DNS name from IP address - powershell

I need to create a list of IP addresses and DNS names. I
am trying to get DNS names from IP addresses. I have tried two ways:
try/catch but it ends afterwards.
Without and it just outputs DNS names that I can't relate to the IP addresses.
Here's what I have so far:
#try {
Get-Content C:\Users\pintose\Documents\IP_Address.txt | ForEach-Object
{([system.net.dns]::GetHostByAddress($_)).hostname >> C:\Users\user\Documents\hostname.txt}
# }
# catch {
if ($_.Exception.Message -like "*The requested name is valid*") {
Write-Output "UNREACHABLE" | Out-File C:\Users\user\Documents\hostname.txt }
# }

Try this solution:
$outFile = "C:\Users\user\Documents\hostname.txt"
Get-Content C:\Users\pintose\Documents\IP_Address.txt | ForEach-Object {
$hash = #{ IPAddress = $_
hostname = "n/a"
$hash.hostname = ([system.net.dns]::GetHostByAddress($_)).hostname
$object = New-Object psobject -Property $hash
Export-CSV -InputObject $object -Path $outFile -Append -NoTypeInformation
We create a objects, that have the IPaddress in it and a hostname n/a if it cannot be resolved. Then, the object gets exported into the file. You'll get something like:; Server1

This uses a workflow so it can do parallel foreach
Workflow Get-DNSNames([string[]]$IPAddresses){
foreach -parallel ($IP in $IPAddresses){
#{$IP = $(([system.net.dns]::GetHostByAddress($IP)).hostname)}
#{$IP = "N/A"}
$List = Get-DNSNames -IPAddresses $(Get-Content "C:\IPAddresses.txt").Split("[\r\n]")
$List | Out-File "C:\IPAddresses_Complete.txt"

You might want to try the other solutions offered here, but here are some things you might want to think about.
First, I'd recommend not putting the try{}catch{} around the whole of the first command. If you are looping through data and just one of them causes an exception, you risk not completing the task. Put the try{}catch{} around just the "risky" line of code:
Get-Content C:\Users\pintose\Documents\IP_Address.txt | Foreach-Object {
try {
([system.net.dns]::GetHostByAddress($_)).hostname >> C:\Users\user\Documents\hostname.txt
catch {
if ($_.Exception.Message -like "*The requested name is valid*") {
Write-Output "UNREACHABLE" | Out-File C:\Users\user\Documents\hostname.txt
When you catch the exception, you only write to the text file in the case that "the requested name is valid" (do you mean invalid?). You never write anything to the file otherwise. Thus, going back to your original code:
IF there is an exception caused by ANY of the IP addresses
AND the exception is NOT "the requested name is valid" (which I think might be a typo?)
THEN no error gets written to the file and the script ends without necessarily completing all the IP addresses.
Other things:
You use two methods to write to the file: >> and Out-File. Probably better to use the PowerShell cmdlet but with the -Append switch to ensure you append to the end of the file:
([system.net.dns]::GetHostByAddress($_)).hostname | Out-File C:\Users\user\Documents\hostname.txt -Append
Write-Output "UNREACHABLE" | Out-File C:\Users\user\Documents\hostname.txt -Append
#restless1987 has suggested a way to ensure you write both the IP address and the hostname (if determined) to the output file. I'd have a look at that to work out what is going on.
My final tip would be to be wary of reading in from .txt files with Get-Content. They often have trailing (blank) lines and you might want to try to ignore such blanks. Probably not a big issue in this case as it will just mean a failed DNS attempt, but I have seen such things wreak havoc on every mailbox in a (very) large company when used with other commands.

Another way...
$ip_list = Get-Content ./IP_Address.txt
foreach ($ip in $ip_list) {
try {
([system.net.dns]::GetHostByAddress($ip)).hostname |
Out-File -FilePath ./hostname.txt -Append
catch {
if ($_.Exception.Message -like "*The requested name is valid*") {
Write-Output "UNREACHABLE" | Out-File -FilePath './hostname.txt' -Append }

There are many tools that can accomplish this, but if you need a quick and dirty solution that you can run just about anywhere this will get the job done.
Using the eternally useful ps tools such as psloggedon /accepteula \\computername or ip address you can get who is currently logged in to check if this is the correct machine. For example:
c:\pstools>psloggedon /accepteula \\
loggedon v1.33 - See who's logged on
Copyright ⌐ 2000-2006 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com
Users logged on locally:
Error: could not retrieve logon time
Error: could not retrieve logon time
1/12/2015 8:06:51 AM DOMAIN\user
Error: could not retrieve logon time
Users logged on via resource shares:
1/17/2015 2:26:43 PM DOMAIN\user
Now that you have confirmed that this IP address is the correct one for this user. We just need to lookup the IP address using nslookup.
Server: server.domain.com
Name: Workstation07.server.domain.com
Now we know that the computer name for that computer is Workstation07.


