Why I am getting matrix dimension error in the line while calculating n? - matlab

Can you please tell me what's wrong with the following code?
function [n]=calculate_n(p,delta)
e = 1.6*power(10,-19);
k = 1.38*power(10,-23);
T = 298;
co = 3.25*power(10,13)*e*power(10,4);
us = log((p*e)/sqrt(2*k*T*er*eo*Nv))*2*k*T;
tmp = delta+(e*e*p)/co+us;
n = 1/(exp((tmp))+1);
I am getting matrix dimension error while calculating n. Please help me.
e = 1.6*power(10,-19);
x = logspace(13,18);
grid on;

Just replace n = 1/(exp((tmp))+1); with n = 1./(exp(tmp)+1);. But beware, tmp is so small for these values that exp(tmp) will always be 1. Also, there is a surplus bracket around tmp, you might want to check if you put them correctly.
The reason is that A/B tries to solve the system of linear equations A*x = B for x which is not what you wanted. It threw an error because it requires both variables to have the same number of columns. A./B performs element-wise matrix division which is what you wanted. However, if A and B are singular A/B = A./B. See the documentation for more info.


Calculating numerical integral using MATLAB

I have an equation of the following form:
where A,B,C, and q are 3-by-3 matrix and Tr[...] represent trace. And
here b is a constant. The explicit form of A,B(x,y,E),C(x,y,E), q(x,y) matrices is written in the below MATLAB code. I am trying to solve it using the integral3() function of MATLAB. But it is giving me errors.
I wrote the function for the integrant in two different ways. And run the script:
function file 1:
function out = fun1(x,y,E)
%=============just some constants==========
DbyJ = 2/sqrt(3);
T = 1e-2;
eta = 1e-3;
b = 1/T;
D = 1+1i*DbyJ;
fk1 = 1+exp(1i*x);
fk2 = 1+exp(1i*y);
fk1k2 = 1+exp(1i*(x-y));
A = eye(3); A(1,1) = 1;
q = [0, 1i*D*exp(-1i*x), 0 ;
-1i*conj(D)*exp(1i*x), 0,-1i*D*exp(1i*(x-y));
h = [0 -D*conj(fk1) -conj(D)*conj(fk2);
-conj(D)*fk1 0 -D*fk1k2;
-D*fk2 -conj(D)*conj(fk1k2) 0];
B = ((E-1i*eta)*eye(3) - h)^(-1);
C = conj(B);
Term1 = A*(B-C)*q*(B-C);
trc = trace(Term1);
N = -b*exp(b*E)/((exp(b*E)-1)^2);
out = trc*E*N;
It gave me the following error:
Error using horzcat
Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent.
Error in fun1 (line 19)
q = [0, 1i*D*exp(-1i*x), 0 ;
Then I tried to solve Tr[...] part symbolically and removed the matrices from integrant. The function file is very large for this, so, I am not putting it here. Anyway, it give me error that
Error using *
Incorrect dimensions for matrix multiplication. Check that the number of columns in the first matrix matches the number of rows in the second matrix. To perform elementwise multiplication, use '.*'.
Error in fun1 (line 33)
trc = (D*exp(-x*1i)*((exp(conj(x ... (it is a very long expression that I calculated symbolically to remove matrices.)
Why integral3() is not working?
Is there any other way to solve this kind of integrals numerically? (In Python or in any other software/language).
Thank you for reading.
How can I solve the above given integral numerically?

