How can I run an MSBuild task in Powershell on file changed - powershell

I am trying to write something like a CSharp watch task in PowerShell. So, what I want to happen is when a CSharp file changes in a certain directory, it tries to find the csproj file and initiates a build.
Here's what I have currently
function Watch-CSharp-Files() {
set-location "D:\path\to\csharp\files\"
$originalPath = Get-Location
Write-host "Welcome to The Watcher. It keeps track of changing files in this solution directory (including subdirectories) and triggers a build when something changes..."
$existingEvents = get-eventsubscriber
foreach ($item in $existingEvents) {
Unregister-event -SubscriptionId $item.SubscriptionId
write-host "Unsubscribed existing event:" $item.Action.Name
$folder = get-location
$filter = '*.*'
$watcher = New-Object IO.FileSystemWatcher $folder, $filter -Property #{IncludeSubdirectories = $true;NotifyFilter = [IO.NotifyFilters]'FileName, LastWrite'}
Register-ObjectEvent $watcher Changed -SourceIdentifier FileChanged -Action {
$path = $Event.SourceEventArgs.FullPath
if ($path -match "(\.cs~|.cs$)") {
write-host "file changed: $path"
Invoke-Expression -Command "Find-And-Build-Project '$path'"
function Find-And-Build-Project([string]$path) {
$pathParts = "$path".Split("\\")
$end = $pathParts.Count - 2 # skip the file name to the parent directory
$testPath = $pathParts[0..$end] -join "\"
write-host "testing path $testPath"
$csproj = Get-ChildItem -path $testPath *.csproj
For ($i = 0; $i -le 10; $i++) {
$newEnd = $end - $i
$newPath = $pathParts[0..$newEnd] -join "\"
$csproj = Get-ChildItem -path $newPath *.csproj
write-host "$i. trying: $newPath, csproj: $csproj"
if ($csproj) {
write-host "found on $i, at $newPath, $csproj"
write-host "Ready: $newPath\$csproj"
$msbuild = "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe"
write-host "trying to MSBUILD"
& $msbuild ("$newPath\$csproj", "/target:Build", "/p:configuration=debug", "/verbosity:n")
What I have found is that within the function Find-And-Build-Project, the & $msbuild doesn't get invoked. But, I don't understand why.
Any ideas?

Ok, this helped me:
This script targets the saved .cs file (or .cs~tmp[0-9].cs as Visual Studio seems to create), then searches back up the directory tree to find a .csproj file and builds it.
I published the module to the PowerShell Gallery, it's called CSharp-Watch


Why is powershell switching directories mid code on copy-item when the variable is already defined?