Output of Get-content as variable?

I am attempting to run a foreach loop on a get-content and convertfrom-json cmd. Now im aware this potentially has issues being multiple value results in the variable, im wondering how i can continue to pass this info to the rest of the script.
$testconv = Get-device * |select ID
$testid = $testconv.id
$conv = foreach ($id in $testid)
get-content "\\HDC-PRTG-03\System Information Database\Services\Device$id.Services" | Convertfrom-json
$rpccheck =$conv.message
$snmpcheck = $conv.message
$svcname = $conv.data.displayname
if($RPCon = $rpccheck |select-string -pattern RPC -AllMatches){
write-host RPC Not enabled
write-host No RPC Enabled - Moving to Services List
Now when i run that with out the $conv= making it a variable it returns
kind : Services
recievetime : 29-01-2018 14:43:32
error : 106
Message : SNMP Channels Not Available.
Which is what i expect. However when i define it a variable with $conv= it just starts to say it cannot find the file paths which i find an odd error to throw but hey ho.
Do any of you smart guys have any pointers for how i can keep these fromjson objects in memory so i can continue to run foreach loops against them. The ultiumate function of this script is to query a local .services file for what services are running on the device and then create sensors to monitor them within our PRTG installation. Therefore i need to be able to ref the deviceID and apply things to it.
I suspect i may be using too many foreach loops in the whole script but frankly i am 100% out of my depth
any guidance hugely hugely appreciated
If i understand correctly you should have json files for all device ID's. If a file with the name of a particular device is missing you will get the 'File not found' error.
As for the code, you can try this:
$testconv = Get-Device * | select ID
$testid = $testconv.id
$oldErrorAction = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
foreach ($id in $testid) {
try {
$conv = Get-Content -Path "\\HDC-PRTG-03\System Information Database\Services\Device$id.Services" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$rpccheck = $conv.message # These look the same to me...
$snmpcheck = $conv.message # These look the same to me...
$svcname = $conv.data.displayname
$svcstate = $conv.data.properties.state
$Matches = ($rpccheck | Select-String -Pattern "RPC*" -AllMatches)
if ($Matches.Matches.Count) {
Write-Host "RPC Not enabled"
else {
Write-Host "No RPC Enabled - Moving to Services List "
catch {
Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
$ErrorActionPreference = $oldErrorAction
Instead of the try{}..catch{} you could also first test if a file with that name is present using Test-Path directly before doing the Get-Content.

IF Statement to Verify VLAN Exists in PowerCLI Script

I am writing a PowerCLI script to automate the creation of VMs based on the data within a CSV file and I would like to know how to format an IF statement to check if the VLANs specified already exist to avoid cluttering up the screen with errors.
The section of the script dealing with the VLAN creation in its current format:
New-VM -Name $_.Name -VMHost ($esx | Get-Random) -NumCPU $_.NumCPU -Location $Folder
$list = Get-Cluster $_.Cluster | Get-VMHost
foreach ($esxhost in $list)
{ Get-VirtualSwitch -Name $switch -VMHost $esxhost |
New-VirtualPortgroup -Name "VLAN $($_.VLAN)" -VLANID $($_.VLAN)
Write-Host "Wait - propagating VLAN $($_.VLAN) to all hosts" -foreground yellow
Start-Sleep 10
I would like to determine a way to have the script do something like:
IF $_.VLAN exists
Write-host "$_.VLAN already present, proceeding to next step"
ELSE DO{ Get-VirtualSwitch -Name $switch -VMHost $esxhost |
New-VirtualPortgroup -Name "VLAN $($_.VLAN)" -VLANID $($_.VLAN)
I don't have much experience in writing these so I was hoping for some assistance on how to
Check whether the VLAN already exists in vSphere on the switch
How to format the IF/ELSE statement properly to avoid cluttering up the PowerCLI window with errors when the script is run
Thank you for any assistance you may provide
EDIT to work for vlan rather than vswitch
You could use get-virtualportgroup for this and check if the names returned contain your vlanid. This won't work for distributed switches as that's a different set of cmdlets.
$host = 'YourHost'
$vlanid = 'YourVlanId'
if ((Get-VirtualPortGroup -host $host).VLanId -contains $vlanid )
Write-Output 'vlan present'
Write-Output 'vlan missing'
#your code to create vlan here

