"error": "unsupported_grant_type" uber rest api - rest

I am using Uber Rest Api and trying to get access token:
Step 1:
Calling the get web API - https://login.uber.com/oauth/v1.2/authorize?client_id=gdSzxhaqFwjXly338goebrVCh_A7ND8b&response_type=code
Step 2:
URL: https://login.uber.com/oauth/v2/token
Request Body:
"client_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"client_id": "gdSzxhaqFwjXly33",
"grant_type": "client_credentials",
"redirect_uri": "abc",
"code": "EBvazkPeZXbszs4MufjxA0poKUZuur"
and getting the response : "error": "unsupported_grant_type"
Please help me to fix the issue.
Suresh Patel

First you should double check if you set the correct redirect url in the dashboard - needs to be the same as one on authorization url. Second your request to 'https://login.uber.com/oauth/v2/authorize' seems to contain invalid version. Please follow the steps of the authentication guide.
Briefly, you need to:
• Send user to authorize url. It starts by redirecting the user to the authorize endpoint: https://login.uber.com/oauth/v2/authorize?client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&response_type=code&redirect_uri=YOUR_REDIRECT_URI .You can add scopes as well (check 'scope' parameter on authentication guide)
• Receive the redirect with an authorization code. After the user approves the scopes the user will be redirected to the redirect_uri with an auth code that you can post to the /v2/token endpoint to receive an access token.
• Make a POST call to: 'https://login.uber.com/oauth/v2/token'
• Store access and refresh token for future use

Try making your scope public.
To do that, add:
"scope: "public"
in your param


Integrate to Bit.ly API Version 4 - How to Generate OAuth2 Token to integrate with Bit.ly API V4 and create a shortened url?

I was having the hardest time trying to generate the OAuth2 token to integrate with the Bitly API v4. Their documentation was hard to comprehend and I couldn't find much online or on StackOverflow on how to accomplish it. I was able to get it to work and wanted to share the solution for anyone else who will be scratching their heads in the future.
Below is a step-by-step guide for Generating Generic Access Token, Retrieving the Group Guid, Generating the OAuth2 token, and calling the Bitly shorten API request.
Bitly API- Steps to get oAuth2 Access token and using the shorten request to retrieve a Tiny Url using Postman:
After spending the better half of a day trying to figure this out I figured I would post this so it could help someone trying to integrate with Bitly API V4.
Note: Bitly API V3 will be deactivated on March 1st, 2020 so be sure to migrate to V4 as soon as possible. All the guids and other private fields in the responses have been altered for privacy.
Click this link to refer to the Bitly API Documentation
1.) Generate Access Token:
Log into bitly.com with your credentials and click on the Hamburger menu in the top right. Click on your Username and then click on the Generic Access Token. This Generic Access token is needed to retrieve your Group Guid. You will need this Group Guid to make the shorten URL Request along with your access token.
2.) Retrieve Group Guid:
Make a GET Request to https://api-ssl.bitly.com/v4/groups to get your group_guid. You will use your Generic Access Token in the Authorization Field.
Below is a picture how the Headers should look:
You should get a JSON Response back that looks similar to the JSON below:
JSON Response of the Retrieve Group Guid GET Response:
"groups": [
"created": "2019-12-18T13:45:21+0000",
"modified": "2019-12-18T13:45:21+0000",
"bsds": [],
"guid": "XZXUYSJAJ43",
"organization_guid": "JsjFtE841883",
"name": "username",
"is_active": true,
"role": "org-admin",
"references": {
"organization": "https://api-ssl.bitly.com/v4/organizations/JsjFtE841883"
Your guid value is your group_guid used in your shorten, and other requests.
3.) Retrieve your client_id and client_secret
Register your application by logging into bitly.com with your user credentials and your application will be assigned a client_id and a client_secret. You can accomplish this by clicking on the Hamburger menu on the right side of the page, click on your username, Registered OAuth Apps, and at the bottom their should be a button that says REGISTER NEW APP.
4.) Generate OAuth2 Access Token
Refer to the Bitly Documentation and under the Authentication tab navigate to "Exchanging a Username and Password for an Access Token".
• Open Postman
• Create a new POST request to https://api-ssl.bitly.com/oauth/access_token.
• Copy the Curl Command but replace username with Bitly Login Username and password with your Bitly Login Password.
• Click on the Import tab and select Past Raw Text and paste over curl command
• In the Authorization tab paste your client_id into the Username field and client_secret into the Password field. This will do the base64encoding for you.
• Your Headers only need the Host and Content-Type key and Value. Your Authorization will be be a temporary header field and will be automatically generated for you.
• Your Body needs:
grant_type: password (the actual word password)
username: your username for bitly.com
password: your password for for bitly.com
Below is a picture of what your Body should look like:
• Click Send and you will receive your access token.
5.) Shorten URL
• Open new tab in Postman and make a Post request to https://api-ssl.bitly.com/v4/shorten
• Headers should include:
• Host: api-ssl.bitly.com
• Authorization: Bearer (your accesstoken from step 4)
• Content-Type: application/json
• Your Body should include this JSON:
"long_url": "http://twitter.com",
"group_guid": "guid field from Group Guid Response in Step 2"
• Click Send and you should see get a JSON Response like this:
"created_at": "2019-12-18T21:50:47+0000",
"id": "yhoo/2PYRS",
"link": "http://yhoo/2PYRS",
"custom_bitlinks": [],
"long_url": "http://yahoo.com/",
"archived": false,
"tags": [],
"deeplinks": [],
"references": {
"group": "https://api-ssl.bitly.com/v4/groups/yourgroupguid"
The link value in the JSON Response will be your new Tiny URL Link.

UBER Unable to complete Oauth process

I am working on integrating the UBER API into my app.
The first step goes fine : an Authorization url is created, the user is redirected to Uber, logs in, accepts to share the desired scope, then UBER redirects to my redirection url as provided in the dashboard and in the authorization url.
When then I make a POST request to
to obtain an access token
Here is the payload I send to Uber on this url
"code": "obtained_from_redirection_url",
"client_id": "XXXXXXX",
"client_secret": "XXXXXXX",
"redirect_uri": "https://myredirection-url.me",
"grant_type": "authorization_code",
"scope": "all_trips history history_lite places profile request request_receipt ride_widgets"
the response is always
"error": "unsupported_grant_type"
As you can see, the grant_type : authorization_code value is the one provided by Uber.
The scope you see here, is exactly the same as the one sent with the authorization url.
So We can at least say that the error shown does not correspond to what causes the problem, which remains a mystery to me.
I would appreciate any help.
Well the answer to this issue was that the token endpoint expects the POST request to be made with a Content-Type = x-www-form-urlencoded instead of JSON.
It is not documented in UBER's doc, and I wish it was cause it made me loose days and days seeking a solution.

I want to use Get /v1.2/products REST API of Uber in android

I want to use Uber in my app by using its Rest API, and when I hit the same from Postman and i will get the same error every time
"message": "No authentication provided.",
"code": "unauthorized"
after entering the same request as given sample on the Uber Developers Site. you can also check the same here:
this is the link
And I am attaching here the pic of my request.
here is the image
In your Authorization header, replace server_token with Token.
So your example header has:
Authorization:server_token SERVER_TOKEN
replace that with:
Authorization: Token SERVER_TOKEN

Non-Google Account Using chrome.identity

I'm trying to make a Gogle Chrome extension that requires user authorization to a SugarCRM 7.5 instance with OAuth 2.0 and I need to store the access token that's retrieved. I may need more clarification on how launchWebAuthFlow works.
Firstly, I can retrieve an access token from SugarCRM by using a POST request (not a GET request) that returns an access and a refresh token.
When I tried using the code below I kept getting the error: "authorization url can not be loaded" and when I checked the background console (I already know that my auth URL is wrong). Any help is appreciated even if you don't know SugarCRM. Just a general answer that can get me started is much appreciated.
"name": "Auth Sample",
"version": "1",
"manifest_version": 2,
"minimum_chrome_version": "29",
"key": "<long key>",
"app": {
"background": {
"scripts": ["background.js"]
"permissions": [
"https://<sugar instance>/*"
{'url': '<url-to-do-auth>', 'interactive': true},
function(redirect_url) { console.log(redirect_url); });
My URL is definitely not gonna work here but it's something like this:
var client_id = '<client id from Oauth 2.0>';
var redirectUri = chrome.identity.getRedirectURL("sugarcrm");
var url = "https://<sugar instance base url>/rest/v10/oauth2/token?client_id=" + client_id + "&callbackURL=" + redirectUri + "&response_type=token"
What's the url-to-do-auth (is this the URL to do a regular login (username and password) to SugarCRM or is it a GET request through the REST API to do login)
I don't have a UI web auth flow for my SugarCRM instance. Is it possible to create one from the application or should that be on the server?
I can only make POST requests to get an access token. Will that still work with launchWebAuthFlow?
I ended up storing the token using the local chrome.storage api and only stored the refresh token which will keep getting a new access token every time the application is run(I think it's more secure than just storing the access token as that will force it to always keep changing without passing other credentials)
After more search on launchWebAuthFlow. I found out that the url launchWebAuthFlow takes as parameter will launch a web page(with interactive parameter set to true) which is hosted on the server, that will let the user login and will return an access token if success. This url is actually an endpoint on the restful server. You need to create this endpoint that will be a get request with some parameters including a callbackURL, client_id and response_type. Then it will respond with another function that will be a post request and will take the username and password. If credentials are correct, it will return the access token as a parameter in the callbackURL(chrome extension specific url that contains the extension ID).
Please feel free to correct me or add something if I'm wrong.

How to verify Facebook access token?

There's only thing that server has to do; just check any access token's validity.
Clients send to the server user id and access token obtained by FB.getLoginStatus. As I expected, there would be any URL that checks access token's validity, like http://xxx.facebook.com/access_token?=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
That returns whether it's available one or not or is there any API (server side) for that?
The officially supported method for this is:
GET graph.facebook.com/debug_token?
See the check token docs for more information.
An example response is:
"data": {
"app_id": 138483919580948,
"application": "Social Cafe",
"expires_at": 1352419328,
"is_valid": true,
"issued_at": 1347235328,
"metadata": {
"sso": "iphone-safari"
"scopes": [
"user_id": 1207059
You can simply request https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if you get an error, the token is invalid. If you get a JSON object with an id property then it is valid.
Unfortunately this will only tell you if your token is valid, not if it came from your app.
Just wanted to let you know that up until today I was first obtaining an app access token (via GET request to Facebook), and then using the received token as the app-token-or-admin-token in:
GET graph.facebook.com/debug_token?
However, I just realized a better way of doing this (with the added benefit of requiring one less GET request):
GET graph.facebook.com/debug_token?
As described in Facebook's documentation for Access Tokens here.
Simply request (HTTP GET):
That's it.
The app token can be found from this url.
I found this official tool from facebook developer page, this page will you following information related to access token - App ID, Type, App-Scoped,User last installed this app via, Issued, Expires, Data Access Expires, Valid, Origin, Scopes.
Just need access token.
Exchange Access Token for Mobile Number and Country Code (Server Side OR Client Side)
You can get the mobile number with your access_token with this API https://graph.accountkit.com/v1.1/me/?access_token=xxxxxxxxxxxx. Maybe, once you have the mobile number and the id, you can work with it to verify the user with your server & database.
xxxxxxxxxx above is the Access Token
Example Response :
"id": "61940819992708",
"phone": {
"number": "+91XX82923912",
"country_prefix": "91",
"national_number": "XX82923912"
Exchange Auth Code for Access Token (Server Side)
If you have an Auth Code instead, you can first get the Access Token with this API - https://graph.accountkit.com/v1.1/access_token?grant_type=authorization_code&code=xxxxxxxxxx&access_token=AA|yyyyyyyyyy|zzzzzzzzzz
xxxxxxxxxx, yyyyyyyyyy and zzzzzzzzzz above are the Auth Code, App ID and App Secret respectively.
Example Response
"id": "619XX819992708",
"access_token": "EMAWdcsi711meGS2qQpNk4XBTwUBIDtqYAKoZBbBZAEZCZAXyWVbqvKUyKgDZBniZBFwKVyoVGHXnquCcikBqc9ROF2qAxLRrqBYAvXknwND3dhHU0iLZCRwBNHNlyQZD",
"token_refresh_interval_sec": XX92000
Note - This is preferred on the server-side since the API requires the APP Secret which is not meant to be shared for security reasons.
Good Luck.