Get Line Items in an Invoice logic hook in SuiteCRM - sugarcrm

Via a logic hook I'm trying to update fields of my products, after an invoice has been saved.
What I understand so far is, that I need to get the invoice related AOS_Products_Quotes and from there I could get the products, update the required fields and save the products. Does that sound about right?
The logic hook is being triggered but relationships won't load.
function decrement_stocks ( $bean, $event, $arguments) {
//$bean->product_value_c = $bean->$product_unit_price * $bean->product_qty;
$file = 'custom/modules/AOS_Invoices/decrement.txt';
// Get the Invoice ID:
$sInvoiceID = $bean->id;
$oInvoice = new AOS_Invoices();
$aProductQuotes = $oInvoice->aos_invoices_aos_product_quotes->getBeans();
$aLineItemslist = array();
foreach ($oInvoice->aos_invoices_aos_product_quotes->getBeans() as $lineitem) {
$aLineItemslist[$lineitem->id] = $lineitem;
$sBean = var_export($bean, true);
$sInvoice = var_export($oInvoice, true);
$sProductQuotes = var_export($aProductQuotes, true);
$current = $sProductQuotes . "\n\n\n------\n\n\n" . $sInvoice . "\n\n\n------\n\n\n" . $sBean;
file_put_contents($file, $current);
The invoice is being retrieved just fine. But either load_relationship isn't doing anything ($sInvoice isn't changing with or without it) and $aProductQuotes is Null.
I'm working on SuiteCRM 7.8.3 and tried it on 7.9.1 as well without success. What am I doing wrong?

I'm not familiar with SuiteCRM specifics, however I'd always suggest to check:
Return value of retrieve(): bean or null?
If null, then no bean with the given ID was found.
In such case $oInvoice would stay empty (Your comment suggests that's not the case here though)
Return value of load_relationship(): true (success) or false (failure, check logs)
And I do wonder, why don't you use $bean?
Instead you seem to receive another copy/reference of $bean (and calling it $oInvoice)? Why?
Or did you mean to receive a different type bean that is somehow connected to $bean?
Then its surely doesn't have the same id as $bean, unless you specifically coded it that way.


