NAnt - Check if process exists - nant

We use NAnt to stop the service, replace the files and start it backup.
<echo message="Waiting for Service to stop."/>
<property name="stopWait" value="360" />
<call target="stopServiceWait" />
... which calls below block
<!--Waits specified number of seconds or until service is stopped.-->
<target name="stopServiceWait">
<if test="${int::parse(stopWait) > 0}">
<echo message="Stopping Service... Waiting ${stopWait} more seconds..."/>
<property name="stopWait" value="${int::parse(stopWait) - 1}" />
<property name="isStopped" value="${service::is-stopped(bf.serviceName, bf.serverName)}" />
<echo message="isStopped - ${isStopped}"/>
<if test="${isStopped == 'False'}">
<sleep seconds="1" />
<echo message="Service is still not stopped"/>
<call target="stopServiceWait" />
However after stopping the service the process often continues running for quite a few seconds, blocking the files. So we just wait some more time right now:
<!--Wait another 60 sec.-->
<echo message="Sleeping additional 60 seconds to ensure that process shuts down after stop."/>
<sleep seconds="60" />
Often long wait is not necessary and just extends outage, or sometimes it is not enough and the deployment has to be restarted.
Is there a way to check from NANT if the process with the certain name exists?


Connections remain in idle status and increase untill reached max connections limit

I have a web-app using apache-camel to submit routes which execute some postgresql select and insert.
I'm not using any DAO, so I haven't a code where begin and close connections, I believed that connections life-cycle was managed by Spring but it seems not working.
The problem is that everytime my route executes, I see one more connection which remains IDLE, so previous IDLE connections are not being reused, this takes to the "too many client connections problem"
In my route I have:
<bean id="configLocation" class="">
<constructor-arg type="java.lang.String" value="..../src/main/resources/config/test.xml" />
<bean id="dataSourcePostgres" class="org.apache.ibatis.datasource.pooled.PooledDataSource">
<property name="driver" value="org.postgresql.Driver" />
<property name="url" value="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres" />
<property name="username" value="postgres" />
<property name="password" value="postgres" />
<bean id="postgresTrivenetaSessionFactory" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean">
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSourcePostgres" />
<property name="configLocation" ref="configLocation" />
Here they are some sample queries:
<select id="selectTest" resultType="java.util.LinkedHashMap">
select * from test;
<insert id="insertTest" parameterType="java.util.LinkedHashMap" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id" keyColumn="id">
INSERT INTO test(note,regop_id)
VALUES (#{note},#{idKey});
I tried even adding this:
<bean id="transactionManager"
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSourcePostgresTriveneta" />
At last I found the problem, it was that the DataSource is never closed automatically at the end of a Camel route.
So, each time that Camel route executed, it left an open Datasource, then all the created IDLE connections (their number obviously depends from the DataSource configuration and its usage) remained and accumulate over and over.
The final solution was to add a bean created ad hoc at the end of the Camel route, taking the DataSource as argument and closing it, that's all.

Nlog with MongoDB connection and target

I am trying to use a logger that will log into MongoDB, but I can not get it to work. In the same configuration i have set up the loggers to log using an email and file and both work just fine.
Here is my NLog.config file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<nlog xmlns=""
<add assembly="NLog.MongoDB"/>
for information on customizing logging rules and outputs.
<target xsi:type="File" name="file" fileName="${basedir}/logs/${shortdate}.log"
layout="${longdate} ${uppercase:${level}} ${message}" />
<target xsi:type="Mongo"
<property name="ThreadID" layout="${threadid}" bsonType="Int32" />
<property name="ThreadName" layout="${threadname}" />
<property name="ProcessID" layout="${processid}" bsonType="Int32" />
<property name="ProcessName" layout="${processname:fullName=true}" />
<property name="UserName" layout="${windows-identity}" />
<target name="TcpOutlet" xsi:type="Chainsaw" address="tcp4://localhost:4505" > </target>
<target name="Email" xsi:type="Mail"
to="ssss#sdsdfs" html="true"
<logger name="*" minlevel="Trace" writeTo="file,TcpOutlet,mongoDefault,Email" />
<logger name="*" minlevel="Error" writeTo="file,TcpOutlet,Email,mongoDefault" />
I have installed the Nlog.Mongo nugget also. My database is called nlog. Whatever i do, the loggers do not write in the mongodb. I am using NLogger.

How to get error message in nant.onfailure

I'm trying to get the build's failed message in nant.onfailure. I Know that I can use try/ catch but I'd like to avoid this route. Is it possible get the failed message without try/catch?
I am not sure if you are aware for NAntContrib library.
You can include their library to get extra sets of 'Tasks'. I am current using task called "record" to do the logging upon success and failure without any try/catch s.
Something like,
<property name="Build.FailureLog" value="C:\TestLog.txt" />
<!-- Start the listener record -->
<record name="${Build.FailureLog}" level="Verbose" action="Start" />
<property name="nant.onfailure" value="Failure" />
<target name="Failure" description="This target is called upon when the build has failed." >
<!-- Close the listener -->
<record name="${Build.FailureLog}" action="Close" />
<!-- Additionally you could send emails by including in mail -->

IIS virtual directory creation fails on IIS 7.0 / windows server 2008

When I tried to create a virtual directory in the remote server using NAnt build script It could not create and shows the error message below:
The webservice at 'remote_machine' does not exist or is not reachable
The OS of remote server is Windows server 2008. Here I have used NAnt 0.92 and natcontrib 0.92.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
EDiT: It is working for local machine but not for the remote. Any suggestion Please.
the code portion:
<property name="serverName" value="MyServer"/>
<property name="currentDeployName" value="Research"/>
<property name="deployDir" value="\\${serverName}\wwwroot\${currentDeployName}"/>
<property name="currentDir" value="${deployDir}"/>
<property name="DeployWebDir" value="${sourceDir}\Deployment\Deployment.Web"/>
<property name="webrootDir" value="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot"/>
<deliisdir iisserver="${serverName}" vdirname="${currentDeployName}" />
<mkdir dir="${deployDir}" />
<copy todir="${deployDir}" overwrite="true">
<fileset basedir="${DeployWebDir}">
<include name="**\*" />
<mkiisdir iisserver="${serverName}" dirpath="${webrootDir}\${currentDeployName}"

Deploying on remote JBoss 6.x with Cargo

I'm trying to setup an Ant Target to perform a remote deploy on a JBoss 6.x server, using Cargo.
Here is my target description:
<target name="deploy" depends="install-cargo,make-war">
<input message="Enter username for deployment..."
addproperty="deploy.username" />
<input message="Enter password for ${deploy.username}..."
addproperty="deploy.password" >
<handler type="secure" />
<cargo containerId="jboss6x" action="redeploy" type="remote">
<configuration type="runtime">
<property name="cargo.hostname" value="${}" />
<property name="cargo.servlet.port" value="${}" />
<property name="cargo.remote.username" value="${deploy.username}" />
<property name="cargo.remote.password" value="${deploy.password}" />
<deployable type="war" file="${dist.dir}/${}.war">
<property name="context" value="${}" />
Every jar inside [jboss.home]/client and [jboss.home]/lib is inside cargo.tasks classpath but when i try to execute the Target I get this error: impossibile trovare la classe LoginModule:
That is Java cannot find class (by the way: this class is located inside jbosssx.jar in [jboss.home]/lib).
Am I missing some jar? Do I need to configure something for jaas? Thanks for your help.