Proper table to track employee changes over time? - postgresql

I have been using Python to do this in memory, but I would like to know the proper way to set up an employee mapping table in Postgres.
row_id | employee_id | other_id | other_dimensions | effective_date | expiration_date | is_current
Unique constraint on (employee_id, other_id), so a new row would be inserted whenever there is a change
I would want the expiration date from the previous row to be updated to the new effective_date minus 1 day, and the is_current should be updated to False
Ultimate purpose is to be able to map each employee back accurately on a given date
Would love to hear some best practices so I can move away from my file-based method where I read the whole roster into memory and use pandas to make changes, then truncate the original table and insert the new one.

Here's a general example built using the column names you provided that I think does more or less what you want. Don't treat it as a literal ready-to-run solution, but rather an example of how to make something like this work that you'll have to modify a bit for your own actual use case.
The rough idea is to make an underlying raw table that holds all your data, and establish a view on top of this that gets used for ordinary access. You can still use the raw table to do anything you need to do to or with the data, no matter how complicated, but the view provides more restrictive access for regular use. Rules are put in place on the view to enforce these restrictions and perform the special operations you want. While it doesn't sound like it's significant for your current application, it's important to note that these restrictions can be enforced via PostgreSQL's roles and privileges and the SQL GRANT command.
We start by making the raw table. Since the is_current column is likely to be used for reference a lot, we'll put an index on it. We'll take advantage of PostgreSQL's SERIAL type to manage our raw table's row_id for us. The view doesn't even need to reference the underlying row_id. We'll default the is_current to a True value as we expect most of the time we'll be adding current records, not past ones.
CREATE TABLE raw_employee (
employee_id INTEGER,
other_id INTEGER,
other_dimensions VARCHAR,
effective_date DATE,
expiration_date DATE,
CREATE INDEX employee_is_current_index ON raw_employee (is_current);
Now we define our view. To most of the world this will be the normal way to access employee data. Internally it's a special SELECT run on-demand against the underlying raw_employee table that we've already defined. If we had reason to, we could further refine this view to hide more data (it's already hiding the low-level row_id as mentioned earlier) or display additional data produced either via calculation or relations with other tables.
SELECT employee_id, other_id,
other_dimensions, effective_date, expiration_date,
FROM raw_employee;
Now our rules. We construct these so that whenever someone tries an operation against our view, internally it'll perform a operation against our raw table according to the restrictions we define. First INSERT; it mostly just passes the data through without change, but it has to account for the hidden row_id:
INSERT INTO raw_employee VALUES (
NEW.employee_id, NEW.other_id,
NEW.effective_date, NEW.expiration_date,
The NEXTVAL part enables us to lean on PostgreSQL for row_id handling. Next is our most complicated one: UPDATE. Per your described intent, it has to match against employee_id, other_id pairs and perform two operations: updating the old record to be no longer current, and inserting a new record with updated dates. You didn't specify how you wanted to manage new expiration dates, so I took a guess. It's easy to change it.
UPDATE raw_employee SET is_current = FALSE
WHERE raw_employee.employee_id = OLD.employee_id AND
raw_employee.other_id = OLD.other_id;
INSERT INTO raw_employee VALUES (
COALESCE(NEW.employee_id, OLD.employee_id),
COALESCE(NEW.other_id, OLD.other_id),
COALESCE(NEW.other_dimensions, OLD.other_dimensions),
COALESCE(NEW.effective_date, OLD.expiration_date - '1 day'::INTERVAL),
COALESCE(NEW.expiration_date, OLD.expiration_date + '1 year'::INTERVAL),
The use of COALESCE enables us to update columns that have explicit updates, but keep old values for ones that don't. Finally, we need to make a rule for DELETE. Since you said you want to ensure you can track employee histories, the best way to do this is also the simplest: we just disable it.
CREATE OR REPLACE RULE employee_delete_protect AS
Now we ought to be able to insert data into our raw table by performing INSERT operations on our view. Here are two sample employees; the first has a few weeks left but the second is about to expire. Note that at this level we don't need to care about the row_id. It's an internal implementation detail of the lower level raw table.
1, 1,
'test', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '1 week', CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '3 weeks',
2, 2,
'another test', CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '1 month', CURRENT_DATE,
The final example is deceptively simple after all the build-up that we've done. It performs an UPDATE operation on the view, and internally it results in an update to the existing employee #2 plus a new entry for employee #2.
UPDATE employee SET expiration_date = CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1 year'
WHERE employee_id = 2 AND other_id = 2;
Again I'll stress that this isn't meant to just take and use without modification. There should be enough info here though for you to make something work for your specific case.


Is it OK to store transactional primary key on data warehouse dimension table to relate between fact-dim?

I have data source (postgres transactional system) like this (simplified, the actual tables has more fields than this) :
Then I need to create an ETL pipeline, where the required report is something like this :
order number (from sales_order_header)
item name (from sales_order_lines)
batch shift start & end (from receiving_batches)
delivered quantity, approved received quantity, rejected received quantity (from receiving_inventories)
My design for fact-dim tables is this (simplified).
What I don't know about, is the optimal ETL design.
Let's focus on how to insert the fact, and relationship between fact with dim_sales_orders
If I have staging tables like these:
The ETL runs daily. After 22:00, there will be no more receiving, so I can run the ETL at 23:00.
Then I can just fetch data from sales_order_header and sales_order_lines, so at 23:00, the script can runs, kind of :
staging_sales_orders (
sales_order_header soh,
sales_order_lines sol
soh.sales_order_id = sol.sales_order_header_id
and date_trunc('day', sol.created_timestamp) = date_trunc('day', now())
And for the fact table, can runs at 23:30, with query
receiving_batches rb,
receiving_inventories ri,
sales_order_lines sol,
sales_order_header soh
rb.batch_id = ri.batch_id
AND ri.sales_order_line_id = sol.sales_order_line_id
AND sol.sales_order_header_id = soh.sales_order_id
AND date_trunc('day', sol.created_timestamp) = date_trunc('day', now())
But how to optimally load the data into fact table, particulary the fact table?
My approach
select from staging_sales_orders and insert them into dim_sales_orders, using auto increment primary key.
before inserting into fact_receiving_inventories, I need to know the dim_sales_order_id. So in that case, I select :
dim_sales_orders dso
order_number = staging_row.order_number
AND item_name = staging_row.item_name
then insert to fact table.
Now what I doubt, is on point 2 (selecting from existing dim). In here, I select based on 2 varchar columns, which should be performance hit. Since in the normalized form, I'm thinking of modifying the staging tables, adding sales_order_line_id on both staging tables. Hence, during point 2 above, I can just do
dim_sales_orders dso
sales_order_line_id = staging_row.sales_order_line_id
But as consequences, I will need to add sales_order_line_id into dim_sales_orders, which I don't find common on tutorials. I mean, adding transactional table PK, is technically can be done since I can access the data source. But is it a good DW fact-dim dimension, to add such transactional field (especially since it is PK)?
Or there is any other approach, rather than selecting the existing dim based on 2 varchars?
How to optimally select dimension id for fact tables?
It is practically mandatory to include the source PK/BK in a dimension.
The standard process is to load your Dims and then load your facts. For the fact loads you translate the source data to the appropriate Dim SKs with lookups to the Dims using the PK/BK