I have some code that checks a target file, waits for a change, and I want it to only move the most recent files based on their LastWriteTime Value. However, every time I change a file within the target directory nothing is copying over and I am having the copy-item directory change to "C:\Users\run". I
it recognizes that there are files to copy and even states their filename when throwing the error. What can I do in this situation to make sure my copy-item command is copying from my target directory?
Code for Reference:
$File = "C:\Users\run\Desktop\Target"
$destinationFolder = "c:\users\run\desktop\dest"
$maxDays = "-1"
$maxMins = "20"
$date = Get-Date
Write-Host "Waiting For File To Change in Job Cloud..."
$Action = '
Write-Host "Moving Files From Job Cloud To Server Shares... Please Do Not Disrupt This Service"
write-host "files copied to job cloud..."
$global:FileChanged = $false
function dateChecker {
Foreach($File in (Get-ChildItem -Path $File)){
if($File.LastWriteTime -lt ($date).AddMinutes($maxMins)){
Write-Host "Moving Files From Job Cloud To Server Shares... Please Do Not Disrupt This Service"
Copy-Item -Path $File -Destination $destinationFolder -recurs #-ErrorAction #silentlyContinue
while($true) {
function Wait-FileChange {
$FilePath = Split-Path $File -Parent
$FileName = Split-Path $File -Leaf
$ScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($Action)
$Watcher = New-Object IO.FileSystemWatcher $FilePath, $FileName -Property #{
IncludeSubdirectories = $false
EnableRaisingEvents = $true
$onChange = Register-ObjectEvent $Watcher Changed -Action {$global:FileChanged = $true}
while ($global:FileChanged -eq $false){
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
& $ScriptBlock
Unregister-Event -SubscriptionId $onChange.Id
Wait-FileChange -File $File -Action $Action
PowerShell is not switching directories - although I can certainly see why you'd think that based on the behavior. The explanation is closer than you might think though:
The -Path parameter takes a [string] argument.
$File is not a string - it's a [FileInfo] object - and PowerShell therefore converts it to a string before passing it to Copy-Item -Path. Unfortunately, this results in the name of the file (not the full path) being passed as the argument, and Copy-Item therefore has to resolve the full path, and does so relative to the current working directory.
You can fix this by passing the full path explicitly to Copy-Item -LiteralPath:
Copy-Item -LiteralPath $File.FullName ... |...
or you can let the pipeline parameter binder do it for you by piping the $File object to Copy-Item:
$File |Copy-Item ... |...
Why -LiteralPath instead of -Path? -Path accepts wildcard patterns like filenameprefix[0-9] and tries to resolve it to a file on disk, meaning if you have to operate on files with [ or ] in the name, it'll result in some unexpected behavior :)

Powershell - When watching folder for new file created - if statement inside "Register-ObjectEvent" is not firing

Goal: File watcher watches the staging folder for new files. If the new file name contains "JDE_Reimb" then move the file into another folder "$reimb_jde_path" ,also renaming the new file.
Issue: The If statement is not firing me at all. Up to creating the $fullpath works, but my If statement is not executing. Any ideas why? Also I need to watch this folder for 2 other file which contain specific string in the file name. What is the best way to accomplish this in one script?
$reimbFile = "JDE_Reimb"
$reimb_jde_path = "\\rootfolder\reimbfolder"
$staging_folder_path = "\\rootfolder\stagingfolder\" #"
$filter = "*.txt"
$watcherCRExport_Staging = New-Object IO.FileSystemWatcher $staging_folder_path, $filter -Property #{
IncludeSubdirectories = $false
Register-ObjectEvent $watcherCRExport_Staging Created -SourceIdentifier foldertest -Action {
$text = $eventArgs.Name
Write-Host $text# Write-Host $eventArgs.ChangeType
$fullpath = Join-Path -Path $staging_file_path -ChildPath $text# Write-Host "Full path is: $fullpath"
If($text.Contains($reimbFile)) {
$newtext = $text.Substring(0, $text.IndexOf("_") + 1 + $text.Substring($text.IndexOf("_") + 1).IndexOf("_"))# Write-Host "Created: $($newtext)"
$newfilename = $newtext + ".txt"
$nextpath = Join-Path -Path $reimb_jde_path -ChildPath $newtext
Copy-Item-Path $fullpath -Destination $nextpath
Write-Host "---------------------------------"
Write-Host $newfilename
Write-Host $fullpath
Write-Host $nextpath
Write-Host "Reimbursement Done copying"
Write-Host "---------------------------------"
Else {
Write-Host "No Match!"

