Capture argument to partial function - scala

I am trying to debug a Scala program (this is a build.sbt, but the question is not particular for sbt), where I need to give a partial function for a certain sbt setting. The value for the partial function looks like this
case Regex1(a,b,c) =>
case Regex2(d,e,f) =>
The partial function does not do what I want, so I wanted to debug it. Because I don't know exactly what is passed in, I want to capture the value that is passed into the partial function, but I don't know how to do that.
I could add a case a => println(a) at the beginning of the partial function, but this breaks the whole function.

You can do this:
val print: PartialFunction[InputType, InputType] = { case i => println(i); i }
print andThen {
case Regex1(a,b,c) => ...
case ...

I finally figured out how to do it. It is not very elegant, so if anyone knows of a better way, please add another answer!
The solution is to create the partial function explicitly as value:
val result = new PartialFunction[InputType,ResultType] {
def apply(value: InputType) = {
println("input is: " + value) // Yay, I captured the value
value match {
// Same as above
def isDefinedAt(value: InputType) = true

Another option would be to match all, and add another match that does the actual work:
case value => {
value match {
// the original partial function
// you might need to add a catch-all that
// does nothing or returns a default value
case _ => None


scala: updating string value in an option

I have an Option of a string. I want to update the contained value:
if(x.isEmpty) {
...another calculation
} else { => ...update val)
Is this an idiomatic way?
x.fold(another calculation)(v => ...update v)
x.fold("no value")("Value is " + _)
Note that this extracts the value from the Option so if you want to have the result as an Option you need to wrap it in Some.
Note that if your inner computation gets too long or unreadable for a fold, there's always good old-fashioned pattern matching.
x match {
case None => {
// None case ...
case Some(y) => {
// Some case (y is the inside) ...
Like everything in Scala, this is an expression, so it can be assigned to a variable or used in another other expression you like.
Alternatively, using the lazy keyword:
// T is the type of the value
val valueOpt: Option[T] = ???
lazy val backupValue: T = ??? // Other calculation, but only evaluated if needed
val value: T = v => /*Update v*/ ).getOrElse( backupValue )
// do something with the value you want to manipulate

Transform Scala case variable before if guard

I'm using a Scala case statement as follows:
users.collect {
case SomeClass(_, id, _, latestVersion, time)
if latestVersion.getOrElse("null") == someVariable || // etc. =>
// bunch of stuff here
latestVariable is an Option and is used frequently inside the if and as part of the code nested inside it.
Is there a way I can transform the Option[String] latest version into a plain String of either "null" or the inner value before going into the if statement? I can't seem to get it to work.
The interpertation of None as "null" string looks a bit disturbing. But otherwise I would usually write an extractor for a situation like this.
object VersionExtractor {
/** I know it looks kinda funny but it does exactly what the op asked for. */
def unnaply(in: Option[String]): Option[String] = in orElse Some("null")
You can use it like
case SomeClass(_, id, _, VersionExtractor(latestVersion), time) ...
where latestVersion now is a String that is either "null" or the content of the original Option.
However, in Scala, imho, this could be considered a maltreatment of both the Option and Extractor.
I think a better approach would be to write an extractor for the whole case, somewhere along the lines of
object MyExtractor {
def unapply(input: SomeClass): Option[(<type of id>, String, <type of time>)] = {
input.latestVersion match {
// And now partially in pseudo code:
case Some(version) /* if (input matches some criteria) */ =>
Some((, version, input.time))
case _ =>
If done right, your collect should then look like:
users.collect {
case MyExtractor(id, latestVersion /*: String */, time) =>
// bunch of stuff here
You can do the test you want more easily by using pattern matching inside your case statement, as follows:
users.collect {
case SomeClass(_, id, _, Some(someVariable), time) =>
// bunch of stuff here
This tests that the Option is present and its value is equal to someVariable.

Pattern matching using current object

I'm trying to match an Option, and test to see if it's a Some containing the object making the call. So the code I want to write looks like this:
methodReturningOption() match {
case Some(this) => doSomething()
case _ => doSomethingElse()
but that fails to compile, with the error
'.' expected but ')' found
I also tried using Some(`this`) which gives the error
not found: value this
I can make it work if I add a variable which refers to this
val This = this
methodReturningOption() match {
case Some(This) => doSomething()
case _ => doSomethingElse()
but that looks ugly and seems like an unpleasant workaround. Is there an easier way to pattern match with this as an argument?
I suppose you could try this:
methodReturningOption() match {
case Some(x) if x == this => doSomething()
case _ => doSomethingElse()
It looks like this is considered a special keyword and can't be used in that context.
Jack Leow's solution is probably the best - I'd recommend going with that since it's much more explicit. However as an alternative you can also create a variable point to 'this' using the following syntax. (Note the self => on the first line)
class Person { self =>
def bla() = methodReturningOption() match {
case Some(`self`) => ???
case _ => ???
This doesn't really answer the question, it's just a potential alternative syntax that may be useful to you.