Powershell script error processing CSV data

I'm writing a script to load computer names from a CSV file, then look up their IP addresses.
The script creates an error when using the name from the CSV.
If I run the script in ISE, the error shows up, but the result still comes though. If I run the script from powershell, it errors and the result is null.
If I substitute the $PCname = $_.System for $PCname = "Computer01" everything works fine.
If I write-host $_.System it displays "Computer01". How can I get this to work in powershell?
$file = "\\server.contoso.net\private$\Systems.csv";
$CSV = Import-CSV $file;
$CSV | %{
if ($_.Skip -eq 0)
$PCname = $_.System
# $PCname = "Computer01"
write-host $PCname
$ipaddress = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($PCname).AddressList[0].IpAddressToString
Catch [system.exception]
{ $error[0].tostring() }
Error displayed is:
Exception calling "GetHostByName" with "1" argument(s): "The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found"
Turns out that the values in the CSV at some point had whitespace added after them, which caused a name look up error. I'm not sure why ISE would still be able to look up the host, but removing the whitespace fixed the issue.
Thanks to sha, his recommendation helped me see the whitespace.

perform nslookup from PowerShell

I'm writing a powershell to exact the ip from a server name, which need me to embed the nslookup code into my powershell
how can I do the intergrating work?
Can any body help me?
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell
$web = Get-SPWeb -Identity “http://nycs00058260/sites/usitp“
$server_status = "PROD"
$items = $list.items
Foreach($item in $items){
$item_name = $item["Server_name"] #need to get the ip by this name
/*nslook up*/
If you install the PSCX module, it comes with a cmdlet Resolve-Host which handles name lookups.
Absent that, this one-liner will do the job
You can also pass in an IP address - but the results will be different.
See also http://blogs.msdn.com/b/powershell/archive/2006/06/26/647318.aspx & http://powershell.com/cs/media/p/210.aspx
PowerShell 3.0 on Windows 8 and higher comes with a Resolve-DnsName cmdlet that will get this information:
(Resolve-DnsName $server_name)[0].IpAddress
Simply use :
Resolve-DnsName monServer | ? { # make selection here } | % { $_.IPAdress } | select-object -first 1
#Here is a far better method for nslookup
# HOWTO ensure an nslookup results no errors but still gives the original names and column separations
$day = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMdd #<-- HOWTO set the day variable for today
$ErrorActionPreference = ‘SilentlyContinue’ #<-- HOWTO turn off error messages
$WarningActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' #<-- HOWTO turn off warning messages
$servers = Get-Content .\input\servers.txt
Foreach ($server in $servers){
$result = Resolve-DnsName $server -Server $env:LOGONSERVER.Remove(0,2) -Type ALL #<-- NSLOOKUP using your logon server
write-host ($server+","+$result.Name+","+$result.IPAddress) #<-- HOWTO Write two variables separated by a comma
$ErrorActionPreference = ‘SilentlyContinue’ #HOWTO turn on error messages
$WarningActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' #HOWTO turn on warning messages

