Perl : Ignore first line, while reading per character of file - perl

I'm trying to read a file that looks like this:
I need to be able to read the characters A,B,C,D etc..per character, so I'm using this loop:
while (read $file, my $char, 1){
print $char;
print $.;
print "\n\n";
But the problem is, I need to skip the "SOME HEADER". I need to skip it not on the basis of it being the first line, but on the basis of having a "> SOME HEADER" substring.
printing the $. always outputs "6" even though it's not the correct line number.

open my $file,"<","file.txt";
<$file>; #Removing first line
while (read $file, my $char, 1)
print $char;
Or set the flag and check it
my $flag = 0;
while (read $file, my $char, 1)
$flag = 1 and next if(($char =~m/\n|\r\n/) && ($flag == 0));
next if $flag == 0;
print $char;

Wouldn't it be easier to process line-by-line and then character-by-character?
use strict;
use warnings;
while (<DATA>) {
next if /^> SOME HEADER/;
for my $char (split(//)) {
print "$char $.\n";
A 2
B 2
C 2
4 3
5 3
6 3


Perl program to look for k-mer with specific sequence

I am trying to enhance a perl program I have previously written so that it recognizes top 1000 length 23 k-mers that ends with GG and print out the k-mers that only appears once in the sequence. However, no matter where I add the reg exp, I am unable to get the expected result.
The code I have:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $k = 23;
my $input = 'Fasta.fasta';
my $output = 'Fasta2.fasta';
my $match_count = 0;
#Open File
unless ( open( FASTA, "<", $input ) ) {
die "Unable to open fasta file", $!;
#Unwraps the FASTA format file
$/ = ">";
#Separate header and sequence
#Remove spaces
unless ( open( OUTPUT, ">", $output ) ) {
die "Unable to open file", $!;
<FASTA>; # discard 'first' 'empty' record
my %seen;
while ( my $line = <FASTA> ) {
chomp $line;
my ( $header, #seq ) = split( /\n/, $line );
my $sequence = join '', #seq;
for ( length($sequence) >= $k ) {
$sequence =~ m/([ACTG]{21}[G]{2})/g;
for my $i ( 0 .. length($sequence) - $k ) {
my $kmer = substr( $sequence, $i, $k );
##while ($kmer =~ m/([ACTG]{21}[G]{2})/g){
$match_count = $match_count + 1;
print OUTPUT ">crispr_$match_count", "\n", "$kmer", "\n" unless $seen{$kmer}++;
The input fasta file looks like this:
> >2L type=chromosome_arm; loc=2L:1..23011544; ID=2L; dbxref=REFSEQ:NT_033779,GB:AE014134; MD5=bfdfb99d39fa5174dae1e2ecd8a231cd; length=23011544; release=r5.54; species=Dmel;
and so on...
The expected outcome (print out the 23k-mers with GG ending that only appear once in the sequence) I am hoping to get:
.... and so on
The current code I did create a fasta file with following:
.... and so on
while if I remove the
for (length($sequence) >=$k){
$sequence =~m/([ACTG]{21}[G]{2})/g;
and add the ##while ($kmer =~ m/([ACTG]{21}[G]{2})/g){
while ($kmer =~ m/([ACTG]{21}[G]{2})/g){
I am getting fasta file (with results which is not numbered correctly and unable to distinguish between duplicated and unique sequences):
.... and so on
I have attempted to move the regex around my code, but none of them generated the expected result. I do not know what I did wrong over here. I have not add the exit the program when count reaches 1000 into the code yet.
Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure I understand your question completely, but could the following be what you need.
<FASTA>; # discard 'first' 'empty' record
my %data;
while (my $line = <FASTA>){
chomp $line;
my($header, #seq) = split(/\n/, $line);
my $sequence = join '', #seq;
for my $i (0 .. length($sequence) - $k) {
my $kmer = substr($sequence, $i, $k);
$data{$kmer}++ if $kmer =~ /GG$/;
my $i = 0;
for my $kmer (sort {$data{$b} <=> $data{$a}} keys %data) {
printf "crispr_%d\n%s appears %d times\n", ++$i, $kmer, $data{$kmer};
last if $i == 1000;
Some output on a file I have is:
ggttttccggcacccgggcctgg appears 4 times
ccgagctgggcgagaagtagggg appears 4 times
gccgagctgggcgagaagtaggg appears 4 times
gcacccgggcctgggtggcaggg appears 4 times
agcagcgggatcgggttttccgg appears 4 times
gctgggcgagaagtaggggaggg appears 4 times
cccttctgcttcagtgtgaaagg appears 4 times
gtggcagggaagaatgtgccggg appears 4 times
gatcgggttttccggcacccggg appears 4 times
tgagggaaagtgctgctgctggg appears 4 times
agctgggcgagaagtaggggagg appears 4 times
. . . .
ggcacccgggcctgggtggcagg appears 4 times
gaatctctttactgcctggctgg appears 4 times
accacaacattgacagttggtgg appears 2 times
caacattgacagttggtggaggg appears 2 times
catgctcatcgtatctgtgttgg appears 2 times
gattaatgaagtggttattttgg appears 2 times
gaaaccacaacattgacagttgg appears 2 times
aacattgacagttggtggagggg appears 2 times
gacttgatcgattaatgaagtgg appears 2 times
acaacattgacagttggtggagg appears 2 times
gaaccatatattgttatcactgg appears 2 times
ccacagcgcccacttcaaggtgg appears 1 times
ctgctcctgggtgtgagcagagg appears 1 times
ccatatattatctgtggtttcgg appears 1 times
. . . .
To get the results you mentioned in your comment (below), replace the output code with:
my $i = 1;
while (my ($kmer, $count) = each %data) {
next unless $count == 1;
print "crispr_$i\n$kmer\n";
last if $i++ == 1000;
To answer my own comment to get first 1000.
<FASTA>; # discard 'first' 'empty' record
my %seen;
my #kmers;
while (my $line = <FASTA>){
chomp $line;
my($header, #seq) = split(/\n/, $line);
my $sequence = join '', #seq;
for my $i (0 .. length($sequence) - $k) {
my $kmer = substr($sequence, $i, $k);
if ($kmer =~ /GG$/) {
push #kmers, $kmer unless $seen{$kmer}++;
my $i = 1;
for my $kmer (#kmers) {
next unless $seen{$kmer} == 1;
print "crispr_$i\n$kmer\n";
last if $i++ == 1000;
Answer To check for uniqueness of final 12 chars ending in GG, the code below achieves that.
if ($kmer =~ /(.{10}GG)$/) {
my $substr = $1;
push #kmers, $kmer unless $seen{$substr}++;
my $i = 1;
for my $kmer (#kmers) {
my $substr = substr $kmer, -12;
next unless $seen{$substr} == 1;
print "crispr_$i\n$kmer\n";
last if $i++ == 1000;
Actually, this code line
$sequence =~m/([ACTG]{21}[G]{2})/g;
this line is just for the regex match, if you try to print this $sequence, it will surely print out the original result.
please add the code segement like this
if($sequence =~/([ACTG]{21}[G]{2}$)/g)
}#please remember to match the end with $.
BTW,It looks like the multiple for loop to parse this data is not very reasonable, the parse speed is without the best-efficiency.

