What has replaced the method toUIntMax() and the method toIntMax() in Swift 4 ? The error occurred within the FacebookCore framework.
Any help would be appreciated
The concept of IntMax has been completely removed as part of SE-104.
Converting from one integer type to another is performed using the concept of the 'maximum width integer' (see MaxInt), which is an artificial limitation. The very existence of MaxInt makes it unclear what to do should someone implement Int256, for example.
The proposed model eliminates the 'largest integer type' concept previously used to interoperate between integer types (see toIntMax in the current model) and instead provides access to machine words. It also introduces the multipliedFullWidth(by:), dividingFullWidth(_:), and quotientAndRemainder methods. Together these changes can be used to provide an efficient implementation of bignums that would be hard to achieve otherwise.
In this specific case FB SDK should simply use the UInt64($0) initializer which is now available for any BinaryInteger type thanks to the new protocols.
You can also for now, can select Swift 3.2 under Pods -> Targets -> ObjectMapper -> Swift language version option
I'm browsing the swift tensorflow code, and stumbled upon instances of
var result = #tfop("Mul", a, b)
#tfop is well explained in the doc here, in the sense of 'what it does' but I'm also interested in what is actually is from a language standpoint, or as a function implementation.
What does #tfop represent, beside a handle to the computation graph? why the '#'? Where can I find tfop implementation if I want to? (I browsed the code, but no luck, although I can't guarantee that I didn't miss anything).
per Chris Lattner:
#tfop is a “well known” representation used for tensor operations.
It is an internal implementation detail of our stack that isn’t meant
to be user visible, and is likely to change over time.
In Swift, "#foo(bar: 42)” is the general syntax used for “macro like”
and “compiler magic” operations. For example C things like FILE
are spelled as #file in swift:
And the “#line 42” syntax used by the C preprocesser is represented
with arguments like this: #sourceLocation(file: "foo", line: 42)
In the case of #tfop specifically, this is represented in the Swift
AST as an ObjectLiteralExpr, which is the normal AST node for this
sort of thing:
We use special lowering magic to turn it into a SIL builtin
instruction in SILGen, which are prefixed with "__tfop_"
I’d like to move away from using builtin instructions for this, and
introduce a first-class sil instruction instead, that’s tracked by:
These instructions are specially recognized by the partitioning pass
of GPE:
source here
I understand how structs and classes (and protocols) work on the basic level. I have a rather common situation:
I need to have generic value types with operators which really must copy on assignment.
These types have complex structure and I would like to be able to specialise by subclassing otherwise there will be copied code everywhere and it will be poor programming.
I have tried protocols and extensions but then because the protocol wasn't generic I was unable to define the (generic) operators I wanted.
If I use classes I will not copy on assignment.
Today's example is I have Matrix, and SquareMatrix under that with specific square matrix functions. There are operators and the matrices can be populated by anything conforming to my ring protocol. I tried defining almost all the functionality in a protocol with associated type, and an extension.
Edit: I am really wondering what I should be coding. In the matrix situation I need to be able to pass a square matrix as any other, so subclassing is the only option? Maybe I'm wrong. The main issue is when I have to write a function which talks about internal values, I have to know the generic type argument to do anything useful. For example when defining addition, I have to create a new matrix and declare its generic type, but where do I get that from when I only know something is a (nongeneric) protocol - it's real type is generic but despite the protocol having this associated type, I have no way of getting it out.
Solution thanks to alexander momchliov. Essentially more work was needed to move code into the protocol extension fully and use 'Self' for all the relevant types. In the extension the compiler was happy with what the generic types were.
The code was private, I am sorry I was unable to paste any during this question. Thanks for your patience and help.
Struct inheritance/polymorphism wouldn't be possible for at least 2 reasons (that I can think of).
Structs are stored and moved around by value. This requires the compiler to know, at compile time, the exact size of the struct, in order to know how many bytes to copy after the start of a struct instance.
Suppose there was a struct A, and a struct B that inherits from A. Whenever the compiler sees a variable of type A, it has no way to be sure if the runtime type will really be an A, or if B was used instead. If B added on new stored properties that A didn't have, then B's size would be different (bigger) than A. The compiler would be unable to determine the runtime type, and the size of these structs.
Polymorphism would require a function table. A function table would be stored as a static member of the struct type. But to access this static member, every struct instance would need an instance member which encodes the type of the instance. This is usually called the "isa" pointer (as in, this instance is a A type). This would be 8 bytes of overhead (on 64 bit systems) for every instance. Considering Int, Bool, Double, and many other common types are all implemented as structs, this would be an unacceptable amount of overhead. Just think, a Bool is a one byte value, which would need 8 bytes of overhead. That's 11% efficiency!
For these reasons, protocols play a huge part in Swift, because they allow you introduce inheritance-like behaviour, without these issues.
First of all, in swift the protocol can be generic if you will use associatedtype.
