Bluemix Continuous Delivery deploy script pass env variables - ibm-cloud

I need to pass some environment variables to the deploy script like user names and spaces, service plans, etc. The idea was to use env in the manifest.yml file, but I can't get that working - seems like I can only use the predefined CF_APP etc.
Any tips on passing stuff to the deploy script?

You can define your own environment variables in manifest.yml file.
<var-name>: <value>
<var-name>: <value>
Checkout this link to see in details the fields available in manifest.yml.


Azure DevOps Pipeline Step print variable value

Is there any way to explicitly print the value of a variable in a pipeline step? All my attempts only display "***".
Tried with Bash, Command-Line, and Powershell. Same result for everyone.
The first variable comes from the previous step. The other two are settled in the "Variables" menu.
EDIT 1 ----------------
Variables definition. Not defined as Secret:
Where the IP Address comes from. An ARM Template:
DevOps will not output variables defined as "Secret" in the log.
You would have to go a somewhat roundabout way as described here: Get Azure Devops Secret Variable as Plain Text using Powershell
But: If you want to output the "Secrets" anyway in the log of your pipeline, then you don't need to define the variables as Secret but you can just use PlainText (simplest solution, screenshot).
However, I would recommend you to set up a KeyVault, store the secrets there and include a link to the secret in the log, so that the user can retrieve the access data via the link after the deployment.
Regarding the IP:
If you define a variable inside the pipeline (like with the IP) you have to make sure that you don't use "issecret" for
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=secretVariable;issecret=true] ...".
Microsoft - SetVariable: Initialize or modify the value of a variable
I found the "problem". I don't know why, but the third (Parse ARM Deployment Outputs into variables) step was doing this with the variables.
After removing it, the values were shown as expected.

Access agent hostname for a build variable

I've got release pipelines defined that have worked. I've got a config transform that will write a API url to a config file (currently with a hardcoded api url).
What I'd like to do is be able to have the config be re-written based on the agent its being deployed on.
eg. if the machine being deployed to is TEST-1, I'd like to write into a config using that transform step.
The can be static.
I've tried modifying the pipeline variable's value to be https://${{Environment.Name}}, but it just replaces the API_URL in the config with that literal string (does not populate machine name in that variable).
Being that variables are the source of value that is being written to configs during the transform, I'm struggling to see another way to do this.
some gotchas
Using non yaml pipeline definitions (I know I saw people put logic in variable definitions within yaml pipelines)
Can't just use localhost, as the configuration is being read into a javascript rich app that would have js trying to connect to localhost vs trying to connect to the server.
I'm interested in any ways I could solve this problem
${{Environment.Name}} is not valid syntax for either YAML or classic pipelines.
In classic pipelines it would be $(Environment.Name).
In YAML, $(Environment.Name) or ${{ variables['Environment.Name'] }} would work.

How Environment variable names reflect the structure of an appsettings.json

I am using ASP.NET Core 5.0 and I have a Web API app deployed to internal cloud where few settings like DB are controlled via environment variables on the host cloud. In my Startup.cs I have the below code
string projectDbConnection = Configuration.GetSection("ProjectDatabaseSettings").GetValue<string>("PROJECT_DB_CONNECTION");
string projectDbName = Configuration.GetSection("ProjectDatabaseSettings").GetValue<string>("PROJECT_DB_NAME");
Here as I understand, when running locally in IIS Express it looks for appsettings.<Environment>.json and they take precedence over appsettings.json values.
But this app is always connecting to the wrong DB when I deployed to Cloud where I mentioned the PROJECT_DB_CONNECTION & PROJECT_DB_NAME as Environment variables for the app.
To make the app read from the Environment variables I had to change the above Code in Startup.cs as
string projectDbConnection = Configuration.GetValue<string>("PROJECT_DB_CONNECTION");
string projectDbName = Configuration.GetValue<string>("PROJECT_DB_NAME");
I am unable to understand the difference between the GetSection.GetValue and just GetValue and why I should use Configuration.GetValue() to direct app to read from Env variables.
what am I missing and when should we use what?
Naming of environment variables
There is kind of a naming convention in the environment variables for nested appsettings to env vars, see naming of environment variables.
Each element in the hierarchy is separated by a double underscore.
In your case it would work if you name the env variable: ProjectDatabaseSettings__PROJECT_DB_CONNECTION.
Config Order
Regarding to Microsoft Documentation there is a order in which the config sources are checked.
ChainedConfigurationProvider : Adds an existing IConfiguration as a source. In the default configuration case, adds the host configuration and setting it as the first source for the app configuration.
appsettings.json using the JSON configuration provider.
appsettings.Environment.json using the JSON configuration provider. For example, appsettings.Production.json and appsettings.Development.json.
App secrets when the app runs in the Development environment.
Environment variables using the Environment Variables configuration provider.
Command-line arguments using the Command-line configuration provider.
The usecase
This is useful when you are developing local using appsettings.json, but run in a cluster or cloud in production where it is more convenient to use environment variables (f.e.: in kubernetes environment variables are set via config maps).

