Identity Server 3, logout Js application from all tabs - identityserver3

I am using Identity Server 3 to authenticate a JS Client using the Implicit flow and AccessTokenType = AccessTokenType.Reference
But when i call
.catch(function (error) {
console.error('error while logging out', error);
the user is signed out only from the calling tab, he can still browse the application in the other tabs.
Is it possible to log the user out from all the other tabs ?
I have already checked this question Oidc-client with IdentityServer3 - Angular2, how to logout and login properly

Make sure you have configured post_logout_redirect_uri in settings object. You can check if the user is logged out of application by checking the session_state value. In the case of JS application, the design of the specification requires to load, in a hidden iframe, the check session endpoint from IdentityServer. The JS application and this iframe can then communicate with the postMessage API.
You can find complete details here on IdentityServer3 documentation


403 Forbidden while accessing Leycloak rest API with a valid user credentials

I have set up a Keycloak server and a user named 'sample' is given permissions to access the rest ADMIN APIs, I granted permissions to the relevant realm and client_id. And I'm able to access the rest APIs using the postman service using this user credentials 'sample/sample'.
so through Angular application, I was trying to access the API that fetches the roles in a specific realm. since not all the login user will have the rest admin access, I'm using the user credentials(sample/sample) that have the access to admin API, but when I try to access the API, the APIs are forbidden,
console.log('accessToken: ', Tokres.body.access_token);
if(Tokres && Tokres.status === 200 && Tokres.body.access_token){
console.log('error while fetching roles..');
console.log('error while accessing keycloak token...');
const url = '';
const authH = new HttpHeaders().set('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
const body = new HttpParams()
.set('username', 'sample')
.set('password', 'sample')
.set('grant_type', 'password').set('client_id','rest-client');
return, body,{headers:authH,observe:'response'});
const url = ''
const authH = new HttpHeaders().set('Authorization','Bearer ' + access_token);// ({'Authorization':'Bearer ' + access_token});
return this.http.get(url,{headers:authH,observe:'response'});
and when I tried to debug, the access_token shown in console is different from that of request headers
[![network log][2]][2]
After debugging for couple of days, I figured out the reason for the difference in Access token, the API call is being invoked with the access_token of logged in session, though the program has source code written to set the headers set with access token of user 'sample/sample'. is there any way to trigger the API with the given access_token rather with the logged in user's access_token.
This might not be the solution, but just a couple of workarounds that worked for me.
Allow permissions (set 'Relam Management') to all the logged in users from the key cloak admin console, this way irrespective of user, whoever logs in will be able access the rest Admin APIs, follow this below
From keycloak client library, we have a initializeKeycloak() , that has configurations set for the application, so disable the 'enableBearerInterceptor' which will say the application not to use the access_token generated by logged in user to set the headers of each request. this way we can avoid the forbidden error.
But with approach no.2, you can not use the AT of logged in user as we r disabling the enableBearerInterceptor.
And with solution no.1, if you are not having control on who are the users logging in to your application, i,e using some third party tool like LDAP to set the users, then it this won't serve the solution.

Keycloak - direct user link registration

I have set up a web application with Keycloak in my local machine. Since Im using Keycloak as SSO implementation, I want in my web app that whenever SIGNUP button is click, user is directed into the registration page, and not going through the LOGIN page.
This is the example URL directed to the registration form, however, it contains a tab_id that is generated randomly like a session id.
I read about this link
Yes, as long as you use the "registrations" instead of "auth" in the
end of login ( AuthorizationEndpoint ) URL
But my endpoint in https://site.test/auth/realms/custom/.well-known/openid-configuration cannot be modified.
You can change the button link to this format -
http://<>/auth/realms/<realm-name>/protocol/openid-connect/registrations?client_id=<client_id>&response_type=code&scope=openid email&redirect_uri=http://<>/<redirect-path>&kc_locale=<two-digit-lang-code>
The registration page is exposed via an openid-connect endpoint, accessible in the same way as the standard auth screen. To construct the correct URL you can simply replace openid-connect/auth in the URL with openid-connect/registrations from the .well-known auth endpoint.
Using this endpoint the user will be directed to the registration screen instead of the login screen.
It is not documented or exposed via .well-known/openid-configuration, but you can see it in the source code:
public static UriBuilder registrationsUrl(UriBuilder baseUriBuilder) {
UriBuilder uriBuilder = tokenServiceBaseUrl(baseUriBuilder);
return uriBuilder.path(OIDCLoginProtocolService.class, "registrations");
For Keycloak 17 this worked for me:

