store multi images in mat file using matlab - matlab

The bellow matlab code is to read 6 images from folder and save them in mat file
then return to read the mat file and check the images inside it
the problem is that
just the last images stores in mat file
the problem is in save function::
what should I edit to make save function store all images that stored in result cell into mat file
%Generate mat file
srcFile = dir('C:\Users\Desktop\images\*.jpg');
result = cell(1,length(srcFile));
for i = 1 : length(srcFile)
filename = strcat('C:\Users\Desktop\images\',srcFile(i).name);
I = imread(filename);
%figure, imshow(I);
I = imresize(I,[128 128]);
result{i} = I;
figure, imshow(result{i});
save images, result;
%Read mat file
for j =1 :length(srcFile)
filename = strcat('C:\Users\Desktop\images\',srcFile(j).name);
I = imread(filename);
input = load('images.mat',a);
figure, imshow(input.(a));

Your first loop, up to the save, is fine.
When you load the data, use load('images.mat') before the second loop. Then, you have back the result variable in your workspace and you iterate on it:
for j = 1:length(srcFile)
figure, imshow(result{j});
What you have to remember is that your .mat file only contains the variables you saved, but you can't access them directly with load. You first load them, and then access the loaded variables (which have a different name from the file, usually).
Finally, if you want to check this code, you need to clear the workspace after the save, otherwise you may not notice that some of the variables you use are not there anymore (like the error you have got with I).


Batch process and name/save images in a separate folder

I am running a script to create masks of 41 Controls, both Positive and Negative, for a total of 82 images. I don't know how to save the masks with names similar to the original .png files, such as "Masked Control_1 Positive", "Masked Control_1 Negative", etc to Control_41. I also don't know how to save these to a separate folder within my current folder. Thank you!
I have also included a screenshot of the current directory.
% GlassBrains_Controls2Mask.m
Files = dir('Control_*');
Controls_Results_Structure = struct('BW',[],'maskedRGBImage',[]);
for i = 1:length(Files)
RGB = imread(Files(i).name);
[Output_BW, Output_maskedRGBImage] = GlassBrainMask(RGB);
Controls_Results_Structure(i).BW = Output_BW;
Controls_Results_Structure(i).maskedRGBImage = Output_maskedRGBImage;
% Save the results
mkdir "Masked Glass Brains (Controls)"
for i = 1:length(Files)
Image_Number = i;
Please notice that save() stores workspace variables in MAT files, which are generally meant to be opened with MATLAB only, not with image viewers and such. PNG files like those you are reading with imread() can be created with imwrite():
% Save the results
outdir='./Masked Glass Brains (Controls)';
assert(mkdir_status,'Error creating output folder.');
clear mkdir_status;
for i=1:length(Files)
imwrite( Controls_Results_Structure(i).BW, ...
sprintf('%s/Masked %s',outdir,Files(i).name) ... %alternative: [outdir '/Masked ' Files(i).name]
To customize the image file that imwrite() creates from the output of GlassBrainMask(), see:

Save the data in a form of three columns in text files

This function reads the data from multiple mat files and save them in multiple txt files. But the data (each value) are saved one value in one column and so on. I want to save the data in a form of three columns (coordinates) in the text files, so each row has three values separated by space. Reshape the data before i save them in a text file doesn't work. I know that dlmwrite should be modified in away to make newline after three values but how?
mat = dir('*.mat');
for q = 1:length(mat)
[~, testName, ~] = fileparts(mat(q).name);
testVar = eval(testName);
pos(q,:,:) = testVar.Bodies.Positions(1,:,:);
filename = sprintf('data%d.txt', q);
dlmwrite(filename , pos(q,:,:), 'delimiter','\t','newline','pc')
My data structure:
These data should be extracted from each mat file and stored in the corresponding text files like this:
332.68 42.76 42.663 3.0737
332.69 42.746 42.655 3.0739
332.69 42.75 42.665 3.074
A TheMathWorks-trainer once told me that there is almost never a good reason nor a need to use eval. Here's a snippet of code that should solve your writing problem using writematrix since dlmwrite is considered to be deprecated.
It further puts the file-handling/loading on a more resilient base. One can access structs dynamically with the .(FILENAME) notation. This is quite convenient if you know your fields. With who one can list variables in the workspace but also in .mat-files!
Have a look:
% path to folder
pFldr = pwd;
% get a list of all mat-files (returns an array of structs)
Lst = dir( fullfile(pFldr,'*.mat') );
% loop over files
for Fl = Lst.'
% create path to file
pFl = fullfile( Fl.folder, );
% variable to load
[~, var2load, ~] = fileparts(;
% get names of variables inside the file
varInfo = who('-file',pFl);
% check if it contains the desired variables
if ~all( ismember(var2load,varInfo) )
% display some kind of warning/info
disp(strcat("the file ",," does not contain all required varibales and is therefore skipped."))
% skip / continue with loop
% load | NO NEED TO USE eval()
Dat = load(pFl, var2load);
pos = squeeze( Dat.(var2load)(1,:,1:2000) );
% create file name for text file
pFl2save = fullfile( Fl.folder, strrep(,'.mat','.txt') );
To get your 3D-matrix data into a 2D matrix that you can write nicely to a file, use the function squeeze. It gets rid of empty dimensions (in your case, the first dimension) and squeezes the data into a lower-dimensional matrix
Why don't you use writematrix() function?
mat = dir('*.mat');
for q = 1:length(mat)
[~, testName, ~] = fileparts(mat(q).name);
testVar = eval(testName);
pos(q,:,:) = testVar(1,:,1:2000);
filename = sprintf('data%d.txt', q);
More insight you can find here:

Appending to an excel in matlab

I am following up on my own question. By using:
I am overwriting the existing excel. I have created a function which uses the code to save two images to excel. Now I want to iterate over a number of images, process each image and then save the result alongside the original image to an excel. Obviously calling the function each iteration is a bad idea since, each iteration is deleting the results of former iterations.
How can I add the current data to the excel file without deleting any former data?
Is there a better way to do this?
Note that the data is images and not simple numeric data.
Create a COM server once, iterate over the images and place them in the desired cells, quit the server and then delete the server object.
Building from my previous answer, here is a working example with 5 of many built-in images:
%Some sample images
excel = actxserver('Excel.Application'); % Create server object
excelWorkbook = excel.Workbooks.Add(1); % Add a workbook
excelSheet = excel.ActiveSheet; % Get the active sheet
f = figure('visible','off'); % To not show the images in MATLAB
dpi = get(groot, 'ScreenPixelsPerInch'); % Get screen dpi
for k=1:5
print(gcf, sprintf('-r%d', dpi), ... % Print the figure at the screen resolution
'-clipboard', '-dbitmap'); % to the clipboard as a bitmap
%Adjust the cell names where you want to paste the images as desired
%Unlocking aspect ratio to adjust height and width of the image according to the cell
excelWorkbook.SaveAs('figtest.xlsx'); % Save workbook to a file
excelWorkbook.Close(); % Close workbook
excel.Quit(); % Quit server
excel.delete(); % Delete server object
which gives:
One approach is to place each set of images in its own sheet, creating new sheets in the Excel file as needed. Here's some sample code, modified from my previous answer:
% Start COM server:
excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
excelWorkbook = excel.Workbooks.Add(1);
excelWorksheets = excelWorkbook.Worksheets;
% Initializations:
dpi = get(groot, 'ScreenPixelsPerInch');
for iSheet = 1:nIterations % Based on how many image sets you process
% Get a blank sheet:
if (iSheet == 1)
excelSheet = excel.ActiveSheet;
excelSheet = excelWorksheets.Add([], excel.ActiveSheet, 1);
% Load, process, and plot your images here:
% Paste image into sheet and adjust cell size:
print(hFigure, sprintf('-r%d', dpi), '-clipboard', '-dbitmap');
excelSheet.Range('B2').RowHeight = excelSheet.Shapes.Item(1).Height;
widthScale = excelSheet.Range('B2').ColumnWidth./...
excelSheet.Range('B2').ColumnWidth = excelSheet.Shapes.Item(1).Width.*widthScale;
% Save and close workbook and stop COM server:
Adding data to an excel file is not well defined: creating new sheets or adding data to an existing one?
Therefore, you probably need the following methodology:
Open the existing excel file (to which you want to add data)
Add the new data to the opened excel file
Save this edited excel file
Just found this here:
xlApp = actxserver('Excel.Application');
xlApp.visible = 1;
%Open the the spreadsheet
xlworkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open('figtest.xlsx');
xlsheet = xlworkbook.ActiveSheet;
%Determine last row
xlCurrRange = xlsheet.Range(['A', num2str(newRange),':C', num2str(newRange)]);
xlCurrRange.Value2 = mydata;
%Save and Close the Excel File
Also, you may want to try this script from the File Exchange.

