Powershell: Get-WmiObject cannot run asJob in loop - powershell

I want to sometimes check some info from our servers in domains. In this example, I am trying to remotely get windows versions (just one server, currently without loop):
$cr=Get-Credential "domain\adm_user"
Invoke-Command { Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem -Namespace root/cimv2 -Computer $computer -Credential $cr | Format-List -Property Name, OSArchitecture, SerialNumber} -AsJob -ComputerName .
Get-Job | Wait-Job
Get-Job | Receive-Job
Cannot validate argument on parameter 'ComputerName'. The argument is null or empty. Supply an argument that is not null or empty and then try the command again.
Seems, that scriptblock {} cannot see variable $computer.
When I replace variable -computer $computer to name of server, it is working.

For variable expansion inside Invoke-Command use a param block and specify arguments:
$computer = 'localhost'
Invoke-Command {param($computer) Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -Computername $computer } -ArgumentList $computer
Working on PS v5.


Get-WmiObject Win32_networkadapterconfiguration

I'm trying to use WMI to retrieve network adapter information on remote servers.
I've ran a few Get-WmiObject commands with various degrees of success.
This line works fine:
Invoke-Command $serverName -ScriptBlock {Get-WmiObject
Win32_networkadapterconfiguration | where {$_.Index -eq 7}}
When I try to introduce a variable to the command it returns nothing:
$Variable = 7
Invoke-Command $serverName -ScriptBlock {Get-WmiObject
Win32_networkadapterconfiguration | where {$_.Index -eq $Variable}}
Any idea why the command with the variable would fail?

How can I list the Startup Type of a serive running on a remote machine?

I'm trying to find out the startup type of a service running on a remote machine.
I've tried the below but it gives me the Start Mode rather than the Startup Type.
[string]$ComputerName = $env:ComputerName
foreach($Ser in $Service) {
try {
$Obj = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$Ser'"-ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction Stop
$Obj | select Name, DisplayName, StartMode
} catch {
Write-Error " Failed to get the information. More details: $_"
.\Get-ServiceStartupType.ps1 –Service wscsvc –ComputerName Computername
The Service is "wscsvc" Security Center
If you use
Get-Service -name $ser -computername $computername | select-object Name,StartType
Instead of get-wmiobject. I've also used the pipeline instead of a variable to make the code a little cleaner.
You'll need to use Get-Service instead of Get-WmiObject:
$svc = Get-Service wscsvc
Used in your code like this:
$Obj = Get-Service $Ser -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction Stop
$Obj | select Name, DisplayName, StartType

Powershell Wait-process until installation complete [duplicate]

As part of a backup operation, I am running the 7zip command to compress a folder into a single .7z file. No problems there as I am using the InVoke-WMIMethod.
$zip = "cmd /c $irFolder\7za.exe a $somedirectory.7z $somedirectory"
"InVoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create -ArgumentList $zip -ComputerName $remotehost"
My problem comes in as my script continues, the 7za.exe process hasn't completed. I am then attempting to copy the item off of the remote system and it is either incomplete or fails.
Can someone point me in the direction to figure out how to identify if the 7za.exe process is still running, wait until it is dead, then proceed with the rest of my script?
I can grasp pulling the process from the remote system via...
get-wmiobject -class Win32_Process -ComputerName $remotehost | Where-Object $_.ProcessName -eq "7za.exe"}
Not sure how to turn that into usable info for my issue.
Answer UPDATE: (thx to nudge by #dugas)
This will do it with some feedback for those that need it...
do {(Write-Host "Waiting..."),(Start-Sleep -Seconds 5)}
until ((Get-WMIobject -Class Win32_process -Filter "Name='7za.exe'" -ComputerName $target | where {$_.Name -eq "7za.exe"}).ProcessID -eq $null)
You can invoke the Wait-Process cmdlet on the remote computer with the Invoke-Command cmdlet. Example:
$process = Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_Process -Name create -ArgumentList notepad -ComputerName RemoteComputer
Invoke-Command -ComputerName RemoteComputer -ScriptBlock { param($processId) Wait-Process -ProcessId $processId } -ArgumentList $process.ProcessId
Since you mentioned using Invoke-Command is not an option, another option is polling.
$process = Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_Process -Name create -ArgumentList notepad -ComputerName hgodasvccr01
$processId = $process.ProcessId
$runningCheck = { Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessId='$processId'" -ComputerName hgodasvccr01 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ? { ($_.ProcessName -eq 'notepad.exe') } }
while ($null -ne (& $runningCheck))
Start-Sleep -m 250
Write-Host "Process: $processId is not longer running"
You should be able to do it with a do... while loop that just sleeps until the process is finished.
do {
start-sleep 10
} while (gwmi -class win32_process -ComputerName $remotehost | Where ProcessName -eq "7za.exe")

