GStreamer is not working properly on Raspberry Pi - raspberry-pi

I am trying to install the newest version of GStreamer onto Raspberry Pi.
I want to instsall both Gstreamer and Gstreamer-dev.
I want the newest version so probably not apt-get install?
The problem I want to solve is that, I do not have element 'faac' or 'avenc_aac', which I need for audio capture.
And also,
Probing devices...
** (gst-device-monitor-1.0:5760): ERROR **: Failed to start device monitor!
Trace/breakpoint trap
Which I expect it to work.
Thanks in advance!


It is either cec-ctl or VLC, not both on Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Bullseye

My Node.js project utilizes CEC control and VLC where the app turns on the TV and chooses the HDMI port that the VLC video stream will be viewed on at a scheduled time.
Everything worked on Buster except that too many indeterminate crashes with segmentation faults occur with cec-client.
Since I am nearing a 'production' release, I thought it best to upgrade the OS to Bullseye and find a cec-client replacement. I found cec-ctl and made it asynchronous - ctl-cec works perfectly, everytime, no crashes. BUT, now VLC does not render anything, not even a black screen. Doing a 'ps' command during a time that a video should be playing, I can see that VLC is running.
What I tried: It turns out that changing the /boot/config.txt dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d (Buster) to dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d (Bullseye) causes the problem. The Buster version of dtoverlay seems to be required for VLC to run, and The Bullseye version of dtoverlay is required for a /dev/cec0 to be created and used by ctl-cec.
All I can see from my inexperienced view is mutual exclusivity, but this doesn't feel like this is the final answer. Using both dtoverlay version (Buster/Bullseye) will brick the pi (speaking from the very recent experience of one not well-versed in dtoverlays).
I also tried: I Googled this problem to the extent of my search skills and have not been able to resolve this problem.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Raspbian OS: Bullseye (Desktop)
Raspberry Pi 3 B+
App: Node.js based with ability to make config changes and set schedules via an external browser within the LAN.
The solution for my project, after days of Googling, turned out to be TOO simple (found here:
sudo apt install pulseaudio
along with:
VLC and cec-ctl now work together perfectly on Raspberry Pi 3B+/Bullseye

Attempting to install Clarinet on raspberry pi 3b

I downloaded clarinet from here and am following the installation guide, however I get this error when installing on a raspberry pi:
failed to add native library/home/pi/clarity/clarinet/target/release/gn_out/obj/librusty_v8.a: file too small to be an archive
Does anyone know how to fix this/install clarinet on a raspberry pi?
without knowing much about your environment, to build on arm, there are few things you should be aware of:
there is no musl support, clang is probably best (, I know it says x86_64, but probably same issues on arm)
there is no prebuilt arm binaries (
so you'll probably need to build rusty_v8 from source

How to restart ALSA without restarting the raspberry pi itself?

I have a Rasperry Pi 3 with an external USB Sound Card. Everything is working fine... sometimes. Some other times the Raspberry Pi is starting up and there is some problem with the sounds system. Sound is not working. When I try to open alsamixer it is saying like "Error while opening the mixer device: No device found" (it's in german... this is the rough translation).
If I get this error, then I have to restart the whole raspberry pi. It would be much nicer if I could just restart alsa somehow. But till now I could not find out how.
OS is Raspbian
This should do the trick
sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils stop
sudo alsa force-reload
sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils start

Raspberry pi freeze when trying to install vlc

I am trying to install vlc on my raspberry pi 3. Using sudo apt-get install vlc. The process starts, but eventually freezes. This is the only time it freezes and it does so every time I try. Cant reboot through ssh either. I use the official stontronica power supply, so doubt that is the problem.
Any help is much appreciated

Raspberry Pi Pianobar PulseAudio

I have been trying to get pianobar working on my Raspberry Pi. I built version 2013.05.19-dev from Github and it works when I have /etc/libao.conf default_driver=alsa. The problem is that this gives horrible quality audio. I followed the instructions for installing PulseAudio and MPD on dbader's blog. Now when I set default_driver=pulse, pianobar tells me /!\ Cannot open audio device. I have been looking for a solution to this so any tips or help would be great!