difference between dcos-kafka-service and mesos-kafka - apache-kafka

I’m doing a POC to deploy Kafka as an application on Mesos Cluster. I came across these 2 codebases on github. One developed by apache-mesos (github page) & other developed by mesosphere and can run only on DCOS (github page).
Question: Would like to know if there are any differences between DCOS-Kafka & mesos-Kafka in terms of features and extended functionality.
Regarding Mesos-Kafka:
I don’t see active participation on github (and some open issues) for mesos-kafka in the past months. Can I assume that the service is robust enough that I can use in production environment? Any Inputs on this would be helpful.

kakfa-mesos is a package that includes a release of Kafka and a custom mesos scheduler that was meant to work around issues with running Kafka as a stateful service on Marathon. I think post but confluent is useful. It also includes a RESTful api for doing ops tasks and aims to include these features in the future (this is pulled from the article I linked)
Integrating Kafka commands (e.g. kafka-topics, etc) into the Scheduler so it can be used through the CLI and REST API.
Auto-scaling clusters (including auto reassignment of partitions) so that the resources (CPU, RAM, etc.) that brokers are using can be used elsewhere in known valleys of traffic.
Rack-aware partition assignment for fault tolerance.
Hooks so that producers and consumers can also be launched from the Scheduler and managed with the cluster.
Automated partition reassignment based on load and traffic
I haven't used it in a production environment myself but it has the support of Confluent which is a good sign.
DC/OS Kafka on the other hand is a DC/OS service which will probably only be useful if you are already running or plan on running services through Mesosphere's DC/OS. It also includes an API and a CLI management tool but is less ambitious with additional features. It's current feature set includes
Single-command installation for rapid provisioning
Multiple clusters for multiple tenancy with DC/OS
High availability runtime configuration and software updates
Storage volumes for enhanced data durability, known as Mesos Dynamic * * Reservations and Persistent Volumes
Integration with syslog-compatible logging services for diagnostics and troubleshooting
Integration with statsd-compatible metrics services for capacity and performance monitoring


GKE and Task Queues

I am working on a cloud service platform that consists of getting tasks from users, executing them, and giving back the results.
Is there a way to have a "task queue", where tasks can be inserted via a REST API, and extracted automatically by the Google Kubernetes Engine cluster by guaranteeing an automatic scaling?
Long description
Users can send tasks in parallel, and each task is time consuming and need to be performed on a GPU. So, setting up an auto-scaling GPU cluster is what I thought of.
More in particular, in my idea, users could send tasks/data through a REST API, the REST API provides in filling a task queue, and the task queue itself will feed tasks to workers on the GPU auto-scaling cluster. Of course, there are other details (authentication, database, storage, etc.) that have to be addressed but are not the point of my question.
For reasons I don't specify here, the project is already started on the Google Cloud Platform, so switching to AWS or other providers is not an option.
For what I understood, things seem a bit different from standard Docker-only clusters in AWS, that is, we have to use the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) to setup the auto-scaling cluster, even for "simple" GPU-enabled Docker containers.
By looking at the not-so-exhaustive documentation, I know that queues are used, but what I don't know is whether feeding of tasks to the cluster is automatically handled. Also, the so-called "Task Queue" service has been deprecated.
Thank you!
First I thought Cloud Tasks queues may be the answer to your troubles, but more this post seems to promote Cloud Pub/Sub as a better alternative.
After a quick chat with batch developers, the current solution (before the batch service become public) is to adopt a third-party queue system like Slurm.

Application Performance monitoring on Swisscom Application Cloud

I am investigating options for monitoring our installation in Swisscom's cloud-foundry. My objectives are the following:
monitor performance indicators for deployed application (such as cpu, disk, memory)
monitor performance indicators for services (slow queries, number of queries, ideally also some metrics on hitting quotas)
So far, I understand the options are the following (including some BUTs):
I used a very nice TOP cf-plugin (github)
This works very well. It seems that it registers itself to get the required firehose nozzles and consume data.
That is very useful for tracing / ad-hoc monitoring, but not very good for a serious infrastructure monitoring.
Another way I found is to use firehose-syslog solution.
This can be deployed as an app to (as far as I understand) do the job in similar way, as the TOP cf plugin.
The problem is, that it requires registered client, so it can authenticate with the doppler endpoint. For some reason, the top-cf-plugin does that automatically / in another way.
Last option i am considering is to build the monitoring itself to the App (using a special buildpack)
That can be for example done with Datadog. But it seems to also require a dedicated uaa client to register the Nozzle.
I would like to check, if somebody is (was) on the similar road, has some findings.
Eventually I would like to raise the following questions towards the swisscom community support:
is it possible to register uaac client to be able to ingest events through the firehose nozzle from external service? (this requires admin credentials if I was reading correctly)
is there an alternative way to authenticate with the nozzle (for example using a special user and his authentication token?)
is there any alternative to monitor the CF deployments in Swisscom? Eventually, is there a paper, blogpost or other form of documentation, that would be helpful in this respect (also for other users of AppCloud)?
Since it requires admin permissions, we can not give out UAA clients for the firehose.
However, there are different ways to get metrics in context of a user.
You can obtain basic metrics of a specific app by polling the CF API:
However, since you have to poll (and for each app), it's not the recommended way.
Metrics in syslog drain
CF allows devs to forward their logs to syslog drains; in more recent versions, CF also sends metrics to this syslog drain (see https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/devguide/deploy-apps/streaming-logs.html#container-metrics).
For example, you could use Swisscom's Elasticsearch service to store these metrics and then analyze it using Kibana.
Metrics using loggregator (firehose)
The firehose allows streaming logs to clients for two types of roles:
Streaming all logs to admins (which requires a UAA client with admin permissions) and streaming app logs and metrics to devs with permissions in the app's space. This is also what the cf logs command uses. cf top also works this way (it enumerates all apps and streams the logs of each app).
However, you will find out that most open source tools that leverage the firehose only work in admin mode, since they're written for the platform operator.
Of course you also have the possibility to monitor your app by instrumenting it (white box approach), for example by configuring Spring actuator in a Spring boot app or by including an agent of your favourite APM vendor (Dynatrace, AppDynamics, ...)
I guess this is the most common approach; we've seen a lot of teams having success by instrumenting their applications. Especially since advanced monitoring anyway requires you to create your own metrics as the firehose provided cpu/memory metrics are not that powerful in a microservice world.
However, option 2. would be worth a try as well, especially since the ELK's stack metric support is getting better and better.

