Copy Library Permissions of Group Tibco Spotfire - command-line

I'm trying to copy the library permissions from one group to another in Spotfire 7.6.0 using the congig.bat command line program. These are the commands I'm running:
> cd c:\Tibco\tss\7.6.0\tomcat\bin
> config.bat copy-library-permissions -g "Automation Services Users" -p "Scheduled Updates Users"
I get the error:
The group 'Automation Services Users' does not exist
Is there something I'm doing wrong? Is it not supported to copy permissions of system groups? I can accomplish this manually but I want to automate for deployment across our installations.


Access denied error in Azure devops CI CD deployment

Below are the detailed steps which i am performing for CI CD created pipeline to create spkg.sppkg its successful now in release i am doing below steps
Connect to SharePoint App Catalog (Successful)
o365 login --authType password --userName $(username) --password $(password)
Add Solution Package to App Catalog **(getting error access denied in this steps)**
o365 spo app add -p $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/Test/drop/drop/sharepoint/solution/spfx.sppkg --overwrite --appCatalogUrl --scope sitecollection
It looks like you were running o365 login command and o365 spo app add command in two separate command line tasks.
Each command line task will open a new terminal window which will be closed when the task is finished. So the login information in the first command line task cannot persist in the second command link task. That's why you got the access denied error.
You should run the o365 login command and o365 spo app add command in the same command line task. So that both the commands will be executed in the same terminal.
Or you can use the task SharePoint Files Uploader to upload the spfx.sppkg file .

Create a installer with inno setup and postgreSQL in Windows X64

I've created an installer for my application that also installs postgreSQL.
The first question:
What is the best way to configure my database, I mean, is it better to use the postgres default user account? Or should I create a new user. Also is it better to use default public schema or should I create a new schema? As one can see, I'm seeking the best practices to use databases. Also, what kind of care do I need to take with possible already installed versions of postgreSQL from any other application?
The second question:
How to create a user using the installer?
I'm trying to create a new user different from the default user but how can I set a password for this user? I would like to do this without prompting the user in a command shell.
If it's helpful, I will happily post any of my code!
Let's go for some points that you've asked in your question.
What is the best way to configure my database, I mean, is it better to use the postgres default user account?
That doesn't matter at all as long as you have defined a strong password for the user to install it you will be good.
is it better to use default public schema or should I create a new schema?
That will depends on your software. If you want to have everything well defined and organized on the use of the database go on, create a schema to your system. If your system will be the only one using PostgreSQL why botter? Read this answer on this matter from DBA forum PostgreSQL and default Schemas
Also, what kind of care I might to take with possible already installed versions of postgreSQL of any other application?
That's a trick one and the very first problem you will have. I find out the hard way that you can't install PostgreSQL database if you already have one previously installed. Not even if you uninstall it (in this case you have to delete all associated registries from windows registry of PostgreSQL).
My advice here is that you put a message on your installer that your system needs a fresh install of PostgreSQL on the target machine and it can't have a previously installed one on it otherwise the install will fail. I know that sucks, but I couldn't find anything to do here. One other thing that I did was to add a note on the installer messages to the user that if He still want to install the system on that machine He would have to contact the "support" to do it manually.
How to create a user using the installer?
From here I will add some commands to you install PostgreSQL in unattended mode.
I'm trying to create a new user different from default user but how to set a password to this user?
The command you will need to install PostgreSQL with a user different from the default one will be:
postgresqlInstallFile[withversion].exe --mode unattended --superaccount super_user_name --superpassword yourStrongPassowordHere
It would be great here if you could ask for the password on your installer program and use a variable within above command.
That alone will install the database with a user defined by you. Here is the documentation about all parameters for PostgreSQL Unattended Install
The second problem is regarding the database of you system. The best course of action I could find was to make a Dump file from the database that I need to install (this database would be empty, with just the structure), added this dump file to the installer so I could import it to the fresh installation of the database.
The problem with this approach is you can't create a database or restore it to PostgreSQL without entering the password for the super account. What I did was
Add messages to the user that He should pay attention to the installer messages and steps so he can't get it wrong
After installing PostgreSql database comes the step to create the database so I use the command:
[path_for_postgresq]/createdb.exe -U user_you_created -W -E UTF8 -O user_you_created "NameOfYourDatabase"
Before I run the above command I showed a message to the user that he will see a prompt screen asking for a password, so He have to enter it and hit Enter. You can't add it as a parameter (PostgreSQL says it is for security measures)
After the database creation it is time to import the dump that I've added on the installer so I used:
[path_for_postgresq]/pg_restore -U user_you_created -c -d NameOfYourDatabase DumpFileOfYourDatabase.backup
Once again, before this command I showed a message to the user asking to enter the password for the database restore command.
Here I will add the code I made for the NSIS installer. Just the PostgreSQL part of it. There are a lot more on my installer you may need something more.
;Include Modern UI
!include "MUI.nsh"
;Include Process checker
!include nsProcess.nsh
;Include ZipDLL
!include zipdll.nsh
; include for some of the windows messages defines
!define ALL_USERS
!include winmessages.nsh
;General Configuration
Name "Name of your Installer"
OutFile "fileNameOfYourInstaller.exe"
ShowInstDetails "show"
InstallDir $PROFILE\FolderWhereToInstallYourSystem
; Request application privileges for Windows Vista
RequestExecutionLevel admin
; HKLM (all users) vs HKCU (current user) defines
!define env_hklm 'HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"'
!define env_hkcu 'HKCU "Environment"'
;Interface Settings
!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"
Function .onInit
SetOutPath $TEMP
# the plugins dir is automatically deleted when the installer exits
File /oname=re.bmp re.bmp #here is an image for a splash screen of the installer
splash::show 2000 re
Pop $0 ; $0 has '1' if the user closed the splash screen early,
; '0' if everything closed normally, and '-1' if some error occurred.
Function verifyInstallationDIR
IfFileExists $INSTDIR PathGood
MessageBox MB_OK "The chosen directory is not valid for installation.$\r$\nPlease start again and inform a valid path."
Quit ;if $INSTDIR wasn't created the installer will close
SetOutPath $TEMP
CreateDirectory $INSTDIR
#Message to the user to PAY ATTENTIOM
MessageBox MB_OK "Please carefully read all messages through installation steps!"
Call verifyInstallationDIR
#Files needed to the installer
File "resources\DatabaseDumpFile.backup"
File "resources\postgresql-9.3.9-3-windows-x64.exe"
#Call postgresql installation in an unattended mode
ExecWait 'postgresqlInstallFile[withversion].exe --mode unattended --superaccount super_user_name --superpassword yourStrongPassowordHere'
; is app.exe process running? result is stored in $R0
${nsProcess::FindProcess} "postgres.exe" $R0
${If} $R0 > 0
MessageBox MB_RETRYCANCEL|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "PostgreSQL process is not running yet. Wait 30 seconds and click Retry or Cancel to cancel installation." /SD IDCANCEL IDRETRY Postgresql_Running_Check
;Create the database
MessageBox MB_OK "The System DataBase will be created. A console window will appear asking for a password. Please when it happens type:$\r$\n$\r$\nyourStrongPassowordHere"
ExecWait '$PROGRAMFILES64\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin\createdb.exe -U user_you_created -W -E UTF8 -O user_you_created "NameOfYourDatabase"'
MessageBox MB_OK "The System Installer will import the configuration data to the database. It will ask again for the password. Please when it happens type:$\r$\n$\r$\nyourStrongPassowordHere"
ExecWait '$PROGRAMFILES64\PostgreSQL\9.3\bin\pg_restore -U user_you_created -c -d NameOfYourDatabase DatabaseDumpFile.backup'
Hope it helps.

