Counting coloured pixels on the GPU - Theory - swift

I have a 128 by 128 pixel image.
It's broken down into an 8 by 8 grid.
Each grid block contains 16 by 16 pixels.
I want to count how many black pixels my image contains.
The straight forward way:
I could do this by going row by row, column by column, over the whole image and checking if the pixel was black or not.
The GPU way
...but I'd like to know if using the GPU, I could break down the image into chunks/blocks and count all pixels in each block and then sum the results.
For example:
If you look at the top left of the image:
First block, 'A1' (Row A, Column 1) contains a grid of 16 by 16 pixels, I know by counting them manually, there are 16 blacks pixels.
Second block: 'A2', (Row A, Column 2) contains a grid of 16 by 16 pixels, I know by counting them manually, there are 62 blacks pixels.
All other blocks for this example are blank/empty.
If I ran my image through my program, I should get the answer: 16 + 62 = 78 Black pixels.
It's my understanding that the GPU can operate on a lot of data in parallel, effectively running a small program on a chunk of data spread across multiple GPU threads.
I'm not worried about speed/performance, I'd just like to know if this is something the GPU can/could do?

Indeed, General Purpose GPUs (such as those in Apple devices from the A8 on, for example) are not only capable but also intended to be able to solve such parallel data processing problems.
Apple introduced Data-parallel-processing using Metal in their platforms, and with some simple code you can solve problems like yours using the GPU. Even if this can also be done using other frameworks, I am including some code for the Metal+Swift case as proof of concept.
The following runs as a Swift command line tool on OS X Sierra, and was built using Xcode 9 (yup, I know it's beta). You can get the full project from my github repo.
As main.swift:
import Foundation
import Metal
import CoreGraphics
import AppKit
guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: "./testImage.png") else {
print("./testImage.png does not exist")
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "./testImage.png")
let imageData = try Data(contentsOf: url)
guard let image = NSImage(data: imageData),
let imageRef = image.cgImage(forProposedRect: nil, context: nil, hints: nil) else {
print("Failed to load image data")
let bytesPerPixel = 4
let bytesPerRow = bytesPerPixel * imageRef.width
var rawData = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: Int(bytesPerRow * imageRef.height))
let bitmapInfo = CGBitmapInfo(rawValue: CGImageAlphaInfo.premultipliedFirst.rawValue).union(.byteOrder32Big)
let colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
let context = CGContext(data: &rawData,
width: imageRef.width,
height: imageRef.height,
bitsPerComponent: 8,
bytesPerRow: bytesPerRow,
space: colorSpace,
bitmapInfo: bitmapInfo.rawValue)
let fullRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: CGFloat(imageRef.width), height: CGFloat(imageRef.height))
context?.draw(imageRef, in: fullRect, byTiling: false)
// Get access to iPhone or iPad GPU
guard let device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice() else {
let textureDescriptor = MTLTextureDescriptor.texture2DDescriptor(
pixelFormat: .rgba8Unorm,
