Is it possible to apply anonymous function arguments to nested records somehow in the followign way?
type UName = {fname :: String, lname :: String}
type XName = { xname :: UName, addr :: String}
updateU = _ { xname : { fname : _ } } -- not ok
-- or
updateU = _ { xname.fname = _ } -- not ok
-- or
updateU = _ { xname : fname = _ } } -- not ok
Above trials say that context is invalid. Aim is to implement:
updateU = \x -> { xname : { fname : x } }
The shortest version uses nested record updates and looks like this:
updateU :: XName -> String -> XName
updateU = _ { xname { fname = _ } }
I'm struggling to extract numbers from a string in Swift. I'm doing the following:
let expression: String = "abc123aa223bb45"
for (indx, ch) in expression.enumerated() {
if ch.isLetter { continue }
else if ch.isNumber {
var val: Int = 0
while(indx < expression.count && ch.isNumber){
val = val * 10 + (ch.asciiValue - 48)
//how can I proceed and increment both indx and ch ...
// here I'm going to do smthing with every extracted number
Can somebody help me finish this problem I've reached?
I also use the extension
extension Character {
var asciiValue: Int {
get {
let s = String(self).unicodeScalars
return Int(s[s.startIndex].value)
as you can see in the posted fragment of code
The following code snippet will extract numbers from a String
let expression: String = "abc123aa223bb45"
let stringArray = expression.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted)
for item in stringArray {
if let number = Int(item) {
You could also make an extension of Int that has a function like
extension Int {
static func parse(from string: String) -> Int? {
return Int(string.components(separatedBy: CharacterSet.decimalDigits.inverted).joined())
and can be use like this
let expression: String = "abc123aa223bb45"
if let number = Int.parse(from: expression) {
I'm trying to write a program that evaluates expression with braces and operators: ^,+,-,/,*
But I'm having some issues ( I've done this many times with C++ and C# but I cannot manage to do it with swift. It really gives me a huge headache ):
import Foundation
extension Character {
var asciiValue: Int {
get {
let s = String(self).unicodeScalars
return Int(s[s.startIndex].value)
precedencegroup PowerPrecedence { higherThan: MultiplicationPrecedence }
infix operator ^^ : PowerPrecedence
func ^^ (radix: Double, power: Int) -> Double {
return (pow(Double(radix), Double(power)))
func calc(a: Double, b: Double, o: Character) -> Double {
switch o {
case "+":
return a + b
case "-":
return a - b
case "/":
return a / b
case "*":
return a * b
case "^":
return a ^^ Int(b)
return 0
func nice(o: Character) -> Int {
if o == "-" || o == "+" { return 1 }
if o == "*" || o == "/" { return 2 }
if o == "^" { return 3 }
return 2020
func evaluate(expression: String) -> Double {
var vals = [Double]()
var ops = [Character]()
for (indx, ch) in expression.enumerated() {
if ch == " " { continue }
else if ch == "(" { ops.append(ch) }
else if ch.isNumber {
var val: Int = 0
while(indx < expression.count && ch.isNumber){
val = val * 10 + ch.asciiValue - 48 // gives strange error
//TODO increment indx and ch
} else if ch == ")" {
while !ops.isEmpty && ops.last != "(" {
let val_2: Double = vals.popLast()!
let val_1: Double = vals.popLast()!
let op: Character = ops.popLast()!
vals.append(calc(a: val_1, b: val_2, o: op))
if !ops.isEmpty { _ = ops.popLast() } // opening brace
} else {
while(!ops.isEmpty && nice(o: ops.last!) >= nice(o: ch)){
let val_2: Double = vals.popLast()!
let val_1: Double = vals.popLast()!
let op: Character = ops.popLast()!
vals.append(calc(a: val_1, b: val_2, o: op))
while !ops.isEmpty {
let val_2: Double = vals.popLast()!
let val_1: Double = vals.popLast()!
let op: Character = ops.popLast()!
vals.append(calc(a: val_1, b: val_2, o: op))
return vals.last!
let exp: String = "2^3+(2+3)"
print(evaluate(expression: exp))
I am trying to implement function can apply arguments. I read many reference, its possible how ever I want to make one for all situations, no sure if its posable.
For example,
infix operator <<< ;
func <<<< T >( lhs : ( T ) -> T , rhs : [ T ] ) -> T {
return lhs( rhs[ 0 ] ) ;
} ;
func Foo ( _ a : Int )-> Int { return a ; }
Foo<<<[ Int ]
This is totally works, however, it will not with different kind of functions, like with different type of arguments and return types.
For example
func Foo ( _ a : Int , _ b : Int )-> Int { return a ; } ;
or maybe
func Foo ( _ a : Int , _ b : Any , _ c : String )-> Any { return Any ; } ;
var args = [ Any ] ;
Foo<<<args ; // to make this work
Any advises? Thank you very much.
