amp project form submit - forms

I'm currently testing a landing page made with amp.
There's a lot of information on how to make forms but,
nothing on how the form is process.
Where we insert the recipient email?
Do we need to make a submiter.php?
Thank you!

Yes, you need to create a server endpoint to handle the form submission. If you use method="POST" then you should also add action-xhr="submitter.php" and then submitter.php should collect the values in the form, and return JSON to the AMP page.
If you use method="GET" then you can use action="submitter.php" or action-xhr="submitter.php. If you use action and not action-xhr then submitter.php doesn't need to return JSON, it can just be a normal PHP/AMP page that takes the values of the form and sends an email or whatever you want


Pass/give something other than a form to the POST request

I'm doing a form where when you select an option (with the and tag), a text below the form change according to the choice.
I would like to have this text along with my form data when send to a POST request.
I'm using Express and EJS.
Btw I also have GET parameters and would like the same thing as the text, any thoughts ?
Can you help me please ?
Thanks !
Whatever code you have that changes the text according to your choice, can also set a hidden form value in your form to the same value. That hidden form value will not display to the end user in the browser, but will be sent with the form as part of the POST (as another value of the form).
Here's an example of a hidden form element from that previous linked reference:
<input type="hidden" id="custId" name="custId" value="3487">
If this is inside your <form>, you can then change it with your Javascript to whatever you want it to and it will be automatically sent to your server as one of your form values when the form is POSTed to your server, but won't be shown to the user because of the type="hidden".

Send email when submit button is pressed

I have a really simple form that allows a user to input an email address here:
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="email" name="email">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
This works correctly and it takes the visitor to when the submit button is clicked.
I am trying to get it to email me this input email address also when the submit button is clicked. I understand how to email using PHP but can the action have two urls?
Or is there a simpler way of doing this?
On /page2/ access the email in the global variable $_POST['email']. And then you can send it to yourself with PHP mail(). Example:
mail('', 'Someone submitted my form', 'Their email was: ' . $_POST['email']);
If you are stuck somewhere else, let me know and I can update the answer.
Once a form is submitted, you are no longer on that page. You've navigated away.
The other way you can do this is submit the first action via AJAX, then submit the form naturally to the second destination. I would suggest using jQuery to make your AJAX calls since most of the AJAX code is already there for you to use.
Another option is to have page2 be a php script, and have it perform the two actions once it receives the form data. See: Post to another page within a PHP script
I understand how to email using PHP
Then I would recommend writing some PHP code that sends the email to you.
but can the action have two urls?
No. A web browser can't make two requests at the same time. Which response would take precedence?
Nor does it need to. Now, you have a target already:
Don't you control that page? That would be the page on which you'd put your PHP code for sending an email. If you don't control that page, then you would want an intermediary page. Something like:
(Named solely to illustrate intent, you can call it what you like.) What this page would do is send the email, then issue a redirect to your final target. Something like:
In effect, there would be "two urls" but they're invoked in serial instead of in parallel.
If you wanted to keep the code seperate and the action url as /page2/ you could fire off an ajax request on submit to your sendmail handler.

textarea and jsp

I have a textarea that I first print some values coming from a request.getParameter("some_textarea_name"). The user is allowed to modify those values and then I want to get the new values and replace the old ones with the new ones so as to query the new ones and get the results from my database tables. Can I do that without redirecting the user to a new page e.g without using the <form method> and the request.getParameter()
Can I do that without redirecting the user
Yes, you can implement an ajax call that will submit the form without redirecting the user and you can do something with the response (perhaps add it to the page).
If you need help using ajax follow this tutorial, but be aware that it implements AJAX in pure javascript (its a bit more bloated / complicated). If you want to keep it simple look into jQuery ajax, and here is a tutorial too.
without using the
No, you need to use the form to be submitted, however if you use ajax you wont need to redirect the user.

Why are Google Analytics Values being passed on a form submit?

My company's app builds simple forms that people can use on their websites to get information into our app. We have a generic form response script that each of these forms submits to, to gather and parse the webform responses.
We're encountering form values that look a lot like the values in Google Analytics cookies (utmz, utmsc, utmccn) The cookies are clearly not part of the form fields. The form is being done with a simple HTML form submit, so I'm at a loss how these values are getting appended on to the post.
Here's a sample form submission:|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none)
Under what circumstances would a browser submit cookies along with a form submit? Is there a way to prevent it?
This looks like cross-domain user tracking... From the Google Analytics docs for _linkByPost():
The _linkByPost() method passes the GATC cookies from the referring form to another site in a string appended to the action value of the form (HTTP POST).
If there's no onsubmit='...' code directly on the form, it might be attached via jQuery or some other method.
It may be due to Google Chrome adding them to your form variables on submission...

Paypal IPN Custom field

I know I can send a custom field using IPN with $_POST['custom']
But can I do that with an uploaded file? More specifically an uploaded image?
And what if I have two custom fields? I previously used something like this:
<input type="hidden" name="custom" value="<?php echo $a.'|'.$b ?>"/>
But that was just text! Now I want to upload a file and I also have custom text, then I want to get it.
Is this possible and how would that look like?
I don't think it's possible to do it the way you're describing, but here's an alternative that I have used in the past.
Instead of having the form that contains the file upload post to PayPal, have it post to your site, and then store that uploaded file and any other custom data in a database (or any other way you choose to store it). Assign that data an id.
Now redirect the user to a page that contains basically the same form, except that the input fields should be hidden, and the form will post to PayPal. Fill in that form programmatically with the data from the previous post, and fill the 'custom' field with the id that you assigned to the custom data. This page would also contain a JavaScript statement like this (at the bottom after the form, to ensure that it doesn't execute until the form is loaded)...
<script type="text/javascript">
</script> automatically submit the form when the page is loaded. It's still a good idea to leave a submit button (you could style it as a link, if you want) in case the user has JavaScript disabled. It could say something like "Click here if you are not redirected to PayPal within 10 seconds." You could also add another message on the page such as "Redirecting to PayPal."
Now when you get your PDT or IPN information back from PayPal for that transaction, the 'custom' field will contain the id you assigned to the data earlier. It's just a matter of retrieving the data from wherever you stored it.
I've done this in ASP.NET before, and I assume it would work just as well in PHP (the server-side parts), but I can't say for sure.
Note: The 'custom' field can only contain up to 256 characters.