Is there a findall in Scala maps? - scala

In a Scala Map, how do I get all keys in a Map that have the same value?
For example in my Map I have 3 keys which have the value 27
large -> 27
indispensable -> 27
most -> 27
I tried
val adj1value = htAdjId.find(_._2 == value1).getOrElse(default)._1
but that gives me only the first key "large" (as is the definition of find). I searched a lot but I am not able to find a "findall" function. Does it exist in Scala? If not, can someone please advice me on how to solve this problem?

You can filter the collection and extract all keys using keys:
val map = Map("h" -> 27, "b" -> 2, "c" -> 27)
map.filter { case (key, value) => value == 27 }.keys
res0: Iterable[String] = Set(h, c)
Though I'd argue that if you need to iterate the entire Map each time, perhaps it isn't the right data structure to begin with, perhaps a List[(String, Int)] will suffice and save the overhead incurred by using a Map.

You can treat the map as a Iterable[K,V] then groupBy the value like this..
# Map(
"large" -> 27,
"indispensable" -> 27,
"most" -> 27
res4: Map[Int, Iterable[String]] = Map(27 -> Set(

[answered by a friend of mine offline] Hashmaps are usually built to do only the forward lookup efficiently. Unless you know that the underlying data structure used in the hashmap supports this, you probably don't want to do this "reverse lookup" because it will be very inefficient.
Consider putting your data into a bi-directional map or "bi-map" from the start if you are going to access it in both directions. OR, use two hashmaps: one in regular direction, one inverted (values become keys, keys become values) OR use different data structure altogether.
i.e two maps is a good idea if the map is large or you're going to be doing this kind of check a lot. Otherwise try filter instead of find


Retrieve many values associated with the given key at once using Scala

I have a map with hundreds of elements and I want to retrieve many value at once associated with the given key.
Map(t1 -> 1),(t2 -> 2),.....(t340 ->340)
I know I can use the apply method but i'm trying to retrieve like 50 values at once and this would make the code to look like:
val a = map.apply("t1","t2","t3","t4","t5","t6"...."t50)
Are there any other ways that i can retrieve many values at once using apply method or other methods of the scala map collection?
Depending on what kind of output you expect it can be done in many different ways.
If you are expecting collection, you could do something like:
val keys: List[String]
keys.flatMap(map.get) // List[Int]
where you would get a list of values ordered according to keys, but if there were no value for a key it would be skipped.
If you needed values in a collection and order would be irrelevant then
val keySet = keys.toSet
map.filter(p => keySet(p._1)).values
should be enough.
Yet another option would be: { k =>
k -> map.get(k)
to avoid loosing information which values were present and which not. Though this wouldn't be much different in practice than just:
map.filter(p => keySet(p._1))
If you expected fixed number of keys, and all have to be present, then I can only see this as:
for {
a1 <- map.get(k1)
a2 <- map.get(k2)
an <- map.get(kn)
} yield (a1, a2, ..., an)
which would return Option of tuple. That could be written in a prettier way using Cats e.g.
(map.get(k1), map.get(k2), ..., map.get(kn)).tupled
though most extension methods (and tuples) support up to 22 arguments, so I can only see solving your problem for 50 keys with a collection. (Or very long for comprehension yielding custom 50-field case class).

Is there a way to maintain ordering with Scala's breakOut?

I recently discovered breakOut and love how elegant it is, but noticed that it doesn't maintain order.
eg (from REPL):
scala> val list = List("apples", "bananas", "oranges")
list: List[String] = List(apples, bananas, oranges)
scala> val hs: HashMap[String, Int] ={x => (x -> x.length)}(breakOut)
hs: scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String,Int] = Map(bananas -> 7, oranges -> 7, apples -> 6)
I like using breakOut since it's really clean and neat but ordering does matter to me. Is there a way to get it to maintain order or do I have to add elements to my hashmap one at a time?
You see this behavior, because of the fact that HashMap is a data structure with undefined order. Even if you see some ordering of the elements in the hash map and it's consistent across the runs, you shouldn't depend on it. If you really need the order, consider using LinkedHashMap

Map to List[Tuple2] in Scala - removes duplicates?

Am trying to convert a map to list of Tuples, given a map like below
i want output like
I tried following
val seq = inputMap.toList //output (a,5)(b,1)(c,3)
var list:List[(String,Int)] = Nil
(k,v) :: list
} //output (a,5)(b,1)(c,3)
Why does it remove duplicates? I dont see other tuples that has "a" as key.
That's because a Map doesn't allow duplicate keys:
val map = Map("a"->2,"a"->4,"a"->5,"b"->6,"b"->1,"c"->3)
println(map) // Map(a -> 5, b -> 1, c -> 3)
Since map has duplicate keys, it will remove duplicate entries while map creation itself.
it will turn into,
Map(a -> 5, b -> 1, c -> 3)
so other operations will be performed on short map
The problem is with Map, whose keys are a Set, so you cannot have twice the same key. This is because Maps are dictionaries, which are made to access a value by its key, so keys MUST be unique. The builder thus keeps only the last value given with the key "a".
By the way, Map already has a method toList, that do exactly what you implemented.

