parfor error "Index exceeds matrix dimensions" - matlab

The following code works, but if I change for into parfor, it gave an error
Index exceeds matrix dimensions
This is my code
for t=1:2
function a=pf(a,ind)
How can I get this code working without the error?

You are seeing the error because you are misusing parfor in your code. You haven't read the relevant documentation enough, and you seem to believe that parfor is magic fairy dust that makes your computation faster, regardless of computation. Well, I have bad news.
Let's take a closer look at your example:
a = zeros(3,1);
% usual for
disp('before for')
for t=1:2
ind = randsample(3,2);
a = pf(a,ind);
disp(a); % add printing line
% parfor
disp('before parfor')
parfor t=1:2
ind = randsample(3,2);
a = pf(a,ind);
disp(a); % add printing line
The output:
before for
before parfor
Error: The variable a is perhaps intended as a reduction variable, but is actually an uninitialized temporary.
See Parallel for Loops in MATLAB, "Temporary Variables Intended as Reduction Variables".
As you can see, in the latter case there are no prints inside the parfor, so it doesn't even get run. See also the warning about the type of variables. The variable a is being misidentified by the execution engine because what you are doing to it doesn't make any sense.
So what to do instead? You need to formulate your problem in a way that is compatible with parfor. This will, alas, depend on what exactly you're doing to your matrix. For your specific case of incrementing random elements, I suggest that you gather the increments separately in the loop, and sum them up afterwards:
a = zeros(3,1); % only needed for size; assumed that it exists already
numiters = 2;
increments = zeros([size(a), numiters]); % compatible with a proper 2d array too
parfor t=1:numiters
ind = randsample(3,2);
% create an auxiliary increment array so that we can use a full slice of 'increments'
new_contrib = zeros(size(a));
new_contrib(ind) = 2;
increments(:,t) = new_contrib;
disp(increments(:,t)); % add printing line
% collect increments along last axis
a = sum(increments,ndims(increments));
Note the lack of warnings and the presence of a meaningful answer. Refactoring the loop this way transparently signals MATLAB what the variables are doing, and that increments is being filled up by independent iterations of the parfor loop. This is the way in which parfor can "speed up calculations", a very specific and controlled way that implies restrictions on the logistics used inside the loop.

n = 2;
for ii = 1:n
ind(:,:,ii) = randsample(3,2);
for t=1:n
function a=pf(a,ind)
The above gets the randsample out of the loop, which is probably the issue here. Note that randsample does not support direct 3D matrix creation, so I initialised that in a loop.


Using a for loop inside a parallel for loop in Matlab

I am trying to use a for loop inside of a parfor loop in Matlab.
The for loop is equivalent to the ballode example in here.
Inside the for loop a function ballBouncing is called which is a system of 6 differential equations.
So, what I am trying to do is to use 500 different sets of parameter values for the ODE system and run it, but for each parameter set, a sudden impulse is added, which is handled through the code in 'for' loop.
However, I don't understand how to implement this using a parfor and a for loop as below.
I could run this code by using two for loops but when the outer loop is made to be a parfor it gives the errors,
the PARFOR loop cannot run due to the way variable results is used,
the PARFOR loop cannot run due to the way variable y0 is used and
Valid indices for results are restricted in PARFOR loops
parfor j=1:500
bouncingTimes=[10,50];%at time 10 a sudden impulse is added
yout=y0;%initial conditions of ODE system
paras=x(j,:);%parameter values for the ODE
for i=1:2
y0(1:5)=y(nt,1:5);%updating initial conditions with the impulse
options = odeset(options,'InitialStep',t(nt)-t(nt-refine),...
tstart =t(nt);
Can someone help me to implement this using a parfor outer loop.
Fixing the assignment into results is relatively straightforward - what you need to do is ensure you always assign a whole column. Here's how I would do that:
% We will always need the full size of results in dimension 1
numRows = size(results, 1);
parfor j = ...
yout = ...; % variable size
yout(end:numRows, :) = NaN; % Expand if necessary
results(:, j) = yout(1:numRows, 1); % Shrink 'yout' if necessary
However, y0 is harder to deal with - the iterations of your parfor loop are not order-independent because of the way you're passing information from one iteration to the next. parfor can only handle loops where the iterations are order-independent.