Extract and filter a range of lines from the input using Perl

I'm quite new to Perl and I have some problems in skipping lines using a foreach loop. I want to copy some lines of a text file to a new one.
When the first words of a line are FIRST ITERATION, skip two more lines and print everything following until the end of the file or an empty line is encountered.
I've tried to find out a similar post but nobody talks about working with text files.
This is the form I thought of
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
open( INPUT, "xxx.txt" ) or die("Could not open log file.");
open( OUT, ">>yyy.txt" );
foreach my $line (<INPUT>) {
if ( $line =~ m/^FIRST ITERATION/ ) {
# print OUT
I tried using next and $line++ but my program prints only the line that begins with FIRST ITERATION.
I may try to use a for loop but I don't know how many lines my file may have, nor do I know how many lines there are between "First Iteration" and the next empty line.
The simplest way is to process the file a line at a time and keep a state flag which is set to 1 if the current line is begins with FIRST ITERATION and 0 if it is blank, otherwise it is incremented if it is already positive so that it provides a count of the line number within the current block
This solution expects the path to the input file as a parameter on the command line and prints its output to STDOUT, so you will need to redirect the output to the file on the command line as necessary
Note that the regex pattern /\S/ checks whether there is a non-blank character anywhere in the current line, so not /\S/ is true if the line is empty or all blank characters
use strict;
use warnings;
my $lines = 0;
while ( <> ) {
$lines = 1;
elsif ( not /\S/ ) {
$lines = 0;
elsif ( $lines > 0 ) {
print if $lines > 3;
This can be simplified substantially by using Perl's built-in range operator, which keeps its own internal state and returns the number of times it has been evaluated. So the above may be written
use strict;
use warnings;
while ( <> ) {
my $s = /^FIRST ITERATION/ ... not /\S/;
print if $s and $s > 3;
And the last can be rewritten as a one-line command line program like this
$ perl -ne '$s = /^FIRST ITERATION/ ... not /\S/; print if $s and $s > 3' myfile.txt
Use additional counter, that will say on which condition print line. Something like this:
$skipCounter = 3;
And in foreach:
if ($skipCounter == 2) {
// print OUT
if ( $line =~ m/^FIRST ITERATION/) {
$skipCounter = 0;
Advice: Use STDIN and STDOUT instead of files, this will allowes you to change them without modifying script
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
open(INPUT, "xxx.txt" ) or die "Could not open log file: $!.";
open(OUT, ">yyy.txt") or die "Could not open output file: $!";
while( my $line = <INPUT> )
if ( $line =~ m/^FIRST ITERATION/) {
<INPUT>; # skip line
<INPUT>; # skip line
while( $line = <INPUT>) # print till empty line
last if $line eq "\n";
print OUT $line;
close (OUT);
close (INPUT);
You're on the right track. What you need to use is the flip-flop operator (which is basically the range operator) ... It will toggle for you between two matches, so you get everything in between. After that, it's a matter of keeping track of the lines you want to skip.
So basically we are checking for FIRST ITERATION and for an empty line, and grab everything in between those. $skip is used to remember how many lines were skipped. It starts at 0 and gets incremented for the first two lines after we start being in the flip-flop if block. In the else case, where we are after the flip-flop, it gets reset to 0 so we can start over with the next block.
Since you know how to open and write files, I'll skip that.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $skip = 0;
while (<DATA>) {
if (/^FIRST ITERATION$/ .. /^$/) {
next if $skip++ <= 2;
print $_;
} else {
$skip = 0;
don't print this
The output of this is:
To stick with your own code, here's a very verbose solution that uses a foreach and no flip-flop. It does the same thing, just with a lot more words.
my $skip = 0; # skip lines
my $match = 0; # keep track of if we're in between the borders
foreach my $line (<DATA>) {
if ( $line =~ m/^FIRST ITERATION/ ) {
$match = 1; # we are inside the match
if ($line =~ m/^$/) {
$match = 0; # we are done matching
if ($match) {
$skip++; # count skip-lines
if ($skip <= 2) {
next; # ... and skip the first two
print $line; # this is the content we want
Using paragraph mode (which returns blocks separated by blank lines rather than lines):
local $/ = ""; # Paragraph mode.
while (<>) {
s/\n\K\n+//; # Get rid of trailing empty lines.
print /^FIRST ITERATION\n[^\n]*\n[^\n]*\n(.*)/ms;
Using the flip-flop operator:
while (<>) {
if (my $line_num = /^FIRST ITERATION$/ .. /^$/) {
print if $line_num > 3 && $line_num !~ /E0/;
$line_num !~ /E0/ is true when the flip-flop is flopping (i.e. for the first empty line after FIRST ITERATION). This is checked to avoid printing the blank line.

