Given an array, find top 'x' in O(1) - hash

I'm gonna write the problem as I found it and I will then explain what confuses me.
"A teacher is marking his students' work from 0-10 but he only marks with an 8 or above for a certain number 'x'(x=15 for example) of the 'n' students. You are given an array with all the students' marks in random order. Find the 'x' best marks in O(1)."
We certainly have been taught hashing but this requires me to store all the data in a hash table which is definitely not O(1). Maybe we don't have to take the 'conversion' into account? If we do , maybe the coversion combined with the search time after will lead to a method different than hashing.
In that case, leaving O(1) aside , what is the fastest algorithm including both the conversion and the search time?

Simple: It's not possible.
O(1) can only achieved if all of input size, number of necessary comparisons and output size are constants. You may argue that x could be treated as constant, but it still doesn't work:
You need to inspect every single input element, all n of them, as the random input order does not even allow any heuristics to guess where the xth element would be, even if you already had correctly guessed the other x-1 elements already in constant time.
As the problem is stated, there is no solution which can do it in the upper bounds of O(1) or O(x).
Let's just assume your instructor corrects his mistake, and gives you a revised version which correctly states O(n) as the required upper bound.
In that case your hash approach is (almost) correct. The catch of using a hash function, is that you now need to account for potential collisions on the hash function, which are the reason why hash maps don't work strictly in O(1), but rather only "on average" in O(1).
As you know all possible values (grades from 0-10), you can just allocate buckets with a known index. Inside each bucket you may use linked lists, as they also allow constant time insertions and linear time iteration.


Unusual hash map implementation

Does anyone know the original hash table implementation?
Every realization I've found is based on separate chaining or open addressing methods
Chaining, by Hans Peter Luhn, in 1953.
The first implementation, not that the most common, is probably the one that uses an array (which is resized as needed) where each entry points to a list of elements.
The hash code, computed mod the size of the array, points to the integer index at which the list of the element to be searched is located. In case of hash code collision, the elements will accumulate in the list of the related entry.
So, once the hash code is computed, we have O(1) for accessing the entry of the array and O(N) for the actual search of the element in the list by verifying its actual equality. The value of N must be kept low for obvious performance consequences.
In case the collision becomes high we resize the array by increasing the number of entries and decreasing the collisions accordingly. This occurs as the hash code mod a higher number than the previous one is computed.
Some more complicated implementations convert the lists to trees if they become too long so that O(N) to O(log(N)) for equality search.

why hastable's rehash complexity may be quadratic in worst case

I do not understand why hastable's rehash complexity may be quadratic in worst case at :
Any help would be appreciated !
Just some basics:
Hash collisions is when two or more elements take on the same hash. This can cause worst-case O(n) operations.
I won't really go into this much further, since one can find many explanations of this. Basically all the elements can have the same hash, thus you'll have one big linked-list at that hash containing all your elements (and search on a linked-list is of course O(n)).
It doesn't have to be a linked-list, but most implementations does it this way.
A rehash creates a new hash table with the required size and basically does an insert for each element in the old table (there may be a slightly better way, but I'm sure most implementations don't beat the asymptotic worst-case complexity of simple inserts).
In addition to the above, it all comes down to this statement: (from here1)
Elements with equivalent values are grouped together in the same bucket and in such a way that an iterator (see equal_range) can iterate trough all of them.
So all elements with equivalent values needs to be grouped together. For this to hold, when doing an insert, you first have to check if there exists other elements with the same value. Consider the case where all the values take on the same hash. In this case, you'll have to look through the above-mentioned linked-list for these elements. So n insertions, looking through 0, then 1, then 2, then ..., then n-1 elements, which is 0+1+2+...+n-1 = n*(n-1)/2 = O(n2).
Can't you optimize this to O(n)? To me it makes sense that you may be able to, but even if so, this doesn't mean that all implementations have to do it this way. When using hash-tables it's generally assumed that there won't be too many collisions (even if this assumption is naive), thus avoiding the worst-case complexity, thus reducing the need for the additional complexity to have a rehash not take O(n2).
1: To all the possible haters, sorry for quoting CPlusPlus instead of CPPReference (for everyone else - CPlusPlus is well-known for being wrong), but I couldn't find this information there (so, of course, it could be wrong, but I'm hoping it isn't, and it does make sense in this case).

How to calculate equal hash for similar strings?

