Behaviour of "#'" in lisp - lisp

As far as I understand #' <object> is an abbreviation for (function <object>).
But I noticed different behaviour while using #' in apply function.
(apply '+ '(1 2)) => Works and give 3
(apply (function +) '(1 2 ) ) => 3
(apply '# '(1 2)) => Err!!

As described in the reference:
The notation #'name may be used as an abbreviation for (function name).
Note that the syntax used is #', not '#, which is just a way a quoting the symbol #, since 'a is equivalent to (quote a).
So you should use:
(apply #'+ '(1 2))
In general the character # followed by a character has a special meaning for inputting values. For instance #\ is for reading characters (like in #\Space), #( for reading vectors, (like in #(1 2 3)), etc.

The #' notation is implemented by the reader.
If you want to see the effect, you can for example use this:
CL-USER 1 > (read-from-string "#'+")
CL-USER 2 > '#'+


Apparent 'eval' of quote symbol in CLISP

Some output from the CLISP REPL:
[1]> (list 'list 1 2 3)
(LIST 1 2 3)
[2]> (list 'list '(1 2 3))
(LIST (1 2 3))
[3]> (list 'quote 1 2 3)
(QUOTE 1 2 3)
[4]> (list 'quote '(1 2 3))
'(1 2 3)
The first three, I understand exactly what's going on: The list function is passed a symbol ('list or 'quote) and so the result is a list that begins with the list or quote symbol. It's the fourth that confuses me. Why doesn't it return (QUOTE (1 2 3))?
I realise that if you enter (QUOTE '(1 2 3)) into the REPL, you get '(1 2 3) back, so the expression are equivalent in that sense. But (LIST 1 2 3) is equivalent to (1 2 3), and yet the first expression doesn't return that.
It seems inconsitent that (list 'quote 1 2 3) returns a list with the first item being a quote symbol, but (list 'quote (1 2 3)) returns a quoted list. Especially since expressions like (list 'list ...) seem to always return a list beginning with the symbol - so far, at least, quote is the only 'special case' like this.
It's not the easiest question to articulate, so I'm hoping I've managed to get my confusion across. Can anyone explain why quote gets treated in this seemingly-unique way?
'something is the same as (quote something) for the lisp reader. Even when nested it will be the case. The next expressions I will double quote so that after evaluation one of the quotes are still in there.
When printing the implementations can choose what to output where there are several possible representations, so some implementations would print the evaluation of ''something as
(quote something) while others may use the abbreviation 'something.
'(quote 1 2 3) cannot be abbreviated since a quoted form only has one argument. Thus here both lisp systems would print (quote 1 2 3).
Here is a way to look at your last expression:
(let ((data (list 'quote '(1 2 3))))
(format nil
"whole thing: ~a first element: ~a second-element: ~a"
(car data)
(cadr data)))
This will either evaluate to "whole thing: '(1 2 3) first element: QUOTE second-element: (1 2 3)" or "whole thing: (QUOTE (1 2 3)) first element: QUOTE second-element: (1 2 3)".
Since the printer never sees if the input is abbreviated and the data has the same structure in memory the output is never affected by how you input the data. Thus (quote (quote (1 2 3))) will print the same as ''(1 2 3).
You have the same behaviour with cons cells but the standard dictates how the rules are. (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 '()))) would be (1 . (2 . (3 . ()))) but is actually just printed (1 2 3) However if you (cons 1 2) you get (1 . 2) showing that print treats the output differently based on the cdr. However the reader can read any of these and they will all print the same eg. '(1 . (2 . (3 . ()))) ==> (1 2 3) and (+ . (2 . ( 3 . ()))) ; ==> 5
Numbers can have as many visual forms as there are bases below the number in question.
(let ((*print-base* 16))
(print 255)) ; prints FF (255 in hexadecimal)
list does not have any abbreviation or specialness in Lisp. It's not even a primitive function but it's very helpful as it removes the inconvenience of having to cons by hand everytime. It can be defined like this:
(defun my-list (&rest lst)
(my-list 1 2 3 4) ; ==> (1 2 3 4)
Note that a REPL (the READ-EVAL-PRINT-LOOP) does three things:
reading using the function READ
evaluating using the function EVAL
and printing the result using something like the function PRINT
To understand what is going on you have to look at all three functions.
Let's look at the third form:
(list 'quote 1 2 3)
This is read as a list of five elements:
EVAL then evaluates the arguments, and calls the function list with the four results and returns a new result, a list of four elements:
PRINT then takes this list and writes it as: (QUOTE 1 2 3). There is no abbreviated way to print it.
Let's look at the fourth form:
(list 'quote '(1 2 3))
This is read as a list of three elements:
(QUOTE (1 2 3))
eval calls list with two arguments:
(1 2 3)
eval then returns a list of length two:
(1 2 3)
print now can print this list in two different ways:
(QUOTE (1 2 3)) or the abbreviated form '(1 2 3). Here a quote character is in front of a single expression.
Your implementation used the first version.