Best way to model state changes for point in time queries

I'm working on a system that needs to be able to find the "state" of an item at a particular time in history. The state is binary (either on or off). In this case it's to determine where to direct (to a particular "keyspace") a piece of timestamped data as determined by the timestamp of the data. I'm having a hard time deciding what the best way to model the data is.
Method 1 is to use the tstzrange with state being implied by the bounds of the range:
create extension btree_gist;
create table core.range_director (
range tstzrange,
directee_id text,
keyspace text,
-- allow a directee to be directed to multiple keyspaces at once
exclude using gist (directee_id with =, keyspace with =, range with &&)
insert into core.range_director values
('[2021-01-15 00:00:00 -0:00,2021-01-20 00:00:00 -0:00)', 'THING_ID', 'KEYSPACE_1'),
('[2021-01-15 00:00:00 -0:00,)', 'THING_ID', 'KEYSPACE_2');
select keyspace from core.range_director
where directee_id = 'THING_ID' and range_director.range #> '2021-01-15'::timestamptz;
-- returns KEYSPACE_1 and KEYSPACE_2
select keyspace from core.range_director
where directee_id = 'THING_ID' and range_director.range #> '2021-01-21'::timestamptz;
-- returns KEYSPACE_2
Method 2 is to have explicit state changes:
create table core.status_director (
status_time timestamptz,
status text,
directee_id text,
keyspace text
); -- not sure what pk to use for this method
insert into core.status_director values
('2021-01-15 00:00:00 -0:00','Open','THING_ID','KEYSPACE_1'),
('2021-01-20 00:00:00 -0:00','Closed','THING_ID','KEYSPACE_1'),
('2021-01-15 00:00:00 -0:00','Open','THING_ID','KEYSPACE_2');
select distinct on(keyspace) keyspace, status from core.status_director
where directee_id = 'THING_ID'
and status_time < '2021-01-16'
order by keyspace, status_time desc;
-- returns KEYSPACE_1:Open KEYSPACE_2:Open
select distinct on(keyspace) keyspace, status from core.status_director
where directee_id = 'THING_ID'
and status_time < '2021-01-21'
order by keyspace, status_time desc;
-- returns KEYSPACE_1:Closed, KEYSPACE_2:Open
-- so, client code has to ensure that it only directs to status=Open keyspaces
Maybe there are other methods that would work as well, but these two seem to make the most sense to me. The benefit of the first method is the really easy query, but the down side is that you now have to update rows to close the state whereas in the second method you can just post new states which seems easier.
The table could conceivable grow into thousands or tens of thousands of rows, but will probably not grow into millions (but does the best method change depending on the expected row count?). I have a couple of similar tables with the same point-in-time "state" queries so it's really important that I get the model for them right.
My instinct is to go with Method 1, but are there any footguns or performance considerations that I'm not thinking of that would urge the use case towards Method 2 (or another method I haven't considered?)
No footguns with Method 1, just great big huge cannons. With that method how do you determine the current status. You need to scan each status change and for each one toggle the status, or perhaps use something like "count(*)%2" odd gives one state even another. What happens if any row gets deleted, or data purged and you do not know how many state transactions there were. With the Method 2 you retrieve the greatest date and directly obtain the status.
For myself I would do Method 3. That being Method1 + Method 2. Yes I would have a date range of the status and the status value itself. That gives me complex historical analysis as I have the complete history as well as direct access to current status at any time.
So after doing a bunch of research on the topic I found that my case is a variation of a "Valid-Time State Table". See ch. 2 and ch. 5 of Developing Time-Oriented Database Applications in SQL by Richard Snodgrass.
The support for these tables isn't great but it's not terrible either (at least PostgreSQL has tstzranges to work with). Method 1 of my post is largely sufficient - the main wrinkle is between the state table and other tables.
Since PostgreSQL doesn't have native support for these kinds of temporal tables, you have to build referential integrity yourself. There's a bunch of ways to do this, but for anyone in the future looking for some direction, here is an example of what that might look like for a referential query on two bitemporal tables:
create table a (
row_id bigserial, -- to track individual rows
id int,
pov tstzrange, -- period of validity
pop tstzrange -- period of presence
create table b (
row_id bigserial,
id int,
pov tstzrange,
pop tstzrange,
a_id int
-- are we good?
with each_pov as (
select bool_or(a.pov #> b.pov) as ok
from a
join b on = b.a_id
and upper(a.pop) is null
and upper(b.pop) is null
group by b.pov
) select coalesce(
(select count(*) = 0 from b where upper(pop) is null)
) from each_pov;
You can put the query into a constraint trigger on both the main table and the referenced table to get something approaching sequenced referential integrity for the current period of presence.

PostgreSQL performance tuning with table partitions

I am solving an performance issue on PostgreSQL 9.6 dbo based system. Intro:
12yo system, similar to banking system, with most queried primary table called transactions.
CREATE TABLE jrn.transactions (
type_id VARCHAR(200),
account_id INT NOT NULL,
date_issued DATE,
date_accounted DATE,
amount NUMERIC,
In the table transactions we store all transactions within a bank account. Field type_id determines the type of a transaction. Servers also as C# EntityFramework Discriminator column. Values are like:
card_payment, cash_withdrawl, cash_in, ...
14 types of transaction are known.
In generally, there are 4 types of queries (no. 3 and .4 are by far most frequent):
select single transaction like: SELECT * FROM jrn.transactions WHERE id = 3748734
select single transaction with JOIN to other transaction like: SELECT * FROM jrn.transactions AS m INNER JOIN jrn.transactions AS r ON m.refund_id = WHERE = 3748734
select 0-100, 100-200, .. transactions of given type like: SELECT * FROM jrn.transactions WHERE account_id = 43784 AND type_id = 'card_payment' LIMIT 100
several aggregate queries, like: SELECT SUM(amount), MIN(date_issued), MAX(date_issued) FROM jrn.transactions WHERE account_id = 3748734 AND date_issued >= '2017-01-01'
In last few month we had unexpected row count growth, now 120M.
We are thinking of table partitioning, following to PostgreSQL doc:
partition table by type_id into 14 partitions
add column year and partition table by year (or year_month) into 12 (or 144) partitions.
I am now restoring data into out test environment, I am going to test both options.
What do you consider the most appropriate partitioning rule for such situation? Any other options?
Thanks for any feedback / advice etc.
Partitioning won't be very helpful with these queries, since they won't perform a sequential scan, unless you forgot an index.
The only good reason I see for partitioning would be if you want to delete old rows efficiently; then partitioning by date would be best.
Based on your queries, you should have these indexes (apart from the primary key index):
CREATE INDEX ON jrn.transactions (account_id, date_issued);
CREATE INDEX ON jrn.transactions (refund_id);
The following index might be a good idea if you can sacrifice some insert performance to make the third query as fast as possible (you might want to test):
CREATE INDEX ON jrn.transactions (account_id, type_id);
What you have here is almost a perfect case for column-based storage as you may get it using a SAP HANA Database. However, as you explicitly have asked for a Postgres answer and I doubt that a HANA database will be within the budget limit, we will have to stick with Postgres.
Your two queries no. 3 and 4 go quite into different directions, so there won't be "the single answer" to your problem - you will always have to balance somehow between these two use cases. Yet, I would try to use two different techniques to approach each of them individually.
From my perspective, the biggest problem is the query no. 4, which creates quite a high load on your postgres server just because it is summing up values. Moreover, you are just summing up values over and over again, which most likely won't change often (or even at all), as you have said that UPDATEs nearly do not happen at all. I furthermore assume two more things:
transactions is INSERT-only, i.e. DELETE statements almost never happen (besides perhaps in cases of some exceptional administrative intervention).
The values of column date_issued when INSERTing typically are somewhere "close to today" - so you usually won't INSERT stuff way in the past.
Out of this, to prevent aggregating values over and over again unnecessarily, I would introduce yet another table: let's call it transactions_aggr, which is built up like this:
create table transactions_aggr (
account_id INT NOT NULL,
date_issued DATE,
sumamount NUMERIC,
primary key (account_id, date_issued)
which will give you a table of per-day preaggregated values.
To determine which values are already preaggregated, I would add another boolean-typed column to transactions, which indicates to me, which of the rows are contained in transactions_aggr and which are not (yet). The query no. 4 then would have to be changed in such a way that it reads only non-preaggregated rows from transactions, whilst the rest could come from transactions_aggr. To facilitate that you could define a view like this:
select account_id, date_issued, sum(amount) as sumamount from
select account_id, date_issued, sumamount as amount from transactions_aggr as aggr
union all
select account_id, date_issued, sum(amount) as amount from transactions as t where t.aggregated = false
group by account_id, date_issued
Needless to say that putting an index on transactions.aggregated (perhaps in conjunction with the account_id) could greatly help to improve the performance here.
Updating transactions_aggr can be done using multiple approaches:
You could use this as a one-time activity and only pre-aggregate the current set of ~120m rows once. This would at least reduce the load on your machine doing aggregations significantly. However, over time you will run into the same problem again. Then you may just re-execute the entire procedure, simply dropping transactions_aggr as a whole and re-create it from scratch (all the original data still is there in transactions).
You have a nice period somewhere during the week/month/in the night, where you have little or no queries are coming in. Then you can open a transaction, read all transactions WHERE aggregated = false and add them with UPDATEs to transactions_aggr. Keep in mind to then toggle aggregated to true (should be done in the same transaction). The tricky part of this, however, is that you must pay attention to what reading queries will "see" of this transaction: Depending on your requirements of accuracy during that timeframe of this "update job", you may have to consider switching the transaction isolation level to "READ_COMMITED" to prevent ghost reads.
On the matter of your query no. 3 you then could try to really go for the approach of partitioning based on type_id. However, I perceive your query as a little strange, as you are performing a LIMIT/OFFSET without ordering (e.g. there is no ORDER BY statement in place) having specified (NB: You are not saying that you would be using database cursors). This may lead to the effect that the implicit order, which is currently used, is changed, if you enable partitioning on the table. So be careful on side-effects which this may cause on your program.
And one more thing: Before really doing the partition split, I would first check on the data distribution concerning type_id by issuing
select type_id, count(*) from transactions group by type_id
Not that it turns out that, for example, 90% of your data is with card_payment - so that you will have a heavily uneven distribution amongst your partitions and the biggest performance hogging queries are those which would still go into this single "large partition".
Hope this helps a little - and good luck!

Execution Plan on a View looking at Partitioned Tables

I currently have tables that are partitioned out by year & month for our sales transactions. For example, we have sales tables that would look something like this:
factdailysales_201503 etc ...
Generally, I've always performed dynamic SQL to capture a Start Date, End Date, find out what partitions those are, and then loop through each of those partitions ... but its starting to become such a hassle and I've learned that this is probably not the best way to do it in terms of just maintenance, trouble shooting, and performance.
I decided to build a view that would UNION ALL of my sales partitions together. However, I don't want selecting from the view to have to scan all of the partitions on execution, it would take away the whole purpose of partitioning tables out. Because of this, I added check constraints on date to each of my sales tables. This way when I selected from the view, it would know which tables to access from instead of scanning every table.
Here are the following examples below:
SELECT SUM([retail])
FROM Sales_Orig
WHERE [Date] >= '2015-03-01'
This query has the execution plan of only pulling from the partitions that I need.
My problem that i'm facing right now is that most of the time when my team will be writing stored procedures, they would more than likely write their queries where a date variable is passed into the where statement.
DECLARE #SD DATE = '2015-03-01'
SELECT SUM([retail])
FROM Sales_Orig
WHERE [Date] >= #SD
However, when a variable is being passed in, the execution plan now scans ALL of the partitions in the view, causing the performance to take wayyy longer than when I hard coded in the date
I suppose I could do dynamic SQL again and insert the date string into the SELECT statement, but it would bring me back to the beginning of trying to get rid of dynamic SQL in the first place for this simple sales query.
So my question is, am I setting this up wrong? Am I on the right track? It seems that the view can't take in a variable for the check constraint and ends up scanning every table. Is there another approach anyone would recommend? Maybe my original solution of just looping through partitions via dynamic SQL is the best way to do it?
** EDIT **
This article is actually where I initially saw the idea! It seems when using that exact same solution, I'm still experiencing the same struggle!
Okay this might work. It's a table-valued function that only access tables according to your #start and #end parameters so only accessing your "partitions" that it needs. I figured you could take this concept and write some dynamic SQL to create all the if statements.
Now of course new tables are added every day so how does that tie in. Well I think the best way would be is that every day you alter the function adding the next sales table. That way querying it is simple. And you could use the same dynamic sql you used to create the function to alter it which should be relatively simple.
Note: I added default values that are the min and max of the data type DATE. That way you could query something like everything from 20140101 and onward or vice versa.
Your tables
SELECT CAST('20150101' AS DATE) datesVal INTO factDailySales_20150101;
SELECT CAST('20150102' AS DATE) datesVal INTO factDailySales_20150102;
SELECT CAST('20150103' AS DATE) datesVal INTO factDailySales_20150103;
The Function
CREATE FUNCTION ufn_factTotalSales (#Start DATE = '17530101', #End DATE = '99991231')
RETURNS #factTotalSales TABLE
datesVal DATE
IF(CAST('20150101' AS DATE) BETWEEN #Start AND #End)
INSERT INTO #factTotalSales
SELECT datesVal
FROM factDailySales_20150101
IF(CAST('20150102' AS DATE) BETWEEN #Start AND #End)
INSERT INTO #factTotalSales
SELECT datesVal
FROM factDailySales_20150102
IF(CAST('20150103' AS DATE) BETWEEN #Start AND #End)
INSERT INTO #factTotalSales
SELECT datesVal
FROM factDailySales_20150103
All tables
FROM ufn_factTotalSales(default,default)
All tables greater than or equal to 20150102
FROM ufn_factTotalSales('20150102',default)
**All tables less than or equal to 20150102
FROM ufn_factTotalSales(default,'20150102')
All tables between specific range
FROM ufn_factTotalSales('20150101','20150102')
Is this the ideal solution? No. The ideal would be to combine all tables into one and having good indexes. I know you said that wouldn't work because of the way other code has been written. Hear me out. Now perhaps this is off the wall, lets say you do combine the tables but obviously there are old scripts looking for specific daily sales tables. Maybe you could create views with the dailySales names that access the factTotalSales. OR You could create synonyms for the factTotalSales that would correspond to each factDailySales.
Maybe you could look into that. It wouldn't be easy, but I think letting SQL Server optimize your queries the way it was designed is a better way of doing it instead of forcing it with dynamic SQL.
Just my two cents. Hope this helps. At the very least, I hope it gave you some ideas.
5 years later: option(recompile).
The planner needs to have access to the constants to eliminate the table entirely from the query plan. With a variable, without a forced recompile, a generic plan is used. (Related: parameter sniffing.)
While this means the query plan is larger as it has to include all tables, it does not mean that all tables are actually scanned: look at the IO stats, as table scan elimination occurs even if such shows in the query plan.
The 'Number Of Executions' in the query plan will be 0 when the tables are not scanned: unfortunately, these branches are still reported as a non-zero percentage cost "Table Scan" node in the query plan & UI, which will appear high proportionally if the query is trivially fast. The displayed percentage cost of these extra "Table Scan" nodes approaches zero as the amount of data returned from the actually used base tables increases.
This same optimization/elimination occurs when the view is not a Partitioned View (eg. base tables are missing partition column in PK), yet the underlying tables have a suitable Check Constraint on the filtered column. It also occurs when the view selects a constant value to establish the partition that is not otherwise stored in the table. With a constant in the query or recompiled plan the tables will be eliminated entirely. With a variable the tables will still not actually be scanned and thus eliminated logically during query execution.
The use of a proper Partitioned View is only really beneficial to allow a direct Insert & Update, with the major caveat that it requires the partition column to be in each table's PK and disallows the use of an identity column (making a Partitioned View largely useless IMOHO). SQL Server handles the optimizations very similarly for other quasi-Partitioned View cases.
(This is on SQL Server 2014; earlier versions might not have optimized the different patterns as efficiently.)

SQLite - a smart way to remove and add new objects

I have a table in my database and I want for each row in my table to have an unique id and to have the rows named sequently.
For example: I have 10 rows, each has an id - starting from 0, ending at 9. When I remove a row from a table, lets say - row number 5, there occurs a "hole". And afterwards I add more data, but the "hole" is still there.
It is important for me to know exact number of rows and to have at every row data in order to access my table arbitrarily.
There is a way in sqlite to do it? Or do I have to manually manage removing and adding of data?
Thank you in advance,
It may be worth considering whether you really want to do this. Primary keys usually should not change through the lifetime of the row, and you can always find the total number of rows by running:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name;
That said, the following trigger should "roll down" every ID number whenever a delete creates a hole:
CREATE TRIGGER sequentialize_ids AFTER DELETE ON table_name FOR EACH ROW
UPDATE table_name SET id=id-1 WHERE id >;
I tested this on a sample database and it appears to work as advertised. If you have the following table:
id name
1 First
2 Second
3 Third
4 Fourth
And delete where id=2, afterwards the table will be:
id name
1 First
2 Third
3 Fourth
This trigger can take a long time and has very poor scaling properties (it takes longer for each row you delete and each remaining row in the table). On my computer, deleting 15 rows at the beginning of a 1000 row table took 0.26 seconds, but this will certainly be longer on an iPhone.
I strongly suggest that you re-think your design. In my opinion your asking yourself for troubles in the future (e.g. if you create another table and want to have some relations between the tables).
If you want to know the number of rows just use:
SELECT count(*) FROM table_name;
If you want to access rows in the order of id, just define this field using PRIMARY KEY constraint:
and get rows using ORDER BY clause with ASC or DESC:
SELECT * FROM table_name ORDER BY id ASC;
Sqlite creates an index for the primary key field, so this query is fast.
I think that you would be interested in reading about LIMIT and OFFSET clauses.
The best source of information is the SQLite documentation.
If you don't want to take Stephen Jennings's very clever but performance-killing approach, just query a little differently. Instead of:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id = ?
Note that OFFSET is zero-based, so you may need to subtract 1 from the variable you're indexing in with.
If you want to reclaim deleted row ids the VACUUM command or pragma may be what you seek,