Scala: Getting the index of an element in a Map

I have a Map[String, Object], where the key is an ID. That ID is now referenced within another object and I have to know what index (what position in the Map) that ID has. I can't believe there isn't an .indexOf
How can I accomplish that?
Do I really have to build myself a list with all the keys or another Map with ID1 -> 1, ID2 -> 2,... ?
I have to get the ID's indexes multiple times. Would a List or that Map be more efficient?
#Dora, as everyone mentioned, maps are unordered so there is no way to index them in place and store id with them.
It's hard to guess use case of storing (K,V) pairs in map and then getting unique id for every K. So, these are few suggestions based on my understanding -
1. You could use LinkedHashMap instead of Map which will maintain the insertion order so you will get stable iteration. Get KeysIterator on this map and convert it into a list which give you an unique index for every key in you map. Something like this-
import scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap
val myMap = LinkedHashMap("a"->11, "b"->22, "c"->33)
val l = myMap.keysIterator.toList
l.indexOf("a") //get index of key a
myMap.+=("d"->44) //insert new element
val l = myMap.keysIterator.toList
l.indexOf("a") //index of a still remains 0 due to linkedHashMap
l.indexOf("d") //get index of newly inserted element.
Obviously, it is expensive to insert elements in linkedHashMap compared to HashMaps.
Deleting element from Map would automatically shift indexes to left.
val l = myMap.keysIterator.toList
l.indexOf("c") // Index of "c" moves from 2 to 1.
Change you map (K->V) to (K->(index, v)) and generate index manually while inserting new elements.
class ValueObject(val index: Int, val value: Int)
val myMap = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, ValueObject]()
myMap.+=("a"-> new ValueObject(myMap.size+1, 11))
myMap("a").index<br/> // get index of key a
myMap.+=("b"-> new ValueObject(myMap.size+1, 22))
myMap.+=("c"-> new ValueObject(myMap.size+1, 33))
myMap("c").index<br/> // get index of key c
myMap("b").index<br/> // get index of key b
deletion would be expensive if we need indexes with no gaps, as we need to update all keys accordingly. However, keys insertion and search will be faster.
This problem can be solved efficiently if we know exactly what you need so please explain if above solutions doesn't work for you !!! (May be you really don't need map for solving your problem)
Maps do not have indexes, by definition.
What you can do is enumerate the keys in a map, but this is not guaranteed to be stable/repeatable. Add a new element, and it may change the numbers of every other element randomly due to rehashing. If you want a stable mapping of key to index (or the opposite), you will have to store this mapping somewhere, e.g. by serializing the map into a list.
Convert the Map[A,B] to an ordered collection namely for instance Seq[(A,B)] equipped with indexOf method. Note for
val m = Map("a" -> "x", "b" -> "y")
Seq[(String, String)] = ArrayBuffer((a,x), (b,y))
From the extensive discussions above note this conversion does not guarantee any specific ordering in the resulting ordered collection. This collection can be sorted as necessary.
Alternatively you can index the set of keys in the map, namely for instance,
val idxm = for ( ((k,v),i) <- m.zipWithIndex ) yield ((k,i),v)
Map[(String, Int),String] = Map((a,0) -> x, (b,1) -> y)
where an equivalent to indexOf would be for example
idxm.find { case ((_,i),v) => i == 1 }
Option[((String, Int), String)] = Some(((b,1),y))

Creating a Map from a Set of keys

I have a set of keys, say Set[MyKey] and for each of the keys I want to compute the value through some value function, lets say computeValueOf(key: MyKey). In the end I want to have a Map which maps key -> value
What is the most efficient way to do this without iterating too much?
A collection of Tuple2s can be converted to a Map, where the tuple's first element will be the key and the second element will be the value.
val setOfKeys = Set[MyKey]() => (key, computeValueOf(key)).toMap
This is actually a pretty neat application for collection.breakOut, one of my favorite pieces of bizarre Scala voodoo:
type MyKey = Int
def computeValueOf(key: MyKey) = "value" * key
val mySet: Set[MyKey] = Set(1, 2, 3)
val myMap: Map[MyKey, String] = => k -> computeValueOf(k))(collection.breakOut)
See this answer for some discussion of what's going on here. Unlike the version with toMap, this won't construct an intermediate Set, saving you some allocations and a traversal. It's also much less readable, though—I only offer it because you mentioned that you wanted to avoid "iterating too much".