matlab fix slicing to execute parfor

Just beginning with parallel stuff...
I have a code that boils down to filling the columns of a matrix A (which is preallocated with NaNs) with an array of variable length:
A = nan(100);
for ii=1:100
hmy = randi([1,100]); %lenght of the array
A(1:hmy,ii) = rand(hmy,1); %array
Simply transforming the for in a parfor does not even run
parfor ii=1:100
hmy = randi([1,100]); %how many not NaN values to put in
A(1:hmy,ii) = rand(hmy,1);
because the parfor does not like the indexing:
MATLAB runs loops in parfor functions by dividing the loop iterations
into groups, and then sending them to MATLAB workers where they run in
parallel. For MATLAB to do this in a repeatable, reliable manner, it
must be able to classify all the variables used in the loop. The code
uses the indicated variable in a way that is incompatible with
I thought that this was due to the indexing on the first dimension and tried a workaround that did not work (same error message as before):
parfor ii=1:100
hmy = randi([1,100]);
tmp = [rand(hmy,1); NaN(size(A,1)-hmy,1)];
A(:,ii) = tmp;
How can I index A in order to store the array?
You cant partially change the row or column data in A. You have to do either a full row or full column inside parfor. Here is the updated code.
A = nan(100);
parfor ii=1:100
hmy = randi([1,100]); %lenght of the array
temp = nan(1,100);
temp(1:hmy) = rand(hmy,1); %array
A(:,ii) = temp; %updating full row of iith column
First of all, the output variable (A in this case) will be a sliced variable in case of parfor. Which means this variable will be sliced in different part for parallel calculation. The form of indexing in the sliced variable should be same for all incident. Here, you are creating a random number(hmy) and using (1:hmy) as a index which is changing every now and then. That's why your output variable can't be sliced and you have the error.
If you try with a fixed hmy, then it will be alright.

Is it possible to change two function using parfor loop?

Suppose I have two functions written on different scripts, say function1.m and function2.m The two computation in the two functions are independent (Some inputs may be the same, say function1(x,y) and function2(x,z) for example). However, running sequentially, say ret1 = function1(x,y); ret2 = function2(x,z); may be time consuming. I wonder if it is possible to run it in parfor loop:
parfor i = 1:2
ret(i) = run(['function' num2str(i)]); % if i=1,ret(1)=function1 and i=2, ret(2)=function2
Is it possible to write it in parfor loop?
Your idea is correct, but the implementation is wrong.
Matlab won't let you use run within parfor as it can't make sure it's a valid way to use parfor (i.e. no dependencies between iterations). The proper way to do that is to use functions (and not scrips) and an if statement to choose between them:
ret = zeros(2,1);
parfor k = 1:2
if k==1, ret(k) = f1(x,y); end
if k==2, ret(k) = f2(x,z); end
here f1 and f2 are some functions that return a scalar value (so it's suitable for ret(k) and each instance of the loop call a different if statement.
You can read here more about how to convert scripts to functions.
The rule of thumb for a parfor loop is that each iteration must be standalone. More accurately,
The body of the parfor-loop must be independent. One loop iteration
cannot depend on a previous iteration, because the iterations are
executed in a nondeterministic order.
That means that every iteration must be one which can be performed on its own and produce the correct result.
Therefore, if you have code that says, for instance,
parfor (i = 1:2)
there should be no issue with applying parfor.
However, if you have code that says, for instance,
persistentValue = 0;
parfor (i = 1:2)
persistentValue = persistentValue + function1(iterator,someNumber);
it would not be usable.
Yes. It is possible.
Here's an example:
ret = zeros(2,1);
fHandles = {#min, #max};
x = 1:10;
parfor i=1:2
ret(i) = fHandles{i}(x);
ret % show the results.
Whether this is a good idea or not, I don't know. There is overhead to setting up the parallel processing that may or may not make it worthwhile for you.
Typically the more iterations you have computed, the more value you get from setting up a parfor loop as the iterations are sliced-up and sent non-deterministically to the separate cores for processing. So you're getting use of 2 cores right now, but if you have many functions this may improve things.
The order that the iterations are run is not guaranteed (it could be that one core gets assigned a range of values for i, but we do not know if it those values are taken in order or randomly), so your code can't depend on other iterations of the loop.
In general, the MATLAB editor is pretty at flagging these issues ahead of time.
Here's a proof of concept for a variable number of arguments to your different functions
ret = zeros(2,1);
fHandles = {#min, #max};
x = 1:10; % x is a 1x10 vector
y = rand(20); % y is a 20x20 matrix
z = 1; % z is a scalar value
fArgs = {{x};
{y,z}}; %wrap your arguments up in a cell
parfor i=1:2
ret(i) = fHandles{i}([fArgs{i}{:}]); %calls the function with its variable sized arguments here
ret % show the output
Again, this is just proof-of-concept. There are big warnings showing up in MATLAB about having to broadcast fArgs across all of the cores.

