Tableau to MongoDB Connection - mongodb

I am trying to evaluate Mongodb and tableau integration.
I am facing an issue. I have installed Mongodb enterprise along with Mongodb BI connector on my windows machine.
And created sample test document. The tableau connection is successful, able to see the databases on tableau desktop, but unable to see tables (documents).

The issue was with MySQL ODBC connector, I was using the latest version of MySQL ODBC. I have degraded the ODBC connector then the issue got resolved.


Cognos 11 and Redshift

We are in the process of evaluating redshift for our Cognos Analytics 11.0.11 system. We started seeing weird issues when after publishing a package (CQM mode) so we opened a ticket with IBM and they said Cognos works with redshift only in DQM mode. Is this correct? Have you used Cognos in CQM mode?
Not surprising.
The CQM engine is quite old and connects to datasources through native DB drivers (e.g. if you're connecting to Oracle, you have to install and configure the Oracle client on the Cognos server).
The DQM engine is much newer and uses JDBC drivers exclusively (no requirement to install DB client on the Cognos server).

Connecting Snowflake to Tableau Online - how to install ODBC driver?

I am trying to connect Snowflake to Tableau Online, my question might seem stupid but I really don't know how to solve this.
The instructions are provided here but I struggle with the very first step,
Driver required
This connector requires a driver to talk to the
database. You might already have the required driver installed on your
computer. If the driver is not installed on your computer, Tableau
displays a message in the connection dialog box with a link to the
Driver Download page where you can find driver links and installation
This led me to a page asking me this
Tableau Desktop & Tableau Server: 9.3 - 2019.4 Follow these steps to
get the Windows ODBC driver for Snowflake:
Sign in to your Snowflake instance. Select Help > Download > ODBC
Driver. Select the ODBC driver for your operating system to download
the latest version. For installation and configuration details, follow
the Snowflake Documentation link on the ODBC Driver page.
I found the link to download the driver, but I am not using Tableau Desktop so I don't see how installing this on my laptop will help, how am I supposed to install this with Tableau Online?
I have tried to skip this step and add a Snowflake data source, but I have the following error message
Can’t connect to Snowflake
Detailed Error Message
The username or password is not valid. Check the database name and credentials and
try again.
Thank you!
Tableau has already installed the necessary ODBC driver. You need Tableau Desktop software on your computer to create (locally) the TDS or TWB. It is here that you need to install the ODBC software so you can connect your Tableau Desktop software to Snowflake. Once you have created the connection and created the TDS, then you can use your Tableau Online account to publish this to Online.
If you are using the web authoring features of Tableau Online to create a new workbook or data source, then you don't need to download or install the drivers for Snowflake, as they are already installed in Tableau Online.

Tableau to MongoDB Connector

We are integrating Tableau with MongoDB and wants to decide on cost effective way connecting with MongoDB. We used trial version of Simba and that seem to be costing around $3000/year. Are there other options which are cheaper? We are not on enterprise version of MongoDB so BI Connector is not an option.
Apache Drill has a Mongo Storage Plugin which allows Drill to be used as an 'interrogator' for MongoDB. Drill's ODBC driver can provide BI tools (such as Tableau) with access to MongoDB via Drill.
The setup would be something like:
Install Drill
Add the MongoDB Storage Plugin to your Drill installation
Verify access via the Drill server and using Drill's ODBC driver to MongoDB
Configure Tableau to use Drill's ODBC driver
More details in the docs:
Drill's MongoDB Plugin
Using Drill with BI Tools
Tableau Examples
This solution is free (or has no licensing costs, at any rate) but it is somewhat bespoke and cobbled together. My own experience is that ...
Installing Drill is a no brainer
Installing the MongoDB Storage Plugin is a no brainer
Drill's MongoDB Storage Plugin isn't very widely used (or at least it isn't under active development) so you'll likely find the driver works fine but you might find issues with the MongoDB query capabilities providing by Drill's plugin. For example LIKE and IN operators are not supported.

Issue with First step in DB2 Enterprise Server Edition Version 9.7

I installed IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition Version 9.7
window is not opening so because of this I couldn't able to create a sample database.
Is there any way to manually download the sample database & connect to DB2?
Try the command db2sampl and start reading some basic documentation.

sonarqube 4 server migration

I'm trying to move a sonarqube 4.4 installation from one machine to another. What's more we would also like to change the database server from Oracle to Postgres 9.3.
What my plan was initially is that I would shutdown the sonar server, the database adminstrator would dump existing database, migrate it to postgres in the new server and I would zip the existing server installation and move it along to the new server. Then I would start the server.
However I've run into problems, even though sonarqube 4.4 booted fine, when I hit
I was getting a 404 response from sonar.
At some point I tried unzipping the server file anew in which case I managed to see the projects and the dashboards but no analysis data existed, even though last analysis time was available.
Any ideas or clues what am I missing?
Also, the driver in sonarqube for postgres is can I update this or should we use postgres 9.1 to make sure the driver is compatible with the database?
How is your ..\conf\ Normally, you should have changed:
Did you use some tool to migrate Oracle to Postgress? I thought it was not possible.
Do not hesitate to ask for further precision.