I create Antiplagiat. I use a shingle method. For example, I have the following shingles:
I go to the cinema
I go to the cinema1
I go to th cinema
Is there a method of calculating the equal hash for these lines?
I know of the existence of Levenshtein distance. However, I do not know what I should take source word. Maybe there is a better way than to consider Levenshtein distance.
The problem with hashing is that, logically, you'll run into 2 strings that differ by a single character that hash to different values.
Small proof:
Consider all possible strings.
Assume all of these hash to at least 2 different values.
Take any 2 strings A and B that hash to different values.
You can obviously go from A to B by just changing one character at a time.
Thus at some point the hash will change.
Thus at this point the hash will be different for a single character change.
Some options I can think of:
Hash multiple parts of the string and check each of these hashes. Probably won't work too well since a single character omission will cause significant difference in the hash values.
Check a range of hashes. A hash is one dimensional, but string similarity is not, thus this probably won't work either.
All in all, hashing is probably not the way to go.
This questions is a bit old but you may be interested in this paper by two researchers at AT&T. They employ a technique that is reminiscent of the Nilsimsa hash to detect when similar sms messages have been seen an "abnormal" number of times in a time window.
It sounds Locality Sensitive hashing would also be pertinent to your problem.

best way to resolve collisions in hashing strings

I got asked this question at an interview and said to use a second has function, but the interviewer kept probing me for other answers. Anyone have other solutions?
best way to resolve collisions in hashing strings
"with continuous inserts"
Assuming the inserts are of strings whose contents can't be predicted, then reasonable options are:
Use a displacement list, so you try a number of offsets from the
hashed-to bucket until you find a free bucket (modding by table
size). Displacement lists might look something like { 3, 5, 11,
19... } etc. - ideally you want to have the difference between
displacements not be the sum of a sequence of other displacements.
rehash using a different algorithm (but then you'd need yet another
algorithm if you happen to clash twice etc.)
root a container in the
buckets, such that colliding strings can be searched for. Typically
the number of buckets should be similar to or greater than the
number of elements, so elements per bucket will be fairly small and
a brute-force search through an array/vector is a reasonable
approach, but a linked list is also credible.
Comparing these, displacement lists tend to be fastest (because adding an offset is cheaper than calculating another hash or support separate heap & allocation, and in most cases the first one or two displacements (which can reasonably be by a small number of buckets) is enough to find an empty bucket so the locality of memory use is reasonable) though they're more collision prone than an alternative hashing algorithm (which should approach #elements/#buckets chance of further collisions). With both displacement lists and rehashing you have to provide enough retries that in practice you won't expect a complete failure, add some last-resort handling for failures, or accept that failures may happen.
Use a linked list as the hash bucket. So any collisions are handled gracefully.
Alternative approach: You might want to concider using a trie instead of a hash table for dictionaries of strings.
The up side of this approach is you get O(|S|) worst case complexity for seeking/inserting each string [where |S| is the length of that string]. Note that hash table allows you only average case of O(|S|), where the worst case is O(|S|*n) [where n is the size of the dictionary]. A trie also does not require rehashing when load balance is too high.
Assuming we are not using a perfect hash function (which you usually don't have) the hash tells you that:
if the hashes are different, the objects are distinct
if the hashes are the same, the objects are probably the same (if good hashing function is used), but may still be distinct.
So in a hashtable, the collision will be resolved with some additional checking if the objects are actually the same or not (this brings some performance penalty, but according to Amdahl's law, you still gained a lot, because collisions rarely happen for good hashing functions). In a dictionary you just need to resolve that rare collision cases and assure you get the right object out.
Using another non-perfect hash function will not resolve anything, it just reduces the chance of (another) collision.

Linear hashing complexity

I was going through Linear hashing article on Wiki. One line puzzled me and here it is:
" The cost of hash table expansion is spread out across each hash table insertion operation, as opposed to being incurred all at once.[2]"
In case of linear hashing if hash value of item to be inserted is smaller than split variable then a new node (or bucket) is created and value inserted in that.And according to above line( the time complexity is measured over each "insertion operation" which if compared to "dynamic array" implementation where we do amortized analysis , the insertion in Linear hashing must take O(n) time. Please correct me if i am wrong.
One more thing: Second line on wiki says "Linear hashing is therefore well suited for interactive applications."
Can i compare B+ tree with Linear hashing in "interactive cases" (since both are extendible searching techniques) ?
From what I know O(n) is the worst time complexity but in most cases a hash table would return results in constant time which is O(1). As oppose to B+ tree where one must traverse the tree hash tables work on hashing function where the result of hashing function points to the address of a stored value. In the worst case if all the keys have same hashing results then the time complexity might become O(n) because all the results will be stored in one bucket.
According to wikipedia b plus tree has following time complexities.
Inserting a record requires O(logbn) operations
Finding a record requires O(logbn) operations
An LH implementation can guarantee strictly bounded insertion time.
There's no reason for the split location and the key-hash location to be related, if collisions are handled by overflows. The trick is to link the creation of overflow slots to the split operation.
For example, if every Nth slot is always reserved to be an overflow slot, then you need to do at most N-1 splits to create a new overflow slot. In practice it's fewer than (N-1)/2 splits, because splitting one slot may free up an overflow slot. for a description, for source code.