Idiomatic way of exiting from multiple nested loops?

The MATLAB documentation describes the break keyword thus:
break terminates the execution of a for or while loop. Statements in the loop after the break statement do not execute.
In nested loops, break exits only from the loop in which it occurs. Control passes to the statement that follows the end of that loop.
(my emphasis)
What if you want to exit from multiple nested loops? Other languages, such as Java, offer labelled breaks, which allow you to specify where the flow of control is to be transferred, but MATLAB lacks such a mechanism.
Consider the following example:
% assume A to be a 2D array
% nested 'for' loops
for j = 1 : n
for i = 1 : m
if f(A(i, j)) % where f is a predicate
break; % if want to break from both loops, not just the inner one
% do something interesting with A
% <--- the break transfers control to here...
% <--- ... but I want to transfer control to here
What is an idiomatic way (in MATLAB) of exiting from both loops?
I would say for your original specific example, rather use linear indexing and a single loop:
%// sample-data generation
m = 4;
n = 5;
A = rand(m, n);
temp = 0;
for k = 1:numel(A)
if A(k) > 0.8 %// note that if you had switched your inner and outer loops you would have had to transpose A first as Matlab uses column-major indexing
temp = temp + A(k);
Or the practically identical (but with less branching):
for k = 1:numel(A)
if A(k) <= 0.8 %// note that if you had switched your inner and outer loops you would have had to transpose A first as Matlab uses column-major indexing
temp = temp + A(k);
I would think that this answer will vary from case to case and there is no general one size fits all idiomatically correct solution but I would approach it in the following way depending on your problem (note these all assumes that a vectorized solution is not practical as that is the obvious first choice)
Reduce the dimensions of the nesting and use either no breaks or just one single break (i.e. as shown above).
Don't use break at all because unless the calculation of your predicate is expensive and your loop has very many iterations, those extra iterations at the end should be practically free.
Failing that set a flag and break at each level.
Or finally wrap your loop into a function and call return instead of break.
As far as I know there are no such functionality built in. However, in most cases matlab does not need nested loops due to its support for vectorization. In those cases where vectorization does not work, the loops are mostly long and complicated and thus multiple breaks would not hinder readability significantly. As noted in a comment, you would not really need a nested loop here. Vectorization would do the trick,
m = 5;
x = rand(m,n);
tmp = find(x>0.8, 1, 'first');
if (isempty(tmp))
tmp = m*n+1;
tmp = tmp-1;
tot = sum(x(1:tmp));
There might of course be people claiming that for loops are not necessarily slow anymore, but the fact remains that Matlab is column heavy and using more than one loop will in most cases include looping over non optimal dimensions. Vectorized solutions does not require that since they can use smart methods avoiding such loops (which of course does not hold if the input is a row vector, so avoiding this is also good).
The best idiomatic way to use Python (or poison of your choice) and forget all this but that's another story. Also I don't agree with the vectorization claims of the other answers anymore. Recent matlab versions handle for loops pretty quickly. You might be surprised.
My personal preference goes to raising an exception deliberately and cradling it within a try and catch block.
% assume A to be a 2D array
A = rand(10) - 0.5;
A(3,2) = 0;
wreaker = MException('Loop:breaker','Breaking the law');
for j = 1 : size(A,1)
% forloop number 1
for i = 1 : size(A,2)
% forloop number 2
for k = 1:10
% forloop number 3
if k == 5 && j == 3 && i == 6
mycurrentval = 5;
return % I don't remember the do nothing keyword for matlab apparently
You can change the location of your try catch indentation to fall back to the loop of your choice. Also by slaying kittens, you can write your own exceptions such that they label the exception depending on the nest count and then you can listen for them. There is no end to ugliness though still prettier than having counters or custom variables with if clauses in my opinion.
Note that, this is exactly why matlab drives many people crazy. It silently throws exceptions in a pretty similar way and you get a nonsensical error for the last randomly chosen function while passing by, such as size mismatch in some differential equation solver so on. I actually learned all this stuff after reading a lot matlab toolbox source codes.