How do I load values from a .json file into a Devops Yaml Pipeline Parameter

Microsoft Documentation explains the use of parameters in Yaml Pipeline jobs as
# File: azure-pipelines.yml
- master
template: simple-param.yml
yesNo: false # set to a non-boolean value to have the build fail
But instead of statically specifying the value of yesNo: I'd prefer to load it from a completely separate json config file. Preferably a json file that both my Build Job and my Application could share so that parameters specified for the Application could also be used in the Build Job.
Thus the question:
How do I load values from a .json file into a Devops Yaml Pipeline Parameter?
I've been using this marketplace task:
And it's been working great so far. Haven't tried it builds, but can't see why it wouldn't work with separate build pipelines/multi-staged builds. There are a few things you have to be aware of/stumble upon, like double escaping slashes in directory paths - and you'll have to fetch secrets from someplace else, like traditional variable groups.

Is it possible to use variables in a codeship-steps.yml file?

We currently use Codeship Pro to push Docker images to a private registry on AWS, as well as to deploy those images to an ECS cluster.
However, the codeship-steps.yml file includes a hard-coded region name for which AWS region I'm pushing to. For example:
- name: push_production
service: app
type: push
image_tag: "{{.Timestamp}}"
tag: master
dockercfg_service: aws_generator
I would like to be able to fairly easily switch this to deploy to a different AWS region. Thus the question:
Is it possible to use variables in a codeship-steps.yml file?
I know some of the properties can use a handful of built-in variables provided by Codeship (such as the {{.Timestamp}} value used for the image_tag property), but I don't know if, for example, values from an env_file can be used in the image_name, registry, and/or command properties of a step.
I'm imagining something like this...
- name: push_production
service: app
type: push
image_name: "123456789012.dkr.ecr.{{.AWS_REGION}}"
image_tag: "{{.Timestamp}}"
tag: master
registry: "https://123456789012.dkr.ecr.{{.AWS_REGION}}"
dockercfg_service: aws_generator
... but that results in an "error parsing image name during push step: invalid reference format" on the push step.
I've tried simply not specifying the registry in the image_name...
image_name: project/app-name
... but I get a "Build Error: no basic auth credentials" on the push step. At this point, I'm running out of ideas.
Is it possible to use [environment] variables in a codeship-steps.yml file?
While the image_tag can take advantage of Go templates, the same is not the case for image_name, registry, or anything else. This is a separate set of templating variables that are accessible only to the image_tag generation.
As for environment variables in general (CI environment variables or those defined in the service configs), these values can be used in codeship-steps.yml on the command step when passed through a shell command. For example:
- service: app
command: echo The branch name is: $CI_BRANCH
Results in:
The branch name is: $CI_BRANCH
- service: app
command: /bin/sh -c 'echo The branch name is: $CI_BRANCH'
Results in:
The branch name is: master
As for your 'no basic auth credentials' error message, it's possible that there's an issue with how you are retrieving the basic auth credentials for access to your image registry. If you are on a MacOS device, I would recommend that you review our documentation on how to generate Docker credentials.