I'm implementing RSA 1024 in hardware (xilinx ZYNQ FPGA), and am unable to figure out a few curious issues. Most notably, I am finding that my implementation only works for certain base/exponent/modulus combinations, but have not found any reason why this is the case.
Note: I am implementing the algorithm using Xilinx HLS (essentially C code that is synthesized into hardware). For the sake of this post, treat it just like a standard C implementation, except that I can have variables up to 4096 bits wide. I haven't yet parallelized it, so it should behave just like standard C code.
The Problem
My problem is that I am able to get the correct answer for certain modular exponentiation test problems, but only if the values for the base, exponent, and modulus can be written in much fewer bits than the actual 1024 bit operand width (i.e. they are zero padded).
When I use actual 1024-bit values generated from SSH-keygen, I no longer get the correct results.
For example, if my input arguments are
uint1024_t base = 1570
uint1024_t exponent = 1019
uint1024_t modulus = 3337
I correctly get a result of 1570^1029 mod(3337) = 688
However, when I actually use values that occupy all (or approximately all) 1024 bits for the inputs...
uint1024_t base = 0x00be5416af9696937b7234421f7256f78dba8001c80a5fdecdb4ed761f2b7f955946ec920399f23ce9627f66286239d3f20e7a46df185946c6c8482e227b9ce172dd518202381706ed0f91b53c5436f233dec27e8cb46c4478f0398d2c254021a7c21596b30f77e9886e2fd2a081cadd3faf83c86bfdd6e9daad12559f8d2747
uint1024_t exponent = 0x6f1e6ab386677cdc86a18f24f42073b328847724fbbd293eee9cdec29ac4dfe953a4256d7e6b9abee426db3b4ddc367a9fcf68ff168a7000d3a7fa8b9d9064ef4f271865045925660fab620fad0aeb58f946e33bdff6968f4c29ac62bd08cf53cb8be2116f2c339465a64fd02517f2bafca72c9f3ca5bbf96b24c1345eb936d1
uint1024_t modulus = 0xb4d92132b03210f62e52129ae31ef25e03c2dd734a7235efd36bad80c28885f3a9ee1ab626c30072bb3fd9906bf89a259ffd9d5fd75f87a30d75178b9579b257b5dca13ca7546866ad9f2db0072d59335fb128b7295412dd5c43df2c4f2d2f9c1d59d2bb444e6dac1d9cef27190a97aae7030c5c004c5aea3cf99afe89b86d6d
I incorrectly get a massive number, rather than the correct answer of 29 (0x1D)
I've checked both algorithms a million times over, and have experimented with different initial values and loop bounds, but nothing seems to work.
My Implementation
I am using the standard square and multiply method for the modular exponentiation, and I chose to use the Tenca-Koc radix-2 algorithm for the montgomery multiplication, detailed in pseudocode below...
/* Tenca-Koc radix2 montgomery multiplication */
Z = 0
for i = 0 to n-1
Z = Z + X[i]*Y
if Z is odd then Z = Z + M
Z = Z/2 // left shift in radix2
if (S >= M) then S = S - M
My Montgomery multiplication implementation is as follows:
void montMult(uint1024_t X, uint1024_t Y, uint1024_t M, uint1024_t* outData)
ap_uint<2*NUM_BITS> S = 0;
for (int i=0; i<NUM_BITS; i++)
// add product of X.get_bit(i) and Y to partial sum
S += X[i]*Y;
// if S is even, add modulus to partial sum
if (S.test(0))
S += M;
// rightshift 1 bit (divide by 2)
S = S >> 1;
// bring back to under 1024 bits by subtracting modulus
if (S >= M)
S -= M;
// write output data
*outData = S.range(NUM_BITS-1,0);
and my top-level modular exponentiation is as follows, where (switching notation!) ...
