How to share file with room in HipChat via Postman or Jersey client? - rest

Please provide the solution for this (I am new to jersey and postman). I tried with below link but unable to share the file:
I attached screen shots, which I tried from postman.
Note: I used API access token with send message scope.
I am getting below error as response:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "No file was found in the request. See for an example",
"type": "Bad Request"


Documentum REST API issue

I have successfully installed Documentum REST API in my environment. When I go to http://localhost:8080/dctm-rest/repositories I am able to see the repositories successfully. But when I when I try to open any cabinet URL there, it prompts for username password.
I put a password there and it works fine.
But when I send the request using Postman it shows this error
"status": 401,
"message": "Authentication failed.",
"details": "Full authentication is required to access this resource"
and when sending with Authorization in the format
Authorization : Basic (base64 value of "username:password")
it shows
"status": 400,
"message": "Illegal argument {0} provided with value {1}.",
"details": "Parameter conditions \"dql\" not met for actual request
parameters: "
You Have to turn on the Interceptor to make proxy-authenticated request so that it has the same request context as of browser.
I tried few links and used Basic Auth, which worked!

how to upload data to google cloud storage using rest api

I am trying to upload data to google cloud storage using rest api
According to the documentations we can use this api to send data to cloud store[Bucket
name]/o?uploadType=media&name=[object name]
and sending auth,content-type and content-length as header
auth can be genereted using service accounts which i generated but still unable to upload the file
i am getting this error
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "authError",
"message": "Invalid Credentials",
"locationType": "header",
"location": "Authorization"
"code": 401,
"message": "Invalid Credentials"
one of the correct way to do it would be[bucket_name]/o?key={your_key}&uploadType=media&name=happy3
you can generate key from api screen in google console
other way is to go to outh2.0 playground and send request from there
it will generate header files accordingly

O365 Attachment API got "Unable to cast object of type" error

Any resolution/mitigation on this?
The issue can be reproduced on API explorer ( with following REST API Repro steps:
Logon API Explorer with your tenant,
Get the group conversation attachments with following API In my case:
You will get following error:
Request duration: 6086 ms. CollapseExpandRawJSON Error: 500 - Internal Server Error See Response Headers for details. { "error": { "code": "ErrorInternalServerError", "message": "Unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.Exchange.Services.OData.Model.AttachmentSchema' to type 'Microsoft.Exchange.Services.OData.Web.IRequestBuilderForEntitySet`2[Microsoft.Exchange.Services.OData.Model.Post,Microsoft.Exchange.Services.OData.Model.Attachment]'.", "innerError": { "request-id": "89efeca6-ba17-478b-aa8e-f3bf6ec32cd0", "date": "2016-01-08T09:56:39" } } }
This was a bug in the service. The fix for it is being rolled out and you should no longer see the error.

Youtube analytics API Playlists filter returns Unknown error occurred on the server

When retrieving my playlists statistics using the Youtube Analytics API, quite often the API returns error 500
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "internalError",
"message": "Unknown error occurred on the server."
"code": 500,
"message": "Unknown error occurred on the server."
The request that I make is authorized, by turning on the Authorize requests using OAuth 2.0 in the api explorer
Here is a link to the API explorer, which is taken from the official documentation
Any ideas? Thank you!

Facebook Graph API Explorer won't delete a request

I'm trying to delete a request via Graph API Explorer. Request is generated by my mobile application. Of course, I use an access token from this application. And I've got the following error:
"error": {
"message": "(#2) Failed to delete any app request",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 2
The request exists, I can GET it.
The issue was that I tried to delete a request that didn't belong to me.