I am not sure if this is what you want:
infix operator <<<
func <<< <U,V> (lhs: (U...) -> V, rhs: [U]) -> V {
return lhs(rhs[0])
For example:
func Foo (_ a: Int...) -> Double {
return { 1.5 * Double($0) }
.reduce(0, +)
Foo <<< [3, 5] //4.5
Foo <<< [1] //1.5
I want to know how many common characters in the given sets.
Input: J = "aA", S = "aAAbbbb"
Output: 3
In the python solution for this as follows:
lookup = set(J)
return sum(s in lookup for s in S)
I have following solution in Swift it works, but it looks too wordy. I want to learn shorter way of it.
class Solution {
func checkInItems(_ J: String, _ S: String) -> Int {
let lookup = Set(J) ;
var sy = 0;
for c in S
if lookup.contains(c)
sy += 1;
return sy;
As a small variation of Sh_Khan's answer you can use reduce to
count the number of matching elements without creating an intermediate
func checkInItems(_ J: String, _ S: String) -> Int {
let lookup = Set(J)
return S.reduce(0) { lookup.contains($1) ? $0 + 1 : $0 }
In Swift 5 there will be a count(where:) sequence method for this purpose,
see SE-0220 count(where:).
You can try
class Solution {
func checkInItems(_ J: String, _ S: String) -> Int {
let lookup = Set(J)
return S.filter { lookup.contains($0) }.count
Groovy code: how to pass and return arguments or values
def method (int a, Closure c) {
Query q = new Query()
c.delegate = q
//label 1: pass a to label 2 and get str from there
class Query
void key (String str) {
//label 2: return str and get a to method label 1.
method(5) {
key "got"
How to get access on both labels in above shown groovy code.
I don't know how to use some keys like .call() return inside this closure.
Update 1:
def method (int a, Closure c) {
Query q = new Query()
c.delegate = q
def str = q.str
println str
class Query
def str
def a
void key (String str) {
this.str = str
println a
method(5) {
key "got"
Actual Output:
Expected Output:
How to solve this ?
How about something like
def method (int a, Closure c) {
Query q = new Query()
q.a = a
c.delegate = q
def str = q.str
println str
class Query
def str
def a
void key (String str) {
this.str = str
println a
method(5) {
key "got"
Im beginner with haskell and im trying to execute my method mostrarDocumento, setting Documentos and String(year), and the method should return all documents that have the same year , but i having the error :
No instance for (Ord Documento) arising from a use of ‘insert’
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
insert docu (mostrarDocumento' documentos anno)
In the expression:
do { insert docu (mostrarDocumento' documentos anno) }
In the expression:
if esAnnoIgual docu anno then
do { insert docu (mostrarDocumento' documentos anno) }
mostrarDocumento' documentos anno
Someone can help me with my code?
module Documento where
import Data.List
import Data.Function (on)
import System.IO()
type Revista = String
type IdD = String
type Anno = String
type Titulo = String
type Resumen = String
type Secciones = [String]
data Documento = D (Revista, IdD, Anno, Titulo, Resumen, Secciones)deriving Show
type Documentos = [Documento]
anio :: Documento -> Anno
anio (D (_,_,anio,_,_,_)) = anio
pintarDocOrd :: Documentos -> IO()
pintarDocOrd [] = return ()
pintarDocOrd (dc:dcs) = do
print dc
pintarDocOrd dcs
mostrarDocumeto :: Documentos -> String-> IO()
mostrarDocumeto [] _ = return ()
mostrarDocumeto documentos anno = do
let documento = mostrarDocumento' documentos anno
pintarDocOrd documento
mostrarDocumento' :: Documentos -> String -> Documentos
mostrarDocumento' [] _ = []
mostrarDocumento' (docu:documentos) anno =
if esAnnoIgual docu anno then do
insert docu (mostrarDocumento' documentos anno)
mostrarDocumento' documentos anno
esAnnoIgual :: Documento -> String -> Bool
esAnnoIgual documento anno
| anio documento == anno = True
| otherwise = False
As you can see from the documentation:
insert :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
So insert works on a list of as, but only if that a is of typeclass Ord, i.e. that have an order defined on them. So try:
data Documento = ... deriving (Show, Ord)
I have a feeling this is what you are trying to do:
mostrarDocumento' :: Documentos -> String -> Documentos
mostrarDocumento' [] _ = []
mostrarDocumento' (docu:documentos) anno =
if esAnnoIgual docu anno
then docu : (mostrarDocumento' documentos anno)
else mostrarDocumento' documentos anno
which is the same as:
mostrarDocumento' docs = filter (\d -> esAnnoIgual d anno) docs