I've made a TMS WMS-cached layer using gdal2tiles.py and EPSG:3857 at 10 to 17 zoom levels. But I'd like to change the layer source after 17 level. Example: change to the original WMS source that will render the 18 and 19 levels.
Is there such a plugin?
You can trigger a zoomor zoomend event combined with getZoom() method to change the current tile layer. I recommend you to read the API documentation on the topic.
You can find an example here.
I'm fairly new to maplibre/mapbox. I've about 40,000 polygons in my PostGIS database. That's just too much data to load it all at once into the maplibre map as a geojson source when the webapp starts. Thus I implemented a simple rest server which returns the polygons compiled into X/Y/Z MVT Vector tiles, so I can use it as a "vector" source in my maplibre style file. This works fine, polygons start showing up at zoom-level 10.
The question is... for the sake of performance and server load I would like to reduce the amount of tile requests.
At the moment when I change the zoom level from 10 to 11, maplibre requests new tiles, which actually isn't necessary, as all needed data already was included in the tile it got for zoom-level 10. Is there a way to tell maplibre to request tiles not for the current zoom-level, but for the higher zoom level instead? e.g. instead of requesting 1/1/12, request 1/1/10.
In other words, I would like to tell maplibre to always use the data from the z10 tile, even for greater zoom levels. And to load the z10 tile if it hasn't been loaded yet.
I may be misinterpreting your question, but yes, you can tell the client library to never request tiles above zoom 10, and always to overzoom them, by setting maxzoom on your source:
map.addSource('polys', { type: 'vector', /*...*/, maxzoom: 10 });
When you zoom in and out, the markerclusters automatically "re-cluster", as in it calculates clustering again.
Is there an option for to disable the auto re-cluster when the zoom is changed?
Depending on exactly what you are trying to achieve, you might be interested in Leaflet.MarkerCluster.Freezable subplugin:
When frozen / disabled, clusters will no longer split / merge on map zoom, but retain their status as if they were on the specified zoom level.
For example if you want the clusters to reflect the zoom 15 configuration:
var map = L.map("map"),
mcg = L.markerClusterGroup(options);
Disclaimer: I am the author of that subplugin.
Is there an option for to disable the auto re-cluster when the zoom is changed?
In Leaflet.MarkerCluster, the cluster depends on the value of the maxClusterRadius option, which is measured in screen pixels at the current zoom level.
I encourage you to have a look at the other Leaflet plugins for clustering, as some of them have clustering algorithms which do not depend on the zoom level.
I am using tippecanoe command line utility to create my application vector tileset. This is creating a directory structure as per the z/x/y coordinates which is perfectly fine. I have a certain group of features(allocated with a layer) which do not need z to be up to 21 zoom level so it's creating the tiles up to zoom-level 14. It is critical in my case to not to waste the memory space by increasing the max-zoom to 21 for certain layer of features.
As per my understanding, mapbox gl-js queries for the vector tiles as per its coordinate space.
So during my zoom-in from 6 to 21, although zoom-level > 14 tile queries are responding with 404, gl-js is adopting the same tile which is available at 14.
The problem is,
For example, If I click on any feature, I need that feature to be highlighted. I am doing it by filtering out the layers as :
//hiding the current layer
mapBox.setFilter(currentLayer, ["==",'gid', "_none_"]);
//showing only the clicked feature by filtering it out with a unique id it has
mapBox.setFilter(highlightedLayer, ["==",'gid', feature_gid]);
This works as expected for zoom-level < 14 but if zoom-level exceeds 14 (the max-zoom while tile creation) then it is not able to render the tile with applied layer style as it tries to fetch a tile which is not there on my server. So my question is if a source tile at particular zoom level is giving 404 then why not apply the layer style to whichever tile is available at zoom level 14 ?
Any help to solve this problem?
This functionality is not supported by mapbox-gl. You need to go back to Tippecanoe and generate the tiles for this zoom level.
Note that you those new tiles can be similar in terms of data as the other zoom levels.
Remember that tiles are like images generated at a precise zoom level. If you zoom in, one tile will be divided in many tiles.
I serve map png files from disk and I have tile pngs for whole city in zoom level 15. I have also tiles in zoom levels 16-18 but only for certain areas.
I would like to set up the tile Layer, so that when the user is in zoom level 18 the map will display scaled tiles from level 15 as a fallback.
I tried setting option maxNativeZoom, but didn't work for me.
Here is my code:
offlineLayer = L.mapbox.tileLayer(tileJSON, {
minZoom: 8,
maxZoom: 18,
maxNativeZoom: 15
map.addLayer(offlineLayer, 'Offline', 1);
Can I make it work, that way using some options or do I need to hack it some way? Or is there some example code for that?
Just to let people know that I wrote Leaflet.TileLayer.Fallback plugin some time ago to address this exact use case:
Replaces missing Tiles (404 error) by scaled lower zoom Tiles.
Demo page
In OP's situation, you would just specify the maxZoom Tile Layer option as usual, and whenever a tile is found missing at the current zoom level, the plugin will try to replace it by the "parent" tile at the previous zoom level (scaled and clipped appropriately so that it fits the missing tile), and so on until a tile is found or minZoom is reached.
L.tileLayer.fallback(urlTemplate, {
minZoom: 8,
maxZoom: 18
Disclaimer: I am the author of that plugin.
When you say that it didn't work for you, I'm guessing that what you're seeing with the code above is level 15 tiles for everywhere even when at zoom levels 16-18 in the areas where you have tiles at those levels? That's the expected behavior of maxNativeZoom. TileLayer creates all of the tiles for a given zoom level and map bounds and sets the "src" to a URL containing the current zoom level. If the current zoom level is greater than "maxNativeZoom" then the zoom level in the URL is set to "maxNativeZoom". For example, src="http://a.tile.openstreetmap.org/15/16368/10896.png" would be used for zoom levels 16-18 if "maxNativeZoom" is set to 15.
There is no logic in the code that checks to see if an image actually exists for that tile at that zoom level.
If your tiles are in a single data set then you could modify the code in TileLayer to check for a HTTP 404 return code for the generated URL and if one is received then create a new URL using "maxNativeZoom". If your tiles are in multiple data sets (i.e. one for zoom level 15 and less, and another for zoom levels 16-18) then I think you'd have to write a TileLayer that supports multiple data sets.
Is there a Leaflet plugin or example for letting the user control the display order of overlay layers in a map?
Turning layers on and off is working fine, but I'd like the user to be able to drag layer names within the layer control to set the Z order.
For Path class (Polygons, Polylines, etc.) there are methods 'bringToFront()' and 'bringToBack()'. You can't exactly set precise position in draw order, but iterating over layer list and calling 'bringToFront()' could be less time consuming, then re-drawing every layer (especialy if they are bigger).