Powershell to Validate Email addresses

I'm trying to get Powershell to validate email addresses using Regex and put email addresses into good and bad csv files. I can get it to skip one line and write to file, but cannot get it to target the email addresses and validate them, then write lines to good and bad files. I can do it in C# and JavaScript, but have never done it in Powershell. I know this can be done, but not sure how.
Here is what I have so far:
Function IsValidEmail {
Param ([string] $In)
# Returns true if In is in valid e-mail format.
## Now we need to check the original file for invalid and valid emails.**
$list = Get-Content C:\Emails\OriginalEmails\emailAddresses.csv
# This way we also use the foreach loop.
##======= Test to see if the file exists ===========
if (!(Test-Path "C:\Emails\ValidEmails\ValidEmails.csv")) {
New-Item -path C:\Emails\ValidEmails -name ValidEmails.csv -type
"file" # -value "my new text"
Write-Host "Created new file and text content added"
else {
## Add-Content -path C:\Share\sample.txt -value "new text content"
Write-Host "File already exists and new text content added"
if (!(Test-Path "C:\Emails\InValidEmails\InValidEmails.csv")) {
New-Item -path C:\Emails\InValidEmails -name InValidEmails.csv -type
"file" # -value "my new text"
Write-Host "Created new file and text content added"
else {
# Add-Content -path C:\Emails\ValidEmails -value "new text content"
Write-Host "File already exists and new text content added"
#$Addresses = Import-Csv "C:\Data\Addresses.csv" -Header
Name, Address, PhoneNumber | Select -Skip 1
$EmailAddressImp = Import-Csv
"C:\Emails\OriginalEmails\emailAddresses.csv" -Header
FirstName, LastName, Email, Address, City, State, ZipCode | Select
FirstName, LastName, Email, Address, City, State, ZipCode -Skip 1
I'm validating the third column "Email" in the original csv file and trying to write out the whole row to file (good file, bad file). Not sure how to buffer either doing this.
ForEach ($emailAddress in $list) {
if (IsValidEmail($emailAddress)) {
"Valid: {0}" -f $emailAddress
Out-File -Append C:\Emails\ValidEmails\ValidEmails.csv -Encoding UTF8
$EmailAddressImp | Export-Csv "C:\Emails\ValidEmails\ValidEmails.csv"
else {
"Invalid: {0}" -f $emailAddress
Out-File -Append C:\Emails\InValidEmails\InValidEmails.csv -
Encoding UTF8
$EmailAddressImp | Export-Csv
"C:\Emails\InValidEmails\InValidEmails.csv" -NoTypeInformation
I'm trying to get Powershell to validate email addresses using Regex
I would recommend against this. Accurately validating email addresses using regular expressions can be much more difficult than you might think.
Let's have a look at your regex pattern:
In it's current form it incorrectly validates .#domain.tld.
On the other hand, it doesn't validate unicode-encoded internationalized domain names, like user#☎.com (yes, that's a valid email address)
Instead of trying to find or construct a perfect email validation regex pattern, I would use the MailAddress class for validation instead:
function IsValidEmail {
try {
$null = [mailaddress]$EmailAddress
return $true
catch {
return $false
If the input string is a valid email address, the cast to [mailaddress] will succeed and the function return $true - if not, the cast will result in an exception, and it returns $false.
When exporting the data, I'd consider collecting all the results at once in memory and then writing it to file once, at the end.
If you're using PowerShell version 2 or 3, you can do the same with two passes of Where-Object:
$EmailAddresses = Import-Csv "C:\Emails\OriginalEmails\emailAddresses.csv" -Header FirstName, LastName, Email, Address, City, State, ZipCode | Select -Skip 1
$valid = $list |Where-Object {IsValidEmail $_.Email}
$invalid = $list |Where-Object {-not(IsValidEmail $_.Email)}
If you're using PowerShell version 4.0 or newer, I'd suggest using the .Where() extension method in Split mode:
$EmailAddresses = Import-Csv "C:\Emails\OriginalEmails\emailAddresses.csv" -Header FirstName, LastName, Email, Address, City, State, ZipCode | Select -Skip 1
$valid,$invalid = $list.Where({IsValidEmail $_.Email}, 'Split')
before exporting to file:
if($valid.Count -gt 0){
$valid |Export-Csv "C:\Emails\ValidEmails\ValidEmails.csv" -NoTypeInformation
if($invalid.Count -gt 0){
$invalid |Export-Csv "C:\Emails\ValidEmails\InvalidEmails.csv" -NoTypeInformation
You can just use the -match operator, instead of calling into the [Regex] class. Here's a simple example, without any wrapper function:
$EmailRegex = '^([\w-\.]+)#((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$'