How do I get the appcmd? Windows 10

How do I get the appcmd to write commands? Using Windows 10. Getting this error:
'appcmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Also, if I have used this command:
appcmd delete site "Default Web Site"
If I what to do the opposite - do I use add instead of delete?
Appcmd.exe is located at path %windir%\system32\inetsrv and by default is not listed in PATH variable. So in order to use this command you have to navigate to this folder first and then you can update IIS configuration using appcmd utility.
By the way appcmd.exe is available only to the Administrator account or to users who are members of the Administrators group on the computer.
And to your second question, yes opposite verb to DELETE is ADD.
More information can be found at documentation:

Script to add group/user to "log on as a service"

I am trying to create a script that add a certain user/group to "log on as a service" in my Windows 2008 box. However I have tried using the ntrights.exe, downloaded it and ran the line ntrights +r SeInteractiveLogonRight -u CSSGroup in cmd but it failed because of the incompatibility.
Can someone help me or point me in any other useful direction?
These things are stored in the registry. Only System has access. So use psexec
psexec -s -i <your script>
to run script as system giving you access to the security info (which you'll have to turn on and compare to regkeys when turned off as they are in binary structures).
You can also take ownership of the keys and give yourself permission to access.

how to login and download file using perforce command line

I have to download a file daily from perforce depot.
Presently I do it manually by selecting that file and using "Get latest version" option.
I want to write a script which I will schedule in my windows task schedular to get the file daily.
Please help me/guide me how to do this task automatically.
I am using p4v client software in windows XP operating system.
Using P4V will make it hard to automate. I suggest you use the command-line client, p4.exe, instead. If there's only one file that you need the contents of you could simply use "p4 print" and avoid the need for creating a workspace (client) spec, e.g:
p4 print -o <local filename> //depot/path/to/file
Note that the above command requires you to be already logged on to the Perforce server. There's at least two ways around this:
1) Specify the username and password on the command-line (not really recommended for security reasons):
p4 -u myuser -P mypasswd print -o <local filename> //depot/path/to/file
2) Use a dedicated background user for the task, with an unlimited login expiration time (see p4 group and the Timeout field):
p4 -u backgrounduser print -o <local filename> //depot/path/to/file
A licensed "background user" designated for only performing automated tasks can be obtained at no further cost from Perforce Software. Try contacting Perforce support and ask them about this.
In a bat you can use the p4.exe commandline tool that comes with p4v and issue the sync command:
p4 sync myFileThatINeedToGetDaily.txt
Before Issuing Sync, make sure you have logged in and set the port and client view
p4 -u myuser -P mypasswd
p4 set P4PORT=server:nnnn
p4 sync file1.txt
The command you need is p4 sync.