Salesforce trigger-Not able to understand

Below is the code written by my collegue who doesnt work in the firm anymore. I am inserting records in object with data loader and I can see success message but I do not see any records in my object. I am not able to understand what below trigger is doing.Please someone help me understand as I am new to salesforce.
trigger DataLoggingTrigger on QMBDataLogging__c (after insert) {
Map<string,Schema.RecordTypeInfo> recordTypeInfo = Schema.SObjectType.QMB_Initial_Letter__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName();
List<QMBDataLogging__c> logList = (List<QMBDataLogging__c>);
List<Sobject> sobjList = (List<Sobject>)Type.forName('List<'+'QMB_Initial_Letter__c'+'>').newInstance();
Map<string, QMBLetteTypeToVfPage__c> QMBLetteTypeToVfPage = QMBLetteTypeToVfPage__c.getAll();
Map<String,QMBLetteTypeToVfPage__c> mapofLetterTypeRec = new Map<String,QMBLetteTypeToVfPage__c>();
set<Id>processdIds = new set<Id>();
for(string key : QMBLetteTypeToVfPage.keyset())
if(!mapofLetterTypeRec.containsKey(key)) mapofLetterTypeRec.put(QMBLetteTypeToVfPage.get(Key).Letter_Type__c, QMBLetteTypeToVfPage.get(Key));
for(QMBDataLogging__c log : logList)
Sobject logRecord = (sobject)log;
Sobject QMBLetterRecord = new QMB_Initial_Letter__c();
string recordTypeId = recordTypeInfo.get(mapofLetterTypeRec.get(log.Field1__c).RecordType__c).isAvailable() ? recordTypeInfo.get(mapofLetterTypeRec.get(log.Field1__c).RecordType__c).getRecordTypeId() : recordTypeInfo.get('Master').getRecordTypeId();
string fieldApiNames = mapofLetterTypeRec.containskey(log.Field1__c) ? mapofLetterTypeRec.get(log.Field1__c).FieldAPINames__c : '';
if(string.isNotBlank(fieldApiNames) && fieldApiNames.contains(','))
Integer i = 1;
for(string fieldApiName : fieldApiNames.split(','))
string logFieldApiName = 'Field'+i+'__c';
fieldApiName = fieldApiName.trim();
Schema.DisplayType fielddataType = getFieldType('QMB_Initial_Letter__c',fieldApiName);
if(fielddataType == Schema.DisplayType.Date)
Date dateValue = Date.parse(string.valueof(logRecord.get(logFieldApiName)));
else if(fielddataType == Schema.DisplayType.DOUBLE)
string value = (string)logRecord.get(logFieldApiName);
Double dec = Double.valueOf(value.replace(',',''));
else if(fielddataType == Schema.DisplayType.CURRENCY)
Decimal decimalValue = Decimal.valueOf((string)logRecord.get(logFieldApiName));
else if(fielddataType == Schema.DisplayType.INTEGER)
string value = (string)logRecord.get(logFieldApiName);
Integer integerValue = Integer.valueOf(value.replace(',',''));
else if(fielddataType == Schema.DisplayType.DATETIME)
DateTime dateTimeValue = DateTime.valueOf(logRecord.get(logFieldApiName));
insert sobjList;
if(!processdIds.isEmpty()) DeleteDoAsLoggingRecords.deleteTheProcessRecords(processdIds);
Public static Schema.DisplayType getFieldType(string objectName,string fieldName)
SObjectType r = ((SObject)(Type.forName('Schema.'+objectName).newInstance())).getSObjectType();
DescribeSObjectResult d = r.getDescribe();
You might be looking in the wrong place. Check if there's an unit test written for this thing (there should be one, especially if it's deployed to production), it should help you understand how it's supposed to be used.
You're inserting records of QMBDataLogging__c but then it seems they're immediately deleted in DeleteDoAsLoggingRecords.deleteTheProcessRecords(processdIds). Whether whatever this thing was supposed to do succeeds or not.
This seems to be some poor man's CSV parser or generic "upload anything"... that takes data stored in QMBDataLogging__c and creates QMB_Initial_Letter__c out of it.
QMBLetteTypeToVfPage__c.getAll() suggests you could go to Setup -> Custom Settings, try to find this thing and examine. Maybe it has some values in production but in your sandbox it's empty and that's why essentially nothing works? Or maybe some values that are there are outdated?
There's some comparison if what you upload into Field1__c can be matched to what's in that custom setting. I guess you load some kind of subtype of your QMB_Initial_Letter__c in there. Record Type name and list of fields to read from your log record is also fetched from custom setting based on that match.
Then this thing takes what you pasted, looks at the list of fields in from the custom setting and parses it.
Let's say the custom setting contains something like
Name = XYZ, FieldAPINames__c = 'Name,SomePicklist__c,SomeDate__c,IsActive__c'
This thing will look at first record you inserted, let's say you have the CSV like that
This thing will try to parse and map it so eventually you create record that a "normal" apex code would express as
new QMB_Initial_Letter__c(
Name = 'XYZ',
SomePicklist__c = 'Closed',
SomeDate__c = Date.parse('2022-09-15'),
IsActive__c = true
It's pretty fragile, as you probably already know. And because parsing CSV is an art - I expect it to absolutely crash and burn when text with commas in it shows up (some text,"text, with commas in it, should be quoted",more text).
In theory admin can change mapping in setup - but then they'd need to add new field anyway to the loaded file. Overcomplicated. I guess somebody did it to solve issue with Record Type Ids - but there are better ways to achieve that and still have normal CSV file with normal columns and strong type matching, not just chucking everything in as strings.
In theory this lets you have "jagged" csv files (row 1 having 5 fields, row 2 having different record type and 17 fields? no problem)
Your call whether it's salvageable or you'd rather ditch it and try normal loading of QMB_Initial_Letter__c records. (get back to your business people and ask for requirements?) If you do have variable number of columns at source - you'd need to standardise it or group the data so only 1 "type" of records (well, whatever's in that "Field1__c") goes into each file.

How to get rid of lots of soql queries using maps

Im finding it really hard to understand maps, I have read lots of examples but they always seem not to relate to what I need to do - I've just about understood how to use oldmap.trigger in a very simple use case.
So anyways I have a trigger on a object Data_ProtectionIA , its parent is Data Agreement, and then its parent is Data request.
I need to update Data agreement and Data request when DPIA gets updated, I have the below so far which I know is a very long winded way to do it, but now I also have to add further updates for when DPIA gets updated to something else and for me to do this like I have done would mean doubling this code again when it is already unnecesarily long.
If someone could please simplify this code into maps then I think I would be able to understand maps properly, I just cant find examples of what I need to do. Many thanks in advance
(So at the moment I am getting the grandchild record and then creating a list of parent records to loop through and then getting a list of all their parent records and then looping through that. - even if you could just show me from child to parent (not even, child parent to grandparent that would be very helpful)
public static void setDRStatus(List<Data_Protection_IA__c> dpia, Map<ID,Data_Protection_IA__c> oldMap ){
List<ID> childDAID = new List<ID>();
for(Data_Protection_IA__c pDA: dpia){
if(pDA.DPIA_Status__c == 'Fully Approved' && oldMap.get(pDA.Id).DPIA_Status__c != 'Fully Approved'){
List<Data_Agreement__c> childDA = new List<Data_Agreement__c>();
ChildDA = [Select id, Data_Sharing_Status__c from Data_Agreement__c where id in:childDAID];
List<Data_Agreement__c> listToUpdate = new List <Data_Agreement__c>();
List<ID> dAId = new List <ID>();
system.debug('ChildDA'+ childDA);
for(Data_Agreement__c cda : ChildDA){
cda.Data_Sharing_Status__c = 'DPIA Fully Approved';
update listToUpdate;
List<Data_Request__c> dRList = [SELECT id, Data_Sharing_Status__c,Existing_Data_Agreement__c
FROM Data_Request__c where Existing_Data_Agreement__c in:dAId];
List<Data_Request__c> listToUpdatedr = new List <Data_Request__c>();
system.debug('DRList'+ dRList);
for(Data_Request__c dr :dRList){
dr.Data_Sharing_Status__c = 'DPIA Approved';
update listToUpdatedr;
Here is an example I had previously tried
So I started following an example and got to here
Set<Id> daIds = new Set<Id> {};
for (Data_Protection_IA__c p : dpia)
daIds.add(p.DataProcessingAgreement__c );
Map<ID, Data_Agreement__c> m = new Map<ID, Data_Agreement__c>(
[select id, from Data_Agreement__c where id in : daIds]);
list<Data_Agreement__c> dAupdates = new List <Data_Agreement__c>();
list<Contact> contactupdates = new List <Contact>();
for (Data_Protection_IA__c p1 :dpia)
m.get(p1.Data_Agreement__c) = 'DPIA Fully Approved');
but at the last line I think this map is tying to get the field Data_agreement from dpia object, but there is no data agreement field on dpia object. as dpia is the child. there is only a field for dpia on the data agreement object

xPages REST Service Results into Combobox or Typeahead Text Field

I've read all the documentation I can find and watched all the videos I can find and don't understand how to do this. I have set up an xPages REST Service and it works well. Now I want to place the results of the service into either a combobox or typeahead text field. Ideally I would like to know how to do it for both types of fields.
I have an application which has a view containing a list of countries, another view containing a list of states, and another containing a list of cities. I would like the first field to only display the countries field from the list of data it returns in the XPages REST Service. Then, depending upon which country was selected, I would like the states for that country to be listed in another field for selection, etc.
I can see code for calling the REST Service results from a button, or from a dojo grid, but I cannot find how to call it to populate either of the types of fields identified above.
Where would I call the Service for the field? I had thought it would go in the Data area, but perhaps I've just not found the right syntax to use.
November 6, 2017:
I have been following your suggestion, but am still lost as can be. Here's what I currently have in my code:
x$( "#{id:ApplCountry}" ).select2({
placeholder: "select a country",
minimumInputLength: 2,
allowClear : true,
multiple: false,
ajax: {
dataType: 'text/plain',
url: "./Application.xsp/gridData",
quietMillis: 250,
data: function (params) {
return {
processResults: function (data, page) {
var data = $.map(data, function (obj) { = || obj["#entityid"];
obj.text = obj.text ||;
return obj;
return {results: data};
I'm using the dataType of 'text/plain' because that was what I understood I should use when gathering data from a domino application. I have tried changing this to json but it makes no difference.
I'm using processResults because I understand this is what should be used in version 4 of select2.
I don't understand the whole use of the hidden field, so I've stayed away from that.
No matter what I do, although my REST service works if I put it directly in the url, I cannot get any data to display in the field. All I want to display in the field is the country code of the document, which is in the field named "name" (not my choice, it's how it came before I imported the data from MySQL.
I have read documentation and watched videos, but still don't really understand how everything fits together. That was my problem with the REST service. If you use it in Dojo, you just put the name of the service in a field on the Dojo element and it's done, so I don't understand why all the additional coding for another type of domino element. Shouldn't it work the same way?
I should point out that at some points it does display the default message, so it does find the field. Just doesn't display the country selections.
I think the issue may be that you are not returning SelectItems to your select2, and that is what it is expecting. When I do something like you are trying, I actually use a bean to generate the selection choices. You may want to try that or I'm putting in the working part of my bean below.
The Utils.getItemValueAsString is a method I use to return either the string value of a field, or if it is not on the document/empty/null an empty string. I took out an if that doesn't relate to this, so there my be a mismatch, but I hope not.
You might be able to jump directly to populating the arrayList, but as I recall I needed to leverage the LinkedHashMap for something.
You should be able to do the same using SSJS, but since that renders to Java before executing, I find this more efficient.
For label/value pairs:
LinkedHashMap lhmap = new LinkedHashMap();
Document doc = null;
Document tmpDoc = null;
if (dc.getCount() > 0) {
doc = dc.getFirstDocument();
while (doc != null) {
lhmap.put(Utils.getItemValueAsString(doc, LabelField, true), Utils.getItemValueAsString(doc, ValueField, true));
tmpDoc = dc.getNextDocument(doc);
doc = tmpDoc;
List<SelectItem> options = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
Set set = lhmap.entrySet();
Iterator hsItr = set.iterator();
while (hsItr.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry);
// System.out.println("after: " + hStr);
SelectItem option = new SelectItem();
option.setLabel(me.getKey() + "");
option.setValue(me.getValue() + "");
System.out.println("About to return from generating");
return options;
I ended up using straight up SSJS. Worked like a charm - very simple.