MATLAB: How to plot a cubic expression for certain range of input pressure

I have a cubic expression here
I am trying to determine and plot δ𝛿 in the expression for P values of 0.0 to 5000. I'm really struggling to get the expression for δ in terms of the pressure P.
clear all;
close all;
t = 0.335*1e-9;
r = 62*1e-6;
delta = 1.2*1e+9;
E = 1e+12;
v = 0.17;
P = 0:100:5000
P = (4*delta*t)*w/r^2 + (2*E*t)*w^3/((1-v)*r^4);
I would appreciate if anyone could provide pointers.
I suggest two simple methods.
You evaluate P as a function of delta then you plot(P,delta). This is quick and dirty but if all you need is a plot it will do. The inconvenience is that you may to do some guess-and-trial to find the correct interval of P values, but you can also take a large enough value of delta_max and then restrict the x-axis limit of the plot.
Your function is a simple cubic, which you can solve analytically (see here if you are lost) to invert P(delta) into delta(P).
What you want is the functional inverse of your expression, i.e., δ𝛿 as a function of P. Since it's a cubic polynomial, you can expect up to three solutions (roots) for a give value of P. However, I'm guessing that you're only interested in real-valued solutions and nonnegative values of P. In that case there's just one real root for each value of P.
Given the values of your parameters, it makes most sense to solve this numerically using fzero. Using the parameter names in your code (different from equations):
t = 0.335*1e-9;
r = 62*1e-6;
delta = 1.2*1e9;
E = 1e12;
v = 0.17;
f = #(w,p)2*E*t*w.^3/((1-v)*r^4)+4*delta*t*w/r^2-p;
P = 0:100:5000;
w0 = [0 1]; % Bounded initial guess, valid up to very large values of P
w_sol = zeros(length(P),1);
for i = 1:length(P)
w_sol(i) = fzero(#(w)f(w,P(i)),w0); % Find solution for each P
You could also solve this using symbolic math:
syms w p
t = 0.335*sym(1e-9);
r = 62*sym(1e-6);
delta = 1.2*sym(1e9);
E = sym(1e12);
v = sym(0.17);
w_sol = solve(p==2*E*t*w^3/((1-v)*r^4)+4*delta*t*w/r^2,w);
P = 0:100:5000;
w_sol = double(subs(w_sol(1),p,P)); % Plug in P values and convert to floating point
Because of your numeric parameter values, solve returns an answer in terms of three RootOf objects, the first of which is the real one you want.

Using spfun with two identically ordered sparse matrices

I got two sparse matrices A and B, which have identical sparsity pattern (all nonzeros are at exactly the same locations):
i = randi(1000,[50,1]);
j = randi(1000,[50,1]);
a = rand(50,1);
b = rand(50,1);
A = sparse(i,j,a,1000,1000);
B = sparse(i,j,b,1000,1000);
I would like to calculate efficiently exp(A-B) only for the nonzeros, and save it back into A.
I tried to use spfun for that task:
f = #(x,y) exp(x-y);
A = spfun(f,A,B);
but I got an error in spfun saying: "Too many input arguments."
Can anyone suggest an efficient way to calculate it?
It should be calculated many times.
Edit: mikkola suggested A = spfun(#f,A-B) which solves the problem, but the question remains how to do it with a function of two variables that can't be solved using the same trick. For example:
g = #(x,y) x.*cos(y);
A = spfun(#g,A,B);
You can't use
A = spfun(#exp, A-B);
because for entries where A an B are equal you will get 0 instead of 1.
To solve that, you can compute the vector of exponentials at the nonzero components, and then build a sparse matrix from that:
A = sparse(i,j,exp(nonzeros(A)-nonzeros(B))); %// if you have i, j stored
A(find(A)) = exp(nonzeros(A)-nonzeros(B));
According to the documentation, spfun can take only two inputs: a function and one sparse matrix.
So you cannot do directly what you want to do. The best solution is probably what has been suggested in the comments, i.e.:
res = spfun(#exp, A-B);