Apache Mesos vs Google Kubernetes

What's the difference between Apache's Mesos and Google's Kubernetes
I read the accepted answers but I'm still confused what the differences are.
If Kubernetes is a cluster management then what does Mesos do (I understand what it does from watching bunch of videos but I suppose I'm more confused how those two work together)?
From reading both Kubernetes and Marathon are "framework" sitting on top of Mesos?
What is Mesos responsible for and what are Kubernetes/Marathon responsible for and how do they work with each other?
I think the better question is When would I want to use Kubernetes on top of Mesos vs just running Mesos alone?
Mesos is another abstraction layer. It simply abstracts underlying hardware so the software that want to run on the top of it could only define required resources without having to know any other information.
Kubernetes could do similar thing but without abstraction provided by Mesos you can't run other frameworks (e.g., Spark or Cassandra) on same machine without manually dividing it between those frameworks.
Apache Mesos is a resource manager that shares resources (CPU shares, RAM, disk, ports) across a cluster of machines in a fair way. By sharing, I mean it offers these resources to so called framework schedulers (such as Marathon) and thereby has a clear separation of concerns in terms of resource management and scheduling decisions (which is implemented, depending on the job type, for example long-running or batch, by the framework scheduler). See also the Mesos architecture for further details.

How to use kafka and storm on cloudfoundry?

I want to know if it is possible to run kafka as a cloud-native application, and can I create a kafka cluster as a service on Pivotal Web Services. I don't want only client integration, I want to run the kafka cluster/service itself?
I can point you at a few starting points, there would be some work involved to go from those starting points to something fully functional.
One option is to deploy the kafka cluster on Cloud Foundry (e.g. Pivotal Web Services) using docker images. Spotify has Dockerized kafka and kafka-proxy (including Zookeeper). One thing to keep in mind is that PWS currently doesn't support apps with persistence (although this work is starting) so if you were to go this route right now, you would lose the data in kafka when the application is rolled. Looking at that Spotify repo, it looks like the docker images are generally run without any mounted volumes, so this persistence-less kafka seems like it may be a valid use case (I don't know enough about kafka to say).
The other option is to deploy kafka directly on some IaaS (e.g. AWS) using BOSH. BOSH can be hard if you're seeing it for the first time, but it is the ideal way to deploy any distributed software that you want running on VMs. You will also be able to have persistent volumes attached to your kafka VMs if necessary. Here is a kafka BOSH release which may work.
Once you have your cluster running, you have two ways to integrate your Cloud Foundry applications with it. The simplest is just to provide it to your applications as a "user-provided service", which lets you flow kafka cluster access info to your apps. The alternative would to put a service broker in front of your cluster, which would be especially useful if you have many different people who will be pushing apps that need to talk to the kafka cluster. Rather than you having to manually tell people the access info each time, they can do something simple like cf bind-service SOME_APP YOUR_KAFKA_SERVICE. Here is a kafka service broker along with more info about service brokers in general.
According to the 12-factor app description (https://12factor.net/processes), Kafka should not run as an application on top of Cloud Foundry:
Twelve-factor processes are stateless and share-nothing. Any data that needs to persist must be stored in a stateful backing service, typically a database.
Kafka is often considered a "distributed commit log" and as such carries a large amount of state. Many companies use it to keep all events flowing through their distributed system of micro services for a long (sometimes unlimited) amount of time.
Therefore I would strongly recommend to go for the second option in the accepted answer: Kafka topics should be bound to your applications in the form of stateful services.

High availability on Bluemix

I've seen several status updates on Bluemix saying that applications are being restarted and there will be issues logging in, e.g.
During this time, you might experience temporary errors logging into
Bluemix or managing applications, such as starting, staging, and so
on. If this situation occurs, retry the operation later. The latest
status will be available at http://ibm.biz/bluemixstatus throughout
the upgrade process.
Existing applications will see a brief restart of instances, but near
continuous availability is expected.
Is it possible then to build a high-availability application on Bluemix?
IBM Bluemix supports deploying applications in multiple different regions.
Minimising downtime during platform issues can be achieved by hosting your application in multiple regions simultaneously and using an external load-balancer to move traffic between the instances depending on availability.
Replicating application data between regions will be dependent on the individual services you're using. For example, Cloudant supports multi-master replication, allowing you to failover without any manual intervention.