Is it possible to make a Bing Maps TileLayer clickable? - event-handling

There are Data Layer Events with which you can add e.g. click events to the Layer Class. How can I add event handlers to the TileLayer Class?
In the WMS Tile Layer Example I wish I could add the following lines of code:
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(NOAAWeatherRadar, 'click', function() {
// add infobox
Is this realizable or do you know of a workaround?

Tile layers do not have mouse events in any map control. Tile layers cover the complete surface of the map. If you want a mouse event simply add an event to the map itself. If you want to be able to detect a mouse event on a shape drawn in the tile layer, then you will need to do some server side processing to test for intersection against the raw data.


Leaflet - Popup layers in same location

I have a map with the layer control layer, where each option is a bus line. If I mark two lines, and both pass in the same location, I can only get the information from the layer above, in the onEachFeature event. How do I show in a popup the information for all layers that are below the selected one? Thanks

How to detect when user does not click on a layer? Leaflet

I am using leafletjs in a project. On the map I have several polygons and markers. There is a click event on all of them to display some information when one of them is clicked. I would like to take the information away if the user clicks on a 'blank' part of the map (not on any polygons or markers). I know the map has the 'click' event but so far I am struggling to find a way to detect if the user clicked on a layer. Any advice?
you can use preclick event to clear all the data

How to centralize and change the center of the leaflet map dynamically

I have a map that covers the entire screen and I have a layer that overlays the map. That layer goes from bottom to top.
the user interacts with this layer by clicking on different options and these options draw markers on the map.
When I centralize the map, the markers are hidden behind the layer that superimposes the map, thus eliminating the visibility of the marker.
How could I centralize the map and then move it one third above the layer?
This question is a remake of
How can I change the location center of a map using Leaflet API?
Try doing it this way
var offset = map.getSize().y * 0.15;
map.panBy(new L.Point(0, -offset), {animate: false});
But every time I click on an option in the layer to create a marker, the map moves and I lose the center.
Excuse the example image
The idea is that after the map makes the setView place its center above the blue layer that superimposes the map so as not to hide the markers.

Mapbox gl repeat marker

I try to repeat a marker at the same coordinates when I am moving the map to infinity, in the same way that layers.
example :
Has anyone found how to do that please?
If it's not possible, conversely is it possible to not repeat layers when you moving the map ?
Thank you
The Link example you provided is not using Markers to render the shaded area. It is using a feature, in this case a polygon, included in a layer (a layer can have many features).
In MapBox the rendered map is made up of any number of layers (including the tile data) which is rendered whenever you scroll or drag to a particular area of the map. For example as you keep dragging to the right in the map it will just keep rendering in the relevant layers and tiles.
The Marker functionality has a different purpose which is as a one off selected point which is useful for a user click or hover interaction.

continuous drag or scaling in leaflet

at present our project is using the leaflet, I take the map parameters to background program (map.getZoom() and map.getbounds()) , then load the returned picture(return from background program) by imageoverlay.
excuse me how to solve continuous drag or continuous scaling, only the implementation of calling a daemon?
If you mean you dynamically load the base map (i.e. the image that is zoomable, draggable and that fills a big pane, not just a small portion that would have needed a single image overlay), you should probably rather do it through a Canvas Tile Layer:
Used to create Canvas-based tile layers where tiles get drawn on the browser side.
With this, you set up a myCanvasTileLayer.drawTile function that is called by Leaflet anytime the map needs more tiles (due to user panning / zooming). Please refer to Leaflet doc for the function arguments.
If you want to stick with your image overlay technique, you might want to listen to drag and zoomend map events to re-trigger your function that loads a new image overlay.