Define function for evaluating infix expressions in Lisp

I am not very good in Lisp and I need to do a function which allows evaluating of infix expressions. For example: (+ 2 3) -> (infixFunc 2 + 3). I tried some variants, but none of them was successful.
One of them:
(defun calcPrefInf (a b c)
(funcall b a c))
OK, let's do it just for fun. First, let's define order of precedence for operations, since when one deals with infix notation, it's necessary.
(defvar *infix-precedence* '(* / - +))
Very good. Now imagine that we have a function to-prefix that will convert infix notation to polish prefix notation so Lisp can deal with it and calculate something after all.
Let's write simple reader-macro to wrap our calls of to-prefix, for aesthetic reasons:
#\# #\i (lambda (stream subchar arg)
(declare (ignore sub-char arg))
(car (reduce #'to-prefix
:initial-value (read stream t nil t)))))
Now, let's write a very simple function to-prefix that will convert infix notation to prefix notation in given list for given symbol.
(defun to-prefix (lst symb)
(let ((pos (position symb lst)))
(if pos
(let ((e (subseq lst (1- pos) (+ pos 2))))
(to-prefix (rsubseq `((,(cadr e) ,(car e) ,(caddr e)))
Good, good. Function rsubseq may be defined as:
(defun rsubseq (new old where &key key (test #'eql))
(labels ((r-list (rest)
(let ((it (search old rest :key key :test test)))
(if it
(append (remove-if (constantly t)
:start it)
(r-list (nthcdr (+ it (length old))
(r-list where)))
Now it's time to try it!
CL-USER> #i(2 + 3 * 5)
CL-USER> #i(15 * 3 / 5 + 10)
CL-USER> #i(2 * 4 + 7 / 3)
CL-USER> #i(#i(15 + 2) * #i(1 + 1))
If you want it to work for composite expressions like (2 + 3 * 5 / 2.4), it's better to convert it into proper prefix expression, then evaluate it. You can find some good example of code to do such convetion here: or in Piter Norvigs "Paradigs of Artificial Intelligence Programming" book. Code examples here:
It's reall too long, to be posted in the aswer.
A different approach for "evaluating infix expressions" would be to enable infix reading directly in the Common Lisp reader using the "readable" library, and then have users use the notation. Then implement a traditional Lisp evaluator (or just evaluate directly, if you trust the user).
Assuming you have QuickLisp enabled, use:
(ql:quickload "readable")
Now users can enter any infix expression as {a op b op c ...}, which readable automatically maps to "(op a b c ...)". For example, if users enter:
{2 + 3}
the reader will return (+ 2 3). Now you can use:
(eval (read))
Obviously, don't use "eval" if the user might be malicious. In that case, implement a function that evaluates the values the way you want them to.
Tutorial here:
Assuming that you're using a lisp2 dialect, you need to make sure you're looking up the function you want to use in the function namespace (by using #'f of (function f). Otherwise it's being looked up in the variable namespace and cannot be used in funcall.
So having the definition:
(defun calcPrefInf (a b c)
(funcall b a c))
You can use it as:
(calcPrefInf 2 #'+ 3)
You can try
(nfx 1 + (- x 100)) ;it's valid!
(nfx 1 + (- x (3 * 3))) ;it's ALSO valid!
(nfx 1 + (- x 3 * 3)) ;err... this can give you unexpected behavior

List Item Evaluation

I'm learning lisp and have a question about a simple list:
(setq stuff '(one two three (+ 2 2)))
stuff ; prints "one two three (+ 2 2)"
(setq stuff (list `one `two `three (+ 2 2)))
stuff ; prints "one two three 4"
The first setq creates a list "one two three (+ 2 2)". The second list creates "one two three 4". Why does the first list not evaluate the (+ 2 2), but the second one does? I read in the Emacs Lisp intro documentation that when the list is built that it evaluates from the inside out. Why doesn't the first list evaluate the addition before adding it to the list?
This is elisp in emacs 24.
' is not equivalent to list, it's shorthand for quote. You're really doing this:
(setq stuff (quote (one two three (+ 2 2))))
The argument to quote is the expression (one two three (+ 2 2)).
From "The special form quote returns its single argument, as written, without evaluating it".
Looks like you're coming to grips with the evaluation semantics of Lisp, so keep playing around!
You can think of quote as suppressing evaluation of its argument. This allows you to write expressions that you can manipulate or pass around. It is also used to write data structures that should not be evaluated as function calls.
Data structures:
'(1 2 3) ; => '(1 2 3)
(1 2 3) ; => Lisp error: (invalid-function 1)
;; The Lisp reader sees the number 1 in the function position and tries to call it, signalling an error.
Syntax transformations:
(setq x '(string-to-int "123"))
(setf (car x) 'string-to-list)
x ; => '(string-to-list "123")
Delayed evaluation:
(setq x '(message "Hello World")) ; => '(message "Hello World")
(eval x) ; => "Hello World"
There is a closely related special operator called syntax quote, written using the backtick. It allows you to evaluate individual forms in a quoted expression using the comma ( , ) operator. It is like quote with an escape hatch.
`(1 2 (+ 3 4)) ; => '(1 2 (+ 3 4))
`(1 2 ,(+ 3 4)) ; => '(1 2 7) ;; Note the comma!
Syntax quote also permits list splicing using the ,# syntax:
`(1 2 ,#(+ 3 4)) ; => '(1 2 + 3 4)
As you can see, it splices the subsequent expression into the containing one. You probably won't see it all that often until you start writing macros.
list on the other hand is a simple function. It evaluates its arguments, then returns a new data structure containing these items.
(list 1 2 (+ 3 4)) ; => '(1 2 7)

