Assigning UnsafeMutablePointer value to UnsafePointer without unsafeBitCast - swift

I am working with a C API that defines a structure with const char* and a function that returns a char* and am trying to find the best way to do the assignment.
Is there a way to do this without using unsafeBitCast? If I don't put the cast then I get this error:
Cannot assign value of type 'UnsafeMutablePointer<pchar>'
(aka 'UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>')
to type 'UnsafePointer<pchar>!'
(aka 'ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<UnsafePointer<UInt8>>')
Also, will the initialization of pairPtr below using pair() allocate a pair struct on the stack to initialize the allocated pair on the heap because this seems inefficient for the case where the structure just has to be zero'd out.
Here is sample code:
C library header (minimized to demonstrate the problem):
#ifndef __PAIR_INCLUDE__
#define __PAIR_INCLUDE__
typedef unsigned char pchar;
pstrdup(const pchar* str);
typedef struct _pair {
const pchar* left;
const pchar* right;
} pair;
#endif // __PAIR_INCLUDE__
My Swift code:
import pair
let leftVal = pstrdup("left")
let rightVal = pstrdup("right")
let pairPtr = UnsafeMutablePointer<pair>.allocate(capacity: 1)
pairPtr.initialize(to: pair())
// Seems like there should be a better way to handle this:
pairPtr.pointee.left = unsafeBitCast(leftVal, to: UnsafePointer<pchar>.self)
pairPtr.pointee.right = unsafeBitCast(rightVal, to: UnsafePointer<pchar>.self)
The C code:
#include "pair.h"
#include <string.h>
pstrdup(const pchar* str) {
return strdup(str);
The module definition:
module pair [extern_c] {
header "pair.h"
export *

You can create an UnsafePointer<T> from an UnsafeMutablePtr<T>
simply with
let ptr = UnsafePointer(mptr)
using the
/// Creates an immutable typed pointer referencing the same memory as the
/// given mutable pointer.
/// - Parameter other: The pointer to convert.
public init(_ other: UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>)
initializer of UnsafePointer. In your case that would for example be
p.left = UnsafePointer(leftVal)


Unable to initialize BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_ARRAY

Here's how I'm trying to initialize a BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_ARRAY of structs to a default value. The array contains counters the user space program will read.
#include <linux/bpf.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>
struct xdp_stats_t {
__u64 total_packets;
struct xdp_stats_t xdp_stats = {0};
struct {
__uint(key_size, sizeof(__u32));
__uint(value_size, sizeof(struct xdp_stats_t));
__uint(max_entries, 1);
__array(values, struct xdp_stats_t);
} counter_table SEC(".maps") = {
.values = {
[0] = &xdp_stats
int main_prog(struct xdp_md *ctx) {
return XDP_PASS;
char _license[] SEC("license") = "GPL";
But I get this error when I try to load the BPF program:
libbpf: map 'counter_table': should be map-in-map.
This specific part is triggering this error:
.values = {
[0] = &xdp_stats
In libbpf, when loading a BPF structure with a .values entry, it checks that the type is either a BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY_OF_MAPS, a BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH_OF_MAPS, or BPF_MAP_TYPE_PROG_ARRAY. If not, it won't let you use .values. The check is defined in libbpf here.
I can't find any kernel documentation that says this directly, but I believe those arrays will be zero-initialized, so there's no need to initialize them. Here's the most on-point documentation I can find:
Array maps have the following characteristics:
* All array elements pre-allocated and zero initialized
at init time
I can't find any documentation saying the same thing about BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_ARRAY. I assume it's similar.

Is Swift's handling of CVarArg for String buggy?