width: Int(imageRef.width),
height: Int(imageRef.height),
mipmapped: true)
let texture = device.makeTexture(descriptor: textureDescriptor)
let region = MTLRegionMake2D(0, 0, Int(imageRef.width), Int(imageRef.height))
texture.replace(region: region, mipmapLevel: 0, withBytes: &rawData, bytesPerRow: Int(bytesPerRow))
// Queue to handle an ordered list of command buffers
let commandQueue = device.makeCommandQueue()
// Buffer for storing encoded commands that are sent to GPU
let commandBuffer = commandQueue.makeCommandBuffer()
// Access to Metal functions that are stored in Shaders.metal file, e.g. sigmoid()
guard let defaultLibrary = device.makeDefaultLibrary() else {
print("Failed to create default metal shader library")
// Encoder for GPU commands
let computeCommandEncoder = commandBuffer.makeComputeCommandEncoder()
// hardcoded to 16 for now (recommendation: read about threadExecutionWidth)
var threadsPerGroup = MTLSize(width:16, height:16, depth:1)
var numThreadgroups = MTLSizeMake(texture.width / threadsPerGroup.width,
texture.height / threadsPerGroup.height,
// b. set up a compute pipeline with Sigmoid function and add it to encoder
let countBlackProgram = defaultLibrary.makeFunction(name: "countBlack")
let computePipelineState = try device.makeComputePipelineState(function: countBlackProgram!)
// set the input texture for the countBlack() function, e.g. inArray
// atIndex: 0 here corresponds to texture(0) in the countBlack() function
computeCommandEncoder.setTexture(texture, index: 0)
// create the output vector for the countBlack() function, e.g. counter
// atIndex: 1 here corresponds to buffer(0) in the Sigmoid function
var counterBuffer = device.makeBuffer(length: MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size,
options: .storageModeShared)
computeCommandEncoder.setBuffer(counterBuffer, offset: 0, index: 0)
computeCommandEncoder.dispatchThreadgroups(numThreadgroups, threadsPerThreadgroup: threadsPerGroup)
// a. Get GPU data
// outVectorBuffer.contents() returns UnsafeMutablePointer roughly equivalent to char* in C
var data = NSData(bytesNoCopy: counterBuffer.contents(),
length: MemoryLayout<UInt32>.size,
freeWhenDone: false)
// b. prepare Swift array large enough to receive data from GPU
var finalResultArray = [UInt32](repeating: 0, count: 1)
// c. get data from GPU into Swift array
data.getBytes(&finalResultArray, length: MemoryLayout<UInt>.size)
print("Found \(finalResultArray[0]) non-white pixels")
Also, in Shaders.metal:
#include <metal_stdlib>
using namespace metal;
kernel void
countBlack(texture2d<float, access::read> inArray [[texture(0)]],
volatile device uint *counter [[buffer(0)]],
uint2 gid [[thread_position_in_grid]]) {
// Atomic as we need to sync between threadgroups
device atomic_uint *atomicBuffer = (device atomic_uint *)counter;
float3 inColor =;
if(inColor.r != 1.0 || inColor.g != 1.0 || inColor.b != 1.0) {
atomic_fetch_add_explicit(atomicBuffer, 1, memory_order_relaxed);
I used the question to learn a bit about Metal and data-parallel computing, so most of the code was used as boilerplate from articles online and edited. Please take the time to visit the sources mentioned below for some more examples. Also, the code is pretty much hardcoded for this particular problem, but you shouldn't have a lot of trouble adapting it.

