Apparently Guava's ImmutableRangeSet cannot store overlapping ranges. This makes sense, but is there an interface to resolve/merge overlapping ranges and then put the resultant ranges into an ImmutableRangeSet?
Currently I'm building a TreeRangeSet, which automatically merges overlapping ranges, and passing this as an argument to ImmutableRangeSet.builder().addAll(). This process works, but it seems a little too indirect just to resolve overlapping ranges.
Can you be more specific about your use case? I guess you have a collection of ranges and you're trying to create ImmutableRangeSet using copyOf method, which throws IAE in case of overlapping ranges. Let's see this test case:
public void shouldHandleOverlappingRanges()
ImmutableList<Range<Integer>> ranges = ImmutableList.of(
Range.closed(0, 2),
Range.closed(1, 4),
Range.closed(9, 10)
ImmutableRangeSet<Integer> rangeSet = ImmutableRangeSet.copyOf(ranges);
.containsOnly(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10);
which fails with
Overlapping ranges not permitted but found [0..2] overlapping [1..4]
In this case you should use unionOf instead of copyOf and it'd pass:
ImmutableRangeSet<Integer> rangeSet = ImmutableRangeSet.unionOf(ranges);
I've created a subgraph_view by applying a filter to edges. When I call nodes() on the subgraph it still shows me all nodes, even if none of the edges use them. I need to get a list of only nodes that are still part of the subgraph.
G = nx.path_graph(6)
G[2][3]["cross_me"] = False
G[3][4]["cross_me"] = False
def filter_edge(n1, n2):
return G[n1][n2].get("cross_me", True)
view = nx.subgraph_view(G, filter_edge=filter_edge)
# node 3 is no longer used by any edges in the subgraph
This produces
EdgeView([(0, 1), (1, 2), (4, 5)])
as expected. However, when I run view.nodes() I get
NodeView((0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
What I expect to see is
NodeView((0, 1, 2, 4, 5))
This seems odd. Is there some way to extract only the nodes used by the subgraph?
The confusion stems from the definition of 'graph.' A disconnected node is still a part of a graph. In fact, you could have a graph with no edges at all. So the behavior of subgraph_view() is counterintuitive but correct.
If, however, you still want to achieve what you're describing, there are lots of potential ways, depending on your tolerance for modifying the original graph. I'll mention two that attempt to stay as close to your current method as possible and avoid deleting edges or nodes from G.
Method 1
The easiest way using your view object is to take it as input to edge_subgraph() (which only takes edges as input) like this:
final_view = view.edge_subgraph(view.edges())
NodeView((0, 1, 2, 4, 5))
Method 2
To me, Method 1 seems clunky and confusing by defining an intermediate view. If instead we go back up a little bit and start with G, we could define a filter_node function that checks the edge attributes of each node and filters that node if
all edges are flagged for removal, or
the node has no edges in the first place.
You could also do this by manually flagging the node itself, as you've done with the edges.
G = nx.path_graph(6)
G[2][3]["cross_me"] = False
G[3][4]["cross_me"] = False
def filter_edge(n1, n2):
return G[n1][n2].get("cross_me", True)
def filter_node(n):
return sum([i[2].get("cross_me", True) for i in G.edges(n, data=True)])
view = nx.subgraph_view(G, filter_node=filter_node, filter_edge=filter_edge)
also gives the expected
NodeView((0, 1, 2, 4, 5))
I am using version 3.1.1 of the popular charts library for iOS. I have run into an issue with x-axis labeling that I can't seem to find the answer for online:
Let's say I want to have a chart with one x-axis label for every day of the week (namely: S, M, T, W, T, F, S). Lots of forums I've read suggest taking the approach of setting a custom value formatter on the x-axis as suggested here:
This works for calculating labels on days for which I have data. The issue I'm running into with this approach is that if I don't have data for a specific day, then the label for that day won't get generated.
For example, if I were to use a custom value formatter that looked like this:
public class CustomChartFormatter: NSObject, IAxisValueFormatter {
var days: = ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"]
public func stringForValue(value: Double, axis: AxisBase?) -> String {
return days[Int(value)]
and my backing data looked like this: [(0, 15.5), (1, 20.1), (6, 11.1)] where 0, 1, and 6 are representations of days, and 15.5, 20.1, and 11.1 are the data points on those days, then when stringForValue is called, some of the days will never get labels generated for them.
Since value is always based on that backing data, it will never be equal to 2, 3, 4, or 5 in this scenario. As such, labels for "T", "W", "T", and "F" are never generated.
Does anyone know how to force the library to generate 7 labels, one for each day of the week, regardless of what my backing data is? Thank you kindly.
Ok so thanks to #wingzero 's comment, I have been able to get this working. There are a few things required to do so. For simplicity's sake, I am going to explain how to get the "days of the week" labels working as I originally asked. If you follow these steps, however, you should be able to tweak them to format your chart however you like (for example, with months of the year).