While writing a Swift wrapper for a C wrapper of a C++ library, I've stumbled on some weird bugs regarding Swift's CVarArg. The C wrapper I already have uses variadic functions which I converted to functions using va_list as an argument so they could be imported (since Swift cannot import C variadic functions). When passing arguments to such a function, once bridged to Swift, it uses the private _cVarArgEncoding property of types conforming to CVarArg to "encode" the values which are then sent as a pointer to the C function. It seems however that this encoding is faulty for Swift Strings.
To demonstrate, I've created the following package:
// swift-tools-version:5.2
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "CVarArgTest",
products: [
name: "CVarArgTest",
targets: ["CVarArgTest"]),
targets: [
name: "CLib"),
name: "CVarArgTest",
dependencies: ["CLib"])
#ifndef CTest_h
#define CTest_h
#include <stdio.h>
/// Prints out the strings provided in args
/// #param num The number of strings in `args`
/// #param args A `va_list` of strings
void test_va_arg_str(int num, va_list args);
/// Prints out the integers provided in args
/// #param num The number of integers in `args`
/// #param args A `va_list` of integers
void test_va_arg_int(int num, va_list args);
/// Just prints the string
/// #param str The string
void test_str_print(const char * str);
#endif /* CTest_h */
#include "CTest.h"
#include <stdarg.h>
void test_va_arg_str(int num, va_list args)
printf("Printing %i strings...\n", num);
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
const char * str = va_arg(args, const char *);
void test_va_arg_int(int num, va_list args)
printf("Printing %i integers...\n", num);
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
int foo = va_arg(args, int);
printf("%i\n", foo);
void test_str_print(const char * str)
import Foundation
import CLib
// The literal String is perfectly bridged to the CChar pointer expected by the function
test_str_print("Hello, World!")
// Prints the integers as expected
let argsInt: [CVarArg] = [123, 456, 789]
withVaList(argsInt) { listPtr in
test_va_arg_int(Int32(argsInt.count), listPtr)
// ERROR: Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=EXC_I386_GPFLT)
let argsStr: [CVarArg] = ["Test", "Testing", "The test"]
withVaList(argsStr) { listPtr in
test_va_arg_str(Int32(argsStr.count), listPtr)
The package is available here as well.
As commented in the code above, printing a String via C or a va_list containing Ints works as expected, but when converted to const char *, there's an exception (EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=EXC_I386_GPFLT)).
So, in short: did I mess up the C side of it or is Swift doing something wrong here? I've tested this in Xcode 11.5 and 12.0b2. If it's a bug, I'll be happy to report it.
This one's a bit tricky: your string is actually being bridged to an Objective-C NSString * rather than a C char *:
(lldb) p str
(const char *) $0 = 0x3cbe9f4c5d32b745 ""
(lldb) p (id)str
(NSTaggedPointerString *) $1 = 0x3cbe9f4c5d32b745 #"Test"
(If you're wondering why it's an NSTaggedPointerString rather than just an NSString, this article is a great read -- in short, the string is short enough to be stored directly in the bytes of the pointer variable rather than in an object on the heap.
Looking at the source code for withVaList, we see that a type's va_list representation is determined by its implementation of the _cVarArgEncoding property of the CVarArg protocol. The standard library has some implementations of this protocol for some basic integer and pointer types, but there's nothing for String here. So who's converting our string to an NSString?
Searching around the Swift repo on GitHub, we find that Foundation is the culprit:
// CVarArg for bridged types
extension CVarArg where Self: _ObjectiveCBridgeable {
/// Default implementation for bridgeable types.
public var _cVarArgEncoding: [Int] {
let object = self._bridgeToObjectiveC()
return _encodeBitsAsWords(object)
In plain English: any object which can be bridged to Objective-C is encoded as a vararg by converting to an Objective-C object and encoding a pointer to that object. C varargs are not type-safe, so your test_va_arg_str just assumes it's a char* and passes it to puts, which crashes.
So is this a bug? I don't think so -- I suppose this behavior is probably intentional for compatibility with functions like NSLog that are more commonly used with Objective-C objects than C ones. However, it's certainly a surprising pitfall, and it's probably one of the reasons why Swift doesn't like to let you call C variadic functions.
You'll want to work around this by manually converting your strings to C-strings. This can get a bit ugly if you have an array of strings that you want to convert without making unnecessary copies, but here's a function that should be able to do it.
extension Collection where Element == String {
/// Converts an array of strings to an array of C strings, without copying.
func withCStrings<R>(_ body: ([UnsafePointer<CChar>]) throws -> R) rethrows -> R {
return try withCStrings(head: [], body: body)
// Recursively call withCString on each of the strings.
private func withCStrings<R>(head: [UnsafePointer<CChar>],
body: ([UnsafePointer<CChar>]) throws -> R) rethrows -> R {
if let next = self.first {
// Get a C string, add it to the result array, and recurse on the remainder of the collection
return try next.withCString { cString in
var head = head
return try dropFirst().withCStrings(head: head, body: body)
} else {
// Base case: no more strings; call the body closure with the array we've built
return try body(head)
func withVaListOfCStrings<R>(_ args: [String], body: (CVaListPointer) -> R) -> R {
return args.withCStrings { cStrings in
withVaList(cStrings, body)
let argsStr: [String] = ["Test", "Testing", "The test"]
withVaListOfCStrings(argsStr) { listPtr in
test_va_arg_str(Int32(argsStr.count), listPtr)
// Output:
// Printing 3 strings...
// Test
// Testing
// The test