Your Question: I'd just like to know if this is something the GPU can/could do?
The Answer: Yes, GPU can handle your computation. All the numbers look very GPU friendly:
warp size: 32 (16x2)
Maximum number of threads per block: 1024 (8x128) (8x8x16)
Maximum number of threads per multiprocessor: 2048 ...etc
You could try many block/thread configurations to get an optimum performance.
The Procedure: Generally, using the GPU means that you copy data from CPU memory to GPU memory, you then perform calculations on the GPU, and finally you copy back the result to the CPU for further calculations. An important think to consider is that all this data transfer is done through the PCI-e link between CPU and GPU, that is very slow compared to both.
My Opinion: In this case, by the time it takes to copy the image to the GPU memory, you would have the result even if you used a lone CPU thread of computation. This is due because your process is not math/computationally intensive. You are just reading the data and comparing it to a black color and then adding an accumulator or counter to get a total (which itself raises a race condition that you'd have to resolve).
My Advice: If after analyzing (profiling) your whole program you think that this routine of getting the black pixel count is a real bottleneck, try:
a divide-and-conquer recursive algorithm, or
parallelizing your calculations in the multiple CPU cores.

There is a lot a GPU can do here.
I am not sure if you are looking for an algorithm here but I can point you to a wide used GPU library which implements an efficient counting procedure. Take a look at the count function within the thrust library:
It works taking as an input a predicate function. It counts the number of occurrences of the input data which satisfy the predicate.
The follows counts the number of elements in data which are equals to zero.
template <typename T>
struct zero_pixel{
__host__ __device__ bool operator()(const T &x) const {return x == 0;}
thrust::count_if(data.begin(), data.end(), zero_pixel<T>())
A working example here:
You should code a predicate which tests whether a pixel is black or not (depending on what a pixel is for you (it could be an RGB triplet and in this case, the predicate should be a bit more elaborate).
I would also linearize the pixels into a linear and iterable data structure (but that depends on what your data actually is).
If you are interested in the histogram approach what you can do is sort the pixels of the image (using any GPU efficient algorithm or, why not the thrust implementation of sort, thrust::sort(...) ) data in order to group equal elements together and then perform a reduction by key thrust::reduce_by_key.
Take a look at this example:
Note that the histogram approach is a bit more costly because it solves a bigger problem (counts the number of occurrences of all the unique elements).


Problem with precision printing from Swift & MacOS

I am creating an app to create and print patterns in real size. It works great on the screen since I can get screenwidth and ppi from GeometryReader and CGDisplayScreenSize. However, you can't cut a pattern out of the screen. I need to do it on normal printers and I need precision down to 0.004" or 0.1mmm.
My only real options for formatting are PDF and EPS. My first read on PDF indicated that 72dpi is a reliable dpi for PDF. Deeper reading and experimentation have shown me that is not the case. Experimentation has shown me that 75dpi produces better results. It's no coincidence that 300, 600 and 1200 are multiples of 75.
I can't find a way in PDFKit to set a resolution. Can anybody provide guidance or alternative approaches? The way I create the PDF right now is;
let output = URL(fileURLWithPath: "PaperPattern.pdf", relativeTo: FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory)
let page = PDFPage()
if let gc = CGContext(output as CFURL, mediaBox: nil, nil)
drawPattern(path: gc, hp: hp) //hp contains a series of points based on a fixed dpi resolution
page.draw(with: .mediaBox, to: gc)
let doc: PDFDocument = PDFDocument(url: output)!
doc.insert(page, at: 0)
doc.removePage(at: 0)
return doc

How to read out an .rgba16Float MTLTexture via getBytes()

I have problems reading out an MTLTexture which has a pixel format of .rgba16Float, the main reason is that Swift does not seem to have a corresponding SIMD4 format.
For .rgba32Float I can simply use the SIMD4< Float > format, like so
if let texture = texture {
let region = MTLRegionMake2D(x, y, 1, 1)
let texArray = Array<SIMD4<Float>>(repeating: SIMD4<Float>(repeating: 0), count: 1)
texture.getBytes(UnsafeMutableRawPointer(mutating: texArray), bytesPerRow: (MemoryLayout<SIMD4<Float>>.size * texture.width), from: region, mipmapLevel: 0)
let value = texArray[0]
This works fine as the Swift Float data type is 32bit, how can I do the same for a 16 bit .rgba16Float texture ?
You can use vImage to convert the buffer from 16-bit to 32-bit float first. Check out vImageConvert_Planar16FtoPlanarF. But not that the documentation on the site is wrong (it's from another function...). I found this utility that demonstrate the process.
It would be more efficient, however, if you could use Metal to convert the texture into 32-bit float (or directly render into a 32-bit texture in the first place).