1) Make sure that your chart's x-axis minimum and maximum values are set. In this case, you'd want to say: chartView.xAxis.axisMinimum = 0.0 and chartView.axisMaximum = 6.0. This is important for step 2.
2) As Wingzero alluded to, create a subclass of XAxisRenderer that allows us to grab the minimum and maximum values set in step one and determine what values should be passed to our IAxisValueFormatter subclass in step three. In this case:
class XAxisWeekRenderer: XAxisRenderer {
override func computeAxis(min: Double, max: Double, inverted: Bool) {
axis?.entries = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Make sure to pass this renderer to your chart like this: chartView.xAxisRenderer = XAxisWeekRenderer()
3) Create a subclass of IAxisValueFormatter that takes the values we passed to the chart in step two ([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) and gets corresponding label names. This is what I did in my original question here. To recap:
public class CustomChartFormatter: NSObject, IAxisValueFormatter {
var days: = ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"]
public func stringForValue(value: Double, axis: AxisBase?) -> String {
return days[Int(value)]
4) Set the labelCount on your graph to be equal to the number of labels you want. In this case, it would be 7. I show how to do this, along with the rest of the steps, below the last step here.
5) Force the labels to be enabled
6) Force granularity on the chart to be enabled and set granularity to 1. From what I understand, setting the granularity to 1 means that if the data your chart passes to stringForValue is not in round numbers, the chart will essentially round said data or treat it like it is rounded. This is important since if you passed in 0.5, it's possible that your stringForValue might not produce the right strings for your labels.
7) Set the value formatter on the xAxis to be the custom formatter you created in step 3.
Steps 4-7 (plus setting the formatter created in step 3) are shown below:
chartView.xAxis.labelCount = 7
chartView.xAxis.forceLabelsEnabled = true
chartView.xAxis.granularityEnabled = true
chartView.xAxis.granularity = 1
chartView.xAxis.valueFormatter = CustomChartFormatter()
First, have you debugged return days[Int(value)] on your side? From your screenshot, it seems obvious that your value after int cast looses the precision. e.g. 2.1 and 2.7 will be 2, which always shows you T. You have to look at your value first.
If you are sure you only get 7 xaxis labels all the time, a tricky way is to force computeAxisValues to have [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] all the time.
Meaning, you make sure your data x range is [1,7] (or [0,6]), and in #objc open func computeAxisValues(min: Double, max: Double), you should be able to see min is 1 and max is 7.
Then you override this method to set axis.entries = [Double]() to be [0,1,2,3,4,5,6], without any calculation. This should gives you the correct mapping.
However, before doing this, I suggest you take some time to debug this method first, to understand why you didn't get the expected values.
I have a comparator like this:
lazy val seq = mapping.toSeq.sortWith { case ((_, set1), (_, set2)) =>
// Just propose all the most connected nodes first to the users
// But also allow less connected nodes to pop out sometimes
val popOutChance = random.nextDouble <= 0.1D && set2.size > 5
if (popOutChance) set1.size < set2.size else set1.size > set2.size
It is my intention to compare sets sizes such that smaller sets may appear higher in a sorted list with 10% chance.
But compiler does not let me do that and throws an Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract! once I try to use it in runtime. How can I override it?
I think the problem here is that, every time two elements are compared, the outcome is random, thus violating the transitive property required of a comparator function in any sorting algorithm.
For example, let's say that some instance a compares as less than b, and then b compares as less than c. These results should imply that a compares as less than c. However, since your comparisons are stochastic, you can't guarantee that outcome. In fact, you can't even guarantee that a will be less than b next time they're compared.
So don't do that. No sort algorithm can handle it. (Such an approach also violates the referential transparency principle of functional programming and will make your program much harder to reason about.)
Instead, what you need to do is to decorate your map's members with a randomly assigned weighting - before attempting to sort them - so that they can be sorted consistently. However, since this happens at the start of a sort operation, the result of the sort will be different each time, which I think is what you're looking for.
It's not clear what type mapping has in your example, but it appears to be something like: Map[Any, Set[_]]. (You can replace the types as required - it's not that important to this approach. For example, say mapping actually has the type Map[String, Set[SomeClass]], then you would replace references below to Any with String and Set[_] to Set[SomeClass].)
First, we'll create a case class that we'll use to score and compare the map elements. Then we'll map the contents of mapping to a sequence of elements of this case class. Next, we sort those elements. Finally, we extract the tuple from the decorated class. The result should look something like this:
final case class Decorated(x: (Any, Set[_]), rand: Double = random.nextDouble)
extends Ordered[Decorated] {
// Calculate a rank for this element. You'll need to change this to suit your precise
// requirements. Here, if rand is less than 0.1 (a 10% chance), I'm adding 5 to the size;
// otherwise, I'll report the actual size. This allows transitive comparisons, since
// rand doesn't change once defined. Values are negated so bigger sets come to the fore
// when sorted.
private def rank: Int = {
if(rand < 0.1) -(x._2.size + 5)
else -x._2.size
// Compare this element with another, by their ranks.
override def compare(that: Decorated): Int =
// Now sort your mapping elements as follows and convert back to tuples.
lazy val seq = => Decorated(x))
This should put the elements with larger sets towards the front, but there's 10% chance that sets appear 5 bigger and so move up the list. The result will be different each time the last line is re-executed, since map will create new random values for each element. However, during sorting, the ranks will be fixed and will not change.