// k: number of bits
// r = 2^k (radix)
// M: base
// e: exponent
// n: modulus
// Mbar: (precomputed residue) M*r mod(n)
// xbar: (precomputed initial residue) 1*r mod(n)
void ModExp(uint1024_t M, uint1024_t e, uint1024_t n,
uint1024_t Mbar, uint1024_t xbar, uint1024_t* out)
for (int i=NUM_BITS-1; i>=0; i--)
// square
// multiply
if (e.test(i)) // if (e.bit(i) == 1)
// undo montgomery residue transformation
I can't for the life of me figure out why this works for everything except an actual 1024 bit value. Any help would be much appreciated
I've replaced my answer because I was wrong. Your original code is perfectly correct. I've tested it using my own BigInteger library, which includes Montgomery arithmetic, and everything works like a charm. Here is my code:
base1 =
exponent1 =
modulus1 =
function MontMult(X, Y, N: BigInteger): BigInteger;
I: Integer;
Result:= 0;
for I:= 0 to 1023 do begin
if not X.IsEven then Result:= Result + Y;
if not Result.IsEven then Result:= Result + N;
Result:= Result shr 1;
X:= X shr 1;
if Result >= N then Result:= Result - N;
function ModExp(B, E, N: BigInteger): BigInteger;
R, MontB: BigInteger;
I: Integer;
R:= BigInteger.PowerOfTwo(1024) mod N;
MontB:= (B * R) mod N;
for I:= 1023 downto 0 do begin
R:= MontMult(R, R, N);
if not (E shr I).IsEven then
R:= MontMult(MontB, R, N);
Result:= MontMult(R, 1, N);
procedure TestMontMult;
Base, Expo, Modulus: BigInteger;
MontBase, MontExpo: BigInteger;
X, Y, R: BigInteger;
Mont: TMont;
// convert to BigInteger
Base:= BigInteger.Parse(base1);
Expo:= BigInteger.Parse(exponent1);
Modulus:= BigInteger.Parse(modulus1);
R:= BigInteger.PowerOfTwo(1024) mod Modulus;
// Convert into Montgomery form
MontBase:= (Base * R) mod Modulus;
MontExpo:= (Expo * R) mod Modulus;
// MontMult test, all 3 versions output
// '0x146005377258684F3FFD8D9A70D723BDD3A2E3A160E11B7AD35A7106D4D903AB9D14A9201'+
// 'D0907CE2FC2E04A69656C38CE64AA0BADF2376AEFB19D8732CE2B3650466E31BB78CF24F4E3'+
// '774A78575738B668DA0E40C8DDDA972CE101E0CADC5D4CCFF6EF2E4E97AF02F34E3AB7258A7'+
// '323E472FC051825FFC72ADC53B0DAF3C4';
Writeln('Using MontMult');
Writeln(MontMult(MontMult(MontBase, MontExpo, Modulus), 1, Modulus).ToHexString);
// same using TMont instance
Writeln('Using TMont.Multiply');
Mont:= TMont.GetInstance(Modulus);
Writeln(Mont.Reduce(Mont.Multiply(MontBase, MontExpo)).ToHexString);
Writeln('Using TMont.ModMul');
// ModExp test, all 3 versions output 29
Writeln('Using ModExp');
Writeln(ModExp(Base, Expo, Modulus).ToString);
Writeln('Using BigInteger.ModPow');
Writeln(BigInteger.ModPow(Base, Expo, Modulus).ToString);
Writeln('Using TMont.ModPow');
Writeln(Mont.ModPow(Base, Expo).ToString);
Update: I finally was able to fix the issue, after I ported my design to Java to check my intermediate values in the debugger. The design ran flawlessly in Java with no modifications to the code structure, and this tipped me off as to what was going wrong.
The problem came to light after getting correct intermediate values using the BigInteger java package. The HLS arbitrary precision library has a fixed bitwidth (obviously, since it synthesizes down to hardware), whereas the software BigInteger libraries are flexible bit widths. It turns out that the addition operator treats both arguments as signed values if they are different bit-widths, despite the fact that I declared them as unsigned. Thus, when there was a 1 in the MSB of an intermediate value and I tried to add it to a greater value, it treated the MSB as a sign bit and attempted to sign extend it.
This did not happen with the Java BigInt library, which quickly pointed me towards the problem.
If anyone is interested in a Java implementation of modular exponentiation using the Tenca-Koc radix2 algorithm for montgomery multiplication, you can find the code here:
I found a very strange behaviour when design my ALU, hope someone can have a look it and tell me what is going on.
