the json array "Table1" from the "Parse JSON" action.
4. At last, put the "Output" from "Create HTML table" action into the "Email body" box.
5. Running the logic app, I received the email shown as below
Hope it helps~

Determine Correct JSON Fields for REST API based on Endpoint and Screen names (Customers & Sales Orders) - Acumatica

My project is to import Customers and Sales orders. I take a CSV file from an external program, and am to import them -- field by field -- into Sales Orders and Customers.
My challenge is determining the correct field names to get the REST API to work correctly.
I have the following fields:
I am looking to include the three fields: Description, Gift Message, and Public Comment. I inspect the element, which gives me nothing useful that I can tell. (i.e. none of the values map to the field name that I would use in JSON.)
When I go to the Endpoint for Customers, Description already exists:
And therefore, this JSON Record succeeds in an ADD or UPDATE:
"OrderNbr" : {"value": "SO003525"},
"Description" : {"value": "This is the Description"},
I extend the default customer (version 18.200.001) and I find and add the "Gift Description" and the "Public Comments" -- and they are listed as part of the "Order Summary" -- which is exactly where Description was.
However, this JSON data does add anything to Gift or Public:
"OrderNbr" : {"value": "SO003525"},
"Description" : {"value": "This is the Description"},
"PublicComment" : {"value": "This is the Public Comment"},
"GiftMessage": { "value": "This is the Gift Message"},
In talking to the (in-house) developer who set up the screen, he told me that the "Gift Message" and "Public Comments" fields were added on. But they are not showing as "User Defined" fields in the Endpoint.
1) How can I know what the JSON structure should look like? Is there some sort of a mapping document, or a printout that shows JSON-to-Endpoint data? What I mean is that sometimes I need to use a sub-object to reference data in JSON, for example, if I want to update "Main Contact" information, I do it like this:
"CustomerName":{"value":"TEST CUSTOMER "},
"CompanyName":{"value":"TEST CUSTOMER COMPANY"},
"DisplayName":{"value": "TEST CUSTOMER DISPLAY"},
How can I know to do that? (I know only because I saw it in the data that got returned when I added a record... Which brings up a second question:
2) Is there a way for retrieving an entire data record in its JSON format. Sort of like a : "GET - SELECT ALL - EXPAND ALL" so I can see all of the data in a record in a properly set up JSON format?
3) Any idea why the gift Message and Public Comments are showing as "Order Summary" but aren't updating like Description is?
4) Why are some things "un-expandable?" For example, I cannot expand Payments in Sales Order. I get an error:
1) How can I know what the JSON structure should look like
The easiest way is to execute a GET request. The field names are equivalent to the DisplayName property stripped of whitespaces. So if on screen the field is labelled Order Type the field name will be OrderType in the request.
To make a GET request, the URL format is /Entity/Keys.
For example entity SalesOrder has two keys: OrderType and OrderNbr.
To get entity SalesOrder of type SO and with the number SO005051 the URL would end with: /SalesOrder/SO/SO005051.
2) Is there a way for retrieving an entire data record in its JSON
format. Sort of like a : "GET - SELECT ALL - EXPAND ALL" so I can see
all of the data in a record in a properly set up JSON format?
If you want all the details, you need to specify them all in the expand clause of the GET query: $expand=Contacts,MainContact,BillingContact
The name of the details array can be looked up in the Web Service Endpoint screen SM207060. They are the tree view elements with a empty array [] suffix.
3) Any idea why the gift Message and Public Comments are showing as
"Order Summary" but aren't updating like Description is?
Those are custom fields. You need to extend the endpoint to add those custom fields otherwise they will be ignored. If there's no issue with the custom endpoint maybe the field aren't bound to database.
But they are not showing as "User Defined" fields in the Endpoint.
If by User Defined you mean those fields were added with a wizard (without programming) then this is likely the reason why they don't work in the web service. You would need to add custom field with a DAC extension which requires programming instead of the User Defined field.

