How to remove eclipse darkest dark theme? - eclipse

Unable to remove eclipse darkest dark theme. I tried to install this for latest eclipse oxygen and it got installed successfully, but now I am unable to remove it.
How to remove a theme from eclipse?
Thanks in Advance.

Goto Help -> Eclipse Market Place
A child window will open showing available plugins in Eclipse Market Place.
Above we will find a tab named "Installed"
Go to 'Installed' tab. It will show the list of installed or associated plugins with current copy of eclipse.
Against 'darkest dark theme' (beside installed button) we will find a drop down where we get option to uninstall.

Just navigate to Preferences > General > Appearance. Choose "Classic" for "Theme" and hit "Apply and Close". You may have to restart eclipse.

Eclipse, reset Appearance:
Preferences > General > Appearance, Just Restore defaults and apply/close.
If still no change then do the same thing to child options under Appearance one by one.

It was the WebClipse CI 9 update (dated 201711281859) which automatically replaced the default Eclipse Classic theme preferences and startup dialog with the Dark theme, without asking, and without giving the user an option to disable it or put it back the way it was.


How to change SourceTree theme to dark

I have dark theme enabled in Windows + newest version of SourceTree and it's still destroying my sight with bright theme.
Any clue how to switch please?
Thank You!
Kind regards
windows settings
source tree missing settings
Now, you can set the dark theme of SourceTree. Download its latest version from this site, as per your OS.
On Windows
When installed open it, go to Tools > Options > General > Theme, then select Dark from dropdown menu.
On Mac
While on Mac, you have to go to View > Appearance > Dark Mode

Themeing Eclipse Indigo

I have tried using Eclipse E4 on Eclipse 4.2 (Juno) and it worked well. I have tried using Dark Theme provided by Github on this link but only missed darkening minimized views and also the menubar. Also, I've tried using Eclipse Color Theme to provide a Sublime Text look on my editors. But that is not the real question.
Though Eclipse 4.2 (Juno) supports themeing, is there a way we could install a software similar to Eclipse E4 on Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo)? (With the exception of Eclipse Color Theme)
For me this plugin is great: (for eclipse 4.2+)
After install go to Pereferences → General → Appearance and Choose Jeeeyul's Themes in the Pulldown.
Then go to Pereferences → General → Appearance → Chrome Theme and adjust for your needs.
In the upper right corner of this Panel, you can also coose " Presets", but there are no nice one for dark-Theme, so i had made my own.
There seems no import and export, but if you want to try my, copy this file to
And Choose it as dev_pool in 'User's presets'
It looks like this:

Old Style Tabs In Eclipse Juno?

any way I can bring back the tab style of indigo? I don't like the new white and block tabs!
Windows -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Theme. Select "Classic".
Afterwards restart once, as some changes cannot be applied immediately.
For those who wish to move to using the Eclipse Indigo looks, a version prior, simply, rename the folder,
to something like,
And you are done! Launch your eclipse and enjoy the old theme.
Make sure Eclipse is not-running when making this change.
In Eclipse juno SR1 the folder is org.eclipse.platform_4.2.1.v201209141800

Eclipse Theme Issue

The Eclipse theme only seams to apply on the editor’s window and set area like Project Browser , Outline, Task windows etc seems unchanged. I have downloaded the themes form the Eclipse Market place but it has no effect. Is that the way it suppose to work or something is wrong with my Eclipse on installation.
I have manage to change the Java doc and Declaration Windows manually form the
Windows ->Presences -> Color and Fonts
Plus I have tried putting pref files in the workspace as suggested by Eric in his blog :-
and Theme generator
My present Eclipse looks like :-
I wonder how did Aptana studio manage to change in the Eclipse plugin
I think there is no way to change those part of eclipse except the editor window. You can download lots of theme from Eclipse Theme. Also note that there is a plug-in available,here . It comes preloaded with many themes. After installing, Go to **Window->preference->search for theme and choose from variety of themes.
You can use Aptana plugin for Eclipse to change almost all the panels' view:
Follow the link [Download Aptana Studio], choose "Eclipse Plug-in Version", then click on Download button. You'll be redirected to Installation page. Follow that installation guide.
In Eclipse menu select Preferences > Aptana Studio > Themes
Choose any theme that fits you the best (this will change editor view only).
Click on 3 check boxes below: Apply to all (non-Studio) views, Apply to all (non-Studio) editors, Apply editor font to views.
Click Apply or OK button.
And voila! Theme is applied globally.
Unfortunately, this solutions doesn't work for ALL the panels. Some Perspectives cannot be modified by those actions.
go to this link
and follow instructions carefully!
*****Install the plugin;
Restart Eclipse and go to Window > Preferences > General > Appearance;
Select MoonRise (standalone) or, for a little better tabs decoration, install Eclipse 4 Chrome Theme from marketplace or from here and select MoonRise;*****
this must change your Project Browser , Outline, Task windows etc.

Eclipse SVN client (Subclipse) doesn't show status icons on files

I've been using Eclipse PHP since quite a while with Subclipse, but suddenly, the tiny icons which appear before the files in the PHP Explorer and Navigator don't appear any more.
I've already re-installed Eclipse and the Subclipse plugin, to no avail.
I am using Subclipse for SVN and the functionality seems to be working just fine, just the icons don't appear.
It's quite tough to manually remember which files I've edited/updated if I don't see these icons.
Has anyone seen anything like this before? (I am on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx).)
Search the preference menu Window > Preferences for "Decoration", and make sure general > appearance > label decoration > SVN is checked. Also, check options under Team > SVN > Label Decorations. You may need to disable and re-enable these settings for them to work again.
I had to delete the project (without removing contents from disk), then re-import my project using File > Import > Other > Existing Folder.
I has had the same issue with subversive.
To see that decoration in synchronisation view I had to
uncheck "File Icons Based On Content Analysis" in
Window->Preferences->General->Appearance->Label Decorations