Matconvnet showing error while atttempting to parapool - matlab

I am attempting to run the mnist example in matconvnet using parapooling. I have allocated 2 gpus, but it shows this error while trying to run cnn_mnist_experiments:
Error using cnn_train>(spmd) (line 157)
Error detected on workers 1 2.
Error in cnn_train (line 157)
Error in cnn_mnist (line 55)
[net, info] = trainfn(net, imdb, getBatch(opts), ...
Error in cnn_mnist_experiments (line 3)
[net_bn, info_bn] = cnn_mnist(...
Caused by:
Error using ParameterServer/startWithMMap (line 170)
An UndefinedFunction error was thrown on the workers for 'vl_cudatool'. This may be because the
file containing 'vl_cudatool' is not accessible on the workers. Specify the required files for
this parallel pool using the command: addAttachedFiles(pool, ...). See the documentation for
parpool for more details.
Undefined function 'vl_cudatool' for input arguments of type 'single'.
Error using ParameterServer/startWithMMap (line 170)
An UndefinedFunction error was thrown on the workers for 'vl_cudatool'. This may be because the
file containing 'vl_cudatool' is not accessible on the workers. Specify the required files for
this parallel pool using the command: addAttachedFiles(pool, ...). See the documentation for
parpool for more details.
Undefined function 'vl_cudatool' for input arguments of type 'single'.
Apparently, the workers cannot get access to "vl_cudatool" file. What could be the issue here?

Undefined function 'vl_cudatool' for input arguments of type 'single'.
It means that your vl_cudatool function is not in your path
which vl_cudatool
I don't know what vl_cudatool is. Maybe you can try some earlier version of MatConvNet?


An error caused by imread() function in AppDesigner in Matlab

I'm using AppDesigner in MATLAB, and whenever I use imread() function inside a button this error message displays:
Error using matlab.ui.control.internal.controller.ComponentController/executeUserCallback (line 335)
Error while evaluating Button PrivateButtonPushedFcn.
When I put a breakpoint on imread() line I found the entire error message:
Caught "std::exception" Exception message is:
Bundle#166 start failed: Loading C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2019b\bin\win64\builtins\matlab_toolbox_iofun_builtins\mwmlxcodereader_builtinimpl.dllfailed with error: The specified module could not be found.

Can not read video in matlab

Hi I am having big trouble to read video using matlab in Ubuntu 16.04. When I try to read any format of video I get this error
Error using VideoFileReader/setup
Could not open the specified file.
I have installed all the gstreamer plugin to and I have changed matlabroot/sys/os/glnxa64/ with my /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
Last time when I installed matlab in my Ubuntu system the above method solved the problem but this time no work. I need help.
Sometimes i used to get this error to:
Error using dspmmfileinfo>tryVideoReader (line 278)
Failed to initialize internal resources. The specified file is:
Error in dspmmfileinfo>getFileInfo (line 180)
[hasAudio,hasVideo,videoFPSComputed,videoFramesPerSecond, ...
Error in dspmmfileinfo (line 40)
cache.fileInfo(index) = {getFileInfo(filename)};
Error in vision.VideoFileReader/setFileInfoProps (line 349)
Error in vision.VideoFileReader/set.Filename (line 150)
Error in matlab.system.SystemProp/parseInputs (line 908)
Error in matlab.system.SystemProp/sysObjSetProperties (line 298)
Error in vision.VideoFileReader (line 133)

Error using caffe Unknown command 'get_weights'

I run the demo code of RCNN with matcaffe, but I met an error which confused me for a while:
Error using caffe
Unknown command 'get_weights'
Error in rcnn_load_model (line 36)
rcnn_model.cnn.layers = caffe('get_weights');
Also, I check the directory of caffe matlab, there is not get_weights function. Do anyone know how to solve that? Thank you.

GUi run properly in matlab file but when converted to exe file doesn't work

I converted matlab code to exe file with deploytool this cod use matlab neural network tool box , when I execute the code it returns the next error:
-- error.
Default value is not a member of type "nntype.training_fcn".
??? Error using ==> nnetParamInfo>nnetParamInfo.nnetParamInfo at 28
FCN is not the name of a function on the MATLAB path.
error using fitnet>get_info (line 88)

runtests works in matlab 2015b but not in 2013b

I tryed the runtests function example at
and in matlab 2015b everthing works perfectly. But in matlab 2013b I get the following error
>> runtests
Error using runtests (line 41)
Not enough input arguments.
And if I explizietly one of the m-files
>> runtests('typeTest.m')
I get
Error using matlab.unittest.TestSuite.fromFile (line 94)
"C:\Users\u16h62\Documents\MATLAB\Example\typeTest.m" is not a valid test file.
Error in runtests>createSuite (line 60)
suite = TestSuite.fromFile(file);
Error in runtests>#(test)createSuite(test,parser.Results.Recursively) (line 41)
suites = cellfun(#(test)createSuite(test, parser.Results.Recursively), ...
Error in runtests (line 41)
suites = cellfun(#(test)createSuite(test, parser.Results.Recursively), ...
Can someone say me what I am doing wrong, please?
The runtests function changed between these releases. It looks like the 0-input syntax was first documented for this function in R2014b.
See the R2013b version of the runtests documentation to determine how the function works in that release:
Also, check the release notes to read about changes that were made to the function: