How to implement a simple stride predictor? - prediction

I have implemented a contextual Markov predictor and I need to make a stride predictor to combine them into a hybrid predictor with confidence.
For the beginning I need to implement this stride predictor. I read about it and I found this figure but I want to make it simpler.
The classic formula is Vn=V(n-1)+(V(n-1)-V(n-2)) and I thought at something like having 2 variables difference1 which is equal with V(n-1)-V(n-2) and difference2 which is equal with V(n-2)-V(n-3) and then compare them and if they are equal then Vn=V(n-1)+difference1.
Any ideas will be much appreciated.

I don't think there's a need to change the classic formula.
The reasoning behind it is that you only need to know two variables and you can make the assumption. And in fact, you make the assumption every time, not just in case the stride is the same as the previous stride.
The predictor has three states it operates in:
initial - when there is no information about the stride
transient - there is a stride between the previous value and the current value of the variable
steady - the previous prediction was correct
I guess the state transitions are self-explanatory, but just in case:
initial -> transient occurs when the variable assumes new value
transient -> steady occurs when the prediction using the stride calculated when predictor moved to transient state was correct
steady -> transient occurs when the prediction using the stride was incorrect, and the new stride becomes the active stride


Is the order of RKF45 in python 4th or 5th order?

Howdy just had a numerical analysis question about RKF45. The documentation is a little mysterious in terms if is 4th or 5th order, and even on the wikipedia page "is a method of order O(h^4) with an error estimator of order O(h^5)"
Is the idea you first do the 4th order method, and then the interpolate of the numerical solution is 5th order to the true solution? So overall the output of this numerical method is 5th order?
Thanks a lot!
classical embedded methods like Fehlberg 4(5) aka RKF45
The method can proceed with the state updates of its 4th or 5th order method, designed for the 4th, nowadays used with 5th. The step size is variable, the optimal step size is always determined for the 4th order method, with the difference to the 5th order method serving as estimate of the local error, which in most cases is very accurate.
The relation between error tolerance and number of ODE function evaluations will mostly correspond to the 4th order, for example dividing the error tolerance by 16 should result in a step size sequence that is locally about half of the original sequence, doubling the number of ODE function evaluations.
If an exact solution is computable, the error of the numerical integration should be proportional to the tolerance if the 4th order steps are taken, and proportional to the power 5/4 of the tolerance if the 5th order steps are taken.
Extrapolation methods like DoPri (4)5 aka ode45 or RK45
The method proceeds with the values of the 5th order method. It uses a variable step size that is controlled via the difference between the 4th order method and the 5th order method, augmented to behave loosely like the actual local (unit step) error of the 5th order method. Despite being more a guidance to the local error size, it is good enough for the actual error to remain in the region of or below the error tolerance and for the step size to not leave the stability region of the 5th order method. The method was explicitly designed to show this behavior.
For test equations that are smooth, one can thus expect that in a log-log diagram of number of evaluations of the ODE function vs. given error tolerance or actual error against an exact solution you get a curve that is mostly linear with slope about 5. (One would of course compute it the other way, get number of function evaluations and actual error for some spread of error tolerances.)
See for some experiments with low-order embedded methods, starting with using the Euler method as embedded method in the explicit midpoint and Heun method.

How to use old value of variable with new value of variable in closed cycle in Openmodellica

I want to adjust the mass flow rate of a pump by using similarities laws so if I want to head and flow rate equation. I need to use old value and new value of head so that I can calculate new value of mass flow rate.
Can anybody tell me how can I write this in program in OpenModellica.
Generally Modelica is not designed to access "old values" of a continuous variable, as this is usually not necessary to model physical behavior. For discrete events there is the pre() operator, for clocks previous() but none of them is useful in continuous modeling.
What is common in continuous modeling, is to have relations based on the derivative der() of a variable, but not "old values". Personally I would double-check if you really need an old value or if that is just a form of abstraction chosen due to limitations of other software...
Still you can use the delay() operator as shown below to delay a signal by a fixed or a variable amount of time.
model DelayExample
Real x, y_fix, y_var;
x = time;
y_fix = delay(x, 100e-3);
y_var = delay(x, min(time/2,0.2), 0.2);
end DelayExample;
The result is the following:
If you want to do use graphical modeling, you can use blocks from Modelica.Blocks.Nonlinear, namely

How to make the dynamic model in Dymola agree with the steady-state design result?

Modelica modeling is the first principle modeling, so how to test the model and set an effective benchmark is important, for example, I could design a fluid network as my wish, but when building a dynamic simulation model, I need to know the detailed geometry structure and parameters to set up every piece of my model. Usually, I would build a steady-state model with simple energy and mass conservation laws, then design every piece of equipment based on the corresponding design manual, but when I put every dynamic component together, when simulation till steady-state, the result is different from the steady-state model more or less. So I was wondering if I should modify my workflow to make the dynamic model agree with the steady-state model. Any suggestions are welcome.
#dymola #modelica
To my understanding of the question, your parameter values are fixed and physically known. I would attempt the following approach as a heuristic to identify the (few) component(s) that one needs to carefully investigate in order to understand how they influence or violates the assumed first principles.
This is just as a first trial and it could be subject to further improvement and fine-tuning.
Consider the set of significant set of variables xd(p,t) \in R^n and parameters p. Note that p also includes significant start values. p in R^m includes only the set of additional parameters not available in the steady state model.
Denote the corresponding variables of the steady state model by x_s
Denote a time point where the dynamic model is "numerically" in "semi-" steady-state by t*
Consider the function C(xd(p,t*),xs) = ||D||^2 with D = xd(p,t*) - xs
It could be beneficial to describe C as a vector rather than a single valued function.
Compute the partial derivatives of C w.t. p expressed in terms of dxd/dp, i.e.
dC/dp = d[D^T D]/dp
= d[(x_d-x_s)^T (x_d - x_s)]/dp
= (dx_d/dp)^T D + ...
Consider scaling the above function, i.e. dC/dp * p/C (avoid expected numerical issues via some epsilon-tricks)
Here you get a ranking of most significant parameters which are causing the apparent differences. The hopefully few number of components including these parameters could be the ones causing such violation.
If this still does not help, may be due to expected high correlation among parameters, I would go further and consider a dummy parameter identification problem, out of which a more rigorous ranking of significant model parameters can be obtained.
If the Modelica language had capabilities for expressing dynamic parameter sensitivities, all the above computation can be easily carried out as a single Modelica model (with a slightly modified formulation).
For instance, if we had something like der(x,p) corresponding to dx/dp, one could simply state
dcdp = der(C,p)
An alternative approach is proposed via the DerXP library

Finding Conditional Moments in a Markov Process

This question combines math and programming. I will first describe the general problem and then give an example that is (hopefully) simpler to understand.
General Question: Consider a Markov-chain process of N-states with transition matrix Π. Each state is associated with a value x_n (n in {1,…,n}). Our goal is to find the unconditional average of the first two moments (mean and var) along T-period paths conditional on (i) the path starts in a subset of states, N_0, (ii) it ends in a subset of states, N_T, and (iii) it is not going through a subset of states, N_not, in any of the periods between 1 to T-1. By saying we are interested in the unconditional average of these two moments, I basically mean what would be the average of these two moments in the stationary distribution. To be more concrete, let me illustrate the goal of the exercise in a simple case.
Simple Example: Consider a 3-state Markov-chain process with transition matrix Π, and let the three state be denoted by A, B, and C. Each of these states are associated with some value (x_A, x_B, and x_C), respectively. We are interested in what happens along paths that satisfy the following condition. The path starts at point A, after 3 periods are in either points B or C, and between periods 1 to 3 never go again through point A. Denote this condition by (#). So, for example, a path which we are interested in would be {A,B,B,C} with the associated values {x_A, x_B, x_B, x_C}. We are interested in the average and standard deviation along such paths. In particular, we would like to find the unconditional average of these first two moments in paths that satisfy (#).
Let me now propose a solution based on simulating the process. Since both T and N are quite large, this solution is too slow for my purpose.
Simulation Solution: Starting from some initial point simulate the process for a very long time period, and drop the first τ periods. Extract all paths along the simulation that satisfy condition (#) and compute the mean and std along each of these paths. Finally, simply take the average across these paths.
I’m hoping there is a better and more efficient way to achieve the goal. Since I want the solution to be accurate and the size of T and N the simulation takes a long time.
I would love to hear your thoughts and if you know of efficient methods to achieve this goal. Please let me know if something is not clear and I'll try to clarify it.
Thank you!!!
I think I know how to do this if N_0 consists of one state, let's call that state A.
The long run probability of being in A is pi(A) and can be obtained by solving pi = pi*P, with P the transition matrix.
The other thing you need to calculate is the probability of those transient paths. You probably need to introduce a modified P, where all states i in the set N_not are absorbing (i.e. P[i,i]=1 and P[i,j]=0 for j is not i). Then starting from a vector p(0) which has a 1 in the element corresponding to state A and 0 otherwise, you can keep calculating p(n) = p(n-1)*P to get the probabilities of your transient paths.
Multiply the result of that by pi(A) to get the unconditional probability.
You can probably do something like this as well when N_0 is a set, but I don't know how you should select p(0) in that case.

Time step computation in Matlab ODE solver

I tried to find out how MATLAB computes the step size (not the initial one) to solve ODEs with, for example, the ode45 solver. The source code is really complex, so does anyone know hot it works?
You should be aware that the step size is dynamically adapted, there no "The" step size.
To get a general simplified idea: The total error E is composed of the atomic errors of every time step. In first order it is summation, more exactly there is some kind of cumulative magnification of the atomic errors involved.
A sensible approach would be that every time step of length h should have an atomic error of about E·h/T, where T is the length of the integration interval. The order 4 method has an local error of C·h^5 where C is in zeroth order a polynomial in the first 4 derivatives of the ODE function. Since the method computes an order 4 and an order 5 step, call them y4 and y5, one can take y5 as the more precise one so that approximately C·h^5 = |y4-y5|. This allows to compute C and to adapt the step size a·h to get the desired atomic error, since one can solve C·(a·h)^5=E/T·(a·h) to get
a = pow( E/T·h/norm(y4-y5), 1/4)
This does not need to be terribly exact, so that one can just use the adapted step size for the next step if the atomic error is not largely out of range.
Another approach is to compare if the local error |y4-y5|/h falls inside a bracket around the desired local error E/T and increase/decrease the step size by a constant factor, with a repetition of the step if the step size needed to be reduced.
There is more to the advanced/actual implementations, taking into account relative and absolute error goals, detecting stiffness, i.e., where the local error formula breaks down, …