Increment Id in Sharepoint

I am trying to increment an Id in a Sharepoint list.
I have tried different settings in the online editor of Sharepoint under "Settings > List Settings > Edit Column > Calculated Value".
Another option I tried was to create a custom add form using InfoPath.
In this custom form, I added a rule on my field contactId. The rule has two actions.
Create a Query to the Contacts table
Set the current Id equal to (the maximum idContacts + 1)
enter image description here
A thirth option I tried is to set a rule under Submit options. That way I thought when I submit my form it will check if idContacts is currently blank. It will Query the Contacts table, set the current idContacts as the (maximum idContacts + 1) and finally submit the data to my table.
enter image description here
Finally When I submit my form it gives a pop up message "Connecting to Server" then it redirects to my list but nothing is added to the list.
Does anyone know what my problem could be. Or does anyone know a proper way to do this. I already lookup up a lot of tutorials and other information but I can not find it.
Thank you in advance!

Correct way of using REST DELETE?

I am trying to delete some items connected to a product. Like this:
DELETE /products/Special product/11
So item 11 in "Special product" will be deleted? Is this a correct way of using the DELETE verb? I should probably url encode Special product right?
Special product is not stored in a DB. So I can't use some id. I have to write it out like this (alpha+digits).
/products/Special prodcut
is the collection resource of all "special products", and if
/products/Special product/11
is the "special product" resource with ID 11, then your usage of DELETE is RESTful.
As far as I understand, you have a collection of products
You are selecting the "special product" (its some kind of an identifier?)
/products/special product/
This one product contains multiple "items"? And you want to delete the item connected to "special product" with the id=11? If this is the case, the uri should look more like
DELETE /products/special product/items/11
As Example, you have albums with images. To get all albums:
GET /albums
To get one album
GET /albums/{albumId}
To get all images for one album
GET /albums/{albumId}/images
To delete/remove one image from one/this album
DELETE /albums/{albumId}/images/{imageId}

Filemaker - Can I use a portal like a drop-down value list?

I am trying to work around a limitation that Filemaker 12 seems to have. In a value list that links to an ODBC attached SQL Server database, it doesn't display every piece of data. If there are 2 people with the same last name for example, it only displays the first person with that last name in the list. This is verified by the following in the Filemaker documentation (which I found after a lot of digging)
If the value list is defined to display information from two fields, items will not be duplicated for the field on which the value list is sorted. For example, if the value list displays information from the Company field and the Name field, and if the values are sorted by the Company field, only one person from each company will appear in the value list.
Portals on the other hand will find all the related data, I just don't understand how do something with the data once I get it in the portal. I essentially thus wish to use a portal AS my drop-down value list, and then to use it as I would have a value list (which is then to act as the key to do the rest of the lookups on the page to fill out the invoice.
The major issue here (other than this maddening choice Filemaker seems to make) is that the external file I am pulling the data from is an ODBC mounted SQL Server file, so I can't do something easy like a calculated field which would give me last name & " " & first which would make almost every person unique. Filemaker won't let me do that because it says I can't do that with a field that is not indexed. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Assuming that we're starting with table MyTable and we're trying to get a ID from the People table for the selected person, which we'll call ID so that we can put it into MyTable::PersonID
Start by creating a new Table Occurrence of your People table and call it PeopleWhoCanBeSelected. If you want every person in the People table you can connect it to MyTable with the X relationship. If you want to show just a subset of the people you can build a different relationship.
Now, on a layout displaying records from MyTable you will make a portal showing records from the PeopleWhoCanBeSelected table.
In the portal put a button. When that button is pressed use the Set Field script step:
Set Field MyTable::PersonID to:
That should do it. You can make the button an invisible overlay on the entire portal record if you like, so that the user clicks on "the name" instead of "the button next to the name".
Now, if you want to pull additional data through to the MyTable record, you'll need to create a second Table Occurrence, called People with the relationship MyTable::PersonID = People::ID. Then you can get information on the specifically chosen person through that relationship.