Actions on Google implicit account linking works in simulator/browser, but not on device (via Google Home app)

I've implemented the implicit flow for Actions on Google account linking, and am using Dialogflow (previously API.AI) to define intents.
The full flow works in the device simulator (from AOG). The first intent gets a "It looks like your account isn't linked yet..." response, and the debug pane includes a URL to initiate linking:[account][project_id]_dev&scopes=email&return_url=
If I follow this URI in a cache-less window:
I'm redirected to my app's authentication page
I choose to sign in with my Google account (same as [account] above)
I'm redirected to with a success message in the URI bar
The simulator now accepts actions via my app and responds correctly
However, if I follow the same flow using a physical Google Home & the gH app for Android.
Device tells me account not yet linked
Open Google home and follow 'Link to [my app]' link
Browser opens to authentication page
Sign in as user
Redirected to a white page with a single link "Return to app", which has an href: about:invalid#zClosurez
Linking was unsuccessful, so additional attempts to run intents on the Google Home get the same "Account not yet linked" response.
I've inspected the intermediate access_token and state variables at length, and they all match and look to be correctly formatted:
Authentication URL (app sign in page):[client_id]&redirect_uri=[project_id]&scope=email&state=[state]
After authenticating, redirected to (this is the white screen with 'return to app' broken link):[token]&token_type=bearer&state=[state]
So, it seems there's something non-parallel about the way the simulator and physical devices work in terms of implicit flow account linking.
I've been struggling with this, and with the AOG support team for a very long time to no avail. Anyone else see a similar issue?
Updated with response redirect code:
Login handled by react-google-login component with profile & email scopes. On success we call:
finish_auth(id_token) {
let provider = {
uri: '/api/auth/google_auth',
params: ['client_id', 'redirect_uri', 'state', 'response_type'],
name: "Google Assistant"
if (provider) {
let data = {};
provider.params.forEach((p) => {
data[p] = this.props.location.query[p];
if (id_token) data.id_token = id_token;, data, (res) => {
if (res.redirect) window.location = res.redirect;
else if (res.error) toastr.error(res.error);
} else {
toastr.error("Provider not found");
provider.uri hits this API endpoint:
def google_auth(self):
client_id = self.request.get('client_id')
redirect_uri = self.request.get('redirect_uri')
state = self.request.get('state')
id_token = self.request.get('id_token')
redir_url = user = None
if client_id == DF_CLIENT_ID:
# Part of Google Home / API.AI auth flow
if redirect_uri == "" % secrets.GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID:
if not user:
ok, _email, name = self.validate_google_id_token(id_token)
if ok:
user = User.GetByEmail(_email, create_if_missing=True, name=name)
if user:
access_token = user.aes_access_token(client_id=DF_CLIENT_ID)
redir_url = '' % secrets.GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID
redir_url += urllib.urlencode({
'access_token': access_token,
'token_type': 'bearer',
'state': state
self.success = True
self.message = "Malformed"
self.message = "Malformed"
self.set_response({'redirect': redir_url}, debug=True)
I am able to make it work after a long time. We have to enable the webhook first and we can see how to enable the webhook in the dialog flow fulfillment docs If we are going to use Google Assistant, then we have to enable the Google Assistant Integration in the integrations first. Then follow the steps mentioned below for the Account Linking in actions on google:-
Go to google cloud console -> APIsand Services -> Credentials -> OAuth 2.0 client IDs -> Web client -> Note the client ID, client secret from there -> Download JSON - from json note down the project id, auth_uri, token_uri -> Authorised Redirect URIs -> White list our app's URL -> in this URL fixed part is and append the project id in the URL -> Save the changes
Actions on Google -> Account linking setup 1. Grant type = Authorisation code 2. Client info 1. Fill up client id,client secrtet, auth_uri, token_uri 2. Enter the auth uri as and token_uri as 3. Save and run 4. It will show an error while running on the google assistant, but dont worry 5. Come back to the account linking section in the assistant settings and enter auth_uri as and token_uri as 6. Put the scopes as and and weare good to go. 7. Save the changes.
In the hosting server(heroku)logs, we can see the access token value and through access token, we can get the details regarding the email address.
Append the access token to this link "" and we can get the required details in the resulting json page.
`accessToken = req.get("originalRequest").get("data").get("user").get("accessToken")
r = requests.get(link)
print("Email Id= " + r.json()["email"])
print("Name= " + r.json()["name"])`
Not sure which python middleware or modules you are using but
self.set_response({'redirect': redir_url}, debug=True)
seems to be setting parameters for a returning a response which isn't correct. Instead you should redirect your response to the redirect_url. For example importing the redirect module in Flask or Django like:
from flask import redirect or from django.shortcuts import redirect
then redirect like:
return redirect(redirect_url)
It appears Google has made a change that has partially solved this problem in that it is now possible to complete the implicit account linking flow outside of the simulator, in the way outlined in my question.
It seems the problem stemmed from an odd handling (on the AOG side) of the client-side redirect case used after sign in with the Google sign-in button.
From Jeff Craig in this thread:
The current workaround, where we provide the "Return to app" link
currently what we're able to provide. The issue is with the way that
redirecting to custom-scheme URIs is handled in Chrome, specifically,
with regard to the redirect happening in the context of a user action.
XHR will break that context, so what is happening is that you click
the Google Sign-In Button, which triggers an XHR to Google's servers,
and then you (most likely) do a client-side redirect back to the
redirect_url we supply, our handler executes, and isn't able to do a
JS redirect to the custom scheme URI of the app, because were outside
of the context of a direct user click.
This is more of a problem with the Implicit (response_type=token) flow
than with the authorization code (response_type=code) flow, and the
"Return to app" link is the best fallback case we currently have,
though we are always looking for better solutions here as well.
The current behavior shows the 'Return to app' link, but as of last week, this link's href is no longer about:invalid#zClosurez, but instead successfully completes the sign-in and linking process. It's an odd and confusing UX that I hope Google will improve in the future, but it was sufficient to get my app approved by the AOG team without any changes to my flow.