scheme macro produces unexpected result

Does someone know why the following produces the expected result - (2 4 6)
(defmacro mult2 (lst)
(define (itter x)
(list '* 2 x))
`(list ,#(map itter lst)))
(mult2 (1 2 3))
while I expected that this one would (with the list identifier)
(defmacro mult2 (lst)
(define (itter x)
(list '* 2 x))
`(list ,#(map itter lst)))
(mult2 '(1 2 3))
Macro "arguments" are not evaluated. So, when you pass in '(1 2 3), i.e., (quote (1 2 3)), that is exactly what the macro sees.
P.S. You are much better off using hygienic macros in Scheme. Here's an example using syntax-case:
(define-syntax mult2
(lambda (stx)
(define (double x)
#`(* 2 #,x))
(syntax-case stx ()
((_ lst)
#`(list #,#(map double (syntax-e #'lst)))))))
(That's still not how such a macro is idiomatically written, but I tried to mirror your version as closely as possible.)
That's because the '(1 2 3) is expanded by the reader into (quote (1 2 3)). Since you only destructure one list in your macro, it won't work as expected.
Some general advice: if you're working in Racket you probably want to avoid using defmacro. That is definitely not the idiomatic way to write macros. Take a look at syntax-rules and, if you want to define more complicated macros, syntax-parse. Eli also wrote an article explaining syntax-case for people used to defmacro.

What's the equivalent of foldr, foldl in Emacs Lisp?

What's the equivalent of foldr, foldl in Emacs Lisp?
If you
(require 'cl)
then you can use the Common Lisp function reduce. Pass the keyword argument :from-end t for foldr.
ELISP> (reduce #'list '(1 2 3 4))
(((1 2) 3) 4)
ELISP> (reduce #'list '(1 2 3 4) :from-end t)
(1 (2 (3 4)))
Since Emacs-24.3 we recommend the use of cl-lib over cl (which is planned for removal in some distant future), so it would be:
(require 'cl-lib)
(cl-reduce #'+ '(1 2 3 4))
and since Emacs-25, you can also use the seq package for that:
(require 'seq)
(seq-reduce #'+ '(1 2 3 4) 0)
Common Lisp library provides plenty of sequence functions like mapping, filtering, folding, searching and even sorting. CL library is shipped with Emacs by default, so you should stick to it. I however really like dash.el library, because it provides enormous amounts of functions for list and tree manipulations. It also supports anaphoric macros and encourages functional programming, which makes code concise and elegant.
Haskell's folds correspond with dash.el folds:
foldl with -reduce-from
foldr with -reduce-r-from
foldl1 with -reduce
foldr1 with -reduce-r
Sum of a range 1 to 10 using folds might look like in this in Haskell and dash.el:
foldl (+) 0 [1..10] -- Haskell
(-reduce-from '+ 0 (number-sequence 1 10)) ; Elisp
You probably know, that folds are very general, and it is possible to implement maps and filters via folds. For example, to increment every element by 2, Haskell's currying and sections would allow for terse code, but in Elisp you would usually write verbose throwaway lambdas like that:
foldr ((:) . (+2)) [] [1..10] -- Haskell
(-reduce-r-from (lambda (x acc) (cons (+ x 2) acc)) '() (number-sequence 1 10)) ; Elisp
Guess what, it isn't necessary in dash.el with anaphoric macros, which allow special syntax by exposing variables of a lambda as shortcuts, like it and acc in folds. Anaphoric functions start with 2 dashes instead of 1:
(--reduce-r-from (cons (+ it 2) acc) '() (number-sequence 1 10))
There are plenty fold-like functions in dash.el:
;; Count elements matching a predicate
(-count 'evenp '(1 2 3 4 5)) ; 2
;; Add/multiply elements of a list together
(-sum '(1 2 3 4 5)) ; 15
(-product '(1 2 3 4 5)) ; 120
;; Find the smallest and largest element
(-min '(3 1 -1 2 4)) ; -1
(-max '(-10 0 10 5)) ; 10
;; Find smallest/largest with a custom rule (anaphoric versions)
(--min-by (> (length it) (length other)) '((1 2 3) (4 5) (6))) ; (6)
(--max-by (> (length it) (length other)) '((1 2 3) (4 5) (6))) ; (1 2 3)