How to roll a cube on it's edges on Unity 3D - unity3d

I want to move a cube by making it roll on it's edges. The cube will be standing on a x-z grid and each movement it takes will make it stand on a different square of the grid.
The player will controll the movement and will only be able to make the cube roll on one direction at a time (left, right, forward or back), but the cube must always stand exactly on top of one of the grid's squares.
I don't think applying a force to the cube will help cause it could move it a little bit too much or too little. I want to achieve something like this: but only on the x-z plane. Notice how on each corner the cube can stop and change direction with ease, because it never moves too much or too little.
Any ideas on how to approach this?

If you are new to the Unity it will be useless to trowing you a bunch of codes so i am telling you the way of doing it so you can implement your own codes.
You can create 4 empty game object which will always follow the cube on the floor and when you want to roll the cube you will rotate the cube around the empty objects.
You can find the codes for following the cube and rotating the cube on youtube, and for the starters searching is allways good.
So i hope you can manage it out, if you cant please write me again where did you stuck and i will be happy to answer you :)


HingeJoint doesnt open the opposite direction

I was wondering if you could tell me if this is possible. I've spent a couple hours to no avail trying to find a way to make a object with box collider swing inwards and outwards like a door. I used hinge joint, but it will only swing the gameobject inwards or outwards around the joint. I am trying to achieve a 'saloon door' effect that allows free rotation around the y axis. I have tried fiddling with the anchor position and axis values but no luck. I was surprised not to find any similar problems online, perhaps hinge joint is not meant for this purpose? Any clarification is much appreciated.
I'm not really sure how I fixed it, but I got the door to swing freely. One possible reason is surrounding colliders or terrain prevented it from swinging freely. sigh

Very weird position "snapping" with simple box colliders?

Im not even sure what is happening here but I'm just trying to make objects fall normally onto the floor - they need gravity/be able to be pushed around, but just fall onto a static floor object.
I have a cube and my floor mesh. Floor mesh has this:
Cube has this:
Initially I'll have my cube just positioned right over the floor. Then I press play and pause, within one second it's 100 m away, spinning/falling. What could be happening here?
You may face problems with small size colliders due to how the physics engine works. Increase size of colliders and see if it helps. If you really need colliders this small, try changing the Default Contact Offset in Physics Manager.

How to implement trolley-like physics behaviour in Unity

I am stuck with two things while trying to simulate the physics setup for a trolley-like object (push powered vehicle with free rotating wheels on the front and fixed wheels on the back).
I have the RigidBody with its mesh and four WheelColliders, the object moves fine if I just apply torque to the wheels. However if I use the AddForce method on the RigidBody it won't move; I see the object being pushed (slightly balancing) but the wheels won't rotate so it stays in place. How can I get the wheels to move if the object is being pushed?
My other problem is to simulate the standard 360 degrees rotating wheels on the front of the trolley. What would be the best way to simulate this? I was thinking about a horizontal WheelCollider and a vertical one as a child but that seems really weird and I doubt it will actually work. Any ideas?
This tutorial shows an example of how to use the wheel colliders and apply steering and torque to them.
It might be what you are looking for in regards to the adding force part.
I suspect it might allow the 360 degree rotation as well, but I am not familiar enough with these colliders to guarantee that.
In the guide there is the line:
public float maxSteeringAngle; // maximum steer angle the wheel can have
Which looks relevant for the 360 degree turning.

Side scroller style scene with gravity

I've started learning sprite kit and I think I've got the basics but now I'm struggling with something.
I want to create a game that has a 'Streets of rage' type feel to it whereby the user can move up and down, but isn't jumping, they're still on a 2D plane. But I also want them to be effected by gravity e.g stairs etc. like the following picture.
Am I right in assuming that I should have my background image with colliders around the blue and brown edges, and then create a physicsbody collider located at the feet of my player/players so that it looks like they can move against the background, but when their feet reach the top it would stop?
Could I then place other obstacles like rocks etc on that path that they would be able to collide into, but that could also sit over the path and the sky? How would I handle the fact that these could be constantly colliding depending on the position?
I appreciate there isn't any code here, but I'm trying to understand the concept around this before I jump in coding a solution.
I would use a categoryBitMask to separate the different planes of objects.
And I would play with collisionBitMask/contactTestBitMask depending from the plane the player is in, in addition to the z-order.
Thus you can have a rock that collides your player if they are both in the same line else the player would walk behind/front.

Tracking 3D cube position OpenGL?

I'm having trouble with a 3D cube on a plane. The plane is a grid of squares. The ID number of the square that the cube currently occupies on is stored in a storage-variable. This is so that I can tell whether or not adjacent squares are free for the cube to move onto. When I move the cube, the storage-variable is updated to reflect the ID number of the new square.
The problem is that sometimes when I am moving the cube, the cube is moved too far or in the wrong direction and the square in the storage-variable does not match the actual square the cube is drawn on...This causes problems like the cube not detecting collisions and even going through objects it is not supposed to....
Cube is drawn in a drawView method in an iPhone OpenGL ES EAGLView at a rate of 24 times per second...Could the fast drawing be the cause of this???? How can I fix this? My job depends on it...
Somebody please help.
Well, not a lot to go on... But I doubt that the display refresh rate has any bearing on where the cube is going. Sounds like you have a good old fashioned logic error. But again, that's only going off what you've given.
Have you tried checking to make sure each storage-variable maps correctly onto each square in your plane? Try debugging, drawing a square at a time to make sure it's drawing each one where you think it's supposed to be.