Here is the code
module adder (
output logic signed[31:0] y,
output logic Cout,
input logic signed[31:0] a, b,
input logic Cin, sub
logic [31:0] adder_b;
assign adder_b = b ^ {32{sub}};
assign {Cout, y} = {a[31],a} + {adder_b[31],adder_b} +Cin;
module andlogic (
output logic [31:0] y,
input logic [31:0] a, b
assign y = a & b;
module orlogic (
output logic [31:0] y,
input logic [31:0] a, b
assign y = a | b;
module xorlogic (
output logic [31:0] y,
input logic [31:0] a, b
assign y = a ^ b;
module ALU(
output logic signed[31:0] Result,
output logic N,Z,C,V,
input logic signed[31:0] a, b,
input logic [2:0] ALU_control
wire [31:0] adder_rlt, and_rlt, or_rlt, xor_rlt;
logic Cin;
adder adder (
.y (adder_rlt),
.a (a),
.b (b),
.Cin (Cin),
.Cout (Cout),
.sub (sub)
andlogic andlogic (
.y (and_rlt),
.a (a),
.b (b)
orlogic orlogic (
.y (or_rlt),
.a (a),
.b (b)
xorlogic xorlogic (
.y (xor_rlt),
.a (a),
.b (b)
assign C = Cout;
assign sub = ALU_control[1];
assign Cin = ALU_control[1];
assign N = Result[31];
//assign Z = (Result ==0 )? 1:0;
assign V = {{~a[31]} & {~b[31]} & Result[31]}|{a[31] & b[31] & {~Result[31]}};
if (Result == 0) Z = 1;
else Z = 0;
3'b001: Result = adder_rlt;
3'b010: Result = adder_rlt;
3'b011: Result = and_rlt;
3'b100: Result = or_rlt;
3'b101: Result = xor_rlt;
default: Result = 0;
The first 4 modules are individual functions of my ALU, the adder contains both addition and subtraction. Then here is the odd thing:
My ALU has 4 flags, Z represent Zero, it sets when the value of output Result is 0. If I use these code to describe the behaviour of Z
if (Result == 0) Z = 1;
else Z = 0;
The simulation result is wrong, Z some time is 1, and some time is 0, and it looks like not depend on the value of Result at all.
What is more odd is the result of the synthesis result. Here the picture shows a part of my synplify synthesis result.
The gate level looks like correct, Z is a AND gate of all inverted Result signals, which when Result == 0, the output Z should be 1.
However, I spend all my afternoon yesterday try to figure out how to fix this bug, I fount that if I use assign statement instead of using if statement, then the simulation gives correct behaviour. assign Z = (Result ==0 )? 1:0;
I thought this two version of describing Z should be same! After I modified my code by using
assign Z = (Result ==0 )? 1:0;
The synthesis result still same as the picture I showed above...
Can someone tell me what is going on?
Thanks so much!!!
I believe the issue is with your order of operation. always_comb blocks execute procedurally, top to bottom. In simulation, Z is updated first with the existing value of Result (from the previous time the always block was executed). The Result is updated and Z is not re-evaluated. Result is not part of the sensitivity list because it is a left-hand value. Therefore, Z will not get updated until a signal that assigns Result changes.
Synthesis is different, it connects equivalent logic gates which may result in asynchronous feedback. Logical equivalent is not the same as functional equivalent. This is why synthesis is giving you what you logically intend and RTL simulation is giving what you functionally wrote. Explaining the reasons for the differences is outside the scope of this question.
When coding a RTL combinational block, just do a little self check and ask yourself:
Are the values at the end of a single pass of this always-block the intended final values? If no, rearrange your code.
Will any current values in this always-block be used assign any values in the next pass? If yes, rearrange your code or synchronize with a flip-flop.
In ALU case, tt is an easy fix. Change:
always_comb begin
if (Result==0) Z = 1; // <-- Z is evaluated using the previous value of Result
else Z = 0;
/*Logic to assign Result*/ // <-- change to Result does not re-trigger the always
always_comb begin
/*Logic to assign Result*/ // <-- update Result first
if (Result==0) Z = 1; // <-- Z is evaluated using the final value of Result
else Z = 0;
An alternative solution (which I highly discourage) is to replace the always_comb with The IEEE1364-1995 style of combinational logic. Where the sensitivity list is manually defined. Here you can add Result to get the feed back update:
always #(ALU_control or adder_rlt or add_rlt or or_rtl or xor_rtl or Result)
I highly discourage because it easy to miss a necessary signal, unessary signals waste simulation time, creates a risk of zero time infinite loop, and you still don't get a guaranty functional equivalent between RTL and synthesis.