how to integrate facebook js login and laravel socialite?

i'm facebook js sdk for users login,
at the server side i want to get the user data
i'm trying to use
to make it work it need 2 query string code and status
in my JavaScript i'm using the following
var auth_status_change = function(response) {
if(response.status == "connected")
window.location = "{{URL::to(App::getLocale()."/fb_login")}}?code="+??+"&state="+???;
FB.Event.subscribe('auth.statusChange', auth_status_change);
how to get the state and code values to create a valid callback URL for socialite
You're trying to combine 2 things that do the same thing, but one on the server side and one on the client side, that won't work.
Laravel Socialite uses your app token to redirect your user to Facebook, authorize your app to use Facebook on their behalf (token) and provides you with user data. With the token you can do API calls from Laravel.
The Facebook JS SDK does the same thing, but in the browser. It fetches a token which it uses to do API calls.
Check out on how Socialite works.
Unless you are using the JS SDK functionality, you can leave it out and just add a link to a socialite route which redirects it to Facebook. That call will provide you with the code and state required to fetch the user.

Worklight saml 2.0 SSO

I am using Worklight 6.0 and in this case testing with iOS7.
I'm trying to setup saml 2.0 SSO with Worklight and I seem to have succeeded, but I don't know how it works... At first, I have my app attempt to access my url like this:
url: '',
type: 'GET',
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true
success: function(data, status, xhr) {
error: function(result) {
The request goes to success and returns me the url of the login page, which is correct because I haven't authenticated yet, but it does not display the login (as I intended).
Next I click a button to display a Native page (iOS) which is a UIWebView of This displays the login page via:'LoginController', backFromNativeLoginPage, params);
I log in successfully and see the contents of that I expect. Then I return back to the non-native app via:
[NativePage showWebView:0];
Now that I'm back in the non-native code, I sent the same request above and I expect for it not to return the contents of, but rather the login page because I have no headers attached to my request and I think the non-native code shouldn't have any knowledge of the cookies I may have made in the UIWebView.
My question is how does this work? Does my non-native part of worklight have knowledge of all the cookies that were created in the native code's UIWebView?
Let me start by saying my answer is partly based on speculation, but I think this is whats happening:
Since your Native page is using the a WebView and Cordova is also using the WebView, any headers and cookies that your Native page is using will be visible when you return from native since cookies are shared across differet UIWebViews.
If your native page was using the native URL request methods or some third party / open source mechanism for connecting to your backend server, then I would think that your non-native page would not be able to see the headers and cookies.