How to identify nth lines of n files in while<>

I have a code which adds all vectors in all files.
There can be any number of input files. For example first input file is:
0.55 0 0.3335 1.2
0.212 0 2.2025 1
and the second one is:
0.25 0 0.3333 1.0
0.1235 0 0.2454 1
What I get is the sum of all vectors, thus in result i get one vector
which is:
1.13550 0 3.1147 4.2
But I'm trying to sum the first vector of the first file with the first vector of the second file and so on. In result according to this example I should get 2 vectors.
For now I have this:
use strict;
use warnings;
if ($ARGV[0] ne "vector1.dat"){
die ("vector1.dat is necessary as first argument");
my #sum = 0;
my $dim = 0;
while (<>) {
#Ignore blank lines, hashtags
#and lines starting with $
if ($_ =~ /#/ || $_ =~ /^$/ || $_ =~ /^\s$/){
my #vectors = split(" ", $_);
my $vector_length = #vectors;
if ($dim eq 0) {
$dim = $vector_length;
else {
if ($dim ne $vector_length) {
die ("Vector dimensions do not match. : $!");
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#vectors; $i++) {
$sum[$i] += $vectors[$i];
$" = "\t\t";
print "\n --- \n #sum \n";
What I need is just to find out how to identify each file's nth line
and to sum the column values of those lines while keeping in mind, that there can be n number of files.
I saw filehandling question over here with similar issue, however
I didn't find my answer there.
Just looking for some suggestions and guidance. Got stuck on this.
Open each file yourself and use the $. variable to know which line you are on (or count the files yourself). Here's the basic structure:
foreach my $file ( #files ) {
open my $fh, '<', $file or die ...;
while( <$fh> ) {
$sum[ $. ] = ...; # $. is the line number
If you don't like $., you can use its longer name. You have to turn on English (which comes with Perl):
use English;
## use English qw( -no_match_vars ); # for v5.16 and earlier
foreach my $file ( #files ) {
open my $fh, '<', $file or die ...;
while( <$fh> ) {
$sum[ $INPUT_LINE_NUMBER ] = ...;
Or, you can count yourself, which might be handy if the vectors in the files don't line up by strict line number (perhaps because of comments or some other formatting oddity):
foreach my $file ( #files ) {
open my $fh, '<', $file or die ...;
my $line = -1;
while( <$fh> ) {
$sum[ $line ] = ...;
The harder way is the answer bart gives which inspects eof at the end of every line to see if the magical ARGV handle is looking at a new file, and resetting $. if it is. It's an interesting trick but hardly anyone is going to understand what it's doing (or even notice it).
For the other part of the problem, I think you're doing the vector sum wrong, or using confusing variable names. A line is a vector, and the numbers in the lines are a component. A two dimensional array will work. The first index is the line number and the second in the component index:
while( <$fh> ) {
... skip unwanted lines
my #components = split;
... various dimension checks
foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#components ) {
$sum[ $. ][ $i ] += $components[ $i ];
The Data::Dumper module is handy for complex data structures. You can also see the perldsc (Perl Data Structures Cookbook) documentation. The $. variable is found in perlvar.
$. is the line number of the most recently read file handle. close(ARGV) if eof; can be used to reset the file number between files (as documented in eof). (Note: eof() is different than eof.) So you now have line numbers.
The second problem you have is that you are adding vector components ($vectors[$i]) to a vectors ($sum[$i]). You need to add vector components to vectors components. Start by using more appropriate variable names.
This is what we get:
my #sum_vectors;
while (<>) {
s/#.*//; # Remove comments.
next if /^\s*$/; # Ignore blank lines.
my #vector = split;
if ($sum_vectors[$.] && #{ $sum_vectors[$.] } != #vector) {
die("$ARGV:$.: Vector dimensions do not match\n");
for my $i (0..$#vector) {
$sum_vectors[$.][$i] += $vector[$i];
} continue {
close(ARGV) if eof; # Reset line numbers for each file.
Two other errors fixed:
$! did not contain anything meaningful when you used it.
You ignored lines that contain comments, even if they contained valid data too.
Try this:
use strict;
use warnings;
if ($ARGV[0] ne "vector1.dat"){
die ("vector1.dat is necessary as first argument");
my %sum;
my $dim = 0;
my $vector_length;
my $line_number;
while (<>) {
#Ignore blank lines, hashtags
#and lines starting with $
if ($_ =~ /#/ || $_ =~ /^$/ || $_ =~ /^\s$/){
my #vectors = split(" ", $_);
$vector_length = #vectors;
if ($dim eq 0) {
$dim = $vector_length;
else {
if ($dim ne $vector_length) {
die ("Vector dimensions do not match. : $!");
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#vectors; $i++) {
$sum{$.}{$i} += $vectors[$i];
$line_number = $.;
$. = 0 if eof;
$" = "\t\t";
for (my $line=1; $line<=$line_number; $line++)
print $line;
for (my $vector=0; $vector<$vector_length; $vector++)
print " " . $sum{$line}{$vector};
print "\n";