I have a wire vector with 64 bits;
wire [63:0] sout;
I want to compute the sum of these bits or, equivalently, count the number of ones.
What is the best way to do this? (it should be synthesizable)
I prefer using for-loops as they are easier to scale and require less typing (and thereby less prone to typos).
SystemVerilog (IEEE Std 1800):
logic [$clog2($bits(sout)+1)-1:0] count_ones;
always_comb begin
count_ones = '0;
foreach(sout[idx]) begin
count_ones += sout[idx];
Verilog (IEEE Std 1364-2005):
parameter WIDTH = 64;
// NOTE: $clog2 was added in 1364-2005, not supported in 1364-1995 or 1364-2001
reg [$clog2(WIDTH+1)-1:0] count_ones;
integer idx;
always #* begin
count_ones = {WIDTH{1'b0}};
for( idx = 0; idx<WIDTH; idx = idx + 1) begin
count_ones = count_ones + sout[idx];
The $countones system function can be used. Refer to the IEEE Std 1800-2012, section "20.9 Bit vector system functions". It might not be synthesizable, but you did not list that as a requirement.
"Best" is rather subjective, but a simple and clear formulation would just be:
wire [6:0] sout_sum = sout[63] + sout[62] + ... + sout[1] + sout[0];
You might be able to think hard and come up with something that produces better synthesized results, but this is probably a good start until a timing tool says it's not good enough.
The following solution uses a function to calculate the total number of set (to High) bits in a 64-bits wide bus:
function logic [6:0] AddBitsOfBus (
input [63:0] InBus
AddBitsOfBus[2:0] = '0;
for (int k = 0; k < 64; k += 1) begin // for loop
AddBitsOfBus[6:0] += {6'b00_0000, InBus[k]};
The following synthesizable SystemVerilog functions do this for you:
$countbits(sout,'1); // Counts the # of 1's
$countbits(sout,'0); // Counts the # of 0's
$countones(sout); // equivalent to $countbits(sout,'1)
The logic the synthesis tools will produce is a different story.
Ref: IEEE Std 1800-2012, Section 20.9
I try to compile the following code with Dymola:
class abc
import Modelica.SIunits;
parameter SIunits.Time delta_t=0.5;
constant Real a[:]={4,2,6,-1,3,5,7,4,-3,-6};
Real x;
Integer j(start=1);
Integer k=size(a, 1);
when {(sample(0, delta_t) and j < k),j == 1} then
x := a[j];
j := j + 1;
end when;
end abc;
and for time = 0 the variable j starts with 2. But it should start with j = 1.
Does anybody have an idea for this problem?
Keep in mind that sample(x,y) means that sample is true at x+i*y where i starts at zero. Which is to say that sample(0, ...) becomes true at time=0.
Since j starts at 1 and k is presumably more than 1, it doesn't seem unexpected to me that sample(0, delta_t) and j<k should become true at the start of the simulation.
I suspect what you want is:
class abc
import Modelica.SIunits;
parameter SIunits.Time delta_t=0.5;
constant Real a[:]={4,2,6,-1,3,5,7,4,-3,-6};
Real x;
Integer j(start=1);
Integer k=size(a, 1);
when {(sample(delta_t, delta_t) and j < k),j == 1} then
x := a[pre(j)];
j := pre(j) + 1;
end when;
end abc;
I don't really see the point of the j==1 condition. It is true at the outset which means it doesn't "become" true then. And since j is never decremented, I don't see why it should ever return to the value 1 once it increments for the first time.
Note that I added a pre around the right-hand side values for j. If this were in an
equation section, I'm pretty sure the pre would be required. Since it is an algorithm section, it is mainly to document the intent of the code. It also makes the code robust to switching from equation to algorithm section.