Extracting only updated content from .log file using PowerShell

I am trying to create a PowerShell script which will act as a watcher to a log file and point out the changes in log file.
Somehow I am not able to achieve the pointing out of changes, I tried the following code, here I tried to fetch changes in last 15 minutes but it did not worked:
$File = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\logs\error.log"
$Action = 'awk ' $0 >= from' from=$(date -u -d -15min "+####<%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S o'clock GMT>") error.log'
$global:FileChanged = $false
function Wait-FileChange {
$FilePath = Split-Path $File -Parent
$FileName = Split-Path $File -Leaf
$ScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($Action)
$Watcher = New-Object IO.FileSystemWatcher $FilePath, $FileName -Property #{
IncludeSubdirectories = $false
EnableRaisingEvents = $true
$onChange = Register-ObjectEvent $Watcher Changed -Action {$global:FileChanged = $true}
while ($global:FileChanged -eq $false){
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
& $ScriptBlock
Unregister-Event -SubscriptionId $onChange.Id
Wait-FileChange -File $File -Action $Action
Later I changed the $Action part with the following code which will fetch last 5 lines and I got it working fine
$Action = 'Get-Content "C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\logs\error.log" | Select-Object -last 5 '
But my target is to watch the change and print the changes which are made.
Can anyone help me out regarding this, any help is valuable.
But my target is to watch the change and print the changes which are
Are you aware that the Get-Content cmdlet has a -Wait switch:
Get-Content $File -Wait

File system watcher Event when run using a script

Hi I have installed the PowerShellPack and I am using the FileSystem watcher module,but the problem when I safe the file as a script and execute it.
The problem is that if you execute the script it runs and the monitors the folder for changes but once the script stops (gets to the end of execution) the folder is no longer monitored.
I have tried to place everything in a do while loop but that does not seem to work.
PowerShellPack Install
Import-Module -Name FileSystem
$TempCopyFolder = "c:\test"
$PatchStorage = "c:\testpatch"
Start-FileSystemWatcher -File $TempCopyFolder -Do {
$SearchPath = $File
$PatchesPath = $PatchStorage
$NewFolderFullPath = "$($eventArgs.FullPath)"
$NewFolderName = "$($eventArgs.Name)"
$PathToCheck = "$PatchesPath\$NewFolderName"
#Check if it is a filde or folder
switch ($ObjectType)
{{((Test-Path $NewFolderFullPath -PathType Container) -eq $true)}{$ObjectType = 1;break}
{((Test-Path $NewFolderFullPath -PathType Leaf) -eq $true)}{$ObjectType = 2;break}}
# Its a folder so lets check if we have a folder in the $PatchesPath already
IF($ObjectType -eq 1){
IF(!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $PathToCheck -EA 0))
sleep -Seconds 3
#Make a new directory where we store the patches
New-item -Path $PatchesPath -Name $NewFolderName -ItemType directory
#Make a folde in the folder for TC1
$TcFolder=$NewFolderName + '_1'
$NewPatchesPath = "$PatchesPath\$NewFolderName"
New-item -path $NewPatchesPath -Name $TcFolder -ItemType directory
$CopySrc = $NewFolderFullPath
$CopyDes = "$NewPatchesPath\$TcFolder"
# There is a folder there so lets get the next number
$HighNumber = Get-ChildItem -Path $PathToCheck | select -Last 1
$NewNumber = [int](Select-String -InputObject $HighNumber.Name -Pattern "(\d\d|\d)" | % { $_.Matches } | % { $_.Value } )+1
$TcFolder= $NewFolderName + '_' + $NewNumber
$NewPatchesPath = "$PatchesPath\$NewFolderName"
$CopySrc = $NewFolderFullPath
$CopyDes = "$NewPatchesPath\$TcFolder"
#Lets copy the files to their new home now that we know where every thing goes
$robocopy = "robocopy.exe"
$arguments = '''' + $CopySrc + '''' +' '+ ''''+ $CopyDes + '''' + '/E'
Invoke-Expression -Command "$robocopy $arguments"
Do {sleep -Seconds 1;$p = Get-Process "robo*" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}
While($p -ne $null)
#Now lets check every thing copyed
$RefObj = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $NewFolderFullPath -Recurse
$DifObj = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $CopyDes -Recurse
IF(Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $RefObj -DifferenceObject $DifObj)
{write-host "Fail"}
Else{# Now lets delete the source
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $CopySrc -Force -Recurse
You don't need add-on modules or WMI for this. Just set of the FileSystemWatcher yourself and register an event. Sure, it's a bit more code, but at least you know what's going on. :)
$watcher = new-object System.IO.FileSystemWatcher
$watcher.Path = 'c:\logs'
$watcher.Filter = '*.log' # whatever you need
$watcher.IncludeSubDirectories = $true # if needed
$watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = $true
Register-ObjectEvent $watcher -EventName Changed -SourceIdentifier 'Watcher' -Action { param($sender, $eventArgs)
<process event here>
When done:
Unregister-Event -SourceIdentifier 'Watcher'
This is something you probably need: Monitoring file creation using WMI and PowerEvents module
PowerEvents Module isn't mandatory if you know how to create Permanent Events in WMI. For more information on that, check my eBook on WQL via PowerShell:

