Visual Studio 2017 Can't deploy to Xbox One - deployment

I am new to developing apps for the Xbox one. I have been following the tutorial as listed here. However, I the publish keeps failing due to the following:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error DEP6957: Failed to connect to device '' using Universal Authentication. Please verify the correct remote authentication mode is specified in the project debug settings. COMException - A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007274C) [0x8007274C] Test
I have just installed the latest SDK from here, but I did not install the packages for C++.
Also, using the IP address and port I cannot connect via the web browser, and my router doesn't show my Xbox either.
Does anyone know what I am missing?

It turns out you need to click the Launch Home button. Then go to settings and configure your WiFi network. After that is done, then restart your console. Your IP address should be updated, and showing on the router.


Unable to connect to localhost, bs-local, etc on Browserstack

I'm attempting to do some development on iOS for a model-viewer web component through browserstack (using iOS 13 Chrome) and it seems unable to connect to localhost, whether I use bs-local (as suggested via browserstack), my IP, or anything else.
I went through their troubleshooting guides with no success, and their own "Debug Connectivity" test in localhost:45454 seems to return a 200 OK response for my page, but still seems unable to connect (it returns "Unable to display the page").
I'm attempting to run it using iOS 13 on Chrome.
I've set up the proxy details, enabled 'Force Local', and installed the Browserstack Local app and have verified that it is connected correctly. The URL formats I have tried are:
I am writing my code in VS Code and am using node.js/npm and npm run serve using Ubuntu (WSL) in the terminal to start the web dev server, which starts on its own correctly. Opening the page on my own machine seems to work fine, it is solely unable to connect through browserstack live.
Is there a step that I'm missing? What should I troubleshoot next? I'm a junior developer, so please explain in detail.

UWP Sockets Unable to Connect Over LAN

I am having some issues with sockets in UWP.
I'm trying to test some simple socket communications (stripped down version of the MSDN example) between a mobile and a desktop on the same LAN subnet. I am developing in a VM (on a separate desktop) and can deploy to the VM and mobile. In that case connections work fine.
When I create an app package and install it on the desktop, I cannot connect.
I have windows firewall on the desktop completely off. The VM is set to have a separate IP on the network. I have checked all IPs I'm using are correct.
I am getting the typical: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time
This is driving me crazy, if anyone has any helpful advice that would be much appreciated!
edit: To clarify the above.
My app has both both client and server roles (can connect to a listener, and is also listening itself).
App (on Mobile) --> App (on VM, deployed from VS) - this works fine, Mobile can connect to VM no problem.
App (on Mobile) --> App (on Desktop, installed from appx) - Mobile unable to connect to Desktop. Firewall on desktop disabled. Task Manager shows .exe listening on the correct port.
Thanks, Inci
Found a solution to this - it appears connections over LAN need to have the Internet(Client & Server) capability selected.
I am most certainly connecting over my local network (specifically (mobile) to .21 (desktop). It seems that when deploying with VS the app doesn't need the Internet capability.
If there is a more 'correct' solution I'll amend this.

Nodered IBM-examples are not working on my PC

I tried 2 example programs from the IBM website.
timestamp example
I cannot see anything in the debug tab. Debug node is of course activated and its output is set to debug tab and console.
Chrome developer tools gives some more information:
Warning: SVG's SMIL animations (, , etc.) are deprecated and will be removed. Please use CSS animations or Web animations instead.
It also detects that something has happended (Preview "OK", Response "OK").
I also tried Chat example
But even when I try to execute the "Run the app" button the window never displays "connection established" or any chat message. Chrome developer tools throws error:
Uncaught InvalidStateError: Failed to execute 'send' on 'WebSocket': Still in CONNECTING state.
I did not install anything related to Java, JS, JSON, Node.js on my pc as I asume that everything runs inside Bluemix.
The underlying issue is a failure to establish a websocket connection with the node-red instance running in Bluemix. This is a known issue when accessing from certain networks that is usually resolved by accessing the application using https rather than http.

Getting a HTTP ERROR 404 when I try to download Rational Test Workbench for Android. Why?

I am using IBM Mobile Test Workbench for Worklight 8.5.10 plugin for Eclipse and I am trying to add a device using my PC. I've done the same process on a Mac and it works fine no issues. However on my PC when I go to the Workbench URL in a browser, phone, or emulator I go to start the download and I receive this on all devices...
HTTP ERROR: 404 Problem accessing
Not Found
Does anybody have any idea why I would be getting this?
a good idea would be to check if your firewall is not blocking port 7878 or 8080 (the ones that are used by MTWW to communicate between device and workbench)
simple test for that : stop your firewall for 5 minutes, retry
if it works, it mean you'll have to configure this firewall to open this port
if you can't open this specific port, you can configure MTWW to change the default communication port (to use one that is open in your firewall) like this :
in MTW, open : windows => preferences => Test => performance Test
Report => Web report
check "Allow remote access from a web browser"
check "no security is required to access reports"
change value of "non-secure port" (default = 8080)
when done, it would be better to restart MTWW before retrying
if all of this fail, last solution is to manually install the client apk
apk is located there :
[IBM shared dir of your install]\plugins\[some version number]\client
apk to install :
the simpler is use "adb connect [your device ip]" (if adb is not yet connected to your device), then "adb install [apkname]"
Jerome B.
After much trial and errors I finally fixed my issue. Here's the last thing I did to get it working. I uninstalled everything from Java, Eclipse, and IBM. I then reinstalled everything and placed Eclipse in My Documents and I changed Java versions to 1.6. After all of that it seems to be working fine. It doesn't make much sense.

Dart Plugin For Eclipse - Using a network Proxy

I'm currently using Eclipse: Kepler and just installed the Dart plug-in via Help->Install New Software.
Download went through without a hitch and I attempted to create my first dummy project to see if it was all working fine similar to how it's displayed in
However, I'm getting some pub errors where it can not download of the required libraries. The error in question looks like this
Got socket error trying to find package "browser" at
SocketException: Connection failed (OS Error: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
, errno = 10060), address =, port = 443
That said, is there an additional configuration/ini file that I need to modify for this to work? I've checked my system and environment variables - nothing seems out of place. I can use the build in browser inside of eclipse and download other packages through the Eclipse Marketplace.
Issue 5454 is relating to using pub behind a proxy and marked as "Fixed", but there's still some discussion going on after it was marked as Fixed, so I'm not completely sure what the status is today. There's some discussion of different behaviour from the editor though.