Perl hash does not print value if it begins with 2 or 22 under certain conditions

This is really frustrating me. The script I'm writing is indexing coordinates in a hash and then using those index numbers to pull out values from an array.
The weird thing is that if the value begins with 2 or 22 it will not print. Any other number works. I'll show you two variations and output of the script.
First variation. This is what I want the script to do. Print chromosome, position, value.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
open IN, "/home/big/scratch/affy_map.txt" or die "Cannot open reference\n";
my %ref;
my $head = <IN>;
my $index = 0;
chomp $_;
my #row = split /\t/, $_;
my $value = join "\t", $row[1],$row[2];
if($row[1] == 2 && $row[2] <= 50000 && $row[2] <= 51113178) { $ref{$index}=$value; print $index."\t".$value."\n";}
if($row[1] == 22 && $row[2] <= 16300001 && $row[2] <= 20500000) { $ref{$index}=$value; print $index."\t".$value."\n"; }
my #files;
my $masterDirect = "/nfs/archive02/big/Norm/norm_gcc/";
find(\&file_names, $masterDirect);
sub file_names {
if( -f && $File::Find::name=~/\.nzd$/)
push #files, $File::Find::name;
my $count=0;
if($count % 100 == 0 ){ print "\n","-" x 10, " $count ", "-" x 10,"\n";}
undef my #probes;
open IN, $_;
#file name handling
my #inDir = split "\/", $_;
my $id = pop(#inDir);
$id =~ s/\.gcc.nzd$//;
#header test
$head =<IN>;
if(looks_like_number($head)) { push #probes, $head; }
#open output
open OUT, ">/home/big/scratch/phase1_affy/".$id."_select_probeset.txt";
#load probe array
#probes = <IN>;
foreach my $key (sort keys %ref){
#intended function
print OUT $ref{$key}."\t".$probes[$key];
my #temp = split "\t", $ref{$key};
foreach(#temp){if($temp[0] == 2){print $key."\t".$ref{$key}."\t".$probes[$key];}}
Here's the output for the test. The printing from the reference file is flawless. The first number is the $key or index number. The second is frome $probes[$key] why is the $ref{$key} missing?
146529 0.777314368326637
146529 0.777314368326637
146530 0.116241153901913
146530 0.116241153901913
146531 0.940593233609167
146531 0.940593233609167
Variation 2.
foreach my $key (sort keys %ref){
print OUT $ref{$key}."\t".$probes[$key];
my #temp = split "\t", $ref{$key};
foreach(#temp){if($temp[0] == 2){print $key."\t".$ref{$key}."\n";}}
And its output. See now it's printing correctly. $key and $ref{$key}
146542 2 31852
146542 2 31852
146543 2 37693
146543 2 37693
146544 2 40415
146544 2 40415
146545 2 40814
I thought it might be a DOS->UNIX file problem but I performed perl -pi -e 's/\R/\n/g' input_files.txt for all the input the script sees. It prints the same value twice because there are two elements in the #temp array. I'm really at a loss right now.
Here is a hint for possible issue. In the beginning part,
if($row[1] == 2 && $row[2] <= 50000 && $row[2] <= 51113178) { $ref{$index}=$value; print $index."\t".$value."\n";}
Note that you used two "<=" for $row[2], which looks peculiar. The next line has such "problem" too. Please double check it first otherwise you may have filtered them out in the first place.