How to read and write bits in a chunk of memory in Swift

I would like to know how to read a binary file into memory (writing it to memory like an "Array Buffer" from JavaScript), and write to different parts of memory 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit etc. values, even 5 bit or 10 bit values.
extension Binary {
static func readFileToMemory(_ file) -> ArrayBuffer {
let data = NSData(contentsOfFile: "/path/to/file/7CHands.dat")!
var dataRange = NSRange(location: 0, length: ?)
var ? = [Int32](count: ?, repeatedValue: ?)
data.getBytes(&?, range: dataRange)
static func writeToMemory(_ buffer, location, value) {
buffer[location] = value
static func readFromMemory(_ buffer, location) {
return buffer[location]
I have looked at a bunch of places but haven't found a standard reference.
In Swift, how do I read an existing binary file into an array?
Swift - writing a byte stream to file
I would like for this to be as low-level as possible. So perhaps using UnsafeMutablePointer, UnsafePointer, or UnsafeMutableRawPointer.
Saw this as well:
let data = NSMutableData()
var goesIn: Int32 = 42
data.appendBytes(&goesIn, length: sizeof(Int32))
println(data) // <2a000000]
var comesOut: Int32 = 0
data.getBytes(&comesOut, range: NSMakeRange(0, sizeof(Int32)))
println(comesOut) // 42
I would basically like to allocate a chunk of memory and be able to read and write from it. Not sure how to do that. Perhaps using C is the best way, not sure.
Just saw this too:
let rawData = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: width * height * 4)
If you're looking for low level code you'll need to use UnsafeMutableRawPointer. This is a pointer to a untyped data. Memory is accessed in bytes, so 8 chunks of at least 8 bits. I'll cover multiples of 8 bits first.
Reading a File
To read a file this way, you need to manage file handles and pointers yourself. Try the the following code:
// Open the file in read mode
let file = fopen("/Users/joannisorlandos/Desktop/ownership", "r")
// Files need to be closed manually
defer { fclose(file) }
// Find the end
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END)
// Count the bytes from the start to the end
let fileByteSize = ftell(file)
// Return to the start
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET)
// Buffer of 1 byte entities
let pointer = UnsafeMutableRawPointer.allocate(byteCount: fileByteSize, alignment: 1)
// Buffer needs to be cleaned up manually
defer { pointer.deallocate() }
// Size is 1 byte
let readBytes = fread(pointer, 1, fileByteSize, file)
let errorOccurred = readBytes != fileByteSize
First you need to open the file. This can be done using Swift strings since the compiler makes them into a CString itself.
Because cleanup is all for us on this low level, a defer is put in place to close the file at the end.
Next, the file is set to seek the end of the file. Then the distance between the start of the file and the end is calculated. This is used later, so the value is kept.
Then the program is set to return to the start of the file, so the application starts reading from the start.
To store the file, a pointer is allocated with the amount of bytes that the file has in the file system. Note: This can change inbetween the steps if you're extremely unlucky or the file is accessed quite often. But I think for you, this is unlikely.
The amount of bytes is set, and aligned to one byte. (You can learn more about memory alignment on Wikipedia.
Then another defer is added to make sure no memory leaks at the end of this code. The pointer needs to be deallocated manually.
The file's bytes are read and stored in the pointer. Do note that this entire process reads the file in a blocking manner. It can be more preferred to read files asynchronously, if you plan on doing that I'll recommend looking into a library like SwiftNIO instead.
errorOccurred can be used to throw an error or handle issues in another manner.
From here, your buffer is ready for manipulation. You can print the file if it's text using the following code:
print(String(cString: pointer.bindMemory(to: Int8.self, capacity: fileByteSize)))
From here, it's time to learn how to read manipulate the memory.
Manipulating Memory
The below demonstrates reading byte 20..<24 as an Int32.
let int32 = pointer.load(fromByteOffset: 20, as: Int32.self)
I'll leave the other integers up to you. Next, you can alos put data at a position in memory.
pointer.storeBytes(of: 40, toByteOffset: 30, as: Int64.self)
This will replace byte 30..<38 with the number 40. Note that big endian systems, although uncommon, will store information in a different order from normal little endian systems. More about that here.
Modifying Bits
As you notes, you're also interested in modifying five or ten bits at a time. To do so, you'll need to mix the previous information with the new information.
var data32bits = pointer.load(fromByteOffset: 20, as: Int32.self)
var newData = 0b11111000
In this case, you'll be interested in the first 5 bits and want to write them over bit 2 through 7. To do so, first you'll need to shift the bits to a position that matches the new position.
newData = newData >> 2
This shifts the bits 2 places to the right. The two left bits that are now empty are therefore 0. The 2 bits on the right that got shoved off are not existing anymore.
Next, you'll want to get the old data from the buffer and overwrite the new bits.
To do so, first move the new byte into a 32-bits buffer.
var newBits = numericCast(newData) as Int32
The 32 bits will be aligned all the way to the right. If you want to replace the second of the four bytes, run the following:
newBits = newBits << 16
This moves the fourth pair 16 bit places left, or 2 bytes. So it's now on position 1 starting from 0.
Then, the two bytes need to be added on top of each other. One common method is the following:
let oldBits = data32bits & 0b11111111_11000001_11111111_11111111
let result = oldBits | newBits
What happens here is that we remove the 5 bits with new data from the old dataset. We do so by doing a bitwise and on the old 32 bits and a bitmap.
The bitmap has all 1's except for the new locations which are being replaced. Because those are empty in the bitmap, the and operator will exclude those bits since one of the two (old data vs. bitmap) is empty.
AND operators will only be 1 if both sides of the operator are 1.
Finally, the oldBits and the newBits are merged with an OR operator. This will take each bit on both sides and set the result to 1 if the bits at both positions are 1.
This will merge successfully since both buffers contain 1 bits that the other number doesn't set.

