How to move uploaded image freely in editor? - wysiwyg

Currently I am using Summer-note editor. After uploading image, I'd like to let the users to move the image freely in the editor.
Is there any plug-in or source code for moving the uploaded image in editor?

Allowing images to move freely means that absolute positioning should be used and that is not really great for web layouts. I work at Froala Editor and we allow moving images through the editable area, but they are never positioned with absolute coordinates.


Unity2D UI>Image doesn't show the full image and appears differently between two projects. Why is it doing this?

I added a Unity UI>Image to my project with a given source image (called Btn_OtherButton_Blue). It appears cropped in some way. It doesn't show the full button image, the top seems cut off. I added a UI>Image to a different project with the same source image and it appears differently. In that project it seems like it's using the full image uncropped.
I've compared the projects and can not find the difference. I'm new to Unity. There's probably something simple I'm missing. I have an imgur link to show what I mean.
The settings seem the same to me. Is there a crop property of UI>Image that's hidden that could determine why one project shows more of the source image than the other?
compare the settings of the sourcefile of each project. it looks like the image sourcefiles are using different values for "Pixels Per Unit".

Scaling canvas unity

In all canvas training videos in unity, when creating a canvas, blue dots appear that you can use to scale the object. I don't have any:
enter image description here
How do I add them? Maybe my settings are not the same
The settings are not different. I believe what you are describing is the Rect Tool. You can either select the tool on the top left selection by clicking the icon with 4 vertex points or when you have the editor open, click T and it will automatically swap to this tool. The points on your UI image will appear and you will be able to scale it using them.

Trouble with using Text Mesh in Unity

So the problem is that I want create such an idea. There are a table and a sheet of paper (just a Plane). I want to place some text on this sheet of paper. I read about Text Mesh and I thought that I would use it but I had a problem about it. I need to limit my text on this sheet of paper but I haven't found any borders I can place there. How can I set borders to Text Mesh? Or are there any decision I can use to handle this situation?
TextMesh does not have borders
Instead, you are probably interested in a World Space Canvas and using UI text instead. Unity has a great tutorial in the manual for setting up a world space canvas, which pretty much amounts to "set the Canvas to world space, decide on a resolution, decide on a in-game size, and position it."
For text, you actually have two options: UI Text and Text Mesh Pro. TMP used to be an asset on the asset store, but Unity has integrated it into a semi-standard package now (just create a TMP object and you'll be prompted to do the importing). TMP has several additional features and options that standard UI Text does not have, including in-line sprites, margins, text alignment, better rich-text, and so on. It might be overkill, but it is available.

Eclipse RCP displays images in a DecorationOverlayIcon to big, how do I get it smaller?

I basically want to make overlays like you know them from the package explorer in eclipse, a base image, and a smaller picture laid above in the bottom right corner. I used DecorationOverlayIcon for this and fist some pics from the already existing resources just to if it works. It the overlays showed up, but even though I had given the following instructions
imageDescriptorArray[IDecoration.BOTTOM_RIGHT] = alreadyExistingImageDescriptor;
DecorationOverlayIcon(baseImage, overlaysArray);
the overlayed image was very big. Than I made my icon, which is a 16x16 .png. It like the other pictures covers up the icon almost completely. How do I make the image smaller, do I have to convert it to a smaller size like 8x8 for that, or alternatively, how do I push it further down?
DecorationOverlayIcon doesn't resize anything so you must provide small images for the overlays.
There is also no way to change the calculated position of the overlays.

PNG file looks completely different inside of Unity

I purchased the "Set Builder: Back street Manhattan" with came with some png textures such as this one.
When I open the file in the browser or any editing program, it looks completely transparent except for the windows. When I drag the image into Unity, it is completely opaque bricks (which is what I want) If I duplicate the image and drag that image into Unity, it is again completely opaque bricks. If I save a copy of the image with photoshop or another application, the information that contained the bricks is lost and it is now mostly transparent, except it has some blotchy white textures which also aren't seen in the photoshop interpretation. Every texture in this folder is doing this same behavior. Are these files corrupted or compressed? How do I retain the brick information into an image editing program besides taking a screenshot within Unity ? Here is an example : of dragging images onto cubes in Unity. Left is a Photoshop copy. Right is attached image
The developer has not replied to my direct questions.
it can be your texture import format
try changing its format to true color
I found a solution in Photoshop.
Layer>layer mask>from transparency. Then right click on the layer to disable the transparency.