How to do OpenQuery in mongoDB - mongodb

I want to do link mongodb servers within one query like SQL Linked server's OpenQuery concept. Is it possible in mongoDB?
FROM OPENQUERY(remotelinkedservername, 'SELECT * FROM dbo.Users' )

You can't do Open query logic in mongoDB but you can connect mongoDB with SQL server by using MongoDB new ODBC Driver with SQL Connector 2.1.0
A linked server enables you to execute distribute queries against tables stored in a Microsoft SQL Server instance and another data store. Use the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to link your MongoDB data store to a SQL Server instance and then execute distribute queries against both data stores.


data pulling from mongodb server to sql through ssis

mongodb server is installed in one server and i want to pull data from mongodb to sql through ssis but the sql and siss is installed in anothe server. i had gone through your mongodb to sql with ssis. i did not under stand weather i have to install that bi connector in mogodb server instance or another server instance where i am using sql and siss.
I had installed mongodb connector and odbc drivers in my instance where I want to store the mongodb data.
while giving credentials of mongodb. like ip and poet username and password dasebase name after

Pass SQL query parameters to MongoDB Connector for BI

I using MongoDB Connector for BI and MongoDB ODBC Driver with Microsoft reporting services to can make reports depend on MongoDB ,But when I tried to query the the MongoDB using SQL
select * from students where studentId=?id
I get error
"This command is not supported in the prepared protocol yet"

I am in need of connecting to DB2 AS/400 database from Oracle Apex.

Is there any feasibility from Oracle to have a connection established to DB2 database so that I can query on DB2 database and generate reports from Oracle Apex?
Is it possible to create a View in Oracle from a remote DB2 database?
What options do i have in order to develop reports in Oracle Apex from the data i have in DB2 database?
(I know, this is an old question and you've already found a workaround. Anyway,) the keyword you might be interested in is gateway. This is Oracle 10g Database Gateway for DB2/400 Installation and User's Guide. I don't know which database you use, but - if 10g is not the one, I hope you'll manage to find the right documentation.
Shortly: after installing the gateway between Oracle and DB2, you'd create a database link. Then, in your Oracle schema, create a view that selects data over that database link from DB2 database. Finally, fetch data in Apex from the view.
As i didn't find a way to directly connect to DB2 from Oracle PL/SQL, i used a work-around. As this is a reporting tool, we are ok to have this tool running with the data which is 1 day off, we did the following:
1) Extract the data required from DB2 database to CSV files. We used a DB2 command which can be run at command line to extract the data into a CSV
2) Then we imported the data into Oracle tables using sqlldr

Can firebird database connect to other databases using like linked server in SQL Server?

I know that SQL Server has linked server that allow it to connect to other database and execute query. Now I am using firebird. I wonder if firebird has its "linked server" to access other databases. Thanks!
Firebird doesn't have a linked server feature. There is a limited method for accessing other Firebird databases (either remote or locally) using EXECUTE STATEMENT, however this only supports Firebird database, and you need to provide the data source information on each invocation.

How to connect to particular database in Oracle 10g

Suppose I have multiple Oracle databases in the same server. Now I want to connect to particular database and query a table just like SQL Server 2008. How to start particular Oracle database?
If you are using SQL*Plus, the most common syntax for opening a connection is
sqlplus user_name/password#tns_alias
In this example TNS_ALIAS is the TNS alias for the particular database you want to connect to (most likely "XE" based on your followups to inium's answer). If you want to connect to a different database, you would need to specify a TNS alias for that specific database.
Note that since you are coming from a SQL Server background, the SQL Server definition of a database is rather different than the Oracle definition. What SQL Server calls a database is similar logically to what Oracle calls a schema (and similar physically to what Oracle calls a tablespace). So when you're dealing with Oracle, it's much more common to have many schemas in a single database than to have a large number of databases on a server. This is particularly true if you're using the Express Edition (Oracle XE) where you're generally limited to one database per machine.
go to cmd and type sqlplus <database-name>/<database-password>
You can use SQL Developer, it's similar to SQL Enterprise Manager 2005. Just create a new connection using the db user name and password.