Of course, there is an event at time = 0 triggered by the expression sample(0, delta_t) and j<k which becomes true.
But in older versions of Dymola there is an bug with the initialization of discrete variables. For instance even if you remove sample(0.0, delta_t) and j<k in dymola74, j will become 2 at time=0. The issue was that the pre values of when clauses, where not initialized correct. As far as I know this is corrected at least in the version FD1 2013.
I've been profiling my almost-finished project and I'm seeing that about three-quarters of the CPU time is spent in this IIR filter function (which is called hundreds of thousands of times in about a second currently on the target hardware) so with everything else working well I am wondering if it can be optimized for my specific hardware and software target. My targets are only iPhone 4 and newer, only iOS 4.3 and newer, only LLVM 4.x. A little bit of imprecision is probably OK if there are gains to be made.
static float filter(const float a, const float *b, const float c, float *d, const int e, const float x)
float return_value = 0;
d[0] = x;
d[1] = c * d[0] + a * d[1];
int j;
for (j = 2; j <= e; j++) {
return_value += (d[j] += a * (d[j + 1] - d[j - 1])) * b[j];
for (j = e + 1; j > 1; j--) {
d[j] = d[j - 1];
return (return_value);
Any suggestions about speeding it up appreciated, also interested in your opinion if it is possible to optimize beyond the default compiler optimization at all. I am wondering if it is something where NEON SIMD would help (that is new ground for me) or if VFP can be exploited, or if LLVM autovectorization would help.
I've tried the following LLVM flags:
-ffast-math (didn't make a notable difference)
-O4 (made a big difference on the iPhone 4S with a 25% reduction in time, but no notable difference on my minimum target device the iPhone 4, improvement of which is my main goal)
-O3 -mllvm -unroll-allow-partial -mllvm -unroll-runtime -funsafe-math-optimizations -ffast-math -mllvm -vectorize -mllvm -bb-vectorize-aligned-only (LLVM autovectorization flags from Hal Finkel's slides here:, made things slower than the default LLVM optimization for an Xcode release target)
Open to other flags, different approaches, and changes to the function. I'd prefer to leave the input and return types and values alone. There is actually a discussion of using NEON intrinsic functions for FIR here: but I don't have quite enough experience with its subject to successfully apply the information to my own case. Thank you for any clarification.
EDIT My apologies for not noting this sooner. After investigating aka.nice's suggestion I noticed that the values passed in for e, a and c are always the same values and I know them before runtime, so approaches incorporating this info are an option.
Here are some transformations that could be made on the code to use vDSP routines. These transformations make use of various temporary buffers named T0, T1, and T2. Each of these is an array of float with enough space for e-1 elements.
First, use a temporary buffer to compute a * b[j]. This changes the original code:
for (j = 2; j <= e; j++) {
return_value += (d[j] += a * (d[j + 1] - d[j - 1])) * b[j];
vDSP_vsmul(b+2, 1, &a, T0, 1, e-1);
for (j = 2; j <= e; j++)
return_value += (d[j] += (d[j+1] - d[j-1])) * T0[j-2];
Then use vDSP_vmul to compute d[j+1] * T0[j-2]:
vDSP_vsmul(b+2, 1, &a, T0, 1, e-1);
vDSP_vmul(d+3, 1, T0, 1, T1, 1, e-1);
for (j = 2; j <= e; j++)
return_value += (d[j] += T1[j-2] - d[j-1] * T0[j-2];
Next, promote vDSP_vmul to vDSP_vma (vector multiply add) to compute d[j] + d[j+1] * T0[j-2]:
vDSP_vsmul(b+2, 1, &a, T0, 1, e-1);
vDSP_vma(d+3, 1, T0, 1, d+2, 1, T1, 1, e-1);
for (j = 2; j <= e; j++)
return_value += (d[j] = T1[j-2] - d[j-1] * T0[j-2];
I suppose I would time that and see if there is any improvement. There are some issues:
SIMD code works best when data is 16-byte aligned. The use of array indices such as j-1 and j+1 prevents this. The ARM processors in phones are not as bad with unaligned data as some other processors, but performance will vary from model to model.