Freeglut doesn't initialize when using it from Swift

I've tried to use the Freeglut library in a Swift 4 Project. When the
void glutInit(int *argcp, char **argv);
function is shifted to Swift, its declaration is
func glutInit(_ pargc: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>!, _ argv: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?>!)
Since I don't need the real arguments from the command line I want to make up the two arguments. I tried to define **argv in the Bridging-Header.h file
#include <OpenGL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glut.h>
char ** argv[1] = {"t"};
and use them in main.swift
func main() {
var argcp: Int32 = 1
glutInit(&argcp, argv!) // EXC_BAD_ACCESS
glutInitDisplayMode(UInt32(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH));
glutCreateWindow("my project")
but with that I get Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x74) at the line with glutInit().
How can I initialize glut properly? How can I get an UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?>! so that it works?
The reason the right code in C char * argv[1] = {"t"}; does not work is because Swift imports fixed size C-array as a tuple, not a pointer to the first element.
But your char ** argv[1] = {"t"}; is completely wrong. Each Element of argv needs to be char **, but you assign char * ("t"). Xcode must have shown you a warning at first build:
warning: incompatible pointer types initializing 'char **' with an expression of type 'char [2]'
You should better take incompatible pointer types warning as error, unless you know what you are doing completely.
Generally, you should better not write some codes generating actual code/data like char * argv[1] = {"t"}; in a header file.
You can try it with Swift code.
As you know, when you want to pass a pointer to single element T, you declare a var of type T and pass &varName to the function you call.
As argcp in your code.
As well, when you want to pass a pointer to multiple element T, you declare a var of type [T] (Array<T>) and pass &arrName to the function you call.
(Ignoring immutable case to simplify.)
The parameter argv matches this case, where T == UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?.
So declare a var of type [UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?].
func main() {
var argc: Int32 = 1
var argv: [UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?] = [
defer { argv.forEach{free($0)} }
glutInit(&argc, &argv)
But I wonder if you really want to pass something to glutInit().
You can try something like this:
func main() {
var argc: Int32 = 0 //<- 0
glutInit(&argc, nil)
I'm not sure if freeglut accept this, but you can find some articles on the web saying that this works in some implementation of Glut.

Weird issues when passing an array of structs from Swift to C

I'm passing an array of structs from Swift to a C function. The struct looks like this:
struct Struct {
int a;
float b;
float c;
const char* d;
const char* e;
const char* f;
const char* g;
int h[4];
Function signature of the C function:
void test(struct Struct* structs);
Weirdly, when I print d in the C function, it's often something different than what I set it to in the Swift code: usually an empty string or some garbage. When I set d to a very long string, it works correctly. The other strings are passed correctly too. Is that some struct alignment issue?
As #MartinR suggested, when I pass the string to the struct's constructor, Swift creates a temporary C char array on the stack, copies the string's data into it and passes its pointer to the constructor. Immediately after that, the char array is no longer valid. Here's an example code demonstrating this:
let s = Struct(string: "string")
print(s.string) // Prints "string"
print("lol") // Overwrite the stack
print(s.string) // Prints "lol"
See for possible solutions.

Swift define double pointer for struct defined in c

I have a library which contains this function:
void create_pointer(Pointer **pointer);
It takes a pointer's pointer and allocates memory for it. in c, I can do it like this
Pointer *pointer;
then I have a pointer's instance.
But now I want to use this function in Swift. How?
I have no details about Pointer, I only know it's a struct, defined like this
typedef struct Pointer Pointer;
Let's start with a C example
typedef struct {
NSUInteger someNumber;
} SomeStruct;
void create_some_struct(SomeStruct **someStruct) {
*someStruct = malloc(sizeof(SomeStruct));
(*someStruct)->someNumber = 20;
In C, you would use it like this:
//pointer to our struct, initially empty
SomeStruct *s = NULL;
//calling the function
In Swift:
//declaring a pointer is simple
var s: UnsafePointer<SomeStruct> = UnsafePointer<SomeStruct>.null()
//well, this seems to be almost the same thing :)
println("Number: \(s.memory.someNumber)"); //prints 20
If your pointer is an opaque type (e.g. void *), you have to use
var pointer: COpaquePointer = COpaquePointer.null()
Note that Swift is not designed to interact with C code easily. C code is mostly unsafe and Swift is designed for safety, that's why the Swift code is a bit complicated to write. Obj-C wrappers for C libraries make the task much easier.