Using Option with cleaner code

Apologies if this is a newbie question...
In Scala I understand that it is preferred to use an Option rather than returning null when you have a function which returns an instance but could potentially return nothing. I understand that this makes it better with regards to safety, because you are not passing null references around, and risking NullPointerException somewhere down the line.
However, is there a cleaner way to handle options than using pattern matching?
The syntax I end up using is the following:
val optObj : Option[MyObject] = myFunctionThatReturnsOption
optObj match {
case Some(obj) => {
//my code using obj
case None => _
In reality all this doing is the equivalent of the Java version:
MyObject obj = myMethodThatCanReturnNull()
if (obj != null) {
//my code using obj
Is there some other way to avoid all this boilerplate in Scala when using Option instead of null references? All I want to do is execute a piece of code as long as the Option contains some object (i.e. is not None).
Use foreach, getOrElse and/or map if you want to work in a more consistent way. Here's some use cases and what I'd do:
//I want to get a non-null value and I have a sane default
val result = myOption getOrElse 3
//I want to perform some side effecting action but only if not None
myOption foreach{ value =>
println(value toString ())
for(value <- myOption){
//notice I haven't used the "yeild" keyword here
//I want to do a computation and I don't mind if it comes back as an Option
val result = for(value <- myOption) yield func(value)
val equivalent = myOption map func
The third example will use map in both cases.
It gets really interesting when you can mix and match things in a "for comprehension" (Google term.) Let's say that func also returns an Option but I only want things working in specific cases:
val result = for{
value <- myOption if value > 0
output <- func(value)
} yield output
Now I get back an Option but only if myOption contained an integer that was greater than zero. Pretty nifty stuff, no?
You can use foreach if you just want to perform some side-effecting operation with the value:
optObj.foreach(obj => {
//my code using obj
if you have some other use case you should use some other method on Option like map, filter or getOrElse.
Of course, the way I usually use options if I only care about present value is foreach:
optObj.foreach { obj =>
Having said this, there are a lot of other options (which #wheaties enlisted) and some people keep battling about the true one.
You can use the flatMap-method pretty well with Option. Like hier:
case class Player(name: String)
def lookupPlayer(id: Int): Option[Player] = {
if (id == 1) Some(new Player("Sean"))
else if(id == 2) Some(new Player("Greg"))
else None
def lookupScore(player: Player): Option[Int] = {
if ( == "Sean") Some(1000000) else None
println(lookupPlayer(1).map(lookupScore)) // Some(Some(1000000))
println(lookupPlayer(2).map(lookupScore)) // Some(None)
println(lookupPlayer(3).map(lookupScore)) // None
println(lookupPlayer(1).flatMap(lookupScore)) // Some(1000000)
println(lookupPlayer(2).flatMap(lookupScore)) // None
println(lookupPlayer(3).flatMap(lookupScore)) // None
Here's a great reference for Scala best practices regarding options:

Producing a partially applied function from method of type in an Option

Suppose I'm writing a GUI
class Kitteh (val age: Int) {
require (age < 5)
def saveMeow(file: File) = { /* implementation */ }
def savePurr(file: File) = { /* implementation */ }
The frame has a field for the current Kitteh, which is an Option because it might not have been defined yet, or the user may have attempted to create an invalid one:
var currentKitteh: Option[Kitteh] = None
Now I want to create a Kitteh safely when the user hits Create
val a = ... // parse age from text box
currentKitteh = try { Some(new Kitteh(a)) } catch { case _ => None }
My GUI has two buttons which do similar things. In psedocode, they should both
if (currentKitteh.isDefined) {
if (file on the disk already exists) {
bring up a dialog box asking for confirmation
if (user confirms)
<< execute method on currentKitteh >>
else bring up warning dialog
Don't worry about the detail: the point is that because there is code duplication, I want to create a common method that I can call from both buttons. The only difference is the method on the Kitteh that needs to be executed.
Now if currentKitteh were not an Option, the common method could have a signature like
def save(filename: String, f:(File => Unit)) {
which I could call with, for example
save("meow.txt", currentKitteh.saveMeow _)
but since it is actually an Option, how could I implement this?
I could just check whether currentKitteh is defined, and do a .get before calling the save method for each button, but is there another way, leaving this check in the save method? In other words, given an Option[A], is it possible to specify a partial function from a method on the (possibly non-existent) A object?
(hope this question makes sense, convoluted example notwithstanding)
edit: Bonus question: what if, instead of Option[Kitteh], I used Either[Throwable, Kitteh]?
update: Additional line added to pseudocode to bring up warning dialog: ideally, the save method should always be called so that the user is warned if there is no valid Kitteh to save.
This looks like the best option to me:
currentKitteh foreach { c => save("meow.txt", c.saveMeow _) }
If you're repeatedly doing this, you can abstract it,
def currentSaveMeow(file: String) = currentKitteh foreach { c =>
save(file, c.saveMeow _)
I suppose to answer your original question, you could also push the logic into the function argument,
save("meow.txt", file => currentKitten.foreach(_.saveMeow(file)))
The semantics are a little different with this version.
Update. If k: Option[Kitteh] is replaced by k: Either[Throwable, Kitteh], then what about k.right foreach { c => ... }? You could also use k.right map ... if you want to preserve error information.
In response to the modified question, here's another abstraction possibility,
def save(filename: String, f: (Kitteh, File) => Unit)
Now save has the responsibility of unpacking currentKitteh. Call save like this,
save("meow.txt", (k, f) => k.saveMeow(f))
or like this,
save("meow.txt", _ saveMeow _)
You can map a function to it and getOrElse your fail function:
def save =
o map {s => () => "saved a kitteh! " + s} getOrElse {() => "oh noes, no kittehs!"}
then you just:
You could define a class BadKitteh and have that produce error messages. Then simply use currentKitty.getOrElse(badKitty) if you need one.