If e is large (more than a few thousand), then T0 and d may be evicted from cache during the vDSP_vma operation, and the following loop will have to reload them. There is a technique called strip mining to reduce the effect of this. I will not detail it now, but, essentially, the operation is partitioned into smaller strips of the array.
The IIR in the final loop may still bottleneck the processor. There are routines in vDSP for performing some IIRs (such as vDSP_deq22), but it is not clear whether this filter can be expressed in a way that is a good enough match to a vDSP routine to gain more performance than might be lost by the transformation.
The summation in the final loop to calculate return_value could also be removed from the loop and replaced with a vDSP routine (likely vDSP_sve), but I suspect the slack caused by the IIR will permit the additions to be done without adding significant execution time to the loop.
The above is off the top of my head; I have not tested the code. I suggest making the transformations one-by-one so you can test the code after each change and identify any errors before going on.
If you can find a satisfactory filter that is not an IIR, more performance optimizations may be available.
I'd prefer to leave the input and return types and values aloneā¦
Nevertheless, moving your rendering from float to integer would help considerably.
Localizing that change to the implementation you present won't be useful. But if you expand it to reimplement just the FIR as integer, it can quickly pay off (unless the sizes are guaranteed to always be incredibly small -- then conversion/move times cost more). Of course, moving larger portions of the render graph to integer will introduce larger gains and require even fewer conversions.
Another consideration would be to look at the utilities in Accelerate.framework (potentially saving you from writing your own asm).
I tried this little exercize to rewrite your filter with delay operator z
For example, for e=4, i renamed input u and output y
d1*z= u
d2*z= c*u + a*d1
d3*z= d2 + a*(d3-d1*z)
d4*z= d3 + a*(d4-d2*z)
d5*z= d4 + a*(d5-d3*z)
y = (b2*d3*z + b3*d4*z + b4*d5*z)
Note that the di are the filter states.
d3*z is the next value of d3 (it appears to be variable d2 in your code)
You can then eliminate the di to write the transfer function y/u in z.
You will then find that a minimal representation require only e states by factoring/simplifying above transfer function.
Denominator is z*(z-a)^3, that is a pole at 0, and another at a with multiplicity (e-1).
You can then put your filter in a standard state space matrix representation:
z*X = A*X + B*u
y = C*X + d*u
With the particular form of poles, you can decompose the transfer in partial fraction expansion and obtain the matrices A & B in this special form (matlab like notations)
A = [0 1 0 0; B=[0;
0 a 1 0; 0;
0 0 a 1; 0;
0 0 0 a] 1]
C & d are a bit less easy though...
They are extracted from the numerators and direct term of partial fraction expansion
They are polynomials in bi, c (degree 1) and a (degree e)
For e=4, I have
C=[ a^3*b2 - a^2*b3 + a*b4 ,
-a^2*b2 + a*b3 + (c-a^2)*b4 ,
a*b2 + (c-a^2)*b3 + (-2*a^2*c-2*a^2-a+a^4)*b4 ,
(c-a^2)*b2 + (-a^2-a^2*c-a)*b3 + (-2*a*c+2*a^3)*b4 ]
d= -a*b2 - a*c*b3 + a^2*b4
If you can find the recurrence in e governing C & d, and precompute them
then the filter can be reduced to those simple vector ops:
z*X = a*[ 0; x2 ; x3 ; x4 ... xe ] + [x2 ; x3 ; x4 ... xe ; u ];
Y = C*[ x1 ; x2 ; x3 ; x4 ... xe ] + d*u
Or expressed as a function (Xnext,y)=filter(X,u,a,C,d,e) pseudo code:
y = dot_product( C , X) + d*u; // (like BLAS _DOT)
Xnext(1:e-1) = X(2:e); // this is a memcopy (like BLAS _COPY)
Xnext=a*X+Xnext; // this is an inplace vector muladd (like BLAS _AXPY)
X=Xnext; // another memcopy outside the function (can be moved inside).
Note that if you use BLAS functions, your code will be portable to many hardwares, not just Applecentric, and I guess the perf won't be much different.
EDIT: about partial fraction expansion
The pure partial fraction expansion would give a diagonal state space representation, and a matrix B full of 1s. This can be an interesting variant too. (filters in parallel)
My variant used above is more like a cascade or ladder (filters in serie).