Getting StdRegProv class in Powershell

The only way I can find to get an instance of the StdRegProv WMI class in Powershell is
$StdRegProv = Get-WmiObject -List -Namespace root\default -ComputerName "my_computer" -Credential $cred | where { $_.Name -eq "StdRegProv" }
I need to go this route because I want to supply a credential. Naively I would have expected the following to work:
$StdRegProv = Get-WmiObject -Class StdRegProv -Namespace root\default -ComputerName "my_computer" -Credential $cred
but it doesn't - why can't you get at StdRegProv in this way?
As far as I understand, Get-WmiObject returns existing instances of a class. If there are no instances, you get an empty collection. (But don't quote me on this because it's just a guess - I haven't looked at Get-WmiObject code.)
Anyway, you can use:
to instantiate the class. Or, if it has to be gwmi:
Get-WmiObject -List -Namespace "root\default" -ComputerName "my_computer" `
| Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "StdRegProv"}
Source: Powershell remote registry access via WMI.

Powershell - Check on Remote Process, if done continue

As part of a backup operation, I am running the 7zip command to compress a folder into a single .7z file. No problems there as I am using the InVoke-WMIMethod.
$zip = "cmd /c $irFolder\7za.exe a $somedirectory.7z $somedirectory"
"InVoke-WmiMethod -class Win32_process -name Create -ArgumentList $zip -ComputerName $remotehost"
My problem comes in as my script continues, the 7za.exe process hasn't completed. I am then attempting to copy the item off of the remote system and it is either incomplete or fails.
Can someone point me in the direction to figure out how to identify if the 7za.exe process is still running, wait until it is dead, then proceed with the rest of my script?
I can grasp pulling the process from the remote system via...
get-wmiobject -class Win32_Process -ComputerName $remotehost | Where-Object $_.ProcessName -eq "7za.exe"}
Not sure how to turn that into usable info for my issue.
Answer UPDATE: (thx to nudge by #dugas)
This will do it with some feedback for those that need it...
do {(Write-Host "Waiting..."),(Start-Sleep -Seconds 5)}
until ((Get-WMIobject -Class Win32_process -Filter "Name='7za.exe'" -ComputerName $target | where {$_.Name -eq "7za.exe"}).ProcessID -eq $null)
You can invoke the Wait-Process cmdlet on the remote computer with the Invoke-Command cmdlet. Example:
$process = Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_Process -Name create -ArgumentList notepad -ComputerName RemoteComputer
Invoke-Command -ComputerName RemoteComputer -ScriptBlock { param($processId) Wait-Process -ProcessId $processId } -ArgumentList $process.ProcessId
Since you mentioned using Invoke-Command is not an option, another option is polling.
$process = Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_Process -Name create -ArgumentList notepad -ComputerName hgodasvccr01
$processId = $process.ProcessId
$runningCheck = { Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Process -Filter "ProcessId='$processId'" -ComputerName hgodasvccr01 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ? { ($_.ProcessName -eq 'notepad.exe') } }
while ($null -ne (& $runningCheck))
Start-Sleep -m 250
Write-Host "Process: $processId is not longer running"
You should be able to do it with a do... while loop that just sleeps until the process is finished.
do {
start-sleep 10
} while (gwmi -class win32_process -ComputerName $remotehost | Where ProcessName -eq "7za.exe")