$EmailList = #('a#a.com', 'b#b.co', 'm.a#example.il')
foreach ($Email in $EmailList) {
$DidItMatch = $Email -match $EmailRegex
if ($DidItMatch) {
# It matched! Do something.
else {
# It didn't match
FYI, when you use the -match operator, if it returns boolean $true, then PowerShell automatically populates a built-in (aka. "automatic") variable called $matches. To avoid unexpected behavior, you might want to reset this variable to $null during each iteration, or just wrap it in a function as you did in your original example. This will keep the variable scoped to the function level, as long as you don't declare it in one of the parent scopes.
Once you've validated the e-mail address, you can append it to your existing CSV file, using:
Export-Csv -Append -FilePath filepath.csv -InputObject $Email
For efficiency with the available filesystem resources, you'll probably want to buffer a few e-mail addresses in memory, before appending them to your target CSV file.
# Initialize a couple array buffers
$ValidEmails = #()
$InvalidEmails = #()
if ($ValidEmails.Count -gt 50) {
# Run the CSV export here
if ($Invalid.Count -gt $50) {
# Run the CSV export here
If you need further help, can you please edit your question and clarify what isn't working for you?
Each of the current top 2 answers here has one significant deficiency:
#Trevor's answer would do just fine, until you supply it this:
John Doe <johndoe#somewhere.com>
#Mathias' answer preaches about accommodating exceptional (yet valid) addresses such as those with non-ASCII or no TLD suffix. The following addresses all validate successfully with the [mailaddress] casting:
olly#somewhere | olly#somewhere. | olly#somewhere...com etc
If, like me, you will not be entertaining these edge cases into your email databases, then a combination of both ideas might prove more useful, like so:
function IsValidEmail {
$Regex = '^([\w-\.]+)#((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$'
try {
$obj = [mailaddress]$Email
if($obj.Address -match $Regex){
return $True
return $False
catch {
return $False
Perhaps there is a performance overhead with creating $obj for every email address on a possibly long mailing list. But I guess that's another matter.
You can use the mailaddress type to ensure it meets RFC, but you will likely still want to make sure the domain is valid:
Resolve-DnsName -Name ('vertigoray#example.com' -as [mailaddress]).Host -Type 'MX'
Works well as a validation script for a function parameter:
function Assert-FromEmail {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateScript({ Resolve-DnsName -Name $_.Host -Type 'MX' })]
Write-Output $From
Output examples of that function on success:
PS > Assert-FromEmail -From vertigoray#example.com
DisplayName User Host Address
----------- ---- ---- -------
vertigoray example.com vertigoray#example.com
Output examples of that function on failure:
PS > Assert-FromEmail -From vertigoray#example..com
Assert-FromEmail : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'From'. The " Resolve-DnsName -Name $_.Host -Type 'MX' "validation script for the argument with value "vertigoray#example..com" did not return a result of True. Determine why the validation script failed, and then try the command again.
At line:1 char:24
+ Assert-FromEmail -From vertigoray#example..com
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Assert-FromEmail], ParameterBindingValidationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,Assert-FromEmail
Here is one to try I wrote up and tested and has not failed me in any environment to date. Not, saying it won't in someone else's, but for me, it's been 100%.
$SomeEmailAddresses = #'
From:JoeBob#yahoo.com,Tom TheCat tcat#snailmail.net,jerry#snailmail.net
Doug Tompson DTompson#icloud.com
(((Select-String -InputObject $SomeEmailAddresses `
-Pattern '\w+#\w+\.\w+|\w+\.\w+#\w+\.\w+\.\w+' `
This common email formatting fails
$SomeEmailAddresses = #'
First A. Last first.a.last#gmail.com.
(((Select-String -InputObject $SomeEmailAddresses -Pattern '\w+#\w+\.\w+|\w+\.\w+#\w+\.\w+\.\w+'
Here is the code I use.
The regex does not support the following because the major email players do not support.
Domains as IP addresses.
Space and special characters "(),:;<>#[] inside a quoted string in local-part.
Comments within parentheses in local-part.
$email = "^(?(?=^(?:([a-zA-Z0-9_!#$%&'+-/=?^{|}~]+|[a-zA-Z0-9_!#$%&'*+\-\/=?^{|}~].[a-zA-Z0-9_!#$%&'+-/=?^{|}~][\.a-zA-Z0-9_!#$%&'*+\-\/=?^{|}~]))#[a-zA-Z0-9.-]{1,63}$)[a-zA-Z0-9_.!#$%&'*+-/=?^`{|}~]{1,63}#[a-zA-Z0-9-]+(?:.[a-zA-Z0-9-]{2,})+)$"
$email -match $regexPattern