functions inside a matlab parfor loop

Can you use functions inside a matlab parfor loop? for instance I have a code that looks like:
matlabpool open 2
Inside the function I have a bunch of other variables. In particular there is a snippet of code that looks like this:
function z=foo()
%statements to update err
% .
% .
% .
%if out of memory allocate more
%trim output after while loop
%example output
I read somewhere that all variables that grow inside of a for loop nested inside of a matlab parfor loop must be preallocated, but in this case I have a variable that is preallocated, but might grow later. matlab did not give me any errors when i used mlint, but I was wondering if there are issues that I should be aware of.
According to Mathworks' documentation, your implementation of the matrix Mat is a sliced variable. That means you update different "slices" of the same matrix in different iterations, but the iterations do not affect each other. There is no data dependency between the loops. So you are ok to go.
Growing a inside function foo does not affect the parfor, because a is a regular variable located in foo's stack. You can do anything with a.
There do exist several issues to notice:
Don't use i and j as iteration counters
Defining i or j in any purpose is bad.
I have never been bored to refer people to this post - Using i and j as variables in Matlab.
Growing a is bad
Every time you do a=[a;zeros(length(a),1)]; the variable is copied as a whole into a new empty place in RAM. As its size doubles each time, it could be a disaster. Not hard to imagine.
A lighter way to "grow" -
% initialize a list of pointers
p = 1;
cc = 1;
c{1} = zeros(1000,1);
% use it
while (go_on)
% do something
if (p>1000)
cc = cc+1;
c{cc} = zeros(1000,1);
p = 1;
Here, you grow a list of pointers, a cell array c. It's smaller, faster, but still it needs copying in memory.
Use minimal amount of memory
Suppose you only need a small part of a, that is, a(end-8:end), as the function output. (This assumption bases on the caller Mat(i,:)=foo(); where size(Mat, 2)=8. )
Suppose err is not related to previous elements of a, that is, a(p-1), a(p-2), .... (I will loosen this assumption later.)
You don't have to keep all previous results in memory. If a is used up, just throw it.
% if out of memory, don't allocate more; flush it
if (p>1000)
p = 1;
a = zeros(1000,1);
The second assumption may be loosen to that you only need a certain number of previous elements, while this number is already known (hopefully it's small). For example,
% if out of memory, flush it, but keep the last 3 results
if (p>1000)
a = [a(end-3:end); zeros(997,1)];
p = 4;
Trimming is not that complicated
% trim output after while loop
>> a=1:10
a =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
>> a(3:end)=[]
a =
1 2
>> a=1:10
a =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
>> a(11:end)=[]
a =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The reason is end is 10 (although you can't use it as a stanalone variable), and 11:10 gives an empty array.
The short answer is yes, you can call a function inside a parfor.
The long answer is that parfor only works if each iteration inside the parfor is independent of the other iterations. Matlab has checks to catch when this isn't the case; though I don't know how full-proof they are. In your example, each foo() call can run independently and store its return value in a specific location of Mat that won't be written to or read by any other parfor iteration, so it should work.
This breaks down if values in Mat are being read by foo(). For example, if the parfor ran 4 iterations simultaneously, and inside each iteration, foo() was reading from Mat(1) and then writing a new value to Mat(1) that was based on what it read, the timing of the reads/writes would change the output values, and matlab should flag that.