How can i save a ParseGeoPoint Object in mongodb (using mLab)

I want to save address ( a relational object ) with geopoints, so as to
later retrieve all Events which have address near to provided
location, it will be all based on coordinates. Using following piece
of code -
$address = new ParseObject("Address");
$point = new ParseGeoPoint(23.80, -120.90);
$address->set("location", $point);
Type of location in my db is geopoint, but it gives me continuous
Internal Server Error . Error code :exception 'Exception' with message 'Can't serialize an unsaved Parse.Object'
Post this I tried following code -
$address = new ParseObject("Address");
$point = new ParseGeoPoint(23.80, -120.90);
$address->set("location", $point);
I tried this, so as to remove above error of unsaved Parse.Object, but
it ended up saving only my address object and never saving location in
it. How can I achieve this?
Full code view -
function saveEvent() {
$title = $this->input->post('title');
$eventCode = $this->input->post('eventCode');
$event = new ParseObject("Event");
$event->set("title", $title);
$event->set("eventCode", $eventCode);
$address = $this->saveAddressObject($event, $url);
$event_address_Relation = $event->getRelation("address");
if (!empty($address)) {
function saveAddressObject($event, $url) {
$fullAddress = $this->input->post('fullAddress');
$address1 = $this->input->post('address1');
$address2 = $this->input->post('address2');
$city = $this->input->post('city');
$state = $this->input->post('state');
$zipCode = (int) $this->input->post('zipCode');
$country = $this->input->post('country');
$latitude = $this->input->post('latitude');
$longitude = $this->input->post('longitude');
try {
$address = new ParseObject("Address");
$address->set("fullAddress", $fullAddress);
$address->set("address1", $address1);
$address->set("address2", $address2);
$address->set("city", $city);
$address->set("state", $state);
$address->set("zipCode", $zipCode);
$address->set("country", $country);
$address->set("latitude", $latitude);
$address->set("longitude", $longitude);
$point = new ParseGeoPoint($latitude, $longitude);
$address->set("location", $point);
return $address;
} catch (ParseException $error) {
} catch (Exception $ex1) {
For your second example, only one instance of an object can be saved at a time, and the second+ attempts while another attempt is in progress fail silently. At least on iOS. I would imagine it's similar here.
Is this your exact code? The first error you mentioned tends to happen when you try to attach a new object that hasn't been saved yet to another object, and you mentioned that these addresses are used relationally. My bet is that you're trying to attach an object to another as a pointer, and haven't saved the object, which means it does not yet have an ID so you can't create a pointer to it.
Edit - I'm not sure which SDK you're using, but save calls are asynchronous, meaning it doesn't happen right away, so possibly you think you're saving an object first, but really the save hasn't finished, and you then try to attach it to another object? This could also be related to why your second example fails, since you don't have any completion handler that returns after the second save. Perhaps the first one manages to finish, but the second one never does before your function returns.

Help needed formatting Doctrine Query in Zend Framework

Can anyone tell me how to format the query below correctly in my controller.
Currently it gives me nothing in my FilteringSelect. However if I change it to >= I get back all the kennelIDs which is incorrect also but at least I'm getting something.
I've tested that the session variable is set and can confirm that there are kennels with the matching capacity.
// Create autocomplete selection for the service of this booking
public function servkennelAction()
$sessionKennelBooking = new Zend_Session_Namespace('sessionKennelBooking');
// disable layout and view rendering
// get list of grooming services for dogs from the table
$qry= Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('PetManager_Model_Kennels k');
//This should be set by default and narrows down the search criteria
$qry->addWhere('k.capacity = ?','$b');
//generate and return JSON string using the primary key of the table
$data = new Zend_Dojo_Data('kennelID',$result);
echo $data->toJson();
Many thanks in Advance.
I think that addWhere condition is wrong. It has to be:
$qry->addWhere('k.capacity = ?', $b);
i.e. $b without quotes.