MATLAB loop through excel files

My code is posted below. It does exactly what I need it to do.
It reads in a file and plots the data that I need. If I want to read in another file and have it go through the same code, without having to write the whole thing a second time with different variables, is that possible? I would like to store the matrices from each loop.
As you can see the file I get is called: Oxygen_1keV_300K.xlsx
I have another file called: Oxygen_1keV_600K.xlsx
and so on.
How can I loop through these files without having to re-code the whole thing? I then want to plot them all on the same graph. It would be nice to store the final matrix Y and Ymean for each file so they are not overwritten.
files = ['Oxygen_1keV_300K','Oxygen_1keV_300K','Oxygen_1keV_600K','Oxygen_1keV_900K'];
celldata = cellstr(file)
k = cell(1,24);
for k=1:24
data{k} = xlsread('C:\Users\Ben\Desktop\Oxygen_1keV_300K.xlsx',['PKA', num2str(k)]);
for i=1:24
yi{i} = interp1(x{i},y{i},xi{i});
Y = zeros(10001, numel(data));
for ii = 1 : numel(data)
Y(:, ii) = yi{ii}(1 : 10001);
Ymean = mean(Y, 2);
figure (1)
Cell arrays make it very easy to store a list of strings that you can access as part of a for loop. In this case, I would suggest putting your file paths in a cell array as a substitute for the string used in your xlsread call
For example,
%The first file is the same as in your example.
%I just made up file names for the next two.
%Use the full file path if the file is not in your current directory
filepath_list = {'C:\Users\Ben\Desktop\Oxygen_1keV_300K.xlsx', 'file2.xlsx', 'file3.xlsx'};
%To store separate results for each file, make Ymean a cell array or matrix too
YMean = zeros(length(filepath_list), 1);
%Now use a for loop to loop over the files
for ii=1:length(filepath_list)
%Here's where your existing code would go
%I only include the sections which change due to the loop
for k=1:24
%The change is that on this line you use the cell array variable to load the next file path
data{k} = xlsread(filepath_list{ii},['PKA', num2str(k)]);
% ... do the rest of your processing
%You'll need to index into Ymean to store your result in the corresponding location
YMean(ii) = mean(Y, 2);
Cell arrays are a basic matlab variable type. For an introduction, I recommend the documentation for creating and accessing data in cell arrays.
If all your files are in the same directory, you can also use functions like dir or ls to populate the cell array programatically.

How to read multiple jpg images in matlab [duplicate]

I have certain images in a directory and I want to load all those images to do some processing. I tried using the load function.
imagefiles = dir('F:\SIFT_Yantao\demo-data\*.jpg');
nfiles = length(imagefiles); % Number of files found
for i=1:nfiles
I2 = imread(currentfilename);
[pathstr, name, ext] = fileparts(currentfilename);
textfilename = [name '.mat'];
fulltxtfilename = [pathstr textfilename];
descr2 = des2;
frames2 = loc2;
do_match(I1, descr1, frames1, I2, descr2, frames2) ;
I am getting an error as unable to read xyz.jpg no such file or directory found, where xyz is my first image in that directory.
I also want to load all formats of images from the directory instead of just can i do that?
You can easily load multiple images with same type as follows:
function Seq = loadImages(imgPath, imgType)
%imgPath = 'path/to/images/folder/';
%imgType = '*.png'; % change based on image type
images = dir([imgPath imgType]);
N = length(images);
% check images
if( ~exist(imgPath, 'dir') || N<1 )
display('Directory not found or no matching images found.');
% preallocate cell
Seq{N,1} = []
for idx = 1:N
Seq{d} = imread([imgPath images(idx).name]);
I believe you want the imread function, not load. See the documentation.
The full path (inc. directory) is not held in, just the file name, so it can't find the file because you haven't told it where to look. If you don't want to change directories, use fullfile again when reading the file.
You're also using the wrong function for reading the images - try imread.
Other notes: it's best not to use i for variables, and your loop is overwriting I2 at every step, so you will end up with only one image, not four.
You can use the imageSet object in the Computer Vision System Toolbox. It loads image file names from a given directory, and gives you the ability to read the images sequentially. It also gives you the option to recurse into subdirectories.