(Note that I'm setting the rank to a negative value. The Ordered[T] trait sorts elements in ascending order, so that - if we sorted purely by set size - smaller sets would come before larger sets. By negating the rank value, sorting will put larger sets before smaller sets. If you don't want this behavior, remove the negations.)
I'm new to scala (from python) and I'm trying to create a Json object that has dynamic keys. I would like to use some starting number as the top-level key and then combinations involving that number as second-level keys.
From reading the play-json docs/examples, I've seen how to build these nested structures. While that will work for the top-level keys (there are only 17 of them), this is a combinatorial problem and the power set contains ~130k combinations that would be the second-level keys so it isn't feasible to list that structure out. I also saw the use of a case class for structures, however the parameter name becomes the key in those instances which is not what I'm looking for.
Currently, I'm considering using HashMaps with the MultiMap trait so that I can map multiple combinations to the same original starting number and then second-level keys would be the combinations themselves.
I have python code that does this, but it takes 3-4 days to work through up-to-9-number combinations for all 17 starting numbers. The ideal final format would look something like below.
Perhaps it isn't possible to do in scala given the goal of using immutable structures. I suppose using regex on a string of the output might be an option as well. I'm open to any solutions regarding data structures to hold the info and how to approach the problem. Thanks!
"2": {
"(2, 3, 4, 5, 6)": {
"best_permutation": "(2, 4, 3, 5, 6)",
"amount": 26.0
"(2, 4, 5, 6)": {
"best_permutation": "(2, 5, 4, 6)",
"amount": 21.0
"3": {
"(3, 2, 4, 5, 6)": {
"best_permutation": "(3, 4, 2, 5, 6)",
"amount": 26.0
"(3, 4, 5, 6)": {
"best_permutation": "(3, 5, 4, 6)",
"amount": 21.0
There is no real data source other than the matrix I'm using as my lookup table. I've posted the links to the lookup table I'm using and the program if it might help, but essentially, I'm generating the content myself within the code.
For a given combination, I have a function that basically takes the first value of the combination (which is to be the starting point) and then uses the tail of that combination to generate a permutation.
After that I prepend the starting location to the front of each permutation and then use sliding(2) to work my way through the permutation looking up the amount which is in a breeze.linalg.DenseMatrix by using the two values to index the matrix I've provided below and summing the amounts gathered by indexing the matrix with the two sliding values (subtracting 1 from each value to account for the 0-based indexing).
At this point, it is just a matter of gathering the information (starting_location, combination, best_permutation and the amount) and constructing the nested HashMap. I'm using scala 2.11.8 if it makes any difference.
MATRIX: see here.
PROGRAM:see here.
I'm looking for a way to handle ranges in Scala.
What I need to do is:
given a set of ranges and a range(A) return the range(B) where range(A) intersect range (B) is not empty
given a set of ranges and a range(A) remove/add range(A) from/to the set of ranges.
given range(A) and range(B) create a range(C) = [min(A,B), max(A,B)]
I saw something similar in java -
Though subRangeSet returns only the intersect values and not the range in the set (or list of ranges) that it intersects with.
RangeSet rangeSet = TreeRangeSet.create();
rangeSet.add(Range.closed(0, 10));
rangeSet.add(Range.closed(30, 40));
Range range = Range.closed(12, 32);
System.out.println(rangeSet.subRangeSet(range)); //[30,32] (I need [30,40])
System.out.println(range.span(Range.closed(30, 40))); //[12,40]
There is an Interval[A] type in the spire math library. This allows working with ranges of arbitrary types that define an Order. Boundaries can be inclusive, exclusive or omitted. So e.g. (-∞, 0.0] or [0.0, 1.0) would be possible intervals of doubles.
Here is a library intervalset for working with sets of non-overlapping intervals (IntervalSeq or IntervalTrie) as well as maps of intervals to arbitrary values (IntervalMap).
Here is a related question that describes how to use IntervalSeq with DateTime.
Note that if the type you want to use is 64bit or less (basically any primitive), IntervalTrie is extremely fast. See the Benchmarks.
As Tzach Zohar has mentioned in the comment, if all you need is range of Int - go for scala.collection.immutable.Range:
val rangeSet = Set(0 to 10, 30 to 40)
val r = 12 to 32
rangeSet.filter(range => range.contains(r.start) || range.contains(r.end))
If you need it for another underlying type - implement it by yourself, it's easy for your usecase.