Audio Unit Render Block in Swift?

I have written a sample project in Swift to try out the relatively new Core Audio V3 API stuff. Everything seems to work around creating a custom Audio Unit and loading it in process. But the actual audio rendering isn't going so well. I've often read that the rendering code needs to be in C or C++ but I've also heard Swift is fast and thought I could write some minimal audio rendering code in it.
the rendering code
override var internalRenderBlock: AUInternalRenderBlock {
get {
return {
(_ actionFlags: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioUnitRenderActionFlags>,
_ timeStamp: UnsafePointer<AudioTimeStamp>,
_ frameCount: AUAudioFrameCount,
_ outputBusNumber: Int,
_ bufferList: UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList>,
_ renderEvent: UnsafePointer<AURenderEvent>?,
_ pull: AudioToolbox.AURenderPullInputBlock?) -> AUAudioUnitStatus in
let bufferList = bufferList.pointee
let theBuffers = bufferList.mBuffers // only one (AudioBuffer) ??
guard let theBufferData = theBuffers.mData?.assumingMemoryBound(to: Float.self) else {
return 1 // come up with better error?
let amountFrames = Int(frameCount)
for frame in 0...amountFrames / 2 {
let frame = theBufferData.advanced(by: frame)
frame.pointee = sin(self.phase)
self.phase += 0.0001
return noErr
Sounds Bad
The resulting sound is not what I'd expect. My initial thoughts are that Swift is the wrong choice. Yet Interestingly, AudioToolbox does provide a typealias for this AUAudioUnit's rendering property which looks like:
public typealias AUInternalRenderBlock = (UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioUnitRenderActionFlags>, UnsafePointer<AudioTimeStamp>, AUAudioFrameCount, Int, UnsafeMutablePointer<AudioBufferList>, UnsafePointer<AURenderEvent>?, AudioToolbox.AURenderPullInputBlock?) -> AUAudioUnitStatus
This would lead me to believe that it is perhaps possible to write rendering code in Swift.
observed problems
But still, there are a few things going wrong here. (aside from my obvious lack of competency with Swift memory management stuff).
A) despite theBuffers saying that its mNumberOfBuffers is 2, theBuffers winds up not being an array but rather of type (AudioBuffer). I don't understand the need for parenthesis. I can't find a second AudioBuffer.
B) more importantly, when I write a basic sin wave to the one AudioBuffer I can access, the resulting sound is distorted and inconsistent. Could this be Swift's fault? Is it just impossible to write any audio unit rendering code in Swift? Or have a made some assumptions here that is breaking my rendering somehow?
If it is simply the case that writing this part in Swift is infeasible, then I would like to have some resources on interoperating Swift and C for Audio Unit rendering blocks. So, could the property returning the closure be written in Swift, but the closure's implementation calls down into C? or does the property have to simply return a C function whose prototype matches the closure's type?
Thanks in advance.
The rest of this project can be seen here for context.
The main reason that you were listening a distorted sound was that the phase increment of 0.0001 is too small, which would take 62832 samples to fill up one period of the sine wave -- merely 0.70 hertz! (Assuming your sample rate is 44100)
In addition to the ultra-low-frequency sine wave, you were listening to a sound of about 44100 / 512 = 86.1 Hz, because you were filling only the half of the audio buffer (amountFrames / 2). So the sound was a near-rectangular wave of the period of your audio rendering period, with slowly varying amplitude in about 0.70 Hz.
I could write a working sine wave generator unit based on your code:
override var internalRenderBlock: AUInternalRenderBlock {
return { ( _, _, frameCount, _, bufferList, _, _) in
let srate = Float(self.bus.format.sampleRate)
var phase = self.phase
for buffer in UnsafeMutableAudioBufferListPointer(bufferList) {
phase = self.phase
assert(buffer.mNumberChannels == 1, "interleaved channel not supported")
let frames = buffer.mData!.assumingMemoryBound(to: Float.self)
for i in 0 ..< Int(frameCount) {
frames[i] = sin(phase)
phase += 2 * .pi * 440 / srate // 440 Hz
if phase > 2 * .pi {
phase -= 2 * .pi // to avoid floating point inaccuracy
self.phase = phase
return noErr
Regarding the observed problem A, the AudioBufferList is a wrapper for variable length C struct, where the first field mNumberBuffers indicates the number of buffers (i.e. number of non-interleaved channels), and the second field is a variable length array:
typedef struct AudioBufferList {
UInt32 mNumberBuffers;
AudioBuffer mBuffers[1];
} AudioBufferList;
The user of this struct, in Objective-C or C++, is expected to allocate mNumberBuffers * sizeof(AudioBuffer) bytes, which is enough for storing multiple mBuffers. Since C does not perform boundary checks on arrays, the users could just write mBuffers[1] or mBuffers[2] to access the second or third buffer.
Because Swift doesn't have this variable length array feature, Apple provides UnsafeMutableAudioBufferListPointer, which can be used like a Swift collection of AudioBuffers; I used this in the outer for loop above.
Finally, I tried not to access self in the innermost loop in the code, because accessing a Swift or Objective-C object might involve unexpected lags, which was the reason why Apple recommends writing rendering loop in C/C++. But for simple cases like this, I would say writing in Swift is a lot easier and the latency is still manageable.

Accessing Float samples of AVAudioPCMBuffer for processing

I am trying to do some computation on the raw PCM samples of a mp3 files I'm playing with an AVAudioEngine graph. I have a closure every 44100 samples that provides an AVAudioPCMBuffer. It has a property channelData of type UnsafePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>>?. I have not worked with pointers in Swift 3 and so I'm unclear how to access these Float values.
I have the following code but there are many issues:
audioPlayerNode.installTap(onBus: 0,
bufferSize: 1024,
format: audioPlayerNode.outputFormat(forBus: 0)) { (pcmBuffer, time) in
let numChans = Int(pcmBuffer.format.channelCount)
let frameLength = pcmBuffer.frameLength
if let chans = pcmBuffer.floatChannelData?.pointee {
for a in 0..<numChans {
let samples = chans[a]// samples is type Float. should be pointer to Floats.
for b in 0..<flength {
print("sample: \(b)") // should be samples[b] but that gives error as "samples" is Float
For instance, how do I iterate through the UnsafeMutablePointer<Floats which are N float pointers where N is the number of channels in the buffer. I could not find discussion on accessing buffer samples in the Apple Docs on this Class.
I think the main problem is let samples = chans[a]. Xcode says chans is of type UnsafeMutablePointer<Float>. But that should be NumChannels worth of those pointers. Which is why I use a in 0..<numChans to subscript it. Yet I get just Float when I do.
hm, seems using chans.advanced(by: a) instead of subscripting fixed things
Here is what I've found:
let arraySize = Int(buffer.frameLength)
let samples = Array(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: buffer.floatChannelData![0], count:arraySize))
This is assuming buffer is the name of your AVAudioPCMBuffer.
This way you can avoid pointers, which is likely much simpler. Now you can actually search through the data using a for loop.