Calculating Errors of the Trapezoidal Rule in MATLAB

I'm trying to calculate how the errors depend on the step, h, for the trapezoidal rule. The errors should get smaller with a smaller value of h, but for me this doesn't happen. This is my code:
Iref is a reference value calculated and verified with Simpson's method and the MATLAB function quad, respectively
for h = 0.01:0.1:1
x = a:h:b;
v = y(x);
Itrap = (sum(v)-v(1)/2-v(end)/2)*h;
Error = abs(Itrap-Iref)
I think there's something wrong with the way I'm using h, because the trapezoidal rule works for known integrals. I would be really happy if someone could help me with this, because I can't understand why the errors are "jumping around" the way the do.
I wonder if maybe part of the problem is that not all intervals - for each step size h - have the same a and b just because of the way that x is constructed. Try the following with the additional fprintf statement:
for h = 0.01:0.1:1
x = a:h:b;
fprintf('a=%f b=%f\n',x(1),x(end));
v = y(x);
Itrap = (sum(v)-v(1)/2-v(end)/2)*h;
Error = abs(Itrap-Iref);
Depending upon your a and b (I chose a=0 and b=5) all the a values were identical (as expected) but the b varied from 4.55 to 5.0.
I think that you always want to keep the interval [a,b] the same for each step size that you choose in order to get a better comparison between each iteration. So rather than iterating over the step size, you could instead iterate over the n, the number of equally spaced sub-intervals within [a,b].
Rather than
for h = 0.01:0.1:1
x = a:h:b;
you could do something more like
% iterate over each value of n, chosen so that the step size
% is similar to what you had before
for n = [501 46 24 17 13 10 9 8 7 6]
% create an equally spaced vector of n numbers between a and b
x = linspace(a,b,n);
% get the step delta
h = x(2)-x(1);
v = y(x);
Itrap = (sum(v)-v(1)/2-v(end)/2)*h;
Error = abs(Itrap-Iref);
fprintf('a=%f b=%f len=%d h=%f Error=%f\n',x(1),x(end),length(x),h,Error);
When you evaluate the above code, you will notice that a and b are consistent for each iteration, h is roughly what you chose before, and the Error does increase as the step size increases.
Try the above and see what happens!

Error: Matrix dimensions must agree for plot

having a problem with my "new love", matlab: I wrote a function to calculate an integral using the trapz-method: `
function [L]=bogenlaenge_innen(schwingungen)
R = 1500; %Ablegeradius
OA = 1; %Amplitude
S = schwingungen; %Schwingungszahl
B = 3.175; %Tapebreite
phi = 0:2.*pi./10000:2.*pi;
BL = sqrt((R-B).^2+2.*(R-B).*OA.*sin(S.*phi)+OA.^2.*(sin(S.*phi)).^2+OA.^2.*S.^2.*(cos(S.*phi)).^2);
L = trapz(phi,BL)`
this works fine when i start it with one specific number out of the command-window. Now I want to plot the values of "L" for several S.
I did the following in a new *.m-file:
W = (0:1:1500);
T = bogenlaenge_innen(W);
And there it is:
Error using .*
Matrix dimensions must agree.
What is wrong? Is it just a dot somewhere? I am using matlab for the second day now, so please be patient.... ;) Thank you so much in advance!
PS: just ignore the german part of the code, it does not really matter :)
In your code, the arrays S and phi in the expression sin(S.*phi) should have same size or one of them should be a constant in order the code works
The error is most likely because you have made it so that the number of elements in schwingungen, i.e. W in your code, must be equal to the number of elements in phi. Since size(W) gives you a different result from size(0:2.*pi./10000:2.*pi), you get the error.
The way .* works is that is multiplies each corresponding elements of two matrices provided that they either have the same dimensions or that one of them is a scalar. So your code will work when schwingungen is a scalar, but not when it's a vector as chances are it has a different number of elements from the way you hard coded phi.
The simplest course of action (not necessarily the most Matlabesque though) for you is to loop through the different values of S:
W = (0:1:1500);
T = zeros(size(W); %Preallocate for speed)
for ii = 1:length(W)
T(ii) = bogenlaenge_innen(W(ii));
In your function you define phi as a vector of 10001 elements.
In this same function you do S.*phi, so if S is not the same length as phi, you will get the "dimensions must agree" error.
In your call to the function you are doing it with a vector of length 1501, so there is your error.