How do I move a file to the Recycle Bin using PowerShell?

When using the rm command to delete files in Powershell, they are permanently deleted.
Instead of this, I would like to have the deleted item go to the recycle bin, like what happens when files are deleted through the UI.
How can you do this in PowerShell?
2017 answer: use the Recycle module
Install-Module -Name Recycle
Then run:
Remove-ItemSafely file
I like to make an alias called trash for this.
If you don't want to always see the confirmation prompt, use the following:
Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic
(solution courtesy of Shay Levy)
It works in PowerShell pretty much the same way as Chris Ballance's solution in JScript:
$shell = new-object -comobject "Shell.Application"
$folder = $shell.Namespace("<path to file>")
$item = $folder.ParseName("<name of file>")
Here is a shorter version that reduces a bit of work
$path = "<path to file>"
$shell = new-object -comobject "Shell.Application"
$item = $shell.Namespace(0).ParseName("$path")
Here's an improved function that supports directories as well as files as input:
Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic
function Remove-Item-ToRecycleBin($Path) {
$item = Get-Item -Path $Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($item -eq $null)
Write-Error("'{0}' not found" -f $Path)
Write-Verbose ("Moving '{0}' to the Recycle Bin" -f $fullpath)
if (Test-Path -Path $fullpath -PathType Container)
Remove file to RecycleBin:
Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic
Remove folder to RecycleBin:
Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic
Here's slight mod to sba923s' great answer.
I've changed a few things like the parameter passing and added a -WhatIf to test the deletion for the file or directory.
function Remove-ItemToRecycleBin {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Directory path of file path for deletion.')]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Switch for allowing the user to test the deletion first.')]
Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic
$item = Get-Item -LiteralPath $LiteralPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($item -eq $null) {
Write-Error("'{0}' not found" -f $LiteralPath)
else {
$fullpath = $item.FullName
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $fullpath -PathType Container) {
if (!$WhatIf) {
Write-Verbose ("Moving '{0}' folder to the Recycle Bin" -f $fullpath)
else {
Write-Host "Testing deletion of folder: $fullpath"
else {
if (!$WhatIf) {
Write-Verbose ("Moving '{0}' file to the Recycle Bin" -f $fullpath)
else {
Write-Host "Testing deletion of file: $fullpath"
$tempFile = [Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop") + "\deletion test.txt"
"stuff" | Out-File -FilePath $tempFile
$fileToDelete = $tempFile
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 # Just here for you to see the file getting created before deletion.
# Tests the deletion of the folder or directory.
Remove-ItemToRecycleBin -WhatIf -LiteralPath $fileToDelete
# PS> Testing deletion of file: C:\Users\username\Desktop\deletion test.txt
# Actually deletes the file or directory.
# Remove-ItemToRecycleBin -LiteralPath $fileToDelete
Here is a complete solution that can be added to your user profile to make 'rm' send files to the Recycle Bin. In my limited testing, it handles relative paths better than the previous solutions.
Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic
function Remove-Item-toRecycle($item) {
Get-Item -Path $item | %{ $fullpath = $_.FullName}
Set-Alias rm Remove-Item-toRecycle -Option AllScope