Perl, change the values in first row based on the values in secod row,

So I have this file that has over 480000 rows and 1380 columns.
I need to have a pipeline that adds F_ or M_ to the values in first row if the values in second row is Sex: Female or Sex: Male.
The first line in my file is basically individual ids followed by cell type -N or -G. The second line indicated whether that individual is a Female or Male the rest of the lines are probe_Ids in the first column and the other columns are their corresponding beta_value for each individual. If that would make more sense I'd add the few following lines.
My input file is like this (tab-separated) without the 1st column.
1740-N 1546-N 1546-G 1740-G 1228-G 5121-N 5121-G
Sex: Female Sex: Female Sex: Female Sex: Female Sex: Male Sex: Female Sex: Female
My output should look like this (tab-separated) without the first column
F_1740-N F_1546-N F_1546-G F_1740-G M_1228-G F_5121-N F_5121-G
Note that the sex line is not outputted.
Could anyone help please? I would do it manually if I have small number of columns.
This could be done in any program; I'm not sticking with perl
$ awk -F'\t' '
NR%2 { split($0,a); next }
for (i=1;i<=NF;i++)
printf "%s%s_%s", (i==1?"":FS), ($i~/Female/?"F":"M"), a[i]
print ""
' file
F_1740-N F_1546-N F_1546-G F_1740-G M_1228-G F_5121-N F_5121-G
Keep a buffer of one line.
my $last_line = <>;
if ($last_line) {
while (my $this_line = <>) {
if ($this_line =~ /^Sex:/) {
adjust_for_sex($last_line, $this_line);
next; # Don't display the Sex row.
$last_line = $this_line;
And this is the code that does the actual change:
sub adjust_for_sex {
my ($last_line, $this_line) = #_;
my #last_fields = split /\t/, $last_line;
my #this_fields = split /\t/, $this_line;
for my $i (0..$#last_fields) {
my ($sex) = $this_fields[$i] =~ /^Sex: (.)/
or die;
$last_fields[$i] = $sex . "_" . $last_fields[$i];
# Changes the first argument in the caller.
$_[0] = join("\t", #last_fields) . "\n";
How about:
while(<>) {
s/\s*Sex:\s*//g;s/emale/ /g;s/ale/ /g;
foreach $k (0..$#N) {
$i=$N[$k]; $g=$S[$k];
print "$g" . '_' . "$i " ;
print "\n";
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -ri '1{N;:a;s/(\b[0-9]{4}-[GN].*\n)\s*Sex:\s*(.)\S+/\2_\1/;ta;s/\n//}' file
This combines line 1 and 2 and then does a substitution loop until no further columns can be matched.
Something like this should work in awk. It is going to require a bit of memory though to store all the data from the first row though.
BEGIN {FS="\t"}
NR == 1 {
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
NR == 2 {
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
$i=gensub(/Sex: ([FM]).*/, "\\1", "g", $i)
If pairs of lines matching this pattern repeat throughout the file something like the following might do the job:
BEGIN {FS="\t"}
line && /^Sex: / {
split(line, f)
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
$i=substr($i, 0, 6)
gsub(/^Sex: /, "", $i)
printf "%s ", $i"_"f[i]
print ""
line {print line}
This was written assuming the input file had repeating pairs of lines to be parsed together. It could be easily modified to stop after parsing the first 2 lines, but I'm leaving it as-is, even though it doesn't answer the op's question after he/she clarified it. Maybe it will be useful to someone else.
use strict;
use warnings;
open(IN, "in.txt") or die $!;
open(OUT, ">out.txt") or die $!;
my $secondLine ;
while(<IN>) {
my $firstLine = $_;
chomp $firstLine;
$secondLine = <IN> || "";
chomp $secondLine;
# Break out if there are no more lines with data (actually, this just detects 1-2 blank lines in a row, not necessarily at the end of the file yet)
if ((! $firstLine) && (! $secondLine)) { last }
my #firstLine = split(/\s+/, $firstLine);
my #secondLine = split(/\s*Sex:\s*/, $secondLine);
# The first element in #secondLine will always be the "null" before the first "Sex: ".
# Throw it away.
shift #secondLine;
if (scalar(#firstLine) != scalar(#secondLine)) { die "Uneven # of fields in these 2 lines:\n$firstLine\n$secondLine\n" }
# OK, output time.
for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(#firstLine); $i++) {
print OUT substr($secondLine[$i], 0, 1) . "_$firstLine[$i] ";
print OUT "\n";
if (! $secondLine) {
warn "The file does not appear to have an even number of lines.\n";