Visual studio code editor deleting tabs after delay - visual-studio-code

Anyone knows how to disable automatic removing tabs on new line after delay? Like you can see on picture below, VS Code deletes tabs on new line everytime when I don't start typing very fast.
Something similar is situation when I'm writing comment, create space and wait for a while. VS Code will delete my last space.

I fixed this by turning off the setting "files.autoSave", (I didn't want that in any case.) or disable your formatting tool. (most likely cause)
My problem was that I had a formatting tool run on save, which was removing excess white space and therefore squashing my tabs during editing. Looks like you have the same problem to me.

You can affect a delay if you want to use the auto-save feature by setting auto save to afterDelay and setting the delay to your liking


How to stop prettier from random line breaks?

So Prettier is finicky as it is, but here's a weird situation. The image below shows what happens after a save in VS Code with Prettier set up normally. It randomly removed the tabs for these two lines. If I tab it back into place and save it does it again.
Can anyone tell me why, and how to stop it? Makes the code look really bad.

VS Code settings

I would like to change the following VS code behavior but can't find a way to do so:
When the cursor is on some items a box pops up with info about that item. I find this extremely annoying as it often blocks what I'm trying to edit. How to disable the pop up?
I code CSS on a single line, such as:
h1 {something; something; something; } And the next CSS on the next line. No Spaces!
But when I save it VS code automatically reformulates it, putting each something on a new line. This is extremely, extremely annoying! It horribly wastes space, and forces me to scroll down a lot to find something I want to edit. How do I get VS code to stop messing with My Coding Style?
To disable the pop up. Do these necessary changes Disable pop up
To stop the CSS formatting, just see in the extensions if you have downloaded CSS formatter, if so then uninstall it or disable it.

VS Code automatic indentation

I have a problem with automatic indentation in VS Code. If you pay attention to the gif below, you will see that the editor only moves a tab forward for the first time, but the second time it should automatically detect that a tab moves forward, but this is not the case. Many editors do not have this problem, but it has really become a problem for me. Also, for example, I do not want to press a shortcut key to solve this problem, I expect the editor to handle.
I found theanswer. Just disable trimAutoWhitespace in VS Code settings.

Keyboard input blocks in VSCode

Since yesterday, I have a problem when want to edit code in VSCode. Apparently, after changing focus within VSCode, say switching to the menu bar or a to different view and then coming back to the editor view, the cursor changed from the caret to a filled rectangle, and normal keyboard input is blocked. I need to do something like pressing the Escape key which on the first, second, or third try finally puts me into overwrite mode from which I have to switch to insert mode. This is a very annoying situation. Does anyone have a remedy for this?
Apparently, I happened somehow to switch to the vim schema. Once I became aware of this, I simply switched back to the VS schema which I'm used to, and everything works as desired.

Why does the Eclipse IDE horizontal scrollbar keep resetting back to the absolute left column

I have Eclipse 3.7.1 classic, with added Android plugin and HTML editor plugin.
If I have a long line of text in the HTML editor and scroll the horizontal scrollbar to where I want to be, when I place the cursor there and start to type, after a short pause it keeps resets the horizontal scrollbar to the far left. It doesn't do it all the time, but it is frequent enough to be annoying.
Why is Eclipse doing this, and how can I stop it?
Not really an answer but I have the same Problem since yesterday. I don't know the cause or any solution but ende up splitting all my lengthy strings using either "\" or "+". That "fixed" the problem and resulted and better readability of the code.
Good Day
In my case this started happening after installing the Coffee Bytes Java Folding extension/plugin, and eventually it just annoyed me so much I turned it off...and the scroll jumping stopped.
It was a shame because I wanted folding of 'Regions' like in .Net and that extension gave me that ability. I've not looked for an alternative yet, but anyway I'm rambling - see if you have this extension enabled under Preferences > Java > Editor > Folding.
When this happens to me, the problem is that I'm not steady enough in my line selection. So I'll briefly be selecting two lines of input. And when the other line of input is shorter or even empty, it resets to the rightmost edge of that line (which if empty is the far left). Being very careful when moving horizontally can work but is difficult to maintain. Perhaps turning down the mouse sensitivity would help.
Searching for "eclipse line wrap" found that Alt Shift Y turns line wrap on and off. There also seems to be a button on the toolbar. See Does Eclipse have line-wrap for more details.
As others have noted, changing so that the lines aren't wider than the window also fixes this. But when you're in a situation where someone else sets the line length, toggling line wrap can be a quick and easy solution to this problem.
This of course assumes that you are having the same problem as me and not something caused by a plugin or other issue.