On the over hand, you need the Value Semantics, so you can use Copy on Write methodology. This will give the value semantic to your classes (so they will be as safe as structs).
This both ways can be used to solve your problem.
I'm just curious if Swift is dynamic like php or static, I mean can I generate classes while an application is running?
It is static - very static. The compiler must have all information about all classes and functions at compile time. You can "extend" an existing class (with an extension), but even then you must define completely at compile time what that extension consists of.
Objective-C is dynamic, and since, in real life, you will probably be using Swift in the presence of Cocoa, you can use the Objective-C runtime to inject / swizzle methods in a Swift class that is exposed to Objective-C. You can do this even though you are speaking in the Swift language. But Swift itself is static, and in fact is explicitly designed in order to minimize or eliminate the use of Objective-C-type dynamism.
Swift itself, is statically typed. When used with Cocoa, you get access to the objective-c runtime library which gives you the ability to use dynamic classes, messages and all. This doesn't mean the language itself is dynamically typed. You could do the same with C or any other language that supports a bridge to C by using libobjc.A.dylib.
Generally you never say static language. You could say static type language or dynamic type language, and you could also say strong type language or not.
So java is a static type language as well as strong type language, because compiler has no ability to detect type automatically, so it's static, and type is strongly restricted so it's a strong type language as well.
And javascript is both a dynamic type language and non-strong type language. Because the compiler has ability to detect type during runtime, and type isn't strictly restricted as well.
So based on above examples, you could say as swift allows us to not declare type and leave to the compiler to detect type by it self, so swift is announced as a dynamic type language by Apple official. And it's also a strong type language for you should use type strictly, when even you haven't declare type, if the compiler detect it to be a String, then it isn't any other type.
Hope it's helpful.
Only when you'd like to use objective c library. Swift is inherently static typed. They just give you interface so as you can gradually move to swift.
This question already has an answer here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Why Objective-C doesn't support method overloading?
I was going through this link which has the answer to my question. But I was not able to understand what the right guy is trying to say. It will be really great if someone can simplify and provide an explanation.
In C++ the compiler has type information and can choose between several methods based on the types. To do the same in Objective C it would have to be done at run-time, because the compiler knows little about object types due to the dynamic nature of the language (i.e. all objects are of type id). While this seems possible, it would be very inefficient in practice.
I think it's a historical artifact. Objective-C is derived from C and Smalltalk, and neither of them support overloading.
If you want overloading, you can use Objective-C++ instead. Just name your sources with the ".mm" extension instead of just ".m".
Just be careful to be sure you know what you are doing if you mix C++ and Objective-C idioms. For example Objective-C exceptions and C++ exceptions are two completely different animals and cannot be used interchangeable.
What he is trying to say is that method overloading is not possible with dynamic typed languages since in dynamic typed languages the information about each of the object is not known until run time. In a statically typed during compile time the overloading can be resolved. You will just create the same functions with same names but the compiler would have enough information to resolve the ambiguity between various calls which it gets. But in dynamic typed languages since the objects are resolved only during run time it is not possible to resolve between the various calls.
In this video from Google IO 2009, the presenter very quickly says that signatures of methods should return concrete types instead of interfaces.
From what I heard in the video, this has something to do with the GWT Java-to-Javascript compiler.
What's the reason behind this choice ?
What does the interface in the method signature do to the compiler ?
What methods can return interfaces instead of concrete types, and which are better off returning concrete instances ?
This has to do with the gwt-compiler, as you say correctly. EDIT: However, as Daniel noted in a comment below, this does not apply to the gwt-compiler in general but only when using GWT-RPC.
If you declare List instead of ArrayList as the return type, the gwt-compiler will include the complete List-hierarchy (i.e. all types implementing List) in your compiled code. If you use ArrayList, the compiler will only need to include the ArrayList hierarchy (i.e. all types implementing ArrayList -- which usually is just ArrayList itself). Using an interface instead of a concrete class you will pay a penalty in terms of compile time and in the size of your generated code (and thus the amount of code each user has to download when running your app).
You were also asking for the reason: If you use the interface (instead of a concrete class) the compiler does not know at compile time which implementations of these interfaces are going to be used. Thus, it includes all possible implementations.
Regarding your last question: all methods CAN be declared to return interface (that is what you ment, right?). However, the above penalty applies.
And by the way: As I understand it, this problem is not restricted to methods. It applies to all type declarations: variables, parameters. Whenever you use an interface to declare something, the compiler will include the complete hierarchy of sub-interfaces and implementing classes. (So obviously if you declare your own interface with only one or two implementing classes then you are not incurring a big penalty. That is how I use interfaces in GWT.)
In short: use concrete classes whenever possible.
(Small suggestion: it would help if you gave the time stamp when you refer to a video.)
This and other performance tips were presented at Google IO 2011 - High-performance GWT.
At about the 7 min point the speak addresses 'RPC Type Explosion':
For some reason I